Research Article
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İlk İki Yüzyılın Pagan Kaynaklarında Nasıralı İsa

Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 57 - 81, 30.11.2017


Pagan yazarlar, Miladî takvimin ilk iki yüzyılında Nasıralı

İsa’ya veya O’na atfedilen öğretilere karşı genel itibariyle ilgisiz

bir tutum içinde olmuşlardır; I. yüzyılda İsa’dan bahseden pagan

yazar yoktur, II. yüzyılda ise bir elin parmaklarını geçmemektedir.

Buna karşın, II. yüzyıl pagan yazarlarının tarihsel bir

şahsiyet olarak İsa’ya ilişkin olabileceği öne sürülen az sayıdaki

kayıtları, özellikle İsa hakkındaki asli kaynak konumundaki Yeni

Ahit metinlerinin epistemolojik problemleri çerçevesinde büyük

önem taşımaktadır. Ancak biraz yakından incelendiğinde pagan

kaynaklarındaki bu kayıtların da aslında birçok açıdan sorunlu

oldukları anlaşılmaktadır. İsa’ya dair söz konusu bu kayıtlar

bu yüzden bilim insanları arasında hararetle tartışılmaktadır. Bu

makalede, İsa’nın pagan kaynakları bağlamında tarihsel varlığı

ele alınmaktadır.


  • Agamben, Giorgio, Pilate and Jesus, çev. A. Kotsko, (California: Stanford University Press, 2015).
  • Akalın, Kutlu – Duygu, Zafer (eds.-haz.-çev.), Süryani Literatürü, (Mardin: Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2017).
  • Allison Jr. Dale C., “Thallus on the Crucifixion”, The Historical Jesus in Context, ed. A.-J. Levine-D. C. Alison Jr.-J. D. Crossan, (Princeton University Press, 2006).
  • Aslan, Reza, Zelot: Nasıralı İsa’nın Hayatı ve Dönemi, çev. Nalan Tümay, (İstanbul: Okuyanus, 2014).
  • Aydın, Mahmut, “Tarihsel İsa Araştırmaları ve Onların Bulguları Üzerine Bazı Mülahazalar”, İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, S. 5, (2001), ss. 1-41.
  • Bagnani, Gilbert, “Peregrinus Proteus and the Christians”, Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 4: 1, (1955), ss. 107–112.
  • Baz, Ferit, “Considerations for the Administration of the Province Pontus et Bithynia During the Imperial Period”, Cedrus: The Journal Of MCRI I, (2013).
  • Benko, Stephen, Pagan Rome and the Early Christians, (Indiana University Press, 2007).
  • Boyd, Gregory A. - Eddy, Paul Rhodes, Lord or Legend: Wrestling with the Jesus Dilemma, (Michigan: Grand Rapids, 2007).
  • Carrier, Richard, “Thallus and the Darkness at Christ’s Death”, Journal of the Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism, 8, (2011-2012), ss. 185-191.
  • Case, S. J., The Historicity of Jesus: A Criticism of the Contention That Jesus Never Lived, A Statement of the Evidence for His Existence, An Estimate of His Relation to Christianity, (Illinois: The University of Chicago Press, 1912).
  • Cureton, William, Spicilegium Syriacum, (London: Rivington, 1855).
  • Çelgin, Güler, Eski Yunanca-Türkçe Sözlük, (İstanbul: Kabalcı, 2011).
  • Davis, William Stearns (ed.-çev.), Reading in Ancient History: Illustrative Extracts From The Sources II: Rome and The West, (Allyn and Bacon, 1913).
  • Dekle, Sr. George R., The Case Against Christ: A Critique of the Prosecution of Jesus, (Cambridge Scholars, 2011).
  • Drews, Arthur, The Christ Myth, çev. C. Delisle Burns, (London, 1910, 3. Basım). Dunn, James D. G., Christianity in the Making, Volume I: Jesus Remembered, (Michigan: Grand Rapids, 2003).
  • Duygu, Zafer, “Nasıralı İsa’nın Erken Dönem Yahudi Literatürüne Yansımaları”, Mukaddime, (2017), 8: 1, ss. 155-172.
  • Duygu, Zafer, “VII. Yüzyıldaki İslam Fetihlerinin ve Müslüman Hâkimiyetinin Hıristiyan Tarih Yazımına İzdüşümleri”, Artuklu Akademi, C. 1, S. 1, Mardin 2014, s. 34-36.
