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Mekanik Ventilasyon Desteğinde Olan Hastalarda Sedasyon Yönetiminde Hemşirenin Rolü

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 29 - 36, 01.06.2012


Yoğun bakım ünitesinde yatan hastalara en sık uygulanan tedavilerden biri mekanik ventilasyon
desteğinin sağlanmasıdır. Mekanik ventilasyon desteği hastaların yaşamlarını devam ettirmede
büyük rol üstlenmesine karşın, sıklıkla fizyolojik ve psikolojik yönden olumsuz sonuçlara
neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle hastaların konforunu sağlamak için sedasyon tedavisi sıklıkla uygulanmaktadır.
Uygulanan sedasyon tedavisi ise belirli bir protokol doğrultusunda ve hastanın günlük
olarak ihtiyaç düzeyi belirlenerek uygulanmadığında hastada ciddi komplikasyonların görülme
nedeni olmaktadır. Bu nedenle yoğun bakım hastasında kapsamlı ve iyi planlanmış tedavi ve bakım
sürecini yürüten yoğun bakım hemşirelerinin hastaların sedasyon tedavi sürecini de yönetebilmede
aktif rol almaları ve ihtiyaç duyulan sedasyon seviyesini belirlemede ölçme araçlarını kullanarak
uygun davranış gösterebilmeleri son derece önemlidir.


