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Rudolfo Anaya'nın Bless Me, Ultima (1972) Adlı Romanında Rüya Görüşü Tekniğiyle Antonio'nun Düşleri

Year 2021, Issue: 2, 78 - 85, 31.12.2021


Chicano edebiyatı 20. Yüzyılın ikinci yarısında yükselmeye başlamıştır. Ortaya çıkış nedeni büyük ölçüde Chicano hareketinin bir parçası olarak Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ndeki Meksika kökenli Amerikalıların var olma çabaları ve kültürel farkındalıklarıdır. Chicano edebiyatına, hem kendi kendini tanımlamanın gücünden dolayı, hem de zengin, iki dilli, kültürlerarası bir mirasın gururunu geri kazanmanın bir yolu olması hasebiyle sahiplenilmiştir. Bless Me, Ultima 1972'de yayınlandığında, günümüz romanlarının ABD'nin güneybatısındaki Chicano deneyimi açısından ciddi bir ürün olarak ortaya çıktı. İlk yayınlanmasından otuz yıldan fazla bir süre sonra, roman hala Chicano edebiyatının en çok bilinen ve en çok satan eserlerinden biri olarak görülür. Bless Me, Ultima'nın başarısı, diğer yazarların Anaya'nın liderliğini takip etmelerinin ve romanın ortaya çıkardığı Chicano edebiyatının genel olarak Kuzey Amerika edebiyatına katkısının işaretleri haline gelen temaları kendi biçim ve tarzlarında keşfetmelerinin yolunu açmıştır. Bless Me Ultima’nın özü İspanyolca konuşan bir topluluk ile İngilizce konuşan bir toplumun dünyaları arasında sınır bölgesinde kimlik arayışıdır. Bu çalışma Rudolfo Anaya’nın Bless Me Ultima (1972) (Kutsa Beni, Ultima)’sında ana karakter olan Antonio’nun yaşadığı içsel ve dinsel çatışmalarının gördüğü rüyalar aracılığıyla nasıl ortaya çıktığı ve rüya imgelemi tekniğini kullanarak edebi olarak nasıl işlendiğini göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Kimlik arayışı içinde olan Antonio, anne ve babasının zıt isteklerine karşı belirsizlikler yaşamakta, bir yandan Tanrı’ya tutunmaya çalışırken öte yandan yaşadığı hayal kırıklıklarından Tanrı’yı sorumlu tutmaktadır ve bu süreçte doğaüstü güçleriyle ortaya çıkan Ultima, Antonio’nun mücadelesine bambaşka bir boyut kazandırır ve onu istekleri doğrultusunda bağımsız olmaya itmektedir. Bu roman 7 yaşındaki Antonio’nun benlik sorgulayışı, çocukluktan yetişkinliğe geçtiği süreçte yaşadığı zorlukları, etrafında meydana gelen sıradışı olayları, toplum ve aile baskısının yarattığı bunalımları ve bu dönemde yaşadığı gelgitleri ustaca ele almaktadır. Antonio’nun gördüğü karanlık rüyalar bu süreç hakkında bizi onun iç dünyasına sürüklerken, romanın sonraki bölümlerinde yaşanacak olan mistik ve doğaüstü olaylar dizisiyle ilgili de ipuçları veriyor.