  • Duygu, Zafer, Hıristiyanlık ve İmparatorluk: Geç Antikçağ’da Kilise Devlet İlişkileri ve Kristoloji Paradigmaları, (İstanbul: Divan Yayınları, 2017).
  • Ehrman, Bart D., Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999).
  • Epiphanius, The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, çev. Frank Williams (I. ve II. kitaplar), (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2009).
  • Evans, Craig A., “Jesus in Non-Christian Sources”, Studying the Historical Jesus: Evaluations of the State of Current Research, ed. B. Chilton-C. A. Evans, (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 1998).
  • Evans, Craig A., “Jesus in Non-Christian Sources”, The Historical Jesus: Critical Concepts in Religious Studies, C. 4, ed. C. A. Evans, (London, 2004).
  • Evans, Craig A., Jesus and His Contemporaries: Comparative Studies, (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 1995).
  • Fitzgerald, David, Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed At All, (Lulu, 2010).
  • Goguel, Maurice, Jesus the Nazarene: Myth or History, çev. F. Stephens, (New York, 1926).
  • Habermas, Gary R., The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Jesus, (Joplin, MO: College Press, 1996).
  • Holding, James Patrick, Shattering the Christ Myth: Did Jesus Not Exist?, (Xulon 2008).
  • House, H. Wayne, The Jesus Who Never Lived: Exposing False Christ and Finding the Real Jesus, (Eugene, Oregon, 2008).
  • Iosephus (Josephus), Antiquites of the Jews, çev. William Whiston, Yorum: P. L. Maier, (Grand Rapids, 1999).
  • Kaçar, Turhan, “Lucianus Çağı’nda Hıristiyanlık”, Uluslararası Samsatlı Lucianus Sempozyumu, ed. Mustafa Çevik, (17-19 Ekim 2008), ss. 267-278.
  • Lampe, G. W. H., A Patristic Greek Lexicon, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961).
  • Lukianos (Lucian), Peri tēs Peregrinu Televtēs / The Passing of Peregrinus”, Yunanca metin ve çev. A. M. Harmon, Lucian: In Eight Volumes, V, (London: Harvard University Press, 1962).
  • Martin, Michael, The Case Against Christianity, (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991).
  • Merz, Annette – Tieleman, Teun (eds.), The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion in Context: Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Utrecht University, 10-12 Aralık 2009, (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2012).
  • Peeters, F. E., Jesus & Muhammed: Parallel Tracks, Parallel Lives, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011).
  • Pokorný, Petr, “Jesus as the Ever-Living Lawgiver in the Letter of Mara Bar Serapion”, The Letter of Mara Bar Serapion in Context: Proceedings on the Symposium Held at Utrecht University, 10-12 December 2012, (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2012).
  • Powell, Mark Allan, Jesus as a Figure in History: How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee, (Westminster: John Knox Press, 1998).
  • Prosser, Keith, Was Jesus Crucified?, (Take Heart Publishers, 2016).
  • Smallwood, E. Marry, The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian, (Leiden: Brill, 1976).
  • Stanton, Graham, The Gospels and Jesus (2. Basım), (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002).
  • Suetonius, The Lives of The Twelve Caesars, çev. Joseph Gavorse, (New York: Modern Library, 1931).
  • Tacitus, Annals, çev. Cynthia Damon, (London-New York: Penguin Classics, 2012).
  • Van Voorst, Robert E., Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to Ancient Evidence, (Michigan: Grand Rapids, Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2000).
Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 57 - 81, 30.11.2017



