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Contraception in dogs I: Evaluation of surgical sterilization risk and benefits

Year 2019, Volume: 90 Issue: 1, 55 - 65, 15.01.2019


With the known history of hundreds of years, elective surgical sterilization in dogs is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in veterinary practice. Many techniques for surgically sterilizing dogs have been described, such as traditional midline ovariohisterectomy, lateral ovariohisterectomy, ovariectomy, prepubertal sterilization, laparoscopic ovariohisterectomy/ovariectomy, castration and vasectomy. Making the decision of whether or not to perform or the optimal age to perform surgical sterilization in dogs requires a rather complex process. There are serious differences between veterinarians' opinions about the risks and benefits of surgical sterilization in dogs as well as the age at which they should be performed. When deciding on sterilization, mainly the dog's health status and health expectations should be taken into consideration along with many factors such as suitability of the dog as a pet, living environment, interaction with other dogs, potential as a working dog and population dynamics. In this review, in the light of the current literature on the subject, the long-term health risks and benefits that need to be evaluated in the decision of surgical sterilization in dogs are discussed. As a result, elective surgical sterilization in dogs should be strongly advised by veterinary surgeons, to ensure contraception, prolong life span, prevent pathologies related to the breast or reproductive system and reduce behavior problems.


  • Atalan G, Holt PE, Barr FJ (1998): Ultrasonographic assessment of bladder neck mobility in continent bitches and bitches with urinary incontinence attributable to urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence. Am J Vet Res, 59, 673-679.
  • Bearss JJ, Schulman FY, Carter D (2012): Histologic, immuno-histochemical and clinical features of 27 mammary tumours in 18 male dogs. Vet Pathol, 49, 602-607.
  • Beceriklisoy HB, Kanca H, Aksoy OA, Erunal-Maral N, Findik M, Kaymaz M, Aslan S (2005): Effectiveness of different pharmacological approaches on post-ovariohysterectomy urinary incontinence in the bitch. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 52, 157-160.
  • Bradley R (1725): Translation of: Dictionaire oeconomique (The Family Dictionary). Bruenger FW, Lloyd RD, Miller SC, Taylor GN, Angus W, Huth DA (1994): Occurrence of mammary-tumors in beagles given RA-226. Radiat Res, 138, 423-434.
  • Bryan JN, Keeler MR, Henry CJ, Bryan ME, Hahn AW, Caldwell CW (2007): A population study of neutering status as a risk factor for canine prostate cancer. Prostate, 67, 1174-1181.
  • Cooley DM, Beranek BC, Schlittler DL, Glickman NW, Glickman LT, Waters DJ (2002): Endogenous gonadal hormone exposure and bone sarcoma risk. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 11, 1434-1440.
  • Dannuccia GA, Martin RB, Patterson-Buckendahl P (1986): Ovariectomy and trabecular bone remodeling in the dog. Calcif Tissue Int, 40, 194-199.
  • De Bleser B, Brodbelt DC, Gregory NG, Martinez TA (2011): The association between acquired urinary sphincter mechanism incompetence in bitches and early spaying: a case-control study. Vet J, 187, 42-47.
  • Detora M, McCarthy RJ (2011): Ovariohysterectomy versus ovariectomy for elective sterilization of female dogs and cats: Is removal of the uterus necessary? JAVMA, 239(11), 1409-1412.
  • Diesel G, Brodbelt D, Laurence C (2010): Survey of veterinary practice policies and opinions on neutering dogs. Vet Rec, 166, 455-458.
  • Digby MS (1410): Master of Game, 182, XV, Hahn (Ed).
  • Dixon RM, Mooney CT (1999): Evaluation of serum free thyroxine and thyrotropin concentrations in the diagnosis of canine hypothyroidism. J Small Anim Prac, 40(2), 72-78.
  • Dixon RM, Reid SW, Mooney CT (1999): Epidemiological, clinical haematological and biochemical characteristics of canine hypothyroidism. Vet Rec, 145, 481-487.
  • Dobson JM, Samuel S, Milstein H, Rogers K, Wood JL (2002): Canine neoplasia in the UK: Estimates of incidence rates from a population of insured dogs. J Small Anim Pract, 43, 240-246.
