Investigation of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and parainfluenza-3 (PI-3) virus by histopathological and immunohistochemical methods in sheep and goat
Year 2022,
, 100 - 108, 30.04.2022
Funda Terzi
Ayşe Gül Dal
Serdar Odacı
Yavuz Ulusoy
Bahadır Kılınç
Koyun ve keçilerde Respiratuar Sinsitiyal Virüsü (RSV) ve Parainfluenza tip 3 (PI3) virüsü ciddi solunum sistemi enfeksiyonlarına neden olmaktadır. Çalışmada, koyun ve keçi RSV ve PI-3 virüsünün akciğer dokusundaki yerleşimi ve dağılımının histopatolojik ve immünohistokimyasal yöntemlerle araştırılması amaçlandı. Çalışma materyalini, 2016-2019 yılları arasında, Samsun ve çevre yörelerinden Samsun Kontrol ve Veteriner Araştırma Enstitüsüne gelen 30 adet koyun ve 24 adet keçi akciğer parafin blok dokusu oluşturdu. Akciğer parafin blok dokularının histopatolojik incelemesinde, bronş ve bronşiyol epitelinde dejenerasyon ve dökülme, interalveolar septumda kalınlaşma, epitelizasyon ve alveolar makrofajlarda artış yaygın olarak görülürken, lenfoid doku da hiperplazi, hiyalin membran oluşumu ve sinsityal hücrelere daha az oranda rastlandı. Ayrıca hiçbir olguda bronşiolitis obliteransa rastlanmadı. İmmünhistokimyasal olarak, koyunların %50'sinde ve keçilerin %54'ünde RSV antijeni, koyunların %40'ında ve keçilerin %50'sinde PI-3 antijeni tespit edildi. Koyun ve keçi akciğer parafin kesitlerinde RSV ve PI-3 antijeni, bronş ve bronşiol epitel hücreleri ile lümende dökülmüş hücrelerinde ve interalveolar septum hücrelerinde istatistiksel olarak benzerdi (P>0.05). Alveolar makrofajlarda keçilerde PI-3 antijeni, koyunlara göre istatistiksel olarak daha yoğun boyandı(P<0.05).
Koyun ve keçi akciğer dokusunda RSV ve PI-3 antijeninin replikasyon alanları benzer olduğu kanısına varıldı. Koyun ve keçi akciğer dokusunda, RSV ve PI-3 virusun neden olduğu sitokin yanıt mekanizmasının moleküler yöntemlerle araştırılması gerektiği düşünülmektedir.
Supporting Institution
Kastamonu Scientific Research project (Project No: ).
Project Number
KÜ-BAP 01/2019-28
We would like to thank Expert Veterinarian İsmail AYDIN of the Samsun Veterinary Control Institute Director.
- Al-Hammadi, M. A. (2016): Serological Surveillance of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis virus, Bovine viral diarrhea virus and Bovine Parainfluenza-3 virus in Saudi Arabia. Alexandria Journal for Veterinary Sciences, 51(1), 48-53.
- Aniță, A., Aniță, D., Răileanu, C., & Savuța, G. (2015): Detection of Parainfluenza Type 3 Virus Antigens in Goats. Bulletin UASVM Veterinary Medicine, 72(1), 27-29.
- Belknap, E. B., Ciszewski, D. K., & Baker, J. C. (1995): Experimental respiratory syncytial virus infection in calves and lambs. J Vet Diagn Invest, 7(2), 285-298.
- Borujeni, M. P., Hajikolaei, M. R. H., Shapouri, M. R. S. A., & Roshani, F. (2020): The role of sheep in the epidemiology of Bovine alphaherpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1). Preventive veterinary medicine, 174, 104818.
- Bryson, D., McNulty, M., McCracken, R., & Cush, P. (1983): Ultrastructural features of experimental parainfluenza type 3 virus pneumonia in calves. J COMP PATH, 93(3), 397-414.
- Bryson, D., Platten, M., McConnell, S., & McNulty, M. (1991): Ultrastructural features of lesions in bronchiolar epithelium in induced respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia of calves. Vet Pathol, 28(4), 293-299.
- Caswell, J. L., & Williams, K. (2007). The respiratory system. In M. G. Maxie (Ed.), Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmer’s Pathology of Domestic Animals (Vol. 5, pp. 594–622). Saunders Elsevier.
