Writing Rules

  1. The papers should be prepared in A4 paper size with “MS Office - Word 2010” or with a higher version and by utilising the article template of the Journal. The length of the paper should be at least 6,000 words and be no longer than 30 pages with the journal template. The articles must be less than 30 pages with the template. Page margins should be as follows: Top: 5 cm, Bottom: 2.5 cm, Left: 2.5 cm and Right: 2.5 cm.
  2. The author(s) information, article additional information and author declarations should be added to the parts declared in the Journal article template in accordance with the Journal rules.
  3. Excluding the title page and expended abstract page, the article should be written with “Times New Roman”, 10pt size and single spacing. There should be one space after points and commas. No indents should be used for the paragraphs and 6pt spaces should be left before and after the paragraphs. Between the paragraphs no extra blank lines should be used.
  4. In the title page of the article; single spacing and 3nk spacing before and after the paragraph should be used. Turkish and English titles should be 11pt size. Turkish and English abstracts should be 9pt size, between 120 and 200 words and single paragraph. There should be 3 to 5 keywords in Turkish and English. There should be max. 5 JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) codes. For those articles whose language is English, first English versions of title, abstract, keywords and JEL codes should be given and then the Turkish versions should be included.
  5. In the article, an extended abstract that is not more than 1 page in accordance with Journal page format and that involves min 700, max 1200 words should be included. The extended abstract should be prepared in English for the articles in Turkish, and in Turkish for the articles in English. The extended abstract should be composed of four sub-headings: purpose and scope, design/methodology/approach, findings, and conclusion and discussion. Each sub-heading should be one paragraph, 9pt size, single spacing, 3nk spacing before and after the paragraph and without any extra spacing between titles.
  6. The headings and subheadings should be appeared in 10 font size, bold and left justified and also numbered decimally such as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 1.1.2., The numbering should be initiated from the “Introduction” part and should be continued till the “Conclusion” part. No titles for introduction and result part should be used. All the letters in main headings should be capital; only the first letters of the words in the sub-headings should be capital. No spacing should be made before and after the main and sub-headings. Only in the main headings 12nk spacing before the paragraph, and 6nk spacing after the paragraph should be applied.
  7. All the tables and figures in the article should be given centered and in their proper places. All the tables and figures should be numbered in bold (Table 1., Figure 2., etc.) and given titles in normal fonts. The titles should be above the Tables and Figures, should be centered, 10 pt., and only the initial letters should be capital, with a line spacing of 6nk before and after the paragraph. The text inside the Tables and Figures should be written in Times New Roman with 8-9 font sizes and with single spacing. All the visuals such as graphs, charts, maps, drawings and photographs should be specified as Figures. For the Tables only horizontal lines should be preferred, vertical lines should not be used. All the Tables and Figures should fit the aforementioned rules and should be legible. The sources in Tables and Figures should be given under the Table and Figure with 8 font size and 3nkt distance must be set before and after the paragraph. No blank line should be given before and after the Tables and Figures.
  8. In those articles written in Turkish comma should be preferred as the decimal point, while point should be preferred in those articles written in English. For thousand separators, point should be used in Turkish articles while comma should be used in English articles. The numbers between 0 and 9 should be written with letters while 10 and larger numbers should be written numerically.
  9. The equations, models and formulas in the article should be left justified, all of them should be numbered and the numbers should be written in parentheses and right justified. No blank line should be given before and after the equations, models and formulas.
  10. The bulleted texts in the article, should be left justified and 3nk distance must be set before and after the paragraph.
  11. If the quotation from a source is less than 40 words, the expressions should be in quotation marks and the study quoted should be cited intext. If the quotation is more than 40 words, the quotation should be given in a new line; 1.25 cm tabbed from left and right, 3nk distance must be set before and after the paragraph and the study quoted should be cited.
  12. If the article include any “appendix”, titles (Appendix 1., Appendix 2., etc.) should be given to them and they should be given after the References part.
  13. Intext citations, footnotes and reference lists in the papers should be prepared according to American Psychological Association (APA 7) style. The intext references should be given with author-date-page method. The explanations should be given at the button of the page as a footnote, as justified, with 8 font size and Times New Roman, single line spacing and 3nk distance must be set before and after the paragraph.
  14. Intext citations should include the surname of the author(s), year of the source, and page number, respectively. In the articles written by 2 authors, between the names of the authors “and” should be preferred in articles written in Turkish while “&” should be preferred in English articles. When referring an articles that are written by 3 or more authors, the surname of the first authors should be written first, and then “vd.” should be used in Turkish articles; “et al.” should be used in English articles.

