Bu çalışma, Yargı Gücünün Eleştirisi’nde estetik beğenide, hayalgücü (Einbildungskraft) ve “özgür oyun” tanımı temelinde, hayalgücü ve anlama yetisi (Verstand) arasındaki ilişki sorununu ele almaktadır. Kant transendental felsefeyle hayalgücüne kendinden önceki filozoflardan ayrı bir saygınlık kazandırmış, bu yetiyi hem bilişin hem estetik deneyimin temel yetileri arasına yerleştirmiştir. Saf Aklın Eleştirisi’nde (A basımı) duyusallık (Sinnlichkeit) ve anlama yetisiyle transendental üç yetiden biri olan hayalgücü, üçüncü Kritik’te reflektif yargı ve estetik deneyimin zeminini oluşturmada önemli bir konumdadır. Üçüncü Kritik’in hemen her bölümünde bir işlevi haiz olan hayalgücü ile anlama yetisinin girdiği özgür ve kavramlara dayanmayan oyun transendental felsefeye ilişkin pek çok meseleyi de açığa çıkaran özelliklere sahiptir. Bu oyunda, birinci Kritik’te nesnenin kavramsal belirlenimine yönelik olan anlama yetisinin kavramlarıyla devrede olmaması tartışmanın önemli ögelerinden biridir. Bu bakımdan özgür oyun tanımı, yetilerin konumlarına ilişkin birinci Kritik’teki iddialara uzanan kapsam ve içeriktedir. Bu çalışmada bu iddialara açıklık kazandırılarak, hayalgücü merkezinde yetiler ve yetilerle bağlantılı tartışmalara ışık tutulacaktır.
Horstmann, R.P. (2018). Kant’s Power of Imagination. Cambridge: University Press.
Kant, I. (2007). Critique of the Power of Judgment. (P. Guyer ve E. Matthews, Çev.). Cambridge:
University Press.
Kant, I. (2009). Critique of Pure Reason. (P. Guyer ve A. Wood, Çev.). Cambridge: University Press.
Kant, I. (2014). Anthropology, History, and Education. Cambridge: University Press.
Kant, I. (1995). Prolegomena. Çev. İoanna Kuçuradi - Yusuf Örnek. Ankara: Türkiye Felsefe Kurumu
Krämer S. (2018). Schematism, Imagination, and Pure Intuition. Image, Imagination, and Cognition,
Eds. Christoph Lüthy, Claudia Swan, Paul Bakker, Claus Zittel, Leiden: Brill Publishing.
Makkreel, R. (1994). Imagination and Interpretation in Kant. Chicago: University Press.
McDowell, (1996). Mind and World. London: Harvard University Press.
Paton, H.J. (1936). Kant’s Metaphysics of Experience, Cilt I, Londra: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Rogerson, K.F. (2008) The Poblem of Free Harmony in Kant’s Aesthetics. New York:State University of
New York Press.
The Problem of Imagination and Understanding in “Free Play” in the Critique of the Power of Judgment
This article deals with the problem of relationship between faculties of imagination (Einbildungskraft) and understanding (Verstand) based on the definition of “free play” that appears in the judgments of taste in the Critique of the Power of Judgment. Unlike his predecessors, Kant gives a respectful position to the faculty of imagination and utilizes this faculty both in cognitive and aesthetic experiences. Being one of the three fundamental faculties besides sensibility (Sinnlichketi) and understanding in (the first edition of) the Critique of Pure Reason, the faculty of imagination covers an important position in terms of forming the ground of reflective judgments and aesthetic experience in the third Critique. Free and non-conceptual play between imagination, which bears important functions in almost every section of the third Critique, and understanding have features that reveal many issues related to transcendental philosophy. One of the important elements of the discussion constitutes that, in this play, faculty of understanding, which is the faculty of conceptual determination of object in the first Critique, acts without concepts. In this respect, free play contains scopes and contents regarding the roles of faculties that extend to the claims of the first Critique. By clarifying claims concerning these issues, this article sheds light on the discussions related to faculties and their relations on the basis of faculty of imagination.
Horstmann, R.P. (2018). Kant’s Power of Imagination. Cambridge: University Press.
Kant, I. (2007). Critique of the Power of Judgment. (P. Guyer ve E. Matthews, Çev.). Cambridge:
University Press.
Kant, I. (2009). Critique of Pure Reason. (P. Guyer ve A. Wood, Çev.). Cambridge: University Press.
Kant, I. (2014). Anthropology, History, and Education. Cambridge: University Press.
Kant, I. (1995). Prolegomena. Çev. İoanna Kuçuradi - Yusuf Örnek. Ankara: Türkiye Felsefe Kurumu
Krämer S. (2018). Schematism, Imagination, and Pure Intuition. Image, Imagination, and Cognition,
Eds. Christoph Lüthy, Claudia Swan, Paul Bakker, Claus Zittel, Leiden: Brill Publishing.
Makkreel, R. (1994). Imagination and Interpretation in Kant. Chicago: University Press.
McDowell, (1996). Mind and World. London: Harvard University Press.
Paton, H.J. (1936). Kant’s Metaphysics of Experience, Cilt I, Londra: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Rogerson, K.F. (2008) The Poblem of Free Harmony in Kant’s Aesthetics. New York:State University of
New York Press.