Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 117 - 132, 16.06.2022
Ahmad Abou Yassine
Başak Özoral
This study After eleven years for the ongoing Syrian civil war that occurred in 2011 as a part of the Arab Spring protests. Syrian refugees seek a better life in exile, sometimes by going from one nation to another, and other times by making the need for asylum in Turkey voluntary. to the Istanbul case where its inhabitants of host nations regarding refugees for threat and what are the ways to peacebuilding with Syrian refugees despite the difficulties. The study's major findings are that Turkish citizens see Syrian refugees as threat and an opportunity.
- Batalla, L., and Tolay, J., 2018 , Toward long-term solidarity with Syrian refugees? Turkey’s Policy Response and Challenges. Atlantic Council in Turkey.
- Berkman, L. F., Kawachi, I., & Glymour, M. M. Eds. 2014 . Social epidemiology: Oxford University Press.
- Berkman, L.F., Kawachi, I. 2000 . Social Epidemiology: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Crisis Group Europe Report N°241 2016 , Turkey’s Refugee Crisis: The Politics of Permanence, 30 November 2016, pp. 18-19.
- Crisis Group interviews, 2017 . Representatives of an Alevi cultural centre, Istanbul’s Sultangazi district.
- Crisis Group interviews, 2017 . Syrians and opposition party representatives, Istanbul, July-August 2017.
- Davutoğlu, A. 2012 . Principles of Turkish foreign policy and regional political structuring.
- Dinçer, O. B., Federici, V., Ferris, E., Karaca, S., Kirişci, K., & Çarmıklı, E. Ö. 2013 . Turkey and Syrian refugees: The limits of hospitality. International Strategic Research Organization USAK . erview+of+syrian+refugees+in+turkey&ots=qirur66RFe&sig=tV0qx-u81jiQiWSHJafba2kjakg
- Douglas, M., Levitan, R., & Kiama, L. W. 2017 . Expanding the role of NGOs in resettlement. Forced Migration Review, 54 , 34.
- Erdoğan, M., M. 2014 . Syrians in Turkey: Social Acceptance and Integration Research. Ankara: The Hacettepe University Migration and Politics Research Centre — HUGO.
- Filiz Bikmen. “The rich history of philanthropy in Turkey: A paradox of tradition and modernity,” in Philanthropy in Europe: A rich past, a promising future, ed. N. MacDonald and L. Tayart de Borms London: Alliance Publishing Trust, 2008 , 223- 234.
- Gür, F., Çakır, N., Barış, S. M., et al., 2014 “Turkish Development Assistance 2013,” Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency.
- Hacaoğlu, S. 2014 . Turkey Embracing Iraq’s Kurds as Trade Erodes Old Enmity. Bloomberg Business: İçişleri Bakanlığı: Suriyeli misafirlerimizle yaşanan gerginlikler çarpıtılıyor, 2017 . [“Interior Ministry: Tensions with our Syrian guests are being distorted”], Anadolu Agency, 5 July 2017.
- Kemerburgaz University and the University of Kent, 2016 “Suriyeli Mültecilere Yönelik Algı ve Tutumlar Çalışması”. [“Study on Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Syrian Refugees”], The research was conducted jointly by Kemerburgaz University and the University of Kent.
- Kirișci, 2020 , How the EU and Turkey Can Promote Self-Reliance
- Okyay, A. S. 2017 . Turkey's post-2011 approach to its Syrian border and its implications for domestic politics. International Affairs, 829-846.
- Sazak, O. 2015 , Turkey approach to peace building and practices. Telephone Interview with Foreign Ministry Official in discussion with the Onur Sazak, Ankara.
- Shinn, D., 2015 “Turkey’s Engagement in SubSaharan Africa: Shifting Alliances and Strategic Diversification” London: Chatham House, September 2015 , 17.
- Stockholm center for freedom, 2017 . Turkish gov’t dismisses 22,987 police officers over alleged links to Gülen movement.
- The ministry of interior presidency of migration management, 2020 , Number of children under temporary protection aged 10 to 18 as per DGMM Statistics on Temporary Protection,
- Türkiye Bursları Scholarhsips, 2016 , index.php/en/
- UNDP, ILO, the World Bank, and United Nations Peacebuilding, Employment Programmes and Peace, 2016 .
- United Nations Development Program, 2016 . Interviews with government officials; UNDP.
- Utami, J. R. 2015 . Perubahan strategi diplomasi amerika serikat terhandap konflik internal suriah pada tahun 2013-2014; Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
- Visconti, L., & Gal, D. 2018 . Regional collaboration to strengthen education for nationals & Syrian refugees in Arabic speaking host countries. International Journal of Educational Development, 61, 106- 116.
- Web, R. 2013 . Legal status of individuals fleeing Syria: Syria Needs Analysis Project. Relief Web.
- Yıldız, N., Gür, F., Eren, A., et al. 2013 “Annual Report 2012,” Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency TIKA .