  • Dorn CR, Taylor DO, Schneider R, Hibbard HH, Klauber MR (1968): Survey of animal neoplasms in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California. II. Cancer morbidity in dogs and cats from Alameda County. J Natl Cancer Inst, 40, 307-318.
  • Dunbar I (1999): An Owner's Guide to a Healthy Happy Pet Dog Behavior. Howell Book House, New York.
  • Edney AT, Smith PM (1986): Study of obesity in dogs visiting veterinary practices in the United Kingdom. Vet Rec, 118, 391-396.
  • Egenvall A, Hagman R, Bonnett Bn, Hedhammar A, Olson P, Lagerstedt AS (2001): Breed risk of pyometra in insured dogs in Sweden. J Vet Intern Med, 15, 530-538.
  • Egenvall A, Bonnett BN, Ohagen P, Olson P, Hedhammar A, Von Euler H (2005): Incidence of and survival after mammary tumors in a population of over 80,000 insured female dogs in Sweden from 1995 to 2002. Prev Vet Med, 69, 109-127.
  • Fogle B (1990): The Dog's Mind: Understanding Your Dog's Behavior. Howell Book House, New York.
  • Forsee KM, Davis GJ, Mouat EE, Salmeri KR, Bastian RP (2013): Evaluation of the prevalence of urinary incontinence in spayed female dogs: 566 cases (2003–2008). JAVMA, 242(7), 959-962.
  • Gelens, H (1998): Handbook of Small Animal Practice. Can Vet J, 39, 437.
  • Greer KA, Canterberry SC, Murphy KE (2007): Statistical analysis regarding the effects of height and weight on life span of the domestic dog. Res Vet Sci, 82, 208-214.
  • Grieco V, Riccardi E, Lungu A, Giudice C, Finazzi M (2007): Frequency Of Canine Testicular Tumors: Study On 100 Dogs. Lucrari Stiintifice, 39, 228-233.
  • Hagman R (2004): New aspects of canine pyometra. Doctoral thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.
  • Hart BL (2001): Effect of gonadectomy on subsequent development of age-related cognitive impairment in dogs. JAVMA, 219, 51-56.
  • Hart BL, Eckstein RA (1997): The role of gonadal hormones in the occurrence of objectionable behaviours in dogs and cats. Appl Anim Behav Sci, 52, 331-344.
  • Hayes HM Jr, Pendergrass TW (1976): Canine testicular tumors: Epidemiologic features of 410 dogs. Int J Cancer, 18, 482-487.
  • Howe LM (2006): Surgical methods of contraception and sterilization. Theriogenology, 66, 500-509.
  • Howe LM, Slater MR, Boothe HW, Hobson HP, Holcom JL, Spann AC (2001): Long-term outcome of gonadectomy performed at an early age or traditional age in dogs. JAVMA, 218, 217-221.
  • Klein MK (1996): Tumors of the female reproductive system. 351. In: SJ Withdrow (Ed), Small Animal Clinical Oncology (2. Ed), Saunders, Philadelphia.
  • Kraft W (1998): Geriatrics in canine and feline internal medicine. Eur J Pharm Med Res, 3, 31-41.
  • Kustritz MVR (2002): Early spay-neuter: Clinical considerations. Clin Tech Small Anim Pract, 17, 124-128.
  • Kustritz MVR (2007): Determining the optimal age for gonadectomy of dogs and cats. JAVMA, 231, 1665-1675.
  • Kustritz MVR (2014): Pros, cons, and techniques of pediatric neutering. Vet Clin N Am Small Anim Pract, 44(2), 221-233.
  • Land T (2002): Early spay/neuter research on dogs and cats (8-12 weeks) by Marci Hess on behalf of angel’s wish. Erişim: Erişim Tarihi: 25.10.2018.
  • Le Roux, PH (1983): Thyroid status, oestradiol level, work performance and body mass of ovariectomized bitches and bitches bearing ovarian autotransplants in the stomach wall. J S Afr Vet Assoc, 54, 115.
