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Simülasyon Destekli Eğitim ile Depremde Temel Yaşam Desteği

Year 2024, , 126 - 132, 24.08.2024


Depremler sıklıkla görülen, büyük çapta ciddi yaralanmalara ve can kayıplarına neden olan doğal afetler arasında yer alır. Son zamanlarda dünyada birçok büyük deprem felaketi yaşanmaktadır. Hemşireler, afet müdahale ekipleri içerisinde yer alarak depremde önemli rol oynarlar. Depremde hasta/yaralıya müdahale edilmesi ve temel yaşam desteğinin uygulanması hemşirelerin önemli rollerinden biridir. Bu derleme çalışması doğal afetler ve acil durumlarla karşılaşıldığında, hayatta kalma oranını yükseltmek ve yaralanmaları en aza indirebilmek için gerekli olan temel yaşam desteği bilgi ve becerilerinin simülasyon eğitimi ile öğrenilmesine yardımcı olmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca afet hemşirelerinin etkinliğini değerlendirmeye yönelik güncel bir yaklaşım sunmaktadır. Zarar azaltma, hazırlık, müdahale ve iyileştirme olmak üzere afetlerin tüm döngüsünde yer alan hemşireler, sağlığı teşvik etmek ve halk sağlığını korumak için ön saflarda yer almalı, toplumun güvenliğinin ve kapasitesinin geliştirilmesi için topluma temel yaşam desteği sunmalıdır. Afet hemşireleri tarafından uygulanan simülasyon, güvenli ve eğitici bir ortamda tekrarlı uygulamalara yönelik fırsatlar yaratarak ve farklı öğrenme stratejilerini kolaylaştırarak temel yaşam desteğini öğretmek için etkili bir eğitim yöntemi olabilir.