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 117 - 132, 16.06.2022
Ahmad Abou Yassine
Başak Özoral
Bu çalışma, 2011 yılında Arap Baharı protestolarının bir parçası olarak meydana gelen ve on bir yıl sonrasında da devam eden Suriye iç savaşını ele almaktadır. Suriyeli mülteciler, bazen bir milletten diğerine giderek, bazen de Türkiye'deki sığınma ihtiyacını gönüllü hale getirerek sürgünde daha iyi bir yaşam aramaktadırlar. Ev sahibi ülkelerin sakinlerinin mültecileri hem bir tehdit olarak görebileceği hem de zorluklara rağmen Suriyeli mültecilerle barışı sağlamanın yollarının neler olabileceğine dair İstanbul örneği incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın ana bulguları, Türk vatandaşlarının Suriyeli mültecileri hem tehdit hem de fırsat olarak görmeleridir.
- Batalla, L., and Tolay, J., 2018 , Toward long-term solidarity with Syrian refugees? Turkey’s Policy Response and Challenges. Atlantic Council in Turkey.
- Berkman, L. F., Kawachi, I., & Glymour, M. M. Eds. 2014 . Social epidemiology: Oxford University Press.
- Berkman, L.F., Kawachi, I. 2000 . Social Epidemiology: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Crisis Group Europe Report N°241 2016 , Turkey’s Refugee Crisis: The Politics of Permanence, 30 November 2016, pp. 18-19.
- Crisis Group interviews, 2017 . Representatives of an Alevi cultural centre, Istanbul’s Sultangazi district.
- Crisis Group interviews, 2017 . Syrians and opposition party representatives, Istanbul, July-August 2017.
- Davutoğlu, A. 2012 . Principles of Turkish foreign policy and regional political structuring.
- Dinçer, O. B., Federici, V., Ferris, E., Karaca, S., Kirişci, K., & Çarmıklı, E. Ö. 2013 . Turkey and Syrian refugees: The limits of hospitality. International Strategic Research Organization USAK . erview+of+syrian+refugees+in+turkey&ots=qirur66RFe&sig=tV0qx-u81jiQiWSHJafba2kjakg
- Douglas, M., Levitan, R., & Kiama, L. W. 2017 . Expanding the role of NGOs in resettlement. Forced Migration Review, 54 , 34.
- Erdoğan, M., M. 2014 . Syrians in Turkey: Social Acceptance and Integration Research. Ankara: The Hacettepe University Migration and Politics Research Centre — HUGO.
- Filiz Bikmen. “The rich history of philanthropy in Turkey: A paradox of tradition and modernity,” in Philanthropy in Europe: A rich past, a promising future, ed. N. MacDonald and L. Tayart de Borms London: Alliance Publishing Trust, 2008 , 223- 234.
- Gür, F., Çakır, N., Barış, S. M., et al., 2014 “Turkish Development Assistance 2013,” Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency.
- Hacaoğlu, S. 2014 . Turkey Embracing Iraq’s Kurds as Trade Erodes Old Enmity. Bloomberg Business: İçişleri Bakanlığı: Suriyeli misafirlerimizle yaşanan gerginlikler çarpıtılıyor, 2017 . [“Interior Ministry: Tensions with our Syrian guests are being distorted”], Anadolu Agency, 5 July 2017.
- Kemerburgaz University and the University of Kent, 2016 “Suriyeli Mültecilere Yönelik Algı ve Tutumlar Çalışması”. [“Study on Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Syrian Refugees”], The research was conducted jointly by Kemerburgaz University and the University of Kent.
- Kirișci, 2020 , How the EU and Turkey Can Promote Self-Reliance
- Okyay, A. S. 2017 . Turkey's post-2011 approach to its Syrian border and its implications for domestic politics. International Affairs, 829-846.
- Sazak, O. 2015 , Turkey approach to peace building and practices. Telephone Interview with Foreign Ministry Official in discussion with the Onur Sazak, Ankara.
- Shinn, D., 2015 “Turkey’s Engagement in SubSaharan Africa: Shifting Alliances and Strategic Diversification” London: Chatham House, September 2015 , 17.
- Stockholm center for freedom, 2017 . Turkish gov’t dismisses 22,987 police officers over alleged links to Gülen movement.
- The ministry of interior presidency of migration management, 2020 , Number of children under temporary protection aged 10 to 18 as per DGMM Statistics on Temporary Protection,
- Türkiye Bursları Scholarhsips, 2016 , index.php/en/
- UNDP, ILO, the World Bank, and United Nations Peacebuilding, Employment Programmes and Peace, 2016 .
- United Nations Development Program, 2016 . Interviews with government officials; UNDP.
- Utami, J. R. 2015 . Perubahan strategi diplomasi amerika serikat terhandap konflik internal suriah pada tahun 2013-2014; Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
- Visconti, L., & Gal, D. 2018 . Regional collaboration to strengthen education for nationals & Syrian refugees in Arabic speaking host countries. International Journal of Educational Development, 61, 106- 116.
- Web, R. 2013 . Legal status of individuals fleeing Syria: Syria Needs Analysis Project. Relief Web.
- Yıldız, N., Gür, F., Eren, A., et al. 2013 “Annual Report 2012,” Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency TIKA .