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Yoğun Bakım Hastalarında Pozisyon Değişimi ve Sırt Masajının Arteryel Kan Gazları, Kalp Hızı, Kan Basıncı Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2006, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 7 - 13, 01.06.2006


Amaç: Yoğun bakım hastalarında pozisyon değişimi vesırt masajının arteryel kan basıncı, kalp atım hızı, arteryel kan gazları üzerindeki etkileri değerlendirildi.Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırma, klinik prospektif çalışma olarak yapıldı. Araştırma sırasında, sırtüstüpozisyonu verilen 60 hastadan elde edilen veriler,temel değerler olarak kabul edildi ve rastgele hastaların 30’una sol lateral, 30’una sağ lateral pozisyon verildi. Pozisyon değişimleri sonrası 1, 5 ve 15.dakikada arteryel kan gazları, kalp atım hızı, arteryel kan basıncı ölçüldü ve ardından hastalara 1 dakika sırt masajı uygulandı. Masaj sonrasında 1’erdakika aralıklarla 5 dakika kalp atım hızı, arteryelkan basıncı, 1 ve 5. dakikalarda arteryel kan gazları değerleri alındı. Çalışma verileri ortalama±standart sapma olarak verildi. Veriler değerlendirilirkenANOVA, eşleştirilmiş t-testi ve Ki-kare (χ2) testi kullanıldı.Bulgular: Kalp atım hızı sağ lateral pozisyonda arttı,fakat bu artış istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı değildi. Kalpatım hızı aynı pozisyonda sırt masajı sonrası arttı ve buartış istatistiksel anlamlılık gösterdi. Sağ lateral pozisyonda parsiyel oksijen basıncı ve arteryel oksijen satürasyonu değerlerinin arttığı, sol lateral pozisyonda azaldığı görüldü.Sonuç: Çalışma sonuçları, nöroşirürji yoğun bakımhastalarında sağ lateral posizyonun ve sırt masajınınarteryel oksijen satürasyonunu ve parsiyel oksijen basıncını artırdığını gösterdi