  • 1. Abdi A, Vaisi-Raygani A, Najafi B, Saidi H, Moradi K. Reflecting on the challenges encountered by nurses at the great Kermanshah earthquake: A qualitative study. BMC Nurs. 2021;20(90):1-8.
  • 2. Al Thobaity A, Plummer V, Williams B. What are the most common domains of the core competencies of disaster nursing? A scoping review. Int. Emerg. Nurs. 2017;31:64-71.
  • 3. Ekinci R, Büyüksaraç A, YL Ekinci, Işık E. Bitlis ilinin doğal afet çeşitliliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi. 2020;6(1):1-11.
  • 4. World Medical Association. WMA Statement on Medical Ethics in the Event of Disasters [Internet]. 2023. [Erişim Tarihi 02 Şubat 2024]. Erişim adresi:,the%20maximum%20number%20of%20individuals.
  • 5. Şahin Ş, Üçgül İ. Türkiye’de afet yönetimi ve iş sağlığı güvenliği. Afet ve Risk Dergisi. 2019;2(1):43-63.
  • 6. Morganstein JC, Ursano RJ. Ecological disasters and mental health: Causes, consequences, and ınterventions. Front. Psychiatry. 2020;11(1):1-15.
  • 7. Tang B, Chen Q, Chen X, et al. Earthquake-related injuries among survivors: A systematic review and quantitative synthesis of the literature. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2017;21:159-167.
  • 8. Valladares-Garrido MJ, Zapata-Castro LE, Domínguez-Troncos H, et al. Mental health disturbance after a major earthquake in Northern Peru: A preliminary, cross-sectional study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(14):8357.
  • 9. Xu S, Shi B, Yuxian J, et al. Comparative analysis of the wounded in patients and deaths in a hospital following the three major earthquakes in Western China. Front Public Health. 2022;8(10):775130.
  • 10. Uysalol M, Çağlar A, Gültekingil A, Türe E, Tekşam Ö, Yıldızdaş D. Depremde çocuk hastaya yaklaşım. Çocuk Acil Tıp ve Yoğun Bakım Derneği [Internet]. 2023. [Erişim Tarihi 02 Şubat 2024]. Erişim adresi:
  • 11. Özkaya U, Yalçın MB. Deprem yaralanmalı hastada kompartman sendromu ve ezilme (crush) sendromu ayrımı: Fasyotomi kime ve ne zaman? TOTBİD Dergisi. 2022;21:312-315.
  • 12. Gültekin T, Ardahan M. Current status and the importance of basic life support training in Turkey and the World. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences. 2018;12(21):5.
  • 13. Sağlık Bakanlığı (SB), Acil Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. İlk Yardım Farkındalık Eğitimi [Internet]. 2021. [Erişim Tarihi 02 Şubat 2024]. Erişim adresi:
  • 14. Li N, Sun N, Cao C, Hou S, Gong Y. Review on visualization technology in simulation training system for major natural disasters. Nat Hazards. 2022;112:1851-1882.
  • 15. Labrague LJ, Hammad K, Gloe DS, et al. Disaster preparedness among nurses: A systematic review of literature. Int. Nurs. Rev. 2018;65(1):41-53.
  • 16. Taşkıran G, Baykal Ü. Afetler ve Türkiye’de hemşirelerin afetlere hazır olma durumları: Literatür inceleme. Sağlık ve Hemşirelik Yönetimi Dergisi. 2017;4(2):79-88.
  • 17. Panchal AR, Bartos JA, Cabañas JG, et al. Part 3: Adult basic and advanced life support: 2020 American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Circulation. 2020;142(16_Suppl_2):S366-S468.
  • 18. Çetin-Karabacak N. Lise öğrencilerine verilen temel yaşam desteği eğitiminin öğrencilerin bilgi ve beceri düzeylerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Denizli: Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2021.
  • 19. Berg RA, Hemphill R, Abella BS, et al. Part 5: Adult basic life support: 2010. American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Circulation. 2010;122(18 Suppl 3):685-705.
  • 20. Khalid S, Khan A, Altamımı A, Samarkandı O. The efforts of health care professionals in preparing their families for situations requiring first aid. J Nat Sci Med. 2019;2:171-175.
  • 21. Asare YG. Awareness of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) among University of Ghana students and an assessment of their willingness to practice CPR 2019, School of Public Health Collage of Health Sciences University of Ghana [Internet]. [Erişim Tarihi 02 Şubat 2024]. Erişim adresi: 2019.