- Ceribasi, A., Ozkaraca, M., Ceribasi, S., & Ozer, H. (2014): Histopathologic, immunoperoxidase and immunofluorescent examinations on natural cattle pneumonia originated from Parainfluenza type 3, Respiratory Syncytial virus, Adenovirus type 3 and Herpesvirus type 1. Revue Med Vet, 165, 201-212.
- Ceribasi, S., Ozkaraca, M., Ozer, H., & Ceribasi, A. (2013): Diagnosing respiratory syncytial virus using immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry methods in caprine lungs with bronchopneumonia. Rev Méd Vét, 164, 120-124.
- Ceribasi, S., Özkaraca, M., Özer, H., & Çeribasi, A. O. (2012): Prevalence of parainfluenza type 3 virus antigens in pneumonic caprine lungs by direct immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques. Small ruminant research, 108(1-3), 127-132.
- Eleraky, N. Z., Kania, S. A., & Potgieter, L. N. (2001): The ovine respiratory syncytial virus F gene sequence and its diagnostic application. J Vet Diagn Invest, 13(6), 455-461.
- Ellis, J. A. (2010): Bovine parainfluenza-3 virus. Vet Clin Food Anim, 26(3), 575-593.
- Emikpe, B. O., Jarikre, T. A., Akpavie, S. O., Opoku-Agyemang, T., Asare, D., & Folitse, R. D. (2019): Histological and immunohistochemical assessments of pneumonia in sheep slaughtered at Ibadan, Nigeria and Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry, 40(3), 300-313.
- Franco, M. F., Gaeta, N. C., Alemán, M. A. R., Nogueira, A. H. C., Pituco, E. M., Balaro, M. F. A., & Gregory, L. (2020): Indirect detection of respiratory viruses responsible for respiratory disease in sheep. Medicina Veterinária (UFRPE), 14(1), 7-13.
- Haanes, E. J., Guimond, P., & Wardley, R. (1997): The bovine parainfluenza virus type-3 (BPIV-3) hemagglutinin/neuraminidase glycoprotein expressed in baculovirus protects calves against experimental BPIV-3 challenge. Vaccine, 15(6-7), 730-738.
- Haines, D. M., Kendall, J. C., Remenda, B. W., Breker-Klassen, M. M., & Clark, E. G. (1992): Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies for immunohistochemical detection of bovine parainfluenza type 3 virus in frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues. J Vet Diagn Invest, 4(4), 393-399.
- Jarikre, T. A., & Emikpe, B. O. (2017): First report of immunohistochemical detection of peste des petit ruminants, parainfluenza 3 and respiratory syncytial viral antigens in lungs of Nigerian goats. Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry, 38(5), 555-568.
- Maidana, S. S., Lomonaco, P. M., Combessies, G., Craig, M. I., Diodati, J., Rodriguez, D., Parreño, V., Zabal, O., Konrad, J. L., & Crudelli, G. (2012): Isolation and characterization of bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 from water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in Argentina. BMC veterinary research, 8(1), 83.
- Masot, A., Gazquez, A., Regodon, S., Franco, A., & Redondo, E. (1995): Lesions in lambs experimentally infected. Histol Histopathol, 10, 71-77.
- Masot, A., Kelling, C. L., Lopez, O., Sur, J., & Redondo, E. (2000): In situ hybridization detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in the lung of experimentally infected lambs. Vet Pathol, 37(6), 618-625.
- Narita, M., Yamada, M., Tsuboi, T., & Kawashima, K. (2002): Immunohistopathology of calf pneumonia induced by endobronchial inoculation with bovine adenovirus 3. Vet Pathol, 39(5), 565-571.
- Newcomer, B. W., Neill, J. D., Galik, P. K., Riddell, K. P., Zhang, Y., Passler, T., Velayudhan, B. T., & Walz, P. H. (2017): Serologic survey for antibodies against three genotypes of bovine parainfluenza 3 virus in unvaccinated ungulates in Alabama. AJVR, 78(2), 239-243.
- Nicod, L. P. (2005): Lung defences: an overview. Eur Respir Rev, 14(95), 45-50.
- Redondo, E., Gomez, L., Kelling, C., Gazquez, A., & Masot, A. (2003): Bovine respiratory syncytial virus in-situ hybridization from sheep lungs at different times postinfection. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria, 35(1), 37-49.
- Sacco, R. E., McGill, J., Pillatzki, A. E., Palmer, M., & Ackermann, M. R. (2014): Respiratory syncytial virus infection in cattle. Veterinary pathology, 51(2), 427-436.
