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Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde Liyezon Hemşireliği

Year 2007, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 42 - 47, 01.06.2007


Hastanın biyo-psiko-sosyal boyutta bütüncül tanılama ve ba- kımından sorumlu olan hemşireler, özelleşmiş bilgi, beceri ve deneyim gerektiren bazı durumlarda zorlanmaktadırlar. Hem- şirelerin, fiziksel hastalığı olan hastaların psikososyal tanıla- ma ve bakımında ve psikiyatrik bozukluğu olan hastaya yak- laşımda yaşadığı güçlükler “Konsültasyon Liyezon Psikiyatri- si Hemşireliği”nin uygulama kapsamındadır. Monitörize, tra- keostomisi olan, acil girişim gerektiren, yoğun bakımdan ser- vise yeni alınmış komplike hastanın bakımında yaşanan güç- lükler de “Yoğun Bakım Liyezon Hemşireliği” uygulama ala- nındadır. Konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi hemşiresi, yoğun bakım ile psikiyatri arasında bir köprü görevi görmekte, doğ- rudan ya da dolaylı olarak yoğun bakımdaki hastaların psiko- lojik bakımını sağlamaktadır. Yoğun bakım liyezon hemşiresi ise, yoğun bakımda uzun süreli hasta yatışını azaltmayı, ön- lenebilir komplikasyonlar nedeniyle yoğun bakıma tekrar ya- tışları önlemeyi, hastanın yoğun bakımdan servise geçişini kolaylaştırmayı, aileye eğitim vermeyi ve destek olmayı, ser- viste yoğun bakıma ihtiyacı olan hastaların bakımını ve bu hastalara bakımda servis hemşiresine destek olmayı, eğitim vermeyi amaçlar. Hastaların bakımında etkin iletişim ve işbir- liği liyezon çalışması ile sağlanabilir. Böyle bir uygulama, veri- len hizmetin kalitesini artırırken, sadece hastaların iyiliklerine katkıda bulunmayacak, aynı zamanda hemşirelerin engellen- mişliklerini de azaltacaktır. Bu yazı, ülkemizde konsültasyon li- yezon psikiyatrisi hemşireliğinin yaygınlaşmasını ve yoğun bakım liyezon hemşireliğinin tanınmasını amaçlamaktadır