  • 22. Su Y, Wu XV, Ogawa N, Yuki M, Hu Y, Yang Y. Nursing skills required across natural and man-made disasters: A scoping review. J Adv Nurs. 2022;78(10):3141-3158.
  • 23. Bektaş Akpınar N, Aşkın Ceran M. Afetlerle ilgili güncel yaklaşımlar ve afet hemşiresinin rol ve sorumlulukları. Paramedik ve Acil Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi. 2020;1(1):28-40.
  • 24. Olasveengen TM, Semeraro F, Ristagno G, et al. European resuscitation council guidelines 2021: Basic life support. Resuscitation. 2021;161:98-114.
  • 25. Geng C, Luo Y, Pei X, Chen X. Simulation in disaster nursing education: A scoping review. Nurse Educ. Today. 2021;107:105119.
  • 26. McKenna KD, Carhart E, Bercher D, Spain A, Todaro J, Feel J. Simulation use in paramedic education research (SUPER): A descriptive study. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2015;19(3):432-440.
  • 27. Farra S, Miller E, Timm N, Schafer J. Improved training for disasters using 3-D virtual reality simulation. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2013;35(5):655-671.
  • 28. Franc-Law JM, Ingrassia PL, Ragazzoni L, Della Corte, F. The effectiveness of training with an emergency department simulator on medical student performance in a simulated disaster. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2010;12(1):27-32.
  • 29. Unver V, Basak T, Tastan S, et al. Analysis of the effects of high-fidelity simulation on nursing students’ perceptions of their preparedness for disasters. Int Emerg Nurs. 2018;38:3-9.
  • 30. Alim S, Kawabata M, Nakazawa M. Evaluation of disaster preparedness training and disaster drill for nursing students. Nurse Educ Today. 2015;35(1):25-31.
  • 31. Noh J, Oh EG, Kim SS, Jang YS, Chung HS, Lee O. Development and evaluation of a multimodality simulation disaster education and training program for hospital nurses. Int J Nurs Pract. 2020;e12810.
  • 32. Opsahl A, Morris T, Judge D, Werskey K, Edwards B, Robinson D. Promoting a mock disaster simulation with leadership from a nurse residency program. Teaching and Learning in Nursing. 2019;14(3):153-156.
  • 33. Davis AH, Manning J, Germain D, Hayes S, Pigg C. Implementing disaster simulations for baccalaureate nursing students in the Gulf-Coast region. Clin Simul Nurs. 2020;43:26-34.
  • 34. Gray MM, Thomas AA, Burns B, Umoren RA. Evacuation of vulnerable and critical patients: Multimodal simulation for nurse-led patient evacuation. Simul Healthc. 2020;15(6)382-387.
  • 35. Jonson CO, Pettersson J, Rybing J, Nilsson H, Prytz E. Short simulation exercises to improve emergency department nurses' self-efficacy for initial disaster management: Controlled before and after study. Nurse Educ Today. 2017;55:20-25.
  • 36. Aluisio AR, Daniel P, Grock A, et al. Case-based learning outperformed simulation exercises in disaster preparedness education among nursing trainees in India: A randomized controlled trial. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2016;31(5):516-523.
  • 37. Digregorio H, Graber JS, Saylor J, Ness M. Assessment of interprofessional collaboration before and after a simulated disaster drill experience. Nurse Educ Today. 2019;79:194-217.
  • 38. Kako M, Hammad K, Mitani S, Arbon P. Existing approaches to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) education and training for health professionals: Findings from an integrative literature review. Prehosp. Disaster Med. 2018;33(2):182-190.
  • 39. Rezaei SA, Abdi A, Akbari F, Moradi K. Nurses' professional competences in providing care to the injured in earthquake: A qualitative study. J Educ Health Promot. 2020. 28;9:188.
  • 40. Kalanlar B, Kubilay G. Afetlerde toplum sağlığının korunmasında önemli bir kavram: Afet hemşireliği. FN Hem Derg. 2015;23(1):57-65.

