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Biz Babadan Böyle Gördük-Evlat Sorumluluğu

Year 2019, , 13 - 22, 30.06.2019


bireyin ebeveyninin kontrolünden tamamen çıkamaması patolojik bağımlılığın
göstergesi olarak düşünülmemelidir. Sağlıklı yetişkin bireyin, ebeveyninin
otoritesinden tam olarak sıyrılamamasından kasıt yetişkin bireyin şu anda özerk
ve kendisi için önemli kararlar alabiliyor olmasında ebeveyninin kendisine
yardımcı olduğunun farkında olmasıdır. Evlat, ebeveyninin kendisi için
yaptıklarını ve kendisinin şu anda olduğu kişi olmasına katkı sağladığını kabul
ettiği zaman ebeveynine karşı minnettarlık duygusu da beslemektedir. Bu da
evladın ebeveynine karşı sevgi ve minnettarlık duygusunu birlikte hissetmesine
sebep olmaktadır. Evlat sorumluluğu ebeveyn ve evlat bakış açış açısıyla
incelenebilmektedir. Bu kavram evladın ebeveynine yönelik sorumluluğunu temsil
etmekle birlikte ebeveynin evladından beklentisini de içermektedir. Evlat
sorumluluğunu açıklayan birçok anlayış bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada evlat
sorumluluğu kavramı detaylı şekilde incelenerek literatüre katkıda


  • Birditt, K.S., Fingerman, K.L., Lefkowitz, E. ., & Dush, C.M.K. (2008). Parents perceived as peers: Filial maturity in adulthood. Journal of Adult Development, 15(1), 1-12.
  • Blenkner, M. (1965). Social work and family relationships in later life with some thoughts on filial maturity. in E. Shanas, & G. F. Streib (Eds.), Social structure and the family: Generational relations (pp. 117-130). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Blustein, J. (1977). On the duties of parents and children. The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 15(4), 427-441.
  • Blustein, J. (1982). Parents and children: The ethics of the family. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Bookman, A., & Kimbrel, D. (2011). Families and elder care in the twenty-first century. The Future of Children, 21(2), 117-140.
  • Canter, S. (1998). Evle ilgili sorumlulukları yerine getirme. (Çev. Serap Katlan), Ankara: HYB Yayıncılık.
  • Caputo, R.K. (2005). Inheritance and intergenerational transmission of parental care. Marriage & Family Review, 37(1-2), 107-127.
  • Chamberlin, L.J., & Chambers, N.S. (1994). Developing responsibility in today's students. The Clearing House, 67(4), 204-206.
  • Cicirelli, V.G. (1993). Attachment and obligation as daughters' motives for caregiving behavior and subsequent effect on subjective burden. Psychology and Aging, 8(2), 144-155.
  • English, J. (1992). What do grown children owe their parents?. In Aging and ethics (pp. 147-154). Humana Press, Totowa, NJ.
  • Ellenburg, F.C. (2001). Society and school must teach responsible behaviour. Educational Administration, 106(1), 9-11.
  • Fenton, C. (2017). A complete special goods theory of filial obligations. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), Kanada: The University of Western Ontario.
  • Fenton, C. (2017). Who counts as a parent for the purposes of filial obligations?. Etikk i praksis-Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics, 11(1), 17-32.
  • Finch, J., Mason, J. (1993). Negotiating family responsibilities. London: Taylor & Francis E-Library.
  • Finley, N.J. (1989). Theories of family labor as applied to gender differences in caregiving for elderly parents. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 51(1), 79-86.
  • Flowers, N.B., Mabry, N.K. (2001). A new team approach to teaching responsible behaviour. Georgia Southern College, Statesboro, Georgia.
  • Fredriksen, K.I., & Scharlach, A.E. (1996). Filial maturity: Analysis and reconceptualization. Journal of Adult Development, 3(3), 183-191.
  • Fuligni, A.J., & Pedersen, S. (2002). Family obligation and the transition to young adulthood. Developmental Psychology, 38(5), 856-868.