  • Cason CL, Lambert CW. Position and reference level for measuring right atrial pressure. Crit Care Nurs Q 1990;12:77-86.
  • Tyler DO, Winslow EH, Clark AP, White KM. Effects of a 1-minute back rub on mixed venous oxygen sat- uration and heart rate in critically ill patients. Heart Lung 1990;19(5 Pt 2):562-5.
  • Şahinoğlu H. Asit-baz dengesi. Şahinoğlu H, editor. Yoğun bakım sorunları ve tedavileri. Ankara: Türki- ye Klinikleri Yayınevi; 1992. s. 45-51.
  • Akdemir N, Bedük T, Birol L, (editorler). İç hastalık- ları hemşireliği. Ankara: Vehbi Koç Vakfı Yayınları; 1993.
  • Doering LV. The effect of positioning on hemody- namics and gas exchange in the critically ill: a review. Am J Crit Care 1993;2:208-16.
  • Banasik JL, Emerson RJ. Effect of lateral positions on tissue oxygenation in the critically ill. Heart Lung 2001;30:269-76.
  • Taylor C, Lillis C, LeMone P, editors. Fundamentals of nursing the art & Science of nursing care. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2001. p. 972-7, 1059.
  • Erkal S. Kardiyovasküler cerrahi yoğun bakım üni- telerinde ilk 24 saatte hemşirelik bakımı için harca- nan sürenin belirlenmesine yönelik bir çalışma [Doktora Tezi]. İstanbul: İ. Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Ensti- tüsü; 1994.
  • Lewis P, Nichols E, Mackey G, Fadol A, Sloane L, Villagomez E, et al. The effect of turning and back- rub on mixed venous oxygen saturation in critically ill patients. Am J Crit Care 1997;6:132-40.
  • Mathews PJ, Gregg BL. Monitoring and mamage- ment of the patient in the ICU. In: Scanlan CL, Wilkins RL, Stoller JK, editors. Egan’s fundamentals of respiratory care. 7th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 1999. p. 921-65.
  • Enger EL, Holm K. Perspectives on the interpreta- tion of continuous mixed venous oxygen saturation. Heart Lung 1990;19(5 Pt 2):578-80.
  • Noll ML, Fountain RL. Effect of backrest position on mixed venous oxygen saturation in patients with mechanical ventilation after coronary artery bypass surgery. Heart Lung 1990;19:243-51.
  • Kee LL, Simonson JS, Stotts NA, Skov P, Schiller NB. Echocardiographic determination of valid zero ref- erence levels in supine and lateral positions. Am J Crit Care 1993;2:72-80.
  • Emerson RJ, Banasik JL. Effect of position on select- ed hemodynamic parameters in postoperative car- diac surgery patients. Am J Crit Care 1994;3:289-99.
  • Wheeler H. Positioning: one good turn after anoth- er? Nurs Crit Care 1997;2:129-31.
  • Cuthbertson BH, Webster NR. The role of the inten- sive care unit in the management of the critically ill surgical patient. J R Coll Surg Edinb 1999;44:294- 300.
  • Bridges EJ, Woods SL, Brengelmann GL, Mitchell P, Laurent-Bopp D. Effect of the 30 degree lateral recum- bent position on pulmonary artery and pulmonary artery wedge pressures in critically ill adult cardiac surgery patients. Am J Crit Care 2000;9:262-75.
  • Yeaw EM. How position affects oxygenation. Good lung down? Am J Nurs 1992;92:26-9.
  • Banasik JL, Emerson RJ. Effect of lateral position on arterial and venous blood gases in postoperative car- diac surgery patients. Am J Crit Care 1996;5:121-6.
  • Davis K Jr, Johannigman JA, Campbell RS, Marraccini A, Luchette FA, Frame SB, et al. The acute effects of body position strategies and respira- tory therapy in paralyzed patients with acute lung injury. Crit Care 2001;5:81-7.
  • Winslow EH, Clark AP, White KM, Tyler DO. Effects of a lateral turn on mixed venous oxygen saturation and heart rate in critically ill adults. Heart Lung 1990;19(5 Pt 2):557-61.
  • Tidwell SL, Ryan WJ, Osguthorpe SG, Paull DL, Smith TL. Effects of position changes on mixed venous oxygen saturation in patients after coronary revascularization. Heart Lung 1990;19(5 Pt 2):574-8.

Effects of Position Change and of Back Massage on Arterial Blood Gas, Heart Rate, and Blood Pressure in Intensive Care Patients

Year 2006, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 7 - 13, 01.06.2006


Objectives: Effects of position change and back mas- sage on arterial blood pressure, heart rate and arterial blood gases in intensive care patients were evaluated. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out as a clinical prospective study. During the research, data obtained from 60 patients given supine position were con- sidered as baseline values and afterwards, randomly selected 30 patients were given left and another 30 patients were given right lateral position. Arterial blood gases, heart rate, and arterial blood pressure were mea- sured following the position changes in the 1st, 5th and 15th minutes and subsequently a 1 minute back massage was given. Following the massage, heart rate and arter- ial blood pressure were measured for 5 minutes with 1 minute intervals. Arterial blood gases were determined in the 1st and 5th minutes. Values were expressed as mean±standard deviation. ANOVA, paired samples t-test, and chi-square (χ2) tests were used to analyze the data. Results: Heart rate was increased in right lateral position, though the difference was not statistically significant. Heart rate was also increased following back massage in the same position and the difference was statistically sig- nificant. It was observed that partial oxygen pressure and arterial oxygen saturation levels were increased in right lateral position and decreased in left lateral position. Conclusion: The study results show that right position and back massage increase arterial oxygen saturation and partial oxygen pressure in critically ill patients in neurosurgery intensive care units