  • Agamben, Giorgio, Pilate and Jesus, çev. A. Kotsko, (California: Stanford University Press, 2015).
  • Akalın, Kutlu – Duygu, Zafer (eds.-haz.-çev.), Süryani Literatürü, (Mardin: Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2017).
  • Allison Jr. Dale C., “Thallus on the Crucifixion”, The Historical Jesus in Context, ed. A.-J. Levine-D. C. Alison Jr.-J. D. Crossan, (Princeton University Press, 2006).
  • Aslan, Reza, Zelot: Nasıralı İsa’nın Hayatı ve Dönemi, çev. Nalan Tümay, (İstanbul: Okuyanus, 2014).
  • Aydın, Mahmut, “Tarihsel İsa Araştırmaları ve Onların Bulguları Üzerine Bazı Mülahazalar”, İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, S. 5, (2001), ss. 1-41.
  • Bagnani, Gilbert, “Peregrinus Proteus and the Christians”, Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 4: 1, (1955), ss. 107–112.
  • Baz, Ferit, “Considerations for the Administration of the Province Pontus et Bithynia During the Imperial Period”, Cedrus: The Journal Of MCRI I, (2013).
  • Benko, Stephen, Pagan Rome and the Early Christians, (Indiana University Press, 2007).
  • Boyd, Gregory A. - Eddy, Paul Rhodes, Lord or Legend: Wrestling with the Jesus Dilemma, (Michigan: Grand Rapids, 2007).
  • Carrier, Richard, “Thallus and the Darkness at Christ’s Death”, Journal of the Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism, 8, (2011-2012), ss. 185-191.
  • Case, S. J., The Historicity of Jesus: A Criticism of the Contention That Jesus Never Lived, A Statement of the Evidence for His Existence, An Estimate of His Relation to Christianity, (Illinois: The University of Chicago Press, 1912).
  • Cureton, William, Spicilegium Syriacum, (London: Rivington, 1855).
  • Çelgin, Güler, Eski Yunanca-Türkçe Sözlük, (İstanbul: Kabalcı, 2011).
  • Davis, William Stearns (ed.-çev.), Reading in Ancient History: Illustrative Extracts From The Sources II: Rome and The West, (Allyn and Bacon, 1913).
  • Dekle, Sr. George R., The Case Against Christ: A Critique of the Prosecution of Jesus, (Cambridge Scholars, 2011).
  • Drews, Arthur, The Christ Myth, çev. C. Delisle Burns, (London, 1910, 3. Basım). Dunn, James D. G., Christianity in the Making, Volume I: Jesus Remembered, (Michigan: Grand Rapids, 2003).
  • Duygu, Zafer, “Nasıralı İsa’nın Erken Dönem Yahudi Literatürüne Yansımaları”, Mukaddime, (2017), 8: 1, ss. 155-172.
  • Duygu, Zafer, “VII. Yüzyıldaki İslam Fetihlerinin ve Müslüman Hâkimiyetinin Hıristiyan Tarih Yazımına İzdüşümleri”, Artuklu Akademi, C. 1, S. 1, Mardin 2014, s. 34-36.
  • Duygu, Zafer, Hıristiyanlık ve İmparatorluk: Geç Antikçağ’da Kilise Devlet İlişkileri ve Kristoloji Paradigmaları, (İstanbul: Divan Yayınları, 2017).
  • Ehrman, Bart D., Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999).
  • Epiphanius, The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, çev. Frank Williams (I. ve II. kitaplar), (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2009).
  • Evans, Craig A., “Jesus in Non-Christian Sources”, Studying the Historical Jesus: Evaluations of the State of Current Research, ed. B. Chilton-C. A. Evans, (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 1998).
  • Evans, Craig A., “Jesus in Non-Christian Sources”, The Historical Jesus: Critical Concepts in Religious Studies, C. 4, ed. C. A. Evans, (London, 2004).
  • Evans, Craig A., Jesus and His Contemporaries: Comparative Studies, (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 1995).
  • Fitzgerald, David, Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed At All, (Lulu, 2010).
  • Goguel, Maurice, Jesus the Nazarene: Myth or History, çev. F. Stephens, (New York, 1926).
  • Habermas, Gary R., The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Jesus, (Joplin, MO: College Press, 1996).
  • Holding, James Patrick, Shattering the Christ Myth: Did Jesus Not Exist?, (Xulon 2008).
  • House, H. Wayne, The Jesus Who Never Lived: Exposing False Christ and Finding the Real Jesus, (Eugene, Oregon, 2008).
  • Iosephus (Josephus), Antiquites of the Jews, çev. William Whiston, Yorum: P. L. Maier, (Grand Rapids, 1999).
  • Kaçar, Turhan, “Lucianus Çağı’nda Hıristiyanlık”, Uluslararası Samsatlı Lucianus Sempozyumu, ed. Mustafa Çevik, (17-19 Ekim 2008), ss. 267-278.
  • Lampe, G. W. H., A Patristic Greek Lexicon, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961).
  • Lukianos (Lucian), Peri tēs Peregrinu Televtēs / The Passing of Peregrinus”, Yunanca metin ve çev. A. M. Harmon, Lucian: In Eight Volumes, V, (London: Harvard University Press, 1962).
  • Martin, Michael, The Case Against Christianity, (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991).
  • Merz, Annette – Tieleman, Teun (eds.), The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion in Context: Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Utrecht University, 10-12 Aralık 2009, (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2012).
  • Peeters, F. E., Jesus & Muhammed: Parallel Tracks, Parallel Lives, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011).
  • Pokorný, Petr, “Jesus as the Ever-Living Lawgiver in the Letter of Mara Bar Serapion”, The Letter of Mara Bar Serapion in Context: Proceedings on the Symposium Held at Utrecht University, 10-12 December 2012, (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2012).
  • Powell, Mark Allan, Jesus as a Figure in History: How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee, (Westminster: John Knox Press, 1998).
  • Prosser, Keith, Was Jesus Crucified?, (Take Heart Publishers, 2016).
  • Smallwood, E. Marry, The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian, (Leiden: Brill, 1976).
  • Stanton, Graham, The Gospels and Jesus (2. Basım), (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002).
  • Suetonius, The Lives of The Twelve Caesars, çev. Joseph Gavorse, (New York: Modern Library, 1931).
  • Tacitus, Annals, çev. Cynthia Damon, (London-New York: Penguin Classics, 2012).
  • Van Voorst, Robert E., Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to Ancient Evidence, (Michigan: Grand Rapids, Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2000).
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Zafer Duygu

Publication Date November 30, 2017
Submission Date September 17, 2017
Acceptance Date October 21, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


ISNAD Duygu, Zafer. “İlk İki Yüzyılın Pagan Kaynaklarında Nasıralı İsa”. Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi İslam Tetkikleri Merkezi Dergisi 3/2 (November 2017), 57-81.

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