- Saeed, I. K., Ali, Y. H., Taha, K. M., Mohammed, N. E., Nouri, Y. M., Mohammed, B. A., Mohammed, O. I., Elmagboul, S. B., & AlGhazali, F. A. (2016): Para influenza virus 3 infection in cattle and small ruminants in Sudan. J Adv Vet Anim Res, 3(3), 236-241.
- Sharma, R. N., Tiwari, K., Williams, S., Dick-Valdez, M., Tang-Wing, C., & DeAllie, C. (2017): Detection of Antibodies against Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Ruminants of Grenada, West Indies. Journal of Animal Research, 7(2), 223-226.
- Sharp, J., Gilmour, N., Thompson, D., & Rushton, B. (1978): Experimental infection of specific pathogen-free lambs with parainfluenza virus type 3 and Pasteurella haemolytica. J COMP PATH, 88(2), 237-243.
- Stevenson, R., & Hore, D. (1970): Comparative pathology of lambs and calves infected with parainfluenza virus type 3. J COMP PATH, 80(4), 613-618.
- Stott, E., & Taylor, G. (1985): Respiratory syncytial virus. Archives of virology, 84(1-2), 1-52.
- Tamer, C., Palanci, H. S., Yazici, Z., Bayram, E., Cakmaker, M., Ozan, E., Kadi, H., Onkol, S., Gumusova, S., & Albayrak, H. (2018): Serological data of bovine herpes virus type-1 and bovine viral diarrhea virus infections in various ruminants in small-scale farms in the Central and Eastern Black Sea Region, Turkey. Indian J Anim Res, 52(6), 903-906.
- Thomas, L., & Stott, E. (1981): Diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus infection in the bovine respiratory tract by immunofluorescence. VetRecord, 108(20), 432-435.
- Tiwari, K., Cornish, C., Gamble, B., Thomas, D., & Sharma, R. N. (2016): Seroprevalence of bovine parainfluenza virus Type 3 (bPI-3V) in ruminants from Grenada. Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 6(2), 23-27.
- Van der Poel, W., Brand, A., Kramps, J., & Van Oirschot, J. (1994): Respiratory syncytial virus infections in human beings and in cattle. Journal of Infection, 29(2), 215-228.
Van der Poel, W., Langedijk, J., Kramps, J., Middel, W., Brand, A., & Van Oirschot, J. (1995): Bovine respiratory syncytial virus antibodies in non-bovine species. Arch Virol, 140(9), 1549-1555.
- Viuff, B., Uttenthal, Å., Tegtmeier, C., & Alexandersen, S. (1996): Sites of replication of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in naturally infected calves as determined by in situ hybridization. Vet Pathol, 33(4), 383-390.
- Yavuz, O., & Dinçel, G. Ç. (2020): Expression of COX-2, HMGB-1 and CD68 in lung tissue in sheep fibrinous bronchopneumonia. Med. Weter, 76(01), 46-52.
- Yener, Z., Sağlam, Y., Timurkaan, N., & Ilhan, F. (2005): Immunohistochemical detection of parainfluenza type 3 virus antigens in paraffin sections of pneumonic caprine lungs. J Vet Med, 52(6), 268-271.
- Yeşilbağ, K., & Güngör, B. (2009): Antibody prevalence against respiratory viruses in sheep and goats in North-Western Turkey. Trop Anim Health Prod, 41(4), 421-425.
- Zaher, K. S., Syame, S. M., Elhewairy, H. M., & Marie, H. S. (2014): Investigation of bovine respiratory disease complex in Egypt with emphasis on some viral and bacterial pathogens. Life Sci J, 11(6), 56-62.
Year 2022,
, 100 - 108, 30.04.2022
Funda Terzi
Ayşe Gül Dal
Serdar Odacı
Yavuz Ulusoy
Bahadır Kılınç
Project Number
KÜ-BAP 01/2019-28
- Al-Hammadi, M. A. (2016): Serological Surveillance of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis virus, Bovine viral diarrhea virus and Bovine Parainfluenza-3 virus in Saudi Arabia. Alexandria Journal for Veterinary Sciences, 51(1), 48-53.
- Aniță, A., Aniță, D., Răileanu, C., & Savuța, G. (2015): Detection of Parainfluenza Type 3 Virus Antigens in Goats. Bulletin UASVM Veterinary Medicine, 72(1), 27-29.
- Belknap, E. B., Ciszewski, D. K., & Baker, J. C. (1995): Experimental respiratory syncytial virus infection in calves and lambs. J Vet Diagn Invest, 7(2), 285-298.
