The Journal of Near East University Islamic Research Center, scanned in TR Index and other national/international indexes, is a scientific refereed journal published online and in print twice a year (June and December) since 2015.
Our journal, primarily
aimed at publishing in theological sciences, aims to publish in the fields of
history, art, philosophy, literature and religious education of the social
Our journal is open to experts from all over the world and publishes in Turkish, English and Arabic.
Articles submitted for publication in our journal are subject to at least two blind peer reviews.
There is no fee for the publication of the articles sent to our journal and for access to the articles published in our journal.
Research Article
The Impact of Social Responsibility Activities on Gaining ValuesResearch Article
قيود العالم الموسوعي إبراهيم الحلبي المداري (1190هـ/1776م): تحليل وتقييمResearch Article
Türkiye'de İşâri Tefsir Üzerine Yayınlanan Akademik Çalışmaların Bibliyometrik Analizi (1925-2023)Research Article
Hutbelerde Gençler ve Gençlik Teması Üzerine Bir İçerik Analizi ÇalışmasıResearch Article
Investigation of the Effect of the Judicial System on Economic Activities in the Ottoman State in Terms of RationalityResearch Article
Endülüslü İslam Filozoflarında Tasavvuf DüşüncesiResearch Article
منهج الليبراليين العرب في دراسة القرآنResearch Article
San‘ânî’nin er-Risâletü’l- ‘Ascediyye Eseri Özelinde Kur’ân’ın Eşsiz Belagatine Dair Bir İncelemeResearch Article
Haçlılar Karşısında Bir Eyyûbî Prensi: el-Melikü’l-Muzaffer Takıyyüddîn Ömer el-EyyûbîResearch Article
معايير الفحولة بين الأصمعي وابن سلّام الجُمَحي: دراسة مقارنةResearch Article
Ehl-i Re'y-Ehl-i hadis Perspektifi ve SahabeResearch Article
İbn Rüşd’ün De Anima Üzerine Telhîs’inde İnsanın Akletme YetisiJournal of Near East University Faculty of Theology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).