Globalization influences everyday life of us as much as it does events happening ona world scale, from marriage and the family to global warming and educationalsystems. Therefore like it or not no one can ignore the globalization phenomenawhile it is being intensively discussed all around the world. Like any single concept,education as well was affected by the globalization’s sudden popularity all around theworld. After the strong effect of globalization; education and educational elements havebecome more important than before to compete with others and then governments haveput educational reforms in their agenda not only in developed countries but also in thedeveloping countries. South Korea is one of them and the government developed an educationalproject (The Brain Korea 21 Project) which seems so efficient and fruitful at leastin short-term against globalization. In this paper impact of globalization on education andimpact of education on globalization will be glanced and then respond of national educationsystems will be discussed by examining the case of Korea’s Brain Korea 21 project.
Globalization influences everyday life of us as much as it does events happening ona world scale, from marriage and the family to global warming and educationalsystems. Therefore like it or not no one can ignore the globalization phenomenawhile it is being intensively discussed all around the world. Like any single concept,education as well was affected by the globalization’s sudden popularity all around theworld. After the strong effect of globalization; education and educational elements havebecome more important than before to compete with others and then governments haveput educational reforms in their agenda not only in developed countries but also in thedeveloping countries. South Korea is one of them and the government developed an educationalproject (The Brain Korea 21 Project) which seems so efficient and fruitful at leastin short-term against globalization. In this paper impact of globalization on education andimpact of education on globalization will be glanced and then respond of national educationsystems will be discussed by examining the case of Korea’s Brain Korea 21 project.
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 27 Aralık 2013 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 27 Aralık 2013 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2012 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3 |
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