  • Ab bott/Ame ri can As so ci a ti on of Cri ti cal-Ca re Nur ses; Sa int Tho mas He alth System Se da ti - on Ex pert Pa nel Mem bers. Con sen sus con fe - ren ce on se da ti on as sess ment. A col la - bo ra ti ve ven tu re by Ab bott La bo ra to ri es, Ame - ri can As so ci a ti on of Cri ti cal-Ca re Nur ses, and Sa int Tho mas He alth System. Crit Ca re Nur - se 2004;24(2):33-41.
  • Meh ta S, Burry L, Fisc her S, Mar ti nez-Mot ta JC, Hal lett D, Bow man D, et al. Ca na di an sur- vey of the use of se da ti ves, anal ge sics, and ne u ro mus cu lar bloc king agents in cri ti cally ill pa ti ents. Crit Ca re Med 2006;34(2):374-80.
  • Rho ney DH, Murry KR. Na ti o nal sur vey of the use of se da ting drugs, ne u ro mus cu lar bloc k- ing agents, and re ver sal agents in the in ten si - ve ca re unit. J In ten si ve Ca re Med 2003;18(3): 139-45.
  • Ya şar MA. Yo ğun ba kım da se das yo nun ge nel özel lik le ri. Yo ğun Ba kım Der ne ği Der gi si 2006; 4(1):50-7.
  • Kress JP, Hall JB. Se da ti on in the mec ha ni - cally ven ti la ted pa ti ents. Crit Ca re Med 2006;34(10):2541-6.
  • Wİie na H, Bjİrkb ID. In ten si ve ca re pa in tre - at ment and se da ti on: Nur ses’ ex pe ri en ces of the conf lict bet we en cli ni cal jud ge ment and stan dar di sed ca re: an exp lo ra ti ve study. In ten- si ve Crit Ca re Nurs 2013;29(3):128-36.
  • Ege rod I. Un cer ta in terms of se da ti on in ICU. How nur ses and physi ci ans ma na ge and de- s cri be se da ti on for mec ha ni cally ven ti la ted pa- ti ents. J Clin Nurs 2002;11(6):831-40.
  • Al me rud S, Pe ters son K. Mu sic the rapy--a comp le men tary tre at ment for mec ha ni cally ven ti la ted in ten si ve ca re pa ti ents. In ten si ve Crit Ca re Nurs 2003;19(1):21-30.
  • Kress JP, Vi na yak AG, Le vitt J, Schwe ic kert WD, Gehl bach BK, Zim mer man F, et al. Da ily se da ti ve in ter rup ti on in mec ha ni cally ven ti la - ted pa ti ents at risk for co ro nary ar tery di se a se. Crit Ca re Med 2007;35(2):365-71.
  • Wal ke ra N, Gil len P. In ves ti ga ting nur ses' per- cep ti ons of the ir ro le in ma na ging se da ti on in in ten si ve ca re: an exp lo ra tory study. In ten si - ve Crit Ca re Nurs 2006;22(6):338-45.
  • Gel bach BK, Kress JP. Se da ti on in the in ten - si ve ca re. Curr Opin Crit Ca re 2002;8(4):290- 8.
  • Uyar M. Me ka nik ven ti las yon da se das yon. Yo ğun Ba kım Der ne ği Der gi si 2006;4(1):65- 70.
  • Barr J, Fra ser GL, Pun til lo K, Ely EW, Géli nas C, Das ta JF, et al; Ame ri can Col le ge of Cri ti - cal Ca re Me di ci ne. Cli ni cal prac ti ce gu i de li nes for the ma na ge ment of pa in, agi ta ti on, and de - li ri um in adult pa ti ents in the in ten si ve ca re unit. Crit Ca re Med 2013;4(1):263-306.
  • Ram say MA, Sa ve ge TM, Simp son BR, Go - od win R. Con trol led se da ti on with alp ha xa lo - ne-alp ha do lo ne. Br Med J 1974;2(5920): 656-9.
  • Car ras co G. Ins tru ments for mo ni to ring in ten - si ve va re unit se da ti on. Crit Ca re 2000;4(4): 217-25.
  • Dev lin JW, Bo les ki G, Mlyna rek M, Ne renz DR, Pe ter son E, Jan kows ki M, et al. Mo tor Ac ti vity As sess ment Sca le: a va lid and re li ab le se da ti - on sca le for use with mec ha ni cally ven ti la ted pa ti ents in an adult sur gi cal in ten si ve ca re unit. Crit Ca re Med 1999;27(7):1271-5.
  • Ryder-Le wis MC, Nel son KM. Re li a bi lity of the Se da ti on-Agi ta ti on Sca le bet we en nur ses and doc tors. In ten si ve Crit Ca re Nurs 2008;24(4): 211-7.