Basic Life Support in Earthquake with Simulation Supported Training

Year 2024, , 126 - 132, 24.08.2024


Earthquakes are frequent natural disasters that can cause significant harm and loss of life. In recent years, there have been numerous major earthquakes worldwide. Nurses are crucial members of disaster response teams during earthquakes, providing vital interventions and basic life support to patients and the injured. This review study aims to help individuals learn the basic life support knowledge and skills necessary to increase survival rates and minimize injuries during natural disasters and emergencies through simulation training. Additionally, it provides an up-to-date approach to evaluating the effectiveness of disaster nurses. Nurses are crucial in promoting health, protecting public health, and providing basic life support to the community during all stages of a disaster, including mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. By doing so, they enhance the safety and resilience of the community. Simulation is an effective training method for teaching basic life support to disaster nurses. It provides opportunities for repeated practice in a safe and educational environment, facilitating different learning strategies.


  • 1. Abdi A, Vaisi-Raygani A, Najafi B, Saidi H, Moradi K. Reflecting on the challenges encountered by nurses at the great Kermanshah earthquake: A qualitative study. BMC Nurs. 2021;20(90):1-8.
  • 2. Al Thobaity A, Plummer V, Williams B. What are the most common domains of the core competencies of disaster nursing? A scoping review. Int. Emerg. Nurs. 2017;31:64-71.
  • 3. Ekinci R, Büyüksaraç A, YL Ekinci, Işık E. Bitlis ilinin doğal afet çeşitliliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi. 2020;6(1):1-11.
  • 4. World Medical Association. WMA Statement on Medical Ethics in the Event of Disasters [Internet]. 2023. [Erişim Tarihi 02 Şubat 2024]. Erişim adresi:,the%20maximum%20number%20of%20individuals.
  • 5. Şahin Ş, Üçgül İ. Türkiye’de afet yönetimi ve iş sağlığı güvenliği. Afet ve Risk Dergisi. 2019;2(1):43-63.
  • 6. Morganstein JC, Ursano RJ. Ecological disasters and mental health: Causes, consequences, and ınterventions. Front. Psychiatry. 2020;11(1):1-15.
  • 7. Tang B, Chen Q, Chen X, et al. Earthquake-related injuries among survivors: A systematic review and quantitative synthesis of the literature. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2017;21:159-167.
  • 8. Valladares-Garrido MJ, Zapata-Castro LE, Domínguez-Troncos H, et al. Mental health disturbance after a major earthquake in Northern Peru: A preliminary, cross-sectional study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(14):8357.
  • 9. Xu S, Shi B, Yuxian J, et al. Comparative analysis of the wounded in patients and deaths in a hospital following the three major earthquakes in Western China. Front Public Health. 2022;8(10):775130.
  • 10. Uysalol M, Çağlar A, Gültekingil A, Türe E, Tekşam Ö, Yıldızdaş D. Depremde çocuk hastaya yaklaşım. Çocuk Acil Tıp ve Yoğun Bakım Derneği [Internet]. 2023. [Erişim Tarihi 02 Şubat 2024]. Erişim adresi:
  • 11. Özkaya U, Yalçın MB. Deprem yaralanmalı hastada kompartman sendromu ve ezilme (crush) sendromu ayrımı: Fasyotomi kime ve ne zaman? TOTBİD Dergisi. 2022;21:312-315.
  • 12. Gültekin T, Ardahan M. Current status and the importance of basic life support training in Turkey and the World. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences. 2018;12(21):5.
  • 13. Sağlık Bakanlığı (SB), Acil Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. İlk Yardım Farkındalık Eğitimi [Internet]. 2021. [Erişim Tarihi 02 Şubat 2024]. Erişim adresi:
  • 14. Li N, Sun N, Cao C, Hou S, Gong Y. Review on visualization technology in simulation training system for major natural disasters. Nat Hazards. 2022;112:1851-1882.
  • 15. Labrague LJ, Hammad K, Gloe DS, et al. Disaster preparedness among nurses: A systematic review of literature. Int. Nurs. Rev. 2018;65(1):41-53.
  • 16. Taşkıran G, Baykal Ü. Afetler ve Türkiye’de hemşirelerin afetlere hazır olma durumları: Literatür inceleme. Sağlık ve Hemşirelik Yönetimi Dergisi. 2017;4(2):79-88.
  • 17. Panchal AR, Bartos JA, Cabañas JG, et al. Part 3: Adult basic and advanced life support: 2020 American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Circulation. 2020;142(16_Suppl_2):S366-S468.
  • 18. Çetin-Karabacak N. Lise öğrencilerine verilen temel yaşam desteği eğitiminin öğrencilerin bilgi ve beceri düzeylerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Denizli: Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2021.
  • 19. Berg RA, Hemphill R, Abella BS, et al. Part 5: Adult basic life support: 2010. American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Circulation. 2010;122(18 Suppl 3):685-705.
