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Evcil karnivorlarda karşılaşılan antebrachium kırıkları ve sağaltım sonuçlarının klinik ve radyolojik değerlendirilmesi

Year 2012, Volume: 83 Issue: 1, 59 - 64, 01.01.2012


Bu çalışmada; evcil karnivorlarda karşılaşılan antebrachium kırıklarının nedenleri, lokalizasyonu, sınıflandırılması, sağaltım seçenekleri ve sonuçlarının klinik ve radyolojik değerlendirmesi ile bu konuda çalışan klinisyenler için yönlendirici olması ve benzer çalışmalar için katkıda bulunulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma materyalini ön ekstremitelerini kullanamama şikâyeti ile getirilen, klinik ve radyografik muayeneler sonucunda antebrachium’da kırık belirlenen değişik ırk, yaş ve cinsiyetteki toplam 12 kedi ve 10 köpek oluşturdu. Değerlendirilen 12 kedi ve 10 köpekten, 12 kedideki 12 lezyonun dağılımını; 4 diyafizer radius-ulna kırığı, 2 distal radiusulna kırığı, 2 distal radius kırığı, 2 proksimal ulna kırığı ve 2 Monteggia lezyonu oluşturdu. Köpeklerdeki 10 lezyonun dağılımını; 2 proksimal radius-ulna kırığı, 4 diyafizer radius-ulna kırığı ve 4 distal radius-ulna kırığı oluşturdu. Bu olgulardan 21’inde açık redüksiyon, 16’sında intramedullar Steinmann pini, Steinmann pinin sağladığı fiksasyona destek amaçlı 3’ü germe teli olmak üzere 8 olguda serklaj teli, 2 olguda plak, 2 olguda eksternal fiksatör, 1 olguda da konservatif sağaltım uygulanmıştır. Olguların 10, 21, 30 ve 45. günlerinde klinik ve radyografik kontrolleri yapıldı. Bu dönemde 12 olguda fonksiyonel iyileşme, 1 olguda operasyon bölgesinde enfeksiyona bağlı komplikasyon saptanırken, 2 olgunun izlenememesine rağmen iyi olduğu öğrenildi, 7 olgu izlenemedi

Clinical and radiographic evaluation of treatment results of the antebrachium fractures in domestic carnivores

Year 2012, Volume: 83 Issue: 1, 59 - 64, 01.01.2012


The aim of this study is to guide clinicians working in related areas and contributing to related studies by clinical and radiographic evaluations of the reasons of antebrachium fractures in domestic carnivores, its localization, its classification, its treatment options (methods) and results. The study material consists of different breeds, ages and sexes, brought with the complaint of front extremity that was later diagnosed as a fracture in the antebrachium after clinical and radiographic examinations. Within 12 cats and 10 dogs examined in the study; 4 of the cats were diagnosed as diaphyseal radius-ulna fracture, 2 of the 12 cats were diagnosed as distal radiusulna fracture, 2 of the 12 cats were diagnosed as distal radius fracture, 2 of the 12 cats were seem to have proximal ulna fracture where the last 2 of the cats were diagnosed as Monteggia Fracture. In the 10 dogs examined; 2 dogs had proximal radius-ulna fracture,4 dogs had diaphyseal radius-ulna fracture and 4 dogs had distal radius-ulna fracture. In 21 of these cases open reduction was applied. In 16 of them intramedullary Steinmann pin was used. To support the fixation of Steinmann pin, in 8 cases cerclage wires were used which 3 of them were tension band wires. In 2 cases plates and in 2 cases external fixators were used. In 1 case conservative treatment was used. On the 10th, 21st, 30th and the 45th days after the operations, the patients were clinically and radiographically controlled. In this period, in 12 of the cases functional recovery was observed. In 1 case there were some complications due to the infection of the operation area. Two of the cases could not be checked up but found out to be fine. However, 7 of the cases could not be followed

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Other ID JA33SG85ZD
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Sağlam This is me

İlker Şen This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2012
Submission Date January 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 83 Issue: 1


Vancouver Sağlam M, Şen İ. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of treatment results of the antebrachium fractures in domestic carnivores. Vet Hekim Der Derg. 2012;83(1):59-64.

Veteriner Hekimler Derneği Dergisi (Journal of Turkish Veterinary Medical Society) is an open access publication, and the journal’s publication model is based on Budapest Access Initiative (BOAI) declaration. All published content is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 license, available online and free of charge. Authors retain the copyright of their published work in Veteriner Hekimler Derneği Dergisi (Journal of Turkish Veterinary Medical Society). 

Veteriner Hekimler Derneği / Turkish Veterinary Medical Society