- Borujeni, M. P., Hajikolaei, M. R. H., Shapouri, M. R. S. A., & Roshani, F. (2020): The role of sheep in the epidemiology of Bovine alphaherpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1). Preventive veterinary medicine, 174, 104818.
- Bryson, D., McNulty, M., McCracken, R., & Cush, P. (1983): Ultrastructural features of experimental parainfluenza type 3 virus pneumonia in calves. J COMP PATH, 93(3), 397-414.
- Bryson, D., Platten, M., McConnell, S., & McNulty, M. (1991): Ultrastructural features of lesions in bronchiolar epithelium in induced respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia of calves. Vet Pathol, 28(4), 293-299.
- Caswell, J. L., & Williams, K. (2007). The respiratory system. In M. G. Maxie (Ed.), Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmer’s Pathology of Domestic Animals (Vol. 5, pp. 594–622). Saunders Elsevier.
- Ceribasi, A., Ozkaraca, M., Ceribasi, S., & Ozer, H. (2014): Histopathologic, immunoperoxidase and immunofluorescent examinations on natural cattle pneumonia originated from Parainfluenza type 3, Respiratory Syncytial virus, Adenovirus type 3 and Herpesvirus type 1. Revue Med Vet, 165, 201-212.
- Ceribasi, S., Ozkaraca, M., Ozer, H., & Ceribasi, A. (2013): Diagnosing respiratory syncytial virus using immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry methods in caprine lungs with bronchopneumonia. Rev Méd Vét, 164, 120-124.
- Ceribasi, S., Özkaraca, M., Özer, H., & Çeribasi, A. O. (2012): Prevalence of parainfluenza type 3 virus antigens in pneumonic caprine lungs by direct immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques. Small ruminant research, 108(1-3), 127-132.
- Eleraky, N. Z., Kania, S. A., & Potgieter, L. N. (2001): The ovine respiratory syncytial virus F gene sequence and its diagnostic application. J Vet Diagn Invest, 13(6), 455-461.
- Ellis, J. A. (2010): Bovine parainfluenza-3 virus. Vet Clin Food Anim, 26(3), 575-593.
- Emikpe, B. O., Jarikre, T. A., Akpavie, S. O., Opoku-Agyemang, T., Asare, D., & Folitse, R. D. (2019): Histological and immunohistochemical assessments of pneumonia in sheep slaughtered at Ibadan, Nigeria and Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry, 40(3), 300-313.
- Franco, M. F., Gaeta, N. C., Alemán, M. A. R., Nogueira, A. H. C., Pituco, E. M., Balaro, M. F. A., & Gregory, L. (2020): Indirect detection of respiratory viruses responsible for respiratory disease in sheep. Medicina Veterinária (UFRPE), 14(1), 7-13.
- Haanes, E. J., Guimond, P., & Wardley, R. (1997): The bovine parainfluenza virus type-3 (BPIV-3) hemagglutinin/neuraminidase glycoprotein expressed in baculovirus protects calves against experimental BPIV-3 challenge. Vaccine, 15(6-7), 730-738.
- Haines, D. M., Kendall, J. C., Remenda, B. W., Breker-Klassen, M. M., & Clark, E. G. (1992): Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies for immunohistochemical detection of bovine parainfluenza type 3 virus in frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues. J Vet Diagn Invest, 4(4), 393-399.
- Jarikre, T. A., & Emikpe, B. O. (2017): First report of immunohistochemical detection of peste des petit ruminants, parainfluenza 3 and respiratory syncytial viral antigens in lungs of Nigerian goats. Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry, 38(5), 555-568.
- Maidana, S. S., Lomonaco, P. M., Combessies, G., Craig, M. I., Diodati, J., Rodriguez, D., Parreño, V., Zabal, O., Konrad, J. L., & Crudelli, G. (2012): Isolation and characterization of bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 from water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in Argentina. BMC veterinary research, 8(1), 83.
- Masot, A., Gazquez, A., Regodon, S., Franco, A., & Redondo, E. (1995): Lesions in lambs experimentally infected. Histol Histopathol, 10, 71-77.
- Masot, A., Kelling, C. L., Lopez, O., Sur, J., & Redondo, E. (2000): In situ hybridization detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in the lung of experimentally infected lambs. Vet Pathol, 37(6), 618-625.
- Narita, M., Yamada, M., Tsuboi, T., & Kawashima, K. (2002): Immunohistopathology of calf pneumonia induced by endobronchial inoculation with bovine adenovirus 3. Vet Pathol, 39(5), 565-571.