  • Hicks S. The psychiatric nurse in liaison psychiatry. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 1989;23:89-96.
  • Priest HM. Novice and expert perceptions of psy- chological care and the development of psychologi- cal caregiving abilities. Nurse Educ Today 1999; 19:556-63.
  • Gorman LM, Luna-Raines M, Sultan D. Psychosocial nursing for general patient care. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Davis Company; 2002.
  • Kocaman N. Konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi hemşireliği rolleri. Atatürk Üniversitesi HYO Dergi- si 2005;8:109-116.
  • Kocaman N. Konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi ve konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi hemşireliği: Tarih- sel bakış. Atatürk Üniversitesi HYO Dergisi 2006; 9:75-85.
  • Green A, Edmonds L. Bridging the gap between the intensive care unit and general wards-the ICU Liaison Nurse. Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2004; 20:133-43.
  • Chaboyer W, Foster MM, Foster M, Kendall E. The Intensive Care Unit liaison nurse: towards a clear role description. Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2004; 20:77-86.
  • Gerety FK. Psychiatric consultation-liaison nursing. In: Mcfarland GK, Thomas MD, editors. Psychiatric mental health nursing. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company; 1991. p. 911-21.
  • Lehmann FG. Psychiatric liaison nursing: a consul- tation model. In: Stuart GW, Sundeen SJ, editors. Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book; 1991. p. 779-94.
  • Stuart GW, Sundeen SJ. Liaison nursing: A model for nursing practice. In: Stuart GW, Sundeen SJ, edi- tors. Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing. 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby Company; 1987. p. 784-99.
  • Fairley D. Nurse consultants as higher level practi- tioners: factors perceived to influence role imple- mentation and development in critical care. Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2003;19:198-206.
  • Chaboyer W, Gillespie B, Foster M, Kendall M. The impact of an ICU liaison nurse: a case study of ward nurses’ perceptions. J Clin Nurs 2005;14:766-75.
  • Dukkers van Emden DM, Ros WJG, Berns MPH. Transition of care: an evaluation of the role of the discharge liaison nurse in The Netherlands. J Adv Nurs 1999;30:1186-94.
  • Topp F. Providing intensive care outreach. Australian Nursing Journal 1999;7:29.
  • Arts SE, Francke AL, Hutten JB. Liaison nursing for stroke patients: results of a Dutch evaluation study. J Adv Nurs 2000;32:292-300.
  • Endacott R, Chaboyer W. The nursing role in ICU outreach: an international exploratory study. Nurs Crit Care 2006;11:94-102.
  • Barton DF. Consultatıon and liaison work. In: Janosik EH, Davies JL, editors. Psychiatric mental health nursing. 2nd ed. Boston: Jonesand Bartlett Publishers Inc; 1989. p. 815-29.
  • Lehmann FG. Consultation liaison psychiatric nurs- ing care. In: Stuart GW, Sundeen SJ. editors. Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing. 5th ed. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book 1995. p. 851-62.
  • Özkan S. Psikiyatrik tıp: Konsültasyon liyezon psi- kiyatrisi. İstanbul: Roche İlaç Sanayii A.Ş; 1993.
  • Boyer VM, Kirsch JC. Psychiatric liaison/consultant nursing. In: Ketner NL, Schwecke LH, Bostrom CE. editors. Psychiatric nursing a psychotherapeutic management approach. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book 1991. p. 150-64.
  • Strain JJ. Needs for psychiatry in the general hospi- tal. Hosp Community Psychiatry 1982;33:996-1001.
  • Sensky T, Cundy T, Greer S, Pettingale K. Referrals to psychiatrists in a general hospital-comparison of two methods of liaison psychiatry: preliminary communication. J R Soc Med 1985;78:463-8.
  • Kaçmaz N. Yoğun bakım hastalarının psikolojik so- runları ve hemşirelik yaklaşımları. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi 2002;6:75-81.
  • Kocaman N. Genel hastane uygulamasında psiko- sosyal bakım ve konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi hemşireliği. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi HYO Dergisi 2005;9:49-54.
  • Kocaman N. Konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi hemşireliği ve genel hastanede psikososyal bakım. Türkiye Klinikleri Konsültasyon Liyezon Psikiyatri- si Özel Sayısı 2006;47:97-107.
  • Russell S. Continuity of care after discharge from ICU. Prof Nurse 2000;15:497-500.
  • Leith BA. Transfer anxiety in critical care patients and their family members. Crit Care Nurse 1998; 18:24-32.
  • Leith BA. Patients’ and family members’ percep- tions of transfer from intensive care. Heart Lung 1999;28:210-8.
  • Ball C, Kirkby M, Williams S. Effect of the critical care outreach team on patient survival to discharge from hospital and readmission to critical care: non- randomised population based study. BMJ 2003; 327:1014.
  • Chaboyer W, Foster M, Kendall E, James H. The impact of a liaison nurse on ICU nurses’ perceptions of discharge planning. Aust Crit Care 2004;17:25-32.
  • Russell S. Reducing readmissions to the intensive care unit. Heart Lung 1999;28:365-72.
  • Chaboyer W, Thalib L, Foster M, Elliott D, Endacott R, Richards B. The impact of an ICU liaison nurse on discharge delay in patients after prolonged ICU stay. Anaesth Intensive Care 2006;34:55-60.

Liaison Nursing In Intensive Care Unit

Year 2007, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 42 - 47, 01.06.2007


Nurses who are responsible for diagnosing and treating patients holistically in biopsychosocial dimension struggle in some situations that require specialized knowledge, skill and experience. The difficulties that nurses encounter in approaching patients with psychiatric illness in psychoso- cial diagnosis and caring of patients with physical illness are in the scope of “Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Nursing”. And the difficulties regarding monitorized, tra- cheostomized patients recently transferred from intensive care that require emergency interventions are in the scope of “Intensive Care Unit Liaison Nursing”. Consultation liai- son psychiatry nurse functions as a bridge between inten- sive care and psychiatry, and directly or indirectly main- tains the psychological care of patients in the intensive care. The intensive care liaison nurse aims to decrease hospitalizations in the intensive care, prevent rehospitaliza- tions due to preventable complications, ease the transition of patients from intensive care to the service, educate and support the family, take care of the patients in the service and help and train the nurses in the service. Effective com- munication and collaboration in patient care can be facili- tated with liaison. While such a practice would increase the quality of the service given, it would also contribute to the wellbeing of the patients and decrease the inhibitions of the nurses. This article aims to increase the prevalence of con- sultation liaison psychiatry nursing and the acknowledge- ment of intensive care liaison nursing in our country