    Works by a single author: (Dulupçu, 2001, p. 28).

    Works by 2 authors: (Acar & Tetik, 2018, p. 60).

    Works by 3 or more authors: (Çarıkçı et al., 2009, p. 55).

    Citing more than one source: (Schumpeter, 1934, p. 66; Wood, 2005, p. 36; Acar & Tetik, 2018, p. 60).

    Citing whole source: (Drucker, 1995).

    Reference to secondary sources: (Freud, 1901, as cited in Bonomi, 1998)

  15. If a group including author abbreviations is used, while no abbreviation is used for the first reference, for the following references abbreviations are used. For those groups having no abbreviation, there is no difference between the first and the following references.

    First reference: (Süleyman Demirel University [SDÜ], 2022).

    Following references to a group including author name abbreviation: (SDÜ, 2022).

  16. If the reference is taken from a web site and the author is known, reference should be made like periodic publications. If the date of the downloaded source is not given, access date should be used. If the date of the downloaded source is not given, date of access should be used. Also if no publisher name is available, use the name of website and data of Access.

    If the author’s name and publication year is known: (Bebbington & Song, 2004).

    If the author’s name and publication year is not known: (Rekabet Kurumu, 2008).

  17. If you are citing more than one work by the same author in the same year, put the letters a, b, c next to the year.

    • (Kirzner, 1973a, p. 30).

    • (Kirzner, 1973b, p. 45).

  18. In narrative references in which the name of the author is written in the sentence, if the study has 2 authors “ve” should be used in Turkish articles; “and” should be used in English articles. In the studies written by 3 or more authors, first the surname of the first author should be written, then “vd.” and “et al.” should be used in Turkish and English articles, respectively.

    • According to Moran (1994, p. 36), ……

    • Acar and Tetik (2018) ……

    • Çarıkçı et al. (2009) ……

  19. In the articles, all kind of sources should be included in the References part. All the sources, without discriminating according to the type (thesis, book, article, report etc.), should be sorted alphabetically according to the surname of the authors. The studies of a particular author should be sorted in the References part from the oldest to the newest. Sources should be left justified in the first line, and 1.25 cm tabbed from left in the following lines. For that purpose, in the paragraph preferences “first line” should be adjusted to “hanging” and the value should be adjusted to 1.25 cm. In the References part, the first letter of the name of all publications (article title, book title, chapter title, thesis title etc.) except Journal title should be capital, and the rest of the title should be lower case, ,if they are not proper name or abbreviation. For the title of a journal, the fist letters of all words should be capital. In those studies, written by 2 or more authors, “ve” should be used before the last author in Turkish articles while “comma” and “&” should be used in English articles. The reference page should be prepared according to example shown below.


    Surname, First letter of the name of the author(s). (Year). Name of the book (Number of editions). Publisher.

    Koçel, T. (2020). İşletme Yöneticiliği (18th ed.). Beta Basım Yayım.

    Acar, D., & Tetik, N. (2018). Genel muhasebe (16th ed.). Detay Yayıncılık.

    Korkmaz, A., Dulupçu, M. A., Gövdere, B., & Songur, H. (2013). İnsani ücret. İGİAD Yayınları.

    Translated Books:

    Surname, First letter of the name of the author(s). (Year). Name of the book (Number of editions). (First letter of the translator. Surname of the translator, Trans.), Publisher, (The publishing date of the original work).

    Piketty, T. (2015). Yirmi birinci yüzyılda kapital (2nd ed.). (H. Koçak, Trans.), Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları (Original work published 2013).

    Edited Books:

    Surname, First letter of the name of the author(s). (Year). Section title. In First letter of the editor. Surname of the editor (Ed.), Title of the book (Number of editions, Pages of the section), Publisher.

