The concept of brand personality which has become one of the key concepts in sustainable competition regarding marketing field is particularly effective in the sectors where there is no significant difference among the products as the brand gains a unique position in the consumer’s mind. In the studies conducted, it is seen that the consumers prefer the brands which close to their own personality or the personality characteristics they want to have. In other words brand personality has positive effect on the purchase behavior of brand personalities. From this point forth, young people who constitute a large part of the population in Turkey and the most frequently purchased brands by them are mentioned in this study. Before the study is started, a preliminary test is applied on 34 young people and they are asked to write 5 most consumed products with their brand during the day. As a result it is determined that young people bought biscuit, chocolate and wafer style products mostly and preferred Ülker, Eti and Nestle brands. Ulker, Eti and Nestle brands in the chocolate, wafer, and biscuit sector are discussed in the study and considering the analysis results, it is found that especially the young generation prefers the brands which represent the traits of being successful, leader, polite, honest, modest, and self-respectful and the companies working in this sector are required to lead their brand personality considering these traits.