  • Abádi-Nagy, Zoltán. (2015). “Positioning Analysis of Intercultural Information Processing in a Multicultural Borderland: Rudolfo A. Anaya’s ‘Bless Me, Ultima.’” Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (HJEAS), vol. 21, no. 1, Centre for Arts, Humanities and Sciences (CAHS), acting on behalf of the University of Debrecen CAHS, Ss. 15–36, http://www.jstor.org/stable/44790629.
  • Anaya, Rudolfo. (1994). Bless Me, Ultima. A Time Warner Company. Web.
  • Anaya, Rudolfo, and R. S. Sharma. (1994) “Interview with Rudolfo Anaya.” Prairie Schooner, cilt. 68, no. 4, University of Nebraska Press, Ss. 177–87, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40633888.
  • Black, Debra B. (2000). “Times of Conflict: ‘Bless Me, Ultima’ As a Novel of Acculturation.” Bilingual Review / La Revista Bilingüe, vol. 25, no. 2, Bilingual Press / Editorial Bilingüe, , Ss. 146–62, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25745700.
  • Blanch, Robert J. and Julian N. Wasserman, (1995). From Pearl to Gawain: Forme to Fynisment (Gainesville, Fla.: University Press of Florida).
  • Bridges, Lawrence. (2009). A Conversation with Rudolfo Anaya by Directed by Lawrence Bridges, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRF6vNzjSTU 11 Temmuz 2009.
  • Derek Brewer and Jonathan Gibson, eds., (1997). A Companion to the Gawain-Poet (Cambridge, England: D. S. Brewer,) Dreams in Literature. bsmeyersauthor.wordpress.com. 6 Kasım 2006. 24 Mart 2016. Engen, Kelsien. (2015). “Dream a Little Dream: Using Dreams in Literature”. kelsieengen.com. 25 Eylül. Web. 25 Mart 2016.
  • Freud, Sigmund. (1913). The Interpretations of Dreams. New York: Macmillan Press. Web. s. 490-496.
  • Kenyon, Karen. (1989). “Visit With Rudolfo Anaya.” Confluencia, Cilt. 5, no. 1, University of Northern Colorado, Ss. 125–27, http://www.jstor.org/stable/27921891.
  • Klein, Dianne. “Coming of Age in Novels by Rudolfo Anaya and Sandra Cisneros.” (1992). The English Journal, cilt. 81, no. 5, National Council of Teachers of English, Ss. 21–26, https://doi.org/10.2307/819890.
  • Kogan, Jackie. (2016). “Bless Me, Ultima” by James Brunelle. Csun.edu.com. Web. 22 Mart.
  • Lirola, Maria Martinez. (2006). The Relationship Between Ideology, Superstition And Marked Syntax In Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima. Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem.. Web. s. 11.
  • Mandal, Bishakha. “The Concept of Dreams, Exploration and Expedition in the development of Identity in Paulo Coelho‟s The Alchemist” JETIR Nisan 2018, Cilt 5, Sayı 4.
  • Naranjo, Juan Meneses. (2008). “Walking Down The Borderline: Hybridity And The Modulation Of The Self In Three Canonical Chicano Novels”. ual.es.com. Web. s. 13.
  • Paredes, Raymund A. (1978). “Special Feature: The Evolution of Chicano Literature.” MELUS, cilt. 5, no. 2, [Oxford University Press, Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS)], Ss. 71–110, https://doi.org/10.2307/467466.
  • Pérez-Torres, Rafael. (1998). “Rudolfo Anaya’s Novels: A Collection of Critical Approaches.” Bilingual Review / La Revista Bilingüe, vol. 16, no. 2/3, Bilingual Press / Editorial Bilingüe, 1991, Ss. 247–51, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25745087.
  • Russell, J. Stephen. English Dream Vision ‘Anatomy of a Form’. Ohio State University Press.. Web. s. 2-10. Sarhan, Qassım Salman, (2014). “Dream Vision in Chaucer's Poetry”. Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals College of Education/ University of Al-Qadissiya. Print. Cilt.1 Sayı:18, s. 12-20.
  • Stone, Dan. (2016). ‘An Interview with Rudolfo Anaya’. Neabigread.com. Web. 25 Mart.
  • Şen, Hasine. (2001). “Mythic Visions of the Borderland: Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima”. Journal of Arts and Sciences.. Web. s. 168.
  • Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1997). “Chicano Secrecy in the Fiction of Rudolfo A. Anaya.” Journal of the Southwest, vol. 39, no. 2, Journal of the Southwest, Ss. 239–65, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40170010. "The Medieval Dream Vision" (2021). Arts and Humanities Through the Eras. Eylül 22, Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/culture-magazines/medieval-dream-vision dan çekilmiştir.

Antonio's Dreams with the Dream Vision Technique in Rudolfo Anaya's Novel Bless Me, Ultima (1972)

Year 2021, Issue: 2, 78 - 85, 31.12.2021


Chicano literature began to rise in the second half of the 20th century. It emerged largely because of cultural awareness as part of the Chicano movement and the struggle for existence of Mexican-Americans in the United States. Chicano has been embraced as a way to restore both the power of self-identification and the pride of a rich, bilingual, cross-cultural heritage. When Bless Me, Ultima was published in 1972, was a serious product for today's novels' Chicano experience in the southwestern United States. More than three decades after its original publication, the book is still one of the best-known and best-selling works of Chicana/o literature. The success of Bless Me, Ultima has paved the way for other writers to follow Anaya's lead and explore, in their own forms and styles, the themes revealed by the novel that have become hallmarks of Chicana/o literature's contribution to North American literature in general. The essence of Bless Me, Ultima is the search for identity in the borderland between the worlds of a Spanish-speaking community and an English-speaking community. This study aims to show how the inner and religious conflicts experienced by Antonio, the main character in Rudolfo Anaya's Bless Me Ultima (1972) are revealed through his dreams and how they are handled in a literary way using the dream imagery technique. In search of identity, Antonio experiences uncertainty against the contradictory wishes of his parents, while trying to hold on to God, on the other hand, he blames God for his disappointments, pushes him to be independent in line with his wishes. This novel masterfully deals with 7-year-old Antonio's self-questioning, the difficulties he experienced during his transition from childhood to adulthood, the extraordinary events that took place around him, the depressions caused by social and family pressure, and the tides he experienced during this period. While Antonio's dark dreams drag us into his inner world about these processes, it also gives clues about the mystical and supernatural series of events that will occur in the next chapters of the book.