- Newcomer, B. W., Neill, J. D., Galik, P. K., Riddell, K. P., Zhang, Y., Passler, T., Velayudhan, B. T., & Walz, P. H. (2017): Serologic survey for antibodies against three genotypes of bovine parainfluenza 3 virus in unvaccinated ungulates in Alabama. AJVR, 78(2), 239-243.
- Nicod, L. P. (2005): Lung defences: an overview. Eur Respir Rev, 14(95), 45-50.
- Redondo, E., Gomez, L., Kelling, C., Gazquez, A., & Masot, A. (2003): Bovine respiratory syncytial virus in-situ hybridization from sheep lungs at different times postinfection. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria, 35(1), 37-49.
- Sacco, R. E., McGill, J., Pillatzki, A. E., Palmer, M., & Ackermann, M. R. (2014): Respiratory syncytial virus infection in cattle. Veterinary pathology, 51(2), 427-436.
- Saeed, I. K., Ali, Y. H., Taha, K. M., Mohammed, N. E., Nouri, Y. M., Mohammed, B. A., Mohammed, O. I., Elmagboul, S. B., & AlGhazali, F. A. (2016): Para influenza virus 3 infection in cattle and small ruminants in Sudan. J Adv Vet Anim Res, 3(3), 236-241.
- Sharma, R. N., Tiwari, K., Williams, S., Dick-Valdez, M., Tang-Wing, C., & DeAllie, C. (2017): Detection of Antibodies against Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Ruminants of Grenada, West Indies. Journal of Animal Research, 7(2), 223-226.
- Sharp, J., Gilmour, N., Thompson, D., & Rushton, B. (1978): Experimental infection of specific pathogen-free lambs with parainfluenza virus type 3 and Pasteurella haemolytica. J COMP PATH, 88(2), 237-243.
- Stevenson, R., & Hore, D. (1970): Comparative pathology of lambs and calves infected with parainfluenza virus type 3. J COMP PATH, 80(4), 613-618.
- Stott, E., & Taylor, G. (1985): Respiratory syncytial virus. Archives of virology, 84(1-2), 1-52.
- Tamer, C., Palanci, H. S., Yazici, Z., Bayram, E., Cakmaker, M., Ozan, E., Kadi, H., Onkol, S., Gumusova, S., & Albayrak, H. (2018): Serological data of bovine herpes virus type-1 and bovine viral diarrhea virus infections in various ruminants in small-scale farms in the Central and Eastern Black Sea Region, Turkey. Indian J Anim Res, 52(6), 903-906.
- Thomas, L., & Stott, E. (1981): Diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus infection in the bovine respiratory tract by immunofluorescence. VetRecord, 108(20), 432-435.
- Tiwari, K., Cornish, C., Gamble, B., Thomas, D., & Sharma, R. N. (2016): Seroprevalence of bovine parainfluenza virus Type 3 (bPI-3V) in ruminants from Grenada. Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 6(2), 23-27.
- Van der Poel, W., Brand, A., Kramps, J., & Van Oirschot, J. (1994): Respiratory syncytial virus infections in human beings and in cattle. Journal of Infection, 29(2), 215-228.
Van der Poel, W., Langedijk, J., Kramps, J., Middel, W., Brand, A., & Van Oirschot, J. (1995): Bovine respiratory syncytial virus antibodies in non-bovine species. Arch Virol, 140(9), 1549-1555.
- Viuff, B., Uttenthal, Å., Tegtmeier, C., & Alexandersen, S. (1996): Sites of replication of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in naturally infected calves as determined by in situ hybridization. Vet Pathol, 33(4), 383-390.
- Yavuz, O., & Dinçel, G. Ç. (2020): Expression of COX-2, HMGB-1 and CD68 in lung tissue in sheep fibrinous bronchopneumonia. Med. Weter, 76(01), 46-52.
- Yener, Z., Sağlam, Y., Timurkaan, N., & Ilhan, F. (2005): Immunohistochemical detection of parainfluenza type 3 virus antigens in paraffin sections of pneumonic caprine lungs. J Vet Med, 52(6), 268-271.
- Yeşilbağ, K., & Güngör, B. (2009): Antibody prevalence against respiratory viruses in sheep and goats in North-Western Turkey. Trop Anim Health Prod, 41(4), 421-425.
- Zaher, K. S., Syame, S. M., Elhewairy, H. M., & Marie, H. S. (2014): Investigation of bovine respiratory disease complex in Egypt with emphasis on some viral and bacterial pathogens. Life Sci J, 11(6), 56-62.