  • Merlo DF, Rossi L, Pellegrino C, Ceppi M, Cardellino U, Capurro C, Ratto A, Sambucco PL, Sestito V, Tanara G, Bocchini V (2008): Cancer incidence in pet dogs: Findings of the Animal Tumor Registry of Genoa, Italy. J Vet Intern Med, 22, 976-984.
  • Misdorp W (1988): Canine mammary tumours: Protective effect of late ovariectomy and stimulating effect of progestins. Vet Quart, 10, 26-33.
  • Moe L (2001): Population-based incidence of mammary tumours in some dog breeds. J Reprod Infertil, 57, 439-443.
  • Moore GE, Guptill LF, Ward MP, Glickman NW, Faunt KF, Lewis HB, Glickman LT (2005): Adverse events diagnosed within three days of vaccine administration in dogs. JAVMA, 227, 1102-1108.
  • Neilson JC, Eckstein RA, Hart BL (1997): Effects of castration on problem behaviors in male dogs with reference to age and duration of behavior. JAVMA, 211, 180-182.
  • Nelson RW, Feldman EC (1986): Pyometra. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 16, 561-576.
  • O’Heare J (2003): The Effects of Spaying and Neutering on Canine Behavior. Erişim: Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2018.
  • Olson PN, Nett TM, Bowen RA, Amann RP, Sawyer HR, Gorell TA, Niswender GD, Pickett BW, Phemister RD (1986): A need for sterilization, contraceptives, and abortifacients: Abandoned and unwanted pets. Part I. Current methods of sterilizing pets. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet, 8, 87-92.
  • Panciera DL (1994): Hypothyroidism in dogs: 66 cases (1987-1992). JAVMA, 204, 761-767.
  • Pérez Alenza D, Rutteman GR, Peña L, Beynen AC, Cuesta P (1998): Relation between habitual diet and canine mammary tumors in a case-control study. J Vet Intern Med, 12, 132-139.
  • Pérez Alenza MD, Pena L, Nieto AI, Castano M (1997): Clinical and pathological prognostic factors in canine mammary tumors. Ann Ist Super Sanita, 33, 581-585.
  • Priester WA (1979): Occurrence of mammary neoplasms in bitches in relation to breed, age, tumour type, and geographical region from which reported. J Small Anim Pract, 20, 1-11.
  • Purswell BJ, Jöchle W (2010): Targets and historical approaches to non-surgical sterilization in dogs and cats. Erişim: Erişim Tarihi: 10.03.2018.
  • Reichler IM (2008): Surgical contraception: Pros and cons. 6th International Symposium on Canine and Feline Reproduction and 6th Biannual European Veterinary Society for Small Animal Reproduction Congress, Vienna.
  • Reichler IM, Welle M, Eckrich C, Sattler U, Barth A, Hubler M, Nett-Mettler CS, Jöchle W, Arnold S (2008): Spaying‐induced coat changes: the role of gonadotropins, GnRH and GnRH treatment on the hair cycle of female dogs. Vet Dermatol, 19(2), 77-87.
  • Reichler IM (2009): Gonadectomy in cats and dogs: A review of risks and benefits. Reprod Domest Anim, 44(2), 29-35.
  • Rhodes L (2013): Contraception and fertility control in dogs and cats. A Report of the Alliance for Contraception in Cats & Dogs (ACC&D): Erişim adresi: Erişim tarihi: 25.10.2018.
  • Richards HG, McNeil PE, Thompson H, Reid SW (2001): An epidemiological analysis of a canine-biopsies database compiled by a diagnostic histopathology service. Prev Vet Med, 51, 125-136.
  • Ru G, Terracini B, Glickman LT (1998): Host-related risk factors for canine osteosarcoma. Vet J, 156, 31-39.
  • Salmeri KR, Bloomberg MS, Scruggs SL, Shille V (1991): Gonadectomy in immature dogs: Effects on skeletal, physical, and behavioral development. JAVMA, 198, 1193-1203.
  • Sanborn, LJ (2007): Long-term health risks and benefits associated with spay/neuter in dogs. Erişim: Erişim Tarihi: 25.10.2018.
  • Schaer M (2000): Hypothyroidism in the Dog, Dog Owners and Breeders Symposium University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, Florida.