  • Abádi-Nagy, Zoltán. (2015). “Positioning Analysis of Intercultural Information Processing in a Multicultural Borderland: Rudolfo A. Anaya’s ‘Bless Me, Ultima.’” Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (HJEAS), vol. 21, no. 1, Centre for Arts, Humanities and Sciences (CAHS), acting on behalf of the University of Debrecen CAHS, Ss. 15–36, http://www.jstor.org/stable/44790629.
  • Anaya, Rudolfo. (1994). Bless Me, Ultima. A Time Warner Company. Web.
  • Anaya, Rudolfo, and R. S. Sharma. (1994) “Interview with Rudolfo Anaya.” Prairie Schooner, cilt. 68, no. 4, University of Nebraska Press, Ss. 177–87, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40633888.
  • Black, Debra B. (2000). “Times of Conflict: ‘Bless Me, Ultima’ As a Novel of Acculturation.” Bilingual Review / La Revista Bilingüe, vol. 25, no. 2, Bilingual Press / Editorial Bilingüe, , Ss. 146–62, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25745700.
  • Blanch, Robert J. and Julian N. Wasserman, (1995). From Pearl to Gawain: Forme to Fynisment (Gainesville, Fla.: University Press of Florida).
  • Bridges, Lawrence. (2009). A Conversation with Rudolfo Anaya by Directed by Lawrence Bridges, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRF6vNzjSTU 11 Temmuz 2009.
  • Derek Brewer and Jonathan Gibson, eds., (1997). A Companion to the Gawain-Poet (Cambridge, England: D. S. Brewer,) Dreams in Literature. bsmeyersauthor.wordpress.com. 6 Kasım 2006. 24 Mart 2016. Engen, Kelsien. (2015). “Dream a Little Dream: Using Dreams in Literature”. kelsieengen.com. 25 Eylül. Web. 25 Mart 2016.
  • Freud, Sigmund. (1913). The Interpretations of Dreams. New York: Macmillan Press. Web. s. 490-496.
  • Kenyon, Karen. (1989). “Visit With Rudolfo Anaya.” Confluencia, Cilt. 5, no. 1, University of Northern Colorado, Ss. 125–27, http://www.jstor.org/stable/27921891.
  • Klein, Dianne. “Coming of Age in Novels by Rudolfo Anaya and Sandra Cisneros.” (1992). The English Journal, cilt. 81, no. 5, National Council of Teachers of English, Ss. 21–26, https://doi.org/10.2307/819890.
  • Kogan, Jackie. (2016). “Bless Me, Ultima” by James Brunelle. Csun.edu.com. Web. 22 Mart.
  • Lirola, Maria Martinez. (2006). The Relationship Between Ideology, Superstition And Marked Syntax In Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima. Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem.. Web. s. 11.
  • Mandal, Bishakha. “The Concept of Dreams, Exploration and Expedition in the development of Identity in Paulo Coelho‟s The Alchemist” JETIR Nisan 2018, Cilt 5, Sayı 4.
  • Naranjo, Juan Meneses. (2008). “Walking Down The Borderline: Hybridity And The Modulation Of The Self In Three Canonical Chicano Novels”. ual.es.com. Web. s. 13.
  • Paredes, Raymund A. (1978). “Special Feature: The Evolution of Chicano Literature.” MELUS, cilt. 5, no. 2, [Oxford University Press, Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS)], Ss. 71–110, https://doi.org/10.2307/467466.
  • Pérez-Torres, Rafael. (1998). “Rudolfo Anaya’s Novels: A Collection of Critical Approaches.” Bilingual Review / La Revista Bilingüe, vol. 16, no. 2/3, Bilingual Press / Editorial Bilingüe, 1991, Ss. 247–51, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25745087.
  • Russell, J. Stephen. English Dream Vision ‘Anatomy of a Form’. Ohio State University Press.. Web. s. 2-10. Sarhan, Qassım Salman, (2014). “Dream Vision in Chaucer's Poetry”. Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals College of Education/ University of Al-Qadissiya. Print. Cilt.1 Sayı:18, s. 12-20.
  • Stone, Dan. (2016). ‘An Interview with Rudolfo Anaya’. Neabigread.com. Web. 25 Mart.
  • Şen, Hasine. (2001). “Mythic Visions of the Borderland: Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima”. Journal of Arts and Sciences.. Web. s. 168.
  • Taylor, Paul Beekman. (1997). “Chicano Secrecy in the Fiction of Rudolfo A. Anaya.” Journal of the Southwest, vol. 39, no. 2, Journal of the Southwest, Ss. 239–65, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40170010. "The Medieval Dream Vision" (2021). Arts and Humanities Through the Eras. Eylül 22, Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/culture-magazines/medieval-dream-vision dan çekilmiştir.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Bülent Cercis Tanrıtanır This is me 0000-0002-3276-7922

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date November 13, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 2


APA Tanrıtanır, B. C. (2021). Rudolfo Anaya’nın Bless Me, Ultima (1972) Adlı Romanında Rüya Görüşü Tekniğiyle Antonio’nun Düşleri. Van İnsani Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(2), 78-85.

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