  • Hicks S. The psychiatric nurse in liaison psychiatry. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 1989;23:89-96.
  • Priest HM. Novice and expert perceptions of psy- chological care and the development of psychologi- cal caregiving abilities. Nurse Educ Today 1999; 19:556-63.
  • Gorman LM, Luna-Raines M, Sultan D. Psychosocial nursing for general patient care. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Davis Company; 2002.
  • Kocaman N. Konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi hemşireliği rolleri. Atatürk Üniversitesi HYO Dergi- si 2005;8:109-116.
  • Kocaman N. Konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi ve konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi hemşireliği: Tarih- sel bakış. Atatürk Üniversitesi HYO Dergisi 2006; 9:75-85.
  • Green A, Edmonds L. Bridging the gap between the intensive care unit and general wards-the ICU Liaison Nurse. Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2004; 20:133-43.
  • Chaboyer W, Foster MM, Foster M, Kendall E. The Intensive Care Unit liaison nurse: towards a clear role description. Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2004; 20:77-86.
  • Gerety FK. Psychiatric consultation-liaison nursing. In: Mcfarland GK, Thomas MD, editors. Psychiatric mental health nursing. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company; 1991. p. 911-21.
  • Lehmann FG. Psychiatric liaison nursing: a consul- tation model. In: Stuart GW, Sundeen SJ, editors. Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book; 1991. p. 779-94.
  • Stuart GW, Sundeen SJ. Liaison nursing: A model for nursing practice. In: Stuart GW, Sundeen SJ, edi- tors. Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing. 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby Company; 1987. p. 784-99.
  • Fairley D. Nurse consultants as higher level practi- tioners: factors perceived to influence role imple- mentation and development in critical care. Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2003;19:198-206.
  • Chaboyer W, Gillespie B, Foster M, Kendall M. The impact of an ICU liaison nurse: a case study of ward nurses’ perceptions. J Clin Nurs 2005;14:766-75.
  • Dukkers van Emden DM, Ros WJG, Berns MPH. Transition of care: an evaluation of the role of the discharge liaison nurse in The Netherlands. J Adv Nurs 1999;30:1186-94.
  • Topp F. Providing intensive care outreach. Australian Nursing Journal 1999;7:29.
  • Arts SE, Francke AL, Hutten JB. Liaison nursing for stroke patients: results of a Dutch evaluation study. J Adv Nurs 2000;32:292-300.
  • Endacott R, Chaboyer W. The nursing role in ICU outreach: an international exploratory study. Nurs Crit Care 2006;11:94-102.
  • Barton DF. Consultatıon and liaison work. In: Janosik EH, Davies JL, editors. Psychiatric mental health nursing. 2nd ed. Boston: Jonesand Bartlett Publishers Inc; 1989. p. 815-29.
  • Lehmann FG. Consultation liaison psychiatric nurs- ing care. In: Stuart GW, Sundeen SJ. editors. Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing. 5th ed. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book 1995. p. 851-62.
  • Özkan S. Psikiyatrik tıp: Konsültasyon liyezon psi- kiyatrisi. İstanbul: Roche İlaç Sanayii A.Ş; 1993.
  • Boyer VM, Kirsch JC. Psychiatric liaison/consultant nursing. In: Ketner NL, Schwecke LH, Bostrom CE. editors. Psychiatric nursing a psychotherapeutic management approach. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book 1991. p. 150-64.
  • Strain JJ. Needs for psychiatry in the general hospi- tal. Hosp Community Psychiatry 1982;33:996-1001.
  • Sensky T, Cundy T, Greer S, Pettingale K. Referrals to psychiatrists in a general hospital-comparison of two methods of liaison psychiatry: preliminary communication. J R Soc Med 1985;78:463-8.
  • Kaçmaz N. Yoğun bakım hastalarının psikolojik so- runları ve hemşirelik yaklaşımları. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi 2002;6:75-81.
  • Kocaman N. Genel hastane uygulamasında psiko- sosyal bakım ve konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi hemşireliği. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi HYO Dergisi 2005;9:49-54.
  • Kocaman N. Konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi hemşireliği ve genel hastanede psikososyal bakım. Türkiye Klinikleri Konsültasyon Liyezon Psikiyatri- si Özel Sayısı 2006;47:97-107.
  • Russell S. Continuity of care after discharge from ICU. Prof Nurse 2000;15:497-500.
  • Leith BA. Transfer anxiety in critical care patients and their family members. Crit Care Nurse 1998; 18:24-32.
  • Leith BA. Patients’ and family members’ percep- tions of transfer from intensive care. Heart Lung 1999;28:210-8.
  • Ball C, Kirkby M, Williams S. Effect of the critical care outreach team on patient survival to discharge from hospital and readmission to critical care: non- randomised population based study. BMJ 2003; 327:1014.
  • Chaboyer W, Foster M, Kendall E, James H. The impact of a liaison nurse on ICU nurses’ perceptions of discharge planning. Aust Crit Care 2004;17:25-32.
  • Russell S. Reducing readmissions to the intensive care unit. Heart Lung 1999;28:365-72.
  • Chaboyer W, Thalib L, Foster M, Elliott D, Endacott R, Richards B. The impact of an ICU liaison nurse on discharge delay in patients after prolonged ICU stay. Anaesth Intensive Care 2006;34:55-60.
There are 32 citations in total.


Other ID JA34VS89BZ
Journal Section Article

Nazmiye Kocaman This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


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