    Eke, E. (2019). Türkiye’de dijital bağımlılığa yönelik politikalar üzerine bir betimleme. In H. H. Aygül, & E. Eke (Ed.), Dijital çocukluk ve dijital ebeveynler: Dijital nesillerin teknoloji bağımlılığı (p. 207-252). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.


    Surname, First letter of the name of the author(s). (Year). Title of the article. Journal title, Vol(No), Pages. http://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxxx

    Özkul, G. (2007). Kapitalist sistemin sürükleyici aktörleri: Ekonomik teoride girişimciler. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(3), 343-366.

    Oruç, K. O., & Çolak, M. (2019). Bulanık analitik hiyerarşi prosesi yöntemi ile yem seçimi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 10(25) , 495-510. https://doi.org/10.21076/vizyoner.611033

    Beyaz, R., Güngör, A. Y., & Kılıçarslan, Ş. (2021). The effects of banks’ internal marketing and market orientation approaches on performance. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 12(31), 812-825. https://doi.org/10.21076/vizyoner.833838


    Surname, First letter of the name of the author(s). (Year). Thesis title [Master’s Thesis/ Ph.D. Dissertation]. Name of University / Institution

    Sezgin, A. (2014). Turizm sektöründe konaklama tesisi fiyatlandırmasının mekânsal ve niteliksel belirleyicileri: Antalya Körfezi örneği [Ph.D. Dissertation]. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi.


    Surname, First letter of the name of the author(s). (Year). Title of the paper. Symposiums/Congresses Name (Pages). The city where the Symposium / Congress is organised, Country.

    Karaatlı, M., Demirci, N., Aksoy, E., & Ömürbek, N. (2014). Borsa performanslarının çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri ile karşılaştırılması. 15. Uluslararası Ekonometri, Yöneylem Araştırması ve İstatistik Sempozyumu (p. 673-689). Isparta, Turkey.

    Research Reports:

    Surname, First letter of the name of the author(s). (Year). Title of the paper (Report No. xxx). Publisher. Internet address

    Eliasson, G., Fölster, S., Lindberg, T., Pousette, T., & Taymaz, E. (1990). The knowledge based information economy (IUI Working Paper No. 256). Research Institute of Industrial Economics. https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/95060/1/wp256.pdf

    Media Sources (Film/Video et al.):

    Surname of the Producer / Speaker, First letter of her/his name. (Year). The name of the film/speak [Film / Video / Audible]. Production company. Internet Address (if any)

    Anadol, R. (2020, July). Makine zekası çağında sanat [Video]. TED Conferences. https://www.ted.com/talks/refik_anadol_art_in_the_age_of_machine_intelligence?language=tr#t-931

    Forman. M. (Yönetmen). (1975). One flew over the cuckoo’s nest [Film]. United Artists.

    Law/Regulation/International Convention/Court Orders:

    Name of Law/Regulation/International Convention/Court. (Release Date). Internet Address.

    Çocuk Hakları Sözleşmesi. (1995, January 27). https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/arsiv/22184.pdf

    Lisansüstü Eğitim ve Öğretim Yönetmeliği. (2016, April 20). http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2016/04/20160420-16.htm

    Internet Sources:

    Surname, First letter of the name of the author(s). (Date of publication / Date of access). Title. Retrieved ….. from URL

    Bebbington, J., & Song, E. (2004). The adoption of IFRS in the EU and New Zealand. Retrieved July 14, 2008 from http://www.europe.canterbury.ac.nz/

    Rekabet Kurumu. (2010). Rekabet hukukunun esasları. Retrieved March 17, 2010 from http://www.rekabet.gov.tr/index.php?Sayfa=sayfaicerik&icId=53

    Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi. (2020). Misyon & vizyon. Retrieved January 10, 2020 from https://w3.sdu.edu.tr/sayfa/5528/misyon-vizyon

    Gökçe, D. (2019, July 19). Çin'de 1992'den bu yana en düşük büyüme. Akşam. Retrieved January 15, 2020 from https://www.aksam.com.tr/yazarlar/deniz-gokce/cinde-1992den-bu-c2yana-en-dusuk-buyume/haber-990522

  20. For the cases not mentioned in spelling, scientific publication rules will be taken into consideration.
