يهدف هذا البحث إلى الكشف عن حقيقة المعلومات التاريخية التي يقدمها المستشرق وليام
مونتغمري وات في كتابه مختصر تاريخ الإسلام، والذي هدف من كتابته تقديم فهمه الخاص
وخلاصة تجربته في دراسة الإسلام وتاريخه ومعتقداته إلى القاريء الغربي، كما تهدف هذه
الدراسة إلى استجلاء حقيقة كتاباته المتعلقة بالسيرة النبوية الشريفة، ذلك لأنها قد لاقت شهرة
ورواجا واسعا في الأوساط الأكاديمية والعلمية الغربية منها والعربية على حد سواء، وتقوم هذه
الدراسة النقدية على بيان بعض من مواقف هذا المستشرق المتعلقة بسيرة النبي محمد صلى الله
عليه وسلم وإظهارها ثم نقدها نقدا علميا والرد عليها وبيان صحتها من زيفها.
وهنا كان لابد من التأكيد على أنه من الصعب جدا أن نسلم بصحة ما جاء به المستشرقون
من كتابات، لاسيما الذين اهتموا بالكتابة عن تاريخ المسلمين وحضارتهم وعقيدتهم،
حيث أن الغالب الأعم من المستشرقين كان هدفهم التشويه أو التحريف أو الطعن أو
التضليل للحقائق والأحداث التاريخية، أما القلة القليلة فهي التي التزمت قواعد البحث
العلمي المنصف، وهؤلاء قد أنصفوا المسلمين وتاريخهم، ووزنوا الأحداث والوقائع
بميزان العدل والإنصاف.
Oryantalist William Montgomery Wat’in yazmış olduğu “İslam’ın
Kısa Tarihi” adındaki kitap batılılara İslam’ın pozitif yönlerini belirlemek
istemiştir. Ancak, ne yazık ki kitabın sergilediği bilgilerin
çoğunun doğruluğu bir yana hiç bir bilimsel gerçeğe de dayanmamıştır.
Buna karşın Müslüman tarihçiler tarafından bugüne
kadar ciddi bir eleştiriye de tabi tutulmamıştır. Bu yazının amacı,
Watt’ın kitabında gerçeğe dayalı olmayan bilgileri ortaya koymak
ve kitaptaki değerlendirmeleri detaylıca inceleyip doğru olup olmadığını
tespit etmektir. Bilindiği üzere Watt’ın kitabının batıda
çok meşhurdur. Bu nedenle İslam, İslam tarihi ve Hz. Muhammed
hakkında içerdiği bilgiler çok iyi bilinmeli ve tartışılmalıdır.
Şüphesiz oryantalistler Müslümanların tarihi, uygarlığı ve akideleri
hakkında yazmayı önemsediler. Ne var ki yazdıklarının tamamının
doğru olduğunu söylemek hakikaten çok zordur.
Oryantalistlerin çoğunluğunun hedefi İslam’ı karalamak, tahrif
etmek, yaralamak ve tarihi olayları saptırmaktır. Bunların pek
azı adil bilimsel araştırma kurallarına bağlı kalmışlardır. Müslümanlara
ve tarihlerine adil davranarak olayları adalet ve ölçü
mizanıyla tartmışlardır.
The purpose of this research is to uncover the historical information
presented by orientalist William Montgomery Watt in his
book “A Short History of Islam”, which aims to present his own
understanding and the conclusion of his experience in the study
of Islam and its history and beliefs as a Western reader. This study
is based on some of the precuatıons of this Orientalist regarding
the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him), showing them and criticizing them in case.
Mia and respond to them on the statement of validity of falsity.
Here, it should be emphasized that, it is too hard to recognize the
validity of what Orientalists have written, especially those who
have been interested in writing about the history of the Muslims,
their culture and their faith, as the most common orientalistsThe purpose of this research is to uncover the historical information
presented by orientalist William Montgomery Watt in his
book “A Short History of Islam”, which aims to present his own
understanding and the conclusion of his experience in the study
of Islam and its history and beliefs as a Western reader. This study
is based on some of the precuatıons of this Orientalist regarding
the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him), showing them and criticizing them in case.
Mia and respond to them on the statement of validity of falsity.
Here, it should be emphasized that, it is too hard to recognize the
validity of what Orientalists have written, especially those who
have been interested in writing about the history of the Muslims,
their culture and their faith, as the most common orientalists
were their aim was to distort, slander the Misrepresentation of
historical facts and events. The few who are committed to the
rules of equitable scientific research, and these have been fair
Muslims and their history, and weighed the events and facts balance
justice and equity.
Primary Language | Arabic |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | November 30, 2017 |
Submission Date | August 22, 2017 |
Acceptance Date | October 11, 2017 |
Published in Issue | Year 2017 Volume: 3 Issue: 2 |
Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).