  • Schneider R, Dorn CR, Taylor DON (1969): Factors influencing canine mammary cancer development and postsurgical survival. J Natl Cancer Inst, 43, 1249-1261.
  • Shiel RE, Puggioni A, Keeley BJ (2008): Canine urinary incontinence Part 2: Treatment. Ir Vet J, 61, 835-840.
  • Slauterbeck JR, Pankratz K, Xu KT, Bozeman SC, Hardy DM (2004): Canine ovariohysterectomy and orchiectomy increases the prevalence of ACL injury. Clin Orthop Relat R, 429, 301-305.
  • Sorenmo KU, Goldschmidt M, Shofer F, Ferrocone J (2003): Immunohistochemical characterization of canine prostatic carcinoma and correlation with castration status and castration time. Vet Comp Oncol, 1, 48.
  • Spain CV, Scarlett JM, Houpt KA (2004): Long-term risks and benefits of early-age gonadectomy in dogs. JAVMA, 224, 380-387.
  • Stocklin-Gautschi NM, Hassig M, Reichler IM, Hubler M, Arnold S (2001): The relationship of urinary incontinence to early spaying in bitches. J Rep Fert Suppl, 57, 233-236.
  • Teske E, Naan EC, Van Dijk EM, Van Garderen, E, Schalken, JA (2002): Canine prostate carcinoma: Epidemiological evidence of an increased risk in castrated dogs. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 197, 251-255.
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Köpeklerde kontrasepsiyon I: Cerrahi sterilizasyonun risk ve yararlarının değerlendirilmesi

Year 2019, Volume: 90 Issue: 1, 55 - 65, 15.01.2019


Bilinen yüzlerce
yıllık tarihi ile köpeklerde elektif cerrahi sterilizasyon, veteriner
pratikte en sık gerçekleştirilen cerrahi prosedürdür. Köpeklerde; geleneksel
orta hattan ovariohisterektomi, lateral ovariohisterektomi, ovariektomi,
prepubertal sterilizasyon, laparoskopik ovariohisterektomi/ovariektomi,
kastrasyon ve vazektomi gibi çok sayıda cerrahi sterilizasyon tekniği
tanımlanmıştır. Köpeklerde cerrahi sterilizasyonun yapılıp yapılmayacağı veya
ne zaman yapılacağına dair kararlar oldukça karmaşık bir süreci gerektirir.
Veteriner hekimlerin köpeklerde cerrahi sterilizasyonun risk ve faydalarının
yanı sıra, hangi yaşta uygulanması gerektiğine dair görüşleri arasında ciddi
farklılıklar bulunmaktadır. Sterilizasyon kararı alınırken bir köpeğin evcil
hayvan olarak uygunluğu, yaşam ortamı, diğer köpekler ile interaksiyonu, iş
köpeği olarak çalışma potansiyeli, köpek popülasyon dinamikleri gibi birçok
faktör ile birlikte temelde köpeğin sağlık durumu ve sağlık beklentileri göz
önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Bu derlemede, konu ile ilgili güncel literatür ışığında,
köpeklerde cerrahi sterilizasyon kararı verilirken değerlendirilmesi gereken
uzun dönem sağlık risk ve yararları ele alınmıştır. Sonuç olarak, köpeklerde
elektif cerrahi sterilizasyon; kontrasepsiyon, yaşam süresinin uzaması, meme
ya da üreme sistemine ilişkin patolojilerin engellenmesi ve davranış
problemlerinin azaltılması gibi amaçlarla veteriner hekimler tarafından
şiddetle tavsiye edilmelidir.


  • Atalan G, Holt PE, Barr FJ (1998): Ultrasonographic assessment of bladder neck mobility in continent bitches and bitches with urinary incontinence attributable to urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence. Am J Vet Res, 59, 673-679.
  • Bearss JJ, Schulman FY, Carter D (2012): Histologic, immuno-histochemical and clinical features of 27 mammary tumours in 18 male dogs. Vet Pathol, 49, 602-607.
  • Beceriklisoy HB, Kanca H, Aksoy OA, Erunal-Maral N, Findik M, Kaymaz M, Aslan S (2005): Effectiveness of different pharmacological approaches on post-ovariohysterectomy urinary incontinence in the bitch. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 52, 157-160.
  • Bradley R (1725): Translation of: Dictionaire oeconomique (The Family Dictionary). Bruenger FW, Lloyd RD, Miller SC, Taylor GN, Angus W, Huth DA (1994): Occurrence of mammary-tumors in beagles given RA-226. Radiat Res, 138, 423-434.
  • Bryan JN, Keeler MR, Henry CJ, Bryan ME, Hahn AW, Caldwell CW (2007): A population study of neutering status as a risk factor for canine prostate cancer. Prostate, 67, 1174-1181.
  • Cooley DM, Beranek BC, Schlittler DL, Glickman NW, Glickman LT, Waters DJ (2002): Endogenous gonadal hormone exposure and bone sarcoma risk. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 11, 1434-1440.
  • Dannuccia GA, Martin RB, Patterson-Buckendahl P (1986): Ovariectomy and trabecular bone remodeling in the dog. Calcif Tissue Int, 40, 194-199.
  • De Bleser B, Brodbelt DC, Gregory NG, Martinez TA (2011): The association between acquired urinary sphincter mechanism incompetence in bitches and early spaying: a case-control study. Vet J, 187, 42-47.
  • Detora M, McCarthy RJ (2011): Ovariohysterectomy versus ovariectomy for elective sterilization of female dogs and cats: Is removal of the uterus necessary? JAVMA, 239(11), 1409-1412.
  • Diesel G, Brodbelt D, Laurence C (2010): Survey of veterinary practice policies and opinions on neutering dogs. Vet Rec, 166, 455-458.
  • Digby MS (1410): Master of Game, 182, XV, Hahn (Ed).
  • Dixon RM, Mooney CT (1999): Evaluation of serum free thyroxine and thyrotropin concentrations in the diagnosis of canine hypothyroidism. J Small Anim Prac, 40(2), 72-78.
  • Dixon RM, Reid SW, Mooney CT (1999): Epidemiological, clinical haematological and biochemical characteristics of canine hypothyroidism. Vet Rec, 145, 481-487.
  • Dobson JM, Samuel S, Milstein H, Rogers K, Wood JL (2002): Canine neoplasia in the UK: Estimates of incidence rates from a population of insured dogs. J Small Anim Pract, 43, 240-246.
  • Dorn CR, Taylor DO, Schneider R, Hibbard HH, Klauber MR (1968): Survey of animal neoplasms in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California. II. Cancer morbidity in dogs and cats from Alameda County. J Natl Cancer Inst, 40, 307-318.
  • Dunbar I (1999): An Owner's Guide to a Healthy Happy Pet Dog Behavior. Howell Book House, New York.
  • Edney AT, Smith PM (1986): Study of obesity in dogs visiting veterinary practices in the United Kingdom. Vet Rec, 118, 391-396.
  • Egenvall A, Hagman R, Bonnett Bn, Hedhammar A, Olson P, Lagerstedt AS (2001): Breed risk of pyometra in insured dogs in Sweden. J Vet Intern Med, 15, 530-538.
  • Egenvall A, Bonnett BN, Ohagen P, Olson P, Hedhammar A, Von Euler H (2005): Incidence of and survival after mammary tumors in a population of over 80,000 insured female dogs in Sweden from 1995 to 2002. Prev Vet Med, 69, 109-127.
  • Fogle B (1990): The Dog's Mind: Understanding Your Dog's Behavior. Howell Book House, New York.
  • Forsee KM, Davis GJ, Mouat EE, Salmeri KR, Bastian RP (2013): Evaluation of the prevalence of urinary incontinence in spayed female dogs: 566 cases (2003–2008). JAVMA, 242(7), 959-962.
  • Gelens, H (1998): Handbook of Small Animal Practice. Can Vet J, 39, 437.
  • Greer KA, Canterberry SC, Murphy KE (2007): Statistical analysis regarding the effects of height and weight on life span of the domestic dog. Res Vet Sci, 82, 208-214.
  • Grieco V, Riccardi E, Lungu A, Giudice C, Finazzi M (2007): Frequency Of Canine Testicular Tumors: Study On 100 Dogs. Lucrari Stiintifice, 39, 228-233.
  • Hagman R (2004): New aspects of canine pyometra. Doctoral thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.
  • Hart BL (2001): Effect of gonadectomy on subsequent development of age-related cognitive impairment in dogs. JAVMA, 219, 51-56.
  • Hart BL, Eckstein RA (1997): The role of gonadal hormones in the occurrence of objectionable behaviours in dogs and cats. Appl Anim Behav Sci, 52, 331-344.
  • Hayes HM Jr, Pendergrass TW (1976): Canine testicular tumors: Epidemiologic features of 410 dogs. Int J Cancer, 18, 482-487.
  • Howe LM (2006): Surgical methods of contraception and sterilization. Theriogenology, 66, 500-509.
  • Howe LM, Slater MR, Boothe HW, Hobson HP, Holcom JL, Spann AC (2001): Long-term outcome of gonadectomy performed at an early age or traditional age in dogs. JAVMA, 218, 217-221.
  • Klein MK (1996): Tumors of the female reproductive system. 351. In: SJ Withdrow (Ed), Small Animal Clinical Oncology (2. Ed), Saunders, Philadelphia.
  • Kraft W (1998): Geriatrics in canine and feline internal medicine. Eur J Pharm Med Res, 3, 31-41.
  • Kustritz MVR (2002): Early spay-neuter: Clinical considerations. Clin Tech Small Anim Pract, 17, 124-128.
  • Kustritz MVR (2007): Determining the optimal age for gonadectomy of dogs and cats. JAVMA, 231, 1665-1675.
  • Kustritz MVR (2014): Pros, cons, and techniques of pediatric neutering. Vet Clin N Am Small Anim Pract, 44(2), 221-233.
  • Land T (2002): Early spay/neuter research on dogs and cats (8-12 weeks) by Marci Hess on behalf of angel’s wish. Erişim: Erişim Tarihi: 25.10.2018.
  • Le Roux, PH (1983): Thyroid status, oestradiol level, work performance and body mass of ovariectomized bitches and bitches bearing ovarian autotransplants in the stomach wall. J S Afr Vet Assoc, 54, 115.
  • Merlo DF, Rossi L, Pellegrino C, Ceppi M, Cardellino U, Capurro C, Ratto A, Sambucco PL, Sestito V, Tanara G, Bocchini V (2008): Cancer incidence in pet dogs: Findings of the Animal Tumor Registry of Genoa, Italy. J Vet Intern Med, 22, 976-984.
  • Misdorp W (1988): Canine mammary tumours: Protective effect of late ovariectomy and stimulating effect of progestins. Vet Quart, 10, 26-33.
  • Moe L (2001): Population-based incidence of mammary tumours in some dog breeds. J Reprod Infertil, 57, 439-443.
  • Moore GE, Guptill LF, Ward MP, Glickman NW, Faunt KF, Lewis HB, Glickman LT (2005): Adverse events diagnosed within three days of vaccine administration in dogs. JAVMA, 227, 1102-1108.
  • Neilson JC, Eckstein RA, Hart BL (1997): Effects of castration on problem behaviors in male dogs with reference to age and duration of behavior. JAVMA, 211, 180-182.
  • Nelson RW, Feldman EC (1986): Pyometra. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 16, 561-576.
  • O’Heare J (2003): The Effects of Spaying and Neutering on Canine Behavior. Erişim: Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2018.
  • Olson PN, Nett TM, Bowen RA, Amann RP, Sawyer HR, Gorell TA, Niswender GD, Pickett BW, Phemister RD (1986): A need for sterilization, contraceptives, and abortifacients: Abandoned and unwanted pets. Part I. Current methods of sterilizing pets. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet, 8, 87-92.
  • Panciera DL (1994): Hypothyroidism in dogs: 66 cases (1987-1992). JAVMA, 204, 761-767.
  • Pérez Alenza D, Rutteman GR, Peña L, Beynen AC, Cuesta P (1998): Relation between habitual diet and canine mammary tumors in a case-control study. J Vet Intern Med, 12, 132-139.
  • Pérez Alenza MD, Pena L, Nieto AI, Castano M (1997): Clinical and pathological prognostic factors in canine mammary tumors. Ann Ist Super Sanita, 33, 581-585.
  • Priester WA (1979): Occurrence of mammary neoplasms in bitches in relation to breed, age, tumour type, and geographical region from which reported. J Small Anim Pract, 20, 1-11.
  • Purswell BJ, Jöchle W (2010): Targets and historical approaches to non-surgical sterilization in dogs and cats. Erişim: Erişim Tarihi: 10.03.2018.
  • Reichler IM (2008): Surgical contraception: Pros and cons. 6th International Symposium on Canine and Feline Reproduction and 6th Biannual European Veterinary Society for Small Animal Reproduction Congress, Vienna.
  • Reichler IM, Welle M, Eckrich C, Sattler U, Barth A, Hubler M, Nett-Mettler CS, Jöchle W, Arnold S (2008): Spaying‐induced coat changes: the role of gonadotropins, GnRH and GnRH treatment on the hair cycle of female dogs. Vet Dermatol, 19(2), 77-87.
  • Reichler IM (2009): Gonadectomy in cats and dogs: A review of risks and benefits. Reprod Domest Anim, 44(2), 29-35.
  • Rhodes L (2013): Contraception and fertility control in dogs and cats. A Report of the Alliance for Contraception in Cats & Dogs (ACC&D): Erişim adresi: Erişim tarihi: 25.10.2018.
  • Richards HG, McNeil PE, Thompson H, Reid SW (2001): An epidemiological analysis of a canine-biopsies database compiled by a diagnostic histopathology service. Prev Vet Med, 51, 125-136.
  • Ru G, Terracini B, Glickman LT (1998): Host-related risk factors for canine osteosarcoma. Vet J, 156, 31-39.
  • Salmeri KR, Bloomberg MS, Scruggs SL, Shille V (1991): Gonadectomy in immature dogs: Effects on skeletal, physical, and behavioral development. JAVMA, 198, 1193-1203.
  • Sanborn, LJ (2007): Long-term health risks and benefits associated with spay/neuter in dogs. Erişim: Erişim Tarihi: 25.10.2018.
  • Schaer M (2000): Hypothyroidism in the Dog, Dog Owners and Breeders Symposium University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, Florida.
  • Schneider R, Dorn CR, Taylor DON (1969): Factors influencing canine mammary cancer development and postsurgical survival. J Natl Cancer Inst, 43, 1249-1261.
  • Shiel RE, Puggioni A, Keeley BJ (2008): Canine urinary incontinence Part 2: Treatment. Ir Vet J, 61, 835-840.
  • Slauterbeck JR, Pankratz K, Xu KT, Bozeman SC, Hardy DM (2004): Canine ovariohysterectomy and orchiectomy increases the prevalence of ACL injury. Clin Orthop Relat R, 429, 301-305.
  • Sorenmo KU, Goldschmidt M, Shofer F, Ferrocone J (2003): Immunohistochemical characterization of canine prostatic carcinoma and correlation with castration status and castration time. Vet Comp Oncol, 1, 48.
  • Spain CV, Scarlett JM, Houpt KA (2004): Long-term risks and benefits of early-age gonadectomy in dogs. JAVMA, 224, 380-387.
  • Stocklin-Gautschi NM, Hassig M, Reichler IM, Hubler M, Arnold S (2001): The relationship of urinary incontinence to early spaying in bitches. J Rep Fert Suppl, 57, 233-236.
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There are 76 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery

Gizem Tez 0000-0003-3432-337X

Halit Kanca 0000-0002-3126-6536

Havva Alemdar This is me

Publication Date January 15, 2019
Submission Date November 24, 2018
Acceptance Date December 4, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 90 Issue: 1


Vancouver Tez G, Kanca H, Alemdar H. Köpeklerde kontrasepsiyon I: Cerrahi sterilizasyonun risk ve yararlarının değerlendirilmesi. Vet Hekim Der Derg. 2019;90(1):55-6.

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Veteriner Hekimler Derneği / Turkish Veterinary Medical Society