  • 20. Khalid S, Khan A, Altamımı A, Samarkandı O. The efforts of health care professionals in preparing their families for situations requiring first aid. J Nat Sci Med. 2019;2:171-175.
  • 21. Asare YG. Awareness of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) among University of Ghana students and an assessment of their willingness to practice CPR 2019, School of Public Health Collage of Health Sciences University of Ghana [Internet]. [Erişim Tarihi 02 Şubat 2024]. Erişim adresi: 2019.
  • 22. Su Y, Wu XV, Ogawa N, Yuki M, Hu Y, Yang Y. Nursing skills required across natural and man-made disasters: A scoping review. J Adv Nurs. 2022;78(10):3141-3158.
  • 23. Bektaş Akpınar N, Aşkın Ceran M. Afetlerle ilgili güncel yaklaşımlar ve afet hemşiresinin rol ve sorumlulukları. Paramedik ve Acil Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi. 2020;1(1):28-40.
  • 24. Olasveengen TM, Semeraro F, Ristagno G, et al. European resuscitation council guidelines 2021: Basic life support. Resuscitation. 2021;161:98-114.
  • 25. Geng C, Luo Y, Pei X, Chen X. Simulation in disaster nursing education: A scoping review. Nurse Educ. Today. 2021;107:105119.
  • 26. McKenna KD, Carhart E, Bercher D, Spain A, Todaro J, Feel J. Simulation use in paramedic education research (SUPER): A descriptive study. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2015;19(3):432-440.
  • 27. Farra S, Miller E, Timm N, Schafer J. Improved training for disasters using 3-D virtual reality simulation. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2013;35(5):655-671.
  • 28. Franc-Law JM, Ingrassia PL, Ragazzoni L, Della Corte, F. The effectiveness of training with an emergency department simulator on medical student performance in a simulated disaster. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2010;12(1):27-32.
  • 29. Unver V, Basak T, Tastan S, et al. Analysis of the effects of high-fidelity simulation on nursing students’ perceptions of their preparedness for disasters. Int Emerg Nurs. 2018;38:3-9.
  • 30. Alim S, Kawabata M, Nakazawa M. Evaluation of disaster preparedness training and disaster drill for nursing students. Nurse Educ Today. 2015;35(1):25-31.
  • 31. Noh J, Oh EG, Kim SS, Jang YS, Chung HS, Lee O. Development and evaluation of a multimodality simulation disaster education and training program for hospital nurses. Int J Nurs Pract. 2020;e12810.
  • 32. Opsahl A, Morris T, Judge D, Werskey K, Edwards B, Robinson D. Promoting a mock disaster simulation with leadership from a nurse residency program. Teaching and Learning in Nursing. 2019;14(3):153-156.
  • 33. Davis AH, Manning J, Germain D, Hayes S, Pigg C. Implementing disaster simulations for baccalaureate nursing students in the Gulf-Coast region. Clin Simul Nurs. 2020;43:26-34.
  • 34. Gray MM, Thomas AA, Burns B, Umoren RA. Evacuation of vulnerable and critical patients: Multimodal simulation for nurse-led patient evacuation. Simul Healthc. 2020;15(6)382-387.
  • 35. Jonson CO, Pettersson J, Rybing J, Nilsson H, Prytz E. Short simulation exercises to improve emergency department nurses' self-efficacy for initial disaster management: Controlled before and after study. Nurse Educ Today. 2017;55:20-25.
  • 36. Aluisio AR, Daniel P, Grock A, et al. Case-based learning outperformed simulation exercises in disaster preparedness education among nursing trainees in India: A randomized controlled trial. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2016;31(5):516-523.
  • 37. Digregorio H, Graber JS, Saylor J, Ness M. Assessment of interprofessional collaboration before and after a simulated disaster drill experience. Nurse Educ Today. 2019;79:194-217.
  • 38. Kako M, Hammad K, Mitani S, Arbon P. Existing approaches to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) education and training for health professionals: Findings from an integrative literature review. Prehosp. Disaster Med. 2018;33(2):182-190.
  • 39. Rezaei SA, Abdi A, Akbari F, Moradi K. Nurses' professional competences in providing care to the injured in earthquake: A qualitative study. J Educ Health Promot. 2020. 28;9:188.
  • 40. Kalanlar B, Kubilay G. Afetlerde toplum sağlığının korunmasında önemli bir kavram: Afet hemşireliği. FN Hem Derg. 2015;23(1):57-65.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Nursing (Other)
Journal Section Review

Yasemin Gümüş Şekerci 0000-0002-9661-0924

Sevil Özkan 0000-0001-9180-1660

Sevgi Gür 0000-0002-6925-3351

Publication Date August 24, 2024
Submission Date April 20, 2024
Acceptance Date June 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


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