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Year 2011, Volume: 3 Issue: 5, 28 - 32, 05.08.2016


En modern insan kaynakları yönetimlerini ve en popüler moda yönetim modellerini uygulayan işletmelerin krize yenik düşmeleri, insan kaynaklarını ve yönetimini tartışmaya açmıştır. Bu durum, başta turizm işletmeleri olmak üzere tüm işletmeleri yeni arayışlara yönlendirmiştir. İnsana yatırım yapan ve insanın en değerli kıymet olduğu bilincine varan işletmelerin belirsizlik ve yoğun rekabet ortamlarında başarılı olmaları, büyük fiziksel sermayeye sahip olan işletmelerin bu süreçlerde büyük çapta sarsıntı yaşamaları, işletmedeki en önemli sermayenin entelektüel sermaye yani insan kıymetleri olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bu bağlamda, işletmelerin insanı sadece stratejik bir kaynak olarak değil, aynı zamanda stratejik bir ortak ve kıymet olarak ele alması ve yönetmesi konusunda politikalar geliştirmesi ve bu fonksiyonun olumlu çağrışım ve algılama yanında içeriğini de yansıtması gerekmektedir


  • ABRAHAMSON, Eric (1996), Management Fashion, Academy of Management Review, 21, 1, s.254-285.
  • ALAYLIOĞLU, Nihat (2010) EriĢim-24.01.2011
  • CARSON, Paula Phillips LANĠER Patricia A., CARSON Kerry David ve BĠRKENMEĠER Betty J. (1999), A Historical Perspective On Fad Adoption And Abandonment Journal of Management History, 5, 6, s.320- 333.
  • DEDEOĞLU, Ayla Özhan (2008), Yönetim Modaları ve Yönetim Modaları Literatürüne Yöneltilen EleĢtiriler, Ege Akademik BakıĢ, Cilt 8, No:1, s.35-53.
  • ERDOĞMUġ, Nihat (2010) EriĢim-24.01.2011
  • GĠBSON, Jane Whitney ve Tesone Dana V . (2001), Management Fads: Emergence, Evolution, and Implications for Managers, Academy of Management Executive, Nov, 15, 4, s. 122-133.
  • MĠLLER, Danny ve HARTWĠCK Jon (2002), “Spotting Management Fads”, Harvard Business Review, October, s. 26-27
  • NEWELL, Susan, ROBERTSON Maxine, SWAN Jacky (2001), Management Fads and Fashions, Organization, 8 (February), s.5-15.
  • OGBANA, Emmanuel ve HARRĠS Lloyd C. (2002), “The Performance Implications of Management Fads and Fashions: An Empirical Study”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 10, s.47-68.
  • RYAN, Sharon ve HURLEY John (2004),Have Total Quality Management, Business Process ReEngineering and the Learning Organisation been Replaced by Knowledge Management?, The Irish Journal of Management, 25, 1, s. 41-55.
  • SAYDAM, Ali (2010) EriĢim-24.01.2011
Year 2011, Volume: 3 Issue: 5, 28 - 32, 05.08.2016


It has been led to a discussion of human resources and management that the businesses which are implementing most modern managements of human resources and most popular fashion models of management have fallen victim to the crisis. This situation, particularly to tourism businesses of all businesses led to new searches. That the businesses investing in human and are aware of human’s most valuable assets are successful in uncertainty and intense competition and the businesses which have got large physical capital live a major jolt in this process, it has revealed that the most important capital is intellectual capital or human assets in the businesses. In this context, the businesses must address not only as a strategic resource, but also as a strategic partner and asset; need to develop and implement policies in this regard. At the same time also this function must reflect the content with a positive connotation and perception


  • ABRAHAMSON, Eric (1996), Management Fashion, Academy of Management Review, 21, 1, s.254-285.
  • ALAYLIOĞLU, Nihat (2010) EriĢim-24.01.2011
  • CARSON, Paula Phillips LANĠER Patricia A., CARSON Kerry David ve BĠRKENMEĠER Betty J. (1999), A Historical Perspective On Fad Adoption And Abandonment Journal of Management History, 5, 6, s.320- 333.
  • DEDEOĞLU, Ayla Özhan (2008), Yönetim Modaları ve Yönetim Modaları Literatürüne Yöneltilen EleĢtiriler, Ege Akademik BakıĢ, Cilt 8, No:1, s.35-53.
  • ERDOĞMUġ, Nihat (2010) EriĢim-24.01.2011
  • GĠBSON, Jane Whitney ve Tesone Dana V . (2001), Management Fads: Emergence, Evolution, and Implications for Managers, Academy of Management Executive, Nov, 15, 4, s. 122-133.
  • MĠLLER, Danny ve HARTWĠCK Jon (2002), “Spotting Management Fads”, Harvard Business Review, October, s. 26-27
  • NEWELL, Susan, ROBERTSON Maxine, SWAN Jacky (2001), Management Fads and Fashions, Organization, 8 (February), s.5-15.
  • OGBANA, Emmanuel ve HARRĠS Lloyd C. (2002), “The Performance Implications of Management Fads and Fashions: An Empirical Study”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 10, s.47-68.
  • RYAN, Sharon ve HURLEY John (2004),Have Total Quality Management, Business Process ReEngineering and the Learning Organisation been Replaced by Knowledge Management?, The Irish Journal of Management, 25, 1, s. 41-55.
  • SAYDAM, Ali (2010) EriĢim-24.01.2011
There are 11 citations in total.


Other ID JA57HZ25HJ
Journal Section Research Articles

Zeki Akıncı This is me

Publication Date August 5, 2016
Submission Date August 5, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 3 Issue: 5


APA Akıncı, Z. (2016). ELEŞTİREL BİR YAKLAŞIM: İŞLETMEDE ÇALIŞANLAR BİR “KAYNAK” MI YOKSA BİR “KIYMET” MİDİR?. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 3(5), 28-32.