  • Cason CL, Lambert CW. Position and reference level for measuring right atrial pressure. Crit Care Nurs Q 1990;12:77-86.
  • Tyler DO, Winslow EH, Clark AP, White KM. Effects of a 1-minute back rub on mixed venous oxygen sat- uration and heart rate in critically ill patients. Heart Lung 1990;19(5 Pt 2):562-5.
  • Şahinoğlu H. Asit-baz dengesi. Şahinoğlu H, editor. Yoğun bakım sorunları ve tedavileri. Ankara: Türki- ye Klinikleri Yayınevi; 1992. s. 45-51.
  • Akdemir N, Bedük T, Birol L, (editorler). İç hastalık- ları hemşireliği. Ankara: Vehbi Koç Vakfı Yayınları; 1993.
  • Doering LV. The effect of positioning on hemody- namics and gas exchange in the critically ill: a review. Am J Crit Care 1993;2:208-16.
  • Banasik JL, Emerson RJ. Effect of lateral positions on tissue oxygenation in the critically ill. Heart Lung 2001;30:269-76.
  • Taylor C, Lillis C, LeMone P, editors. Fundamentals of nursing the art & Science of nursing care. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2001. p. 972-7, 1059.
  • Erkal S. Kardiyovasküler cerrahi yoğun bakım üni- telerinde ilk 24 saatte hemşirelik bakımı için harca- nan sürenin belirlenmesine yönelik bir çalışma [Doktora Tezi]. İstanbul: İ. Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Ensti- tüsü; 1994.
  • Lewis P, Nichols E, Mackey G, Fadol A, Sloane L, Villagomez E, et al. The effect of turning and back- rub on mixed venous oxygen saturation in critically ill patients. Am J Crit Care 1997;6:132-40.
  • Mathews PJ, Gregg BL. Monitoring and mamage- ment of the patient in the ICU. In: Scanlan CL, Wilkins RL, Stoller JK, editors. Egan’s fundamentals of respiratory care. 7th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 1999. p. 921-65.
  • Enger EL, Holm K. Perspectives on the interpreta- tion of continuous mixed venous oxygen saturation. Heart Lung 1990;19(5 Pt 2):578-80.
  • Noll ML, Fountain RL. Effect of backrest position on mixed venous oxygen saturation in patients with mechanical ventilation after coronary artery bypass surgery. Heart Lung 1990;19:243-51.
  • Kee LL, Simonson JS, Stotts NA, Skov P, Schiller NB. Echocardiographic determination of valid zero ref- erence levels in supine and lateral positions. Am J Crit Care 1993;2:72-80.
  • Emerson RJ, Banasik JL. Effect of position on select- ed hemodynamic parameters in postoperative car- diac surgery patients. Am J Crit Care 1994;3:289-99.
  • Wheeler H. Positioning: one good turn after anoth- er? Nurs Crit Care 1997;2:129-31.
  • Cuthbertson BH, Webster NR. The role of the inten- sive care unit in the management of the critically ill surgical patient. J R Coll Surg Edinb 1999;44:294- 300.
  • Bridges EJ, Woods SL, Brengelmann GL, Mitchell P, Laurent-Bopp D. Effect of the 30 degree lateral recum- bent position on pulmonary artery and pulmonary artery wedge pressures in critically ill adult cardiac surgery patients. Am J Crit Care 2000;9:262-75.
  • Yeaw EM. How position affects oxygenation. Good lung down? Am J Nurs 1992;92:26-9.
  • Banasik JL, Emerson RJ. Effect of lateral position on arterial and venous blood gases in postoperative car- diac surgery patients. Am J Crit Care 1996;5:121-6.
  • Davis K Jr, Johannigman JA, Campbell RS, Marraccini A, Luchette FA, Frame SB, et al. The acute effects of body position strategies and respira- tory therapy in paralyzed patients with acute lung injury. Crit Care 2001;5:81-7.
  • Winslow EH, Clark AP, White KM, Tyler DO. Effects of a lateral turn on mixed venous oxygen saturation and heart rate in critically ill adults. Heart Lung 1990;19(5 Pt 2):557-61.
  • Tidwell SL, Ryan WJ, Osguthorpe SG, Paull DL, Smith TL. Effects of position changes on mixed venous oxygen saturation in patients after coronary revascularization. Heart Lung 1990;19(5 Pt 2):574-8.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Nursing
Other ID JA37KD43AY
Journal Section Article

Sevim Çelik This is me

Güler Aksoy This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


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