  • Ri ker RR, Pi card J, Fra ser GL. Pros pec ti ve eva lu a ti on of the Se da ti on-Agi ta ti on Sca le for adult cri ti cally ill pa ti ents. Crit Ca re Med 1999;27(7):1325-9.
  • Fra ser GL, Pra to BS, Ri ker RR, Bert hi a u me D, Wil kins ML. Fre qu ency, se ve rity, and tre at - ment of agi ta ti on in yo ung ver sus el derly pa ti - ents in the ICU. Phar ma cot he rapy 2000;20(1): 75-82.
  • Sess ler CN, Gos nell MS, Grap MJ, Brophy GM, O'Ne al PV, Ke a ne KA, et al. The Rich- mond Agi ta ti on-Se da ti on Sca le: va li dity and re li a bi lity in adult in ten si ve ca re unit pa ti ents. Am J Res pir Crit Ca re Med 2002;166(10): 1338-44.
  • Ely EW, Tru man B, Shin ta ni A, Tho ma son JW, Whe e ler AP, Gor don S, et al. Mo ni to ring se da- ti on sta tus over ti me in ICU pa ti ents: re li a bi lity and va li dity of the Rich mond Agi ta ti on-Se da ti - on Sca le (RASS). JA MA 2003;289 (22):2983- 91.
  • Kor han EA, Khors hid L, Uyar M, Çan ka ya G. Ame ri kan yo ğun ba kim hem şi re ler bir li ği nin se das yon de ğer len dir me öl çe ği nin türk çe çe- vi ri si nin gü ve nir lik ça lış ma sı. F.N. Hem. Derg 2013;21(1):40-8.
  • El li ott R, Wright L. Ver bal com mu ni ca ti on: what do cri ti cal ca re nur ses say to the ir un con- s ci o us or se da ted pa ti ents? J Adv Nurs 1999;29(6):1412-20.
  • Schwe ic kert WD, Kress JP. Stra te gi es to op- ti mi ze anal ge si a and se da ti on. Crit Ca re 2008;12 Suppl 3:S6.
  • Ja co bi J, Fra ser GL, Co ur sin DB, Ri ker RR, Fon ta i ne D, Witt brodt ET, et al; Task For ce of the Ame ri can Col le ge of Cri ti cal Ca re Me di ci - ne (ACCM) of the So ci ety of Cri ti cal Ca re Me - di ci ne (SCCM), Ame ri can So ci ety of He alth-System Phar ma cists (ASHP), Ame ri - can Col le ge of Chest Physi ci ans. Cli ni cal prac- ti ce gu i de li nes for the sus ta i ned use of se da ti ves and anal ge sics in the cri ti cally ill adult. Crit Ca re Med 2002;30(1):119-41.
  • Ran den I, Bjİrk IT. Se da ti on prac ti ce in thre e Nor we gi an ICUs: a sur vey of in ten si ve ca re nur ses' per cep ti ons of per so nal and unit prac- ti ce. In ten si ve Crit Ca re Nurs 2010;26(5):270- 7.
  • We i nert, CR, Chlan L, Gross C. Se da ting cri t- i cally ill pa ti ents: fac tors af fec ting nur ses' de- li very of se da ti ve the rapy. Am J Crit Ca re 2001;10(3):156-65.
  • Coc hran J, Ga nong LH. A com pa ri son of nur - ses’ and pa ti ents’ per cep ti ons of in ten si ve ca - re unit stres sors. J Adv Nurs 1989;14(12): 1038-43.
  • De Jong he B, Co ok D, Ap pe re-De-Vecc hi C, Gu yatt G, Me a de M, Ou tin H. Using and un- ders tan ding se da ti on sco ring systems: a sys- te ma tic re vi ew. In ten si ve Ca re Med 2000;26 (3):275-85.
  • Ma ga rey JM. Se da ti on of adult cri ti cally ill ven- ti la ted pa ti ents in in ten si ve ca re units: a na ti - o nal sur vey. Aust Crit Ca re 1997;10(3):90-3.
  • Gut torm son JL, Chlan L, We i nert C, Sa vik K. Fac tors inf lu en cing nur se se da ti on prac ti ces with mec ha ni cally ven ti la ted pa ti ents: a U.S. na ti o nal sur vey. In ten si ve Crit Ca re Nurs 2010;26(1):44-50.
  • Gi rard TD, Kress JP, Fuchs BD, Tho ma son JW, Schwe ic kert WD, Pun BT, et al. Ef fi cacy and sa fety of a pa i red se da ti on and ven ti la tor we a ning pro to col for mec ha ni cally ven ti la ted pa ti ents in in ten si ve ca re (Awa ke ning and Bre at hing Con trol led tri al): a ran do mi sed con trol led tri al. Lan cet 2008;371(9607):126- 34.

The Nurse's Role in the Management of Sedation in Patients on Mechanical Ventilation Support

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 29 - 36, 01.06.2012


One of the most frequent treatments given to patients in intensive care units is mechanical
ventilation support. Although mechanical ventilation support plays an important role in
prolonging the life of patients, it often has adverse physiological and psychological effects. For this
reason, sedation is often given to make the patient feel more comfortable. When this sedation treatment
is not given according to a definite protocol or without determining the patient’s daily needs,
it can cause serious complications. Therefore, it is of great importance that intensive care nurses,
when carrying out a treatment and care process which is inclusive and well-planned, should take
an active role in the process of sedation treatment and its management, and that they should be capable
of using measurement techniques to determine the necessary sedation levels.


  • Ab bott/Ame ri can As so ci a ti on of Cri ti cal-Ca re Nur ses; Sa int Tho mas He alth System Se da ti - on Ex pert Pa nel Mem bers. Con sen sus con fe - ren ce on se da ti on as sess ment. A col la - bo ra ti ve ven tu re by Ab bott La bo ra to ri es, Ame - ri can As so ci a ti on of Cri ti cal-Ca re Nur ses, and Sa int Tho mas He alth System. Crit Ca re Nur - se 2004;24(2):33-41.
  • Meh ta S, Burry L, Fisc her S, Mar ti nez-Mot ta JC, Hal lett D, Bow man D, et al. Ca na di an sur- vey of the use of se da ti ves, anal ge sics, and ne u ro mus cu lar bloc king agents in cri ti cally ill pa ti ents. Crit Ca re Med 2006;34(2):374-80.
  • Rho ney DH, Murry KR. Na ti o nal sur vey of the use of se da ting drugs, ne u ro mus cu lar bloc k- ing agents, and re ver sal agents in the in ten si - ve ca re unit. J In ten si ve Ca re Med 2003;18(3): 139-45.
  • Ya şar MA. Yo ğun ba kım da se das yo nun ge nel özel lik le ri. Yo ğun Ba kım Der ne ği Der gi si 2006; 4(1):50-7.
  • Kress JP, Hall JB. Se da ti on in the mec ha ni - cally ven ti la ted pa ti ents. Crit Ca re Med 2006;34(10):2541-6.
  • Wİie na H, Bjİrkb ID. In ten si ve ca re pa in tre - at ment and se da ti on: Nur ses’ ex pe ri en ces of the conf lict bet we en cli ni cal jud ge ment and stan dar di sed ca re: an exp lo ra ti ve study. In ten- si ve Crit Ca re Nurs 2013;29(3):128-36.
  • Ege rod I. Un cer ta in terms of se da ti on in ICU. How nur ses and physi ci ans ma na ge and de- s cri be se da ti on for mec ha ni cally ven ti la ted pa- ti ents. J Clin Nurs 2002;11(6):831-40.
  • Al me rud S, Pe ters son K. Mu sic the rapy--a comp le men tary tre at ment for mec ha ni cally ven ti la ted in ten si ve ca re pa ti ents. In ten si ve Crit Ca re Nurs 2003;19(1):21-30.
  • Kress JP, Vi na yak AG, Le vitt J, Schwe ic kert WD, Gehl bach BK, Zim mer man F, et al. Da ily se da ti ve in ter rup ti on in mec ha ni cally ven ti la - ted pa ti ents at risk for co ro nary ar tery di se a se. Crit Ca re Med 2007;35(2):365-71.
  • Wal ke ra N, Gil len P. In ves ti ga ting nur ses' per- cep ti ons of the ir ro le in ma na ging se da ti on in in ten si ve ca re: an exp lo ra tory study. In ten si - ve Crit Ca re Nurs 2006;22(6):338-45.
  • Gel bach BK, Kress JP. Se da ti on in the in ten - si ve ca re. Curr Opin Crit Ca re 2002;8(4):290- 8.
  • Uyar M. Me ka nik ven ti las yon da se das yon. Yo ğun Ba kım Der ne ği Der gi si 2006;4(1):65- 70.
  • Barr J, Fra ser GL, Pun til lo K, Ely EW, Géli nas C, Das ta JF, et al; Ame ri can Col le ge of Cri ti - cal Ca re Me di ci ne. Cli ni cal prac ti ce gu i de li nes for the ma na ge ment of pa in, agi ta ti on, and de - li ri um in adult pa ti ents in the in ten si ve ca re unit. Crit Ca re Med 2013;4(1):263-306.
  • Ram say MA, Sa ve ge TM, Simp son BR, Go - od win R. Con trol led se da ti on with alp ha xa lo - ne-alp ha do lo ne. Br Med J 1974;2(5920): 656-9.
  • Car ras co G. Ins tru ments for mo ni to ring in ten - si ve va re unit se da ti on. Crit Ca re 2000;4(4): 217-25.
  • Dev lin JW, Bo les ki G, Mlyna rek M, Ne renz DR, Pe ter son E, Jan kows ki M, et al. Mo tor Ac ti vity As sess ment Sca le: a va lid and re li ab le se da ti - on sca le for use with mec ha ni cally ven ti la ted pa ti ents in an adult sur gi cal in ten si ve ca re unit. Crit Ca re Med 1999;27(7):1271-5.
  • Ryder-Le wis MC, Nel son KM. Re li a bi lity of the Se da ti on-Agi ta ti on Sca le bet we en nur ses and doc tors. In ten si ve Crit Ca re Nurs 2008;24(4): 211-7.
  • Ri ker RR, Pi card J, Fra ser GL. Pros pec ti ve eva lu a ti on of the Se da ti on-Agi ta ti on Sca le for adult cri ti cally ill pa ti ents. Crit Ca re Med 1999;27(7):1325-9.
  • Fra ser GL, Pra to BS, Ri ker RR, Bert hi a u me D, Wil kins ML. Fre qu ency, se ve rity, and tre at - ment of agi ta ti on in yo ung ver sus el derly pa ti - ents in the ICU. Phar ma cot he rapy 2000;20(1): 75-82.
  • Sess ler CN, Gos nell MS, Grap MJ, Brophy GM, O'Ne al PV, Ke a ne KA, et al. The Rich- mond Agi ta ti on-Se da ti on Sca le: va li dity and re li a bi lity in adult in ten si ve ca re unit pa ti ents. Am J Res pir Crit Ca re Med 2002;166(10): 1338-44.
  • Ely EW, Tru man B, Shin ta ni A, Tho ma son JW, Whe e ler AP, Gor don S, et al. Mo ni to ring se da- ti on sta tus over ti me in ICU pa ti ents: re li a bi lity and va li dity of the Rich mond Agi ta ti on-Se da ti - on Sca le (RASS). JA MA 2003;289 (22):2983- 91.
  • Kor han EA, Khors hid L, Uyar M, Çan ka ya G. Ame ri kan yo ğun ba kim hem şi re ler bir li ği nin se das yon de ğer len dir me öl çe ği nin türk çe çe- vi ri si nin gü ve nir lik ça lış ma sı. F.N. Hem. Derg 2013;21(1):40-8.
  • El li ott R, Wright L. Ver bal com mu ni ca ti on: what do cri ti cal ca re nur ses say to the ir un con- s ci o us or se da ted pa ti ents? J Adv Nurs 1999;29(6):1412-20.
  • Schwe ic kert WD, Kress JP. Stra te gi es to op- ti mi ze anal ge si a and se da ti on. Crit Ca re 2008;12 Suppl 3:S6.
  • Ja co bi J, Fra ser GL, Co ur sin DB, Ri ker RR, Fon ta i ne D, Witt brodt ET, et al; Task For ce of the Ame ri can Col le ge of Cri ti cal Ca re Me di ci - ne (ACCM) of the So ci ety of Cri ti cal Ca re Me - di ci ne (SCCM), Ame ri can So ci ety of He alth-System Phar ma cists (ASHP), Ame ri - can Col le ge of Chest Physi ci ans. Cli ni cal prac- ti ce gu i de li nes for the sus ta i ned use of se da ti ves and anal ge sics in the cri ti cally ill adult. Crit Ca re Med 2002;30(1):119-41.
  • Ran den I, Bjİrk IT. Se da ti on prac ti ce in thre e Nor we gi an ICUs: a sur vey of in ten si ve ca re nur ses' per cep ti ons of per so nal and unit prac- ti ce. In ten si ve Crit Ca re Nurs 2010;26(5):270- 7.
  • We i nert, CR, Chlan L, Gross C. Se da ting cri t- i cally ill pa ti ents: fac tors af fec ting nur ses' de- li very of se da ti ve the rapy. Am J Crit Ca re 2001;10(3):156-65.
  • Coc hran J, Ga nong LH. A com pa ri son of nur - ses’ and pa ti ents’ per cep ti ons of in ten si ve ca - re unit stres sors. J Adv Nurs 1989;14(12): 1038-43.
  • De Jong he B, Co ok D, Ap pe re-De-Vecc hi C, Gu yatt G, Me a de M, Ou tin H. Using and un- ders tan ding se da ti on sco ring systems: a sys- te ma tic re vi ew. In ten si ve Ca re Med 2000;26 (3):275-85.
  • Ma ga rey JM. Se da ti on of adult cri ti cally ill ven- ti la ted pa ti ents in in ten si ve ca re units: a na ti - o nal sur vey. Aust Crit Ca re 1997;10(3):90-3.
  • Gut torm son JL, Chlan L, We i nert C, Sa vik K. Fac tors inf lu en cing nur se se da ti on prac ti ces with mec ha ni cally ven ti la ted pa ti ents: a U.S. na ti o nal sur vey. In ten si ve Crit Ca re Nurs 2010;26(1):44-50.
  • Gi rard TD, Kress JP, Fuchs BD, Tho ma son JW, Schwe ic kert WD, Pun BT, et al. Ef fi cacy and sa fety of a pa i red se da ti on and ven ti la tor we a ning pro to col for mec ha ni cally ven ti la ted pa ti ents in in ten si ve ca re (Awa ke ning and Bre at hing Con trol led tri al): a ran do mi sed con trol led tri al. Lan cet 2008;371(9607):126- 34.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA56KB26KF
Bölüm Derleme

Esra Akın Korhan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

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