  • Ganong, L., Coleman, M., McDaniel, A.K., & Killian, T. (1998). Attitudes regarding obligations to assist an older parent or stepparent following later-life remarriage. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 60(3), 595-610.
  • Ganong, L., & Coleman, M. (1999). New families, new responsibilities: Intergenerational obligations following divorce and remarriage. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Gans, D., & Silverstein, M. (2006). Norms of filial responsibility for aging parents across time and generations. Journal of Marriage and Family, 68(4), 961-976.
  • Gans, D. (2007). Normative obligations and parental care in social context. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), USA: University of Southern California.
  • Hamon, R.R., & Blieszner, R. (1990). Filial responsibility expectations among adult child-older parent pairs. Journal of Gerontology, 45(3), 110-112.
  • Jerkins, D. (1994). An eight step plan for teaching responsibility. High School Educational Research Association. 14, 269-270.
  • Lickona, T. (1991). Educating for character: How school can teach respect and responsibility. New York: Bantam.
  • Marcoen, A. (1995). Filial maturity of middle-aged adult children in the context of parent care: Model and measures. Journal of Adult Development, 2(2), 125-136.
  • Mckay, M. (1999). A qualitative study of adult sons caring for their parents. (Unpublished Master Thesis), Kanada: University Of Manitoba.
  • Mills, C. (2003). Duties to aging parents. in: Humber J.M., Almeder R.F. (eds) Care of the aged. Biomedical Ethics Reviews. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ.
  • Özen, Y. (2015). Sorumluluk eğitimi. Vize Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Ribar, D.C., & Wilhelm, M.O. (2006). Exchange, role modeling and the intergenerational transmission of elder support attitudes: Evidence from three generations of Mexican-Americans. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 35(3), 514-531.
  • Rossi, A.S., & Rossi, P.H. (1990). Social institutions and social change. Of human bonding: Parent-child relations across the life course. Hawthorne, NY, US: Aldine de Gruyter.
  • Ruyter, D.D. (2002). The virtue of taking responsibility. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 34(1), 25-35.
  • Strawbridge, W. J., & Wallhagen, M. I. (1992). Is all in the family always best?. Journal of Aging Studies, 6(1), 81-92.
  • Sung, K.T. (1990). A new look at filial piety: Ideals and practices of family-centered parent care in Korea. The Gerontologist, 30(5), 610-617.
  • Tamis‐LeMonda, C.S., Way, N., Hughes, D., Yoshikawa, H., Kalman, R.K., & Niwa, E.Y. (2008). Parents' goals for children: The dynamic coexistence of individualism and collectivism in cultures and individuals. Social Development, 17(1), 183-209.
  • Wakui, T., Cheng, S.T. (2017). Filial responsibility, N. Pachana (Eds), Encyclopedia of Geropsychology. 874-880.
  • Welch, B.F. (2012). A theory of filial obligations. Social Theory and Practice, 38(4), 717-737.
  • White, J., Klein, D. & Martin T. (2015). Family theories: An introduction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Wolff, J.L., & Kasper, J.D. (2006). Caregivers of frail elders: Updating a national profile. The Gerontologist, 46(3), 344-356.
  • Yalom, İ. (1999). Varoluşçu psikoterapi. Çev. Zeliha Babayiğit, İstanbul, Kabalacı Yay.
  • Yavuzer, H. (2009). Ana, baba ve çocuk. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Yörükoğlu, A. (2007). Değişen toplumda aile ve çocuk. İstanbul: Özgür Yayınları.
  • Zhan, H.J. (2004). Willingness and expectations: Intergenerational differences in attitudes toward filial responsibility in China. Marriage & Family Review, 36(1-2), 175-200.

We See This By The Father-Filial Responsibility

Year 2019, , 13 - 22, 30.06.2019


The inability of the adult person to be completely out
of the parent's control should not be considered as an indicator of
pathological dependence. The fact that a healthy adult individual is not able
to fully comprehend his or her parent's authority is that he is aware that the
adult individual is now autonomous and can help him take important decisions.
The children also expresses gratitude towards his parents when he acknowledges
that his parents have done for him and helped him to be who he is. This causes
the children to feel a sense of love and gratitude towards his parents. Filial
responsibility is examined with the perspective of parent and child. This
concept represents that responsibility of children towards parent. Also, it
includes that expectation of parent from their children. There are a lot of
comprehension about filial responsibility. In this study, concept of filial
responsibility is examined particularly and contributed to the literature.


  • Birditt, K.S., Fingerman, K.L., Lefkowitz, E. ., & Dush, C.M.K. (2008). Parents perceived as peers: Filial maturity in adulthood. Journal of Adult Development, 15(1), 1-12.
  • Blenkner, M. (1965). Social work and family relationships in later life with some thoughts on filial maturity. in E. Shanas, & G. F. Streib (Eds.), Social structure and the family: Generational relations (pp. 117-130). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Blustein, J. (1977). On the duties of parents and children. The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 15(4), 427-441.
  • Blustein, J. (1982). Parents and children: The ethics of the family. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Bookman, A., & Kimbrel, D. (2011). Families and elder care in the twenty-first century. The Future of Children, 21(2), 117-140.
  • Canter, S. (1998). Evle ilgili sorumlulukları yerine getirme. (Çev. Serap Katlan), Ankara: HYB Yayıncılık.
  • Caputo, R.K. (2005). Inheritance and intergenerational transmission of parental care. Marriage & Family Review, 37(1-2), 107-127.
  • Chamberlin, L.J., & Chambers, N.S. (1994). Developing responsibility in today's students. The Clearing House, 67(4), 204-206.
  • Cicirelli, V.G. (1993). Attachment and obligation as daughters' motives for caregiving behavior and subsequent effect on subjective burden. Psychology and Aging, 8(2), 144-155.
  • English, J. (1992). What do grown children owe their parents?. In Aging and ethics (pp. 147-154). Humana Press, Totowa, NJ.
  • Ellenburg, F.C. (2001). Society and school must teach responsible behaviour. Educational Administration, 106(1), 9-11.
  • Fenton, C. (2017). A complete special goods theory of filial obligations. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), Kanada: The University of Western Ontario.
  • Fenton, C. (2017). Who counts as a parent for the purposes of filial obligations?. Etikk i praksis-Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics, 11(1), 17-32.
  • Finch, J., Mason, J. (1993). Negotiating family responsibilities. London: Taylor & Francis E-Library.
  • Finley, N.J. (1989). Theories of family labor as applied to gender differences in caregiving for elderly parents. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 51(1), 79-86.
  • Flowers, N.B., Mabry, N.K. (2001). A new team approach to teaching responsible behaviour. Georgia Southern College, Statesboro, Georgia.
  • Fredriksen, K.I., & Scharlach, A.E. (1996). Filial maturity: Analysis and reconceptualization. Journal of Adult Development, 3(3), 183-191.
  • Fuligni, A.J., & Pedersen, S. (2002). Family obligation and the transition to young adulthood. Developmental Psychology, 38(5), 856-868.
  • Ganong, L., Coleman, M., McDaniel, A.K., & Killian, T. (1998). Attitudes regarding obligations to assist an older parent or stepparent following later-life remarriage. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 60(3), 595-610.
  • Ganong, L., & Coleman, M. (1999). New families, new responsibilities: Intergenerational obligations following divorce and remarriage. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Gans, D., & Silverstein, M. (2006). Norms of filial responsibility for aging parents across time and generations. Journal of Marriage and Family, 68(4), 961-976.
  • Gans, D. (2007). Normative obligations and parental care in social context. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), USA: University of Southern California.
  • Hamon, R.R., & Blieszner, R. (1990). Filial responsibility expectations among adult child-older parent pairs. Journal of Gerontology, 45(3), 110-112.
  • Jerkins, D. (1994). An eight step plan for teaching responsibility. High School Educational Research Association. 14, 269-270.
  • Lickona, T. (1991). Educating for character: How school can teach respect and responsibility. New York: Bantam.
  • Marcoen, A. (1995). Filial maturity of middle-aged adult children in the context of parent care: Model and measures. Journal of Adult Development, 2(2), 125-136.
  • Mckay, M. (1999). A qualitative study of adult sons caring for their parents. (Unpublished Master Thesis), Kanada: University Of Manitoba.
  • Mills, C. (2003). Duties to aging parents. in: Humber J.M., Almeder R.F. (eds) Care of the aged. Biomedical Ethics Reviews. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ.
  • Özen, Y. (2015). Sorumluluk eğitimi. Vize Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Ribar, D.C., & Wilhelm, M.O. (2006). Exchange, role modeling and the intergenerational transmission of elder support attitudes: Evidence from three generations of Mexican-Americans. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 35(3), 514-531.
  • Rossi, A.S., & Rossi, P.H. (1990). Social institutions and social change. Of human bonding: Parent-child relations across the life course. Hawthorne, NY, US: Aldine de Gruyter.
  • Ruyter, D.D. (2002). The virtue of taking responsibility. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 34(1), 25-35.
  • Strawbridge, W. J., & Wallhagen, M. I. (1992). Is all in the family always best?. Journal of Aging Studies, 6(1), 81-92.
  • Sung, K.T. (1990). A new look at filial piety: Ideals and practices of family-centered parent care in Korea. The Gerontologist, 30(5), 610-617.
  • Tamis‐LeMonda, C.S., Way, N., Hughes, D., Yoshikawa, H., Kalman, R.K., & Niwa, E.Y. (2008). Parents' goals for children: The dynamic coexistence of individualism and collectivism in cultures and individuals. Social Development, 17(1), 183-209.
  • Wakui, T., Cheng, S.T. (2017). Filial responsibility, N. Pachana (Eds), Encyclopedia of Geropsychology. 874-880.
  • Welch, B.F. (2012). A theory of filial obligations. Social Theory and Practice, 38(4), 717-737.
  • White, J., Klein, D. & Martin T. (2015). Family theories: An introduction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Wolff, J.L., & Kasper, J.D. (2006). Caregivers of frail elders: Updating a national profile. The Gerontologist, 46(3), 344-356.
  • Yalom, İ. (1999). Varoluşçu psikoterapi. Çev. Zeliha Babayiğit, İstanbul, Kabalacı Yay.
  • Yavuzer, H. (2009). Ana, baba ve çocuk. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Yörükoğlu, A. (2007). Değişen toplumda aile ve çocuk. İstanbul: Özgür Yayınları.
  • Zhan, H.J. (2004). Willingness and expectations: Intergenerational differences in attitudes toward filial responsibility in China. Marriage & Family Review, 36(1-2), 175-200.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Psychology
Journal Section Volume:3, Issue:5 June

Emine Er

Yener Özen 0000-0003-1147-0246

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Er, E., & Özen, Y. (2019). Biz Babadan Böyle Gördük-Evlat Sorumluluğu. Yaşam Becerileri Psikoloji Dergisi, 3