
ISSN: 2149-3081

ViraVerita E-Journal is a biannual academic journal that publishes articles evaluated by referees. Manuscripts submitted to ViraVerita E-Journal for publication must not have been published anywhere else. The article submitted to the journal is sent to two referees after being examined for suitability for publication. As a result of the referee evaluations submitted through blind refereeing, the article that is deemed publishable by two referees is published in the next issue. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee. In this case, the publication of the article is decided according to the report of the third referee.
Launched in 2015, the peer-reviewed ViraVerita E-Journal publishes articles on interdisciplinary topics in philosophy and social sciences. The journal has been indexed in international indexes such as Philosopher's Index and Copernicus Index since 2018, and in Asos Index since 2016.

ViraVerita[*] is the ground for different intellectual encounters that speak about all areas of life by pushing the boundaries of theory restricted to academia and academic language.
Launched on November 25, 2013, this interdisciplinary partnership consists of the interaction of different fields such as philosophy, sociology, political theory, law, communication, psychology, anthropology and history; it aims to look at the problems of philosophy and social sciences from new and diverse perspectives.
ViraVerita E-journal is published with file topics that open up interdisciplinary and topical contexts of discussion in the fields of philosophy and social sciences.
In addition, translations and non-file articles are also included in each issue. ViraVerita E-journal, which is published twice a year, in Fall and Spring, is an academic journal with its own academic writing principles and evaluation system, different from the viraverita.com online publication platform.

Publication Period: Twice a year
Attention to the authors who will submit articles for the new issue! Our journal's Editorial Rules, Ethical Principles and Publication Policy titles

Last Update Time: 11/28/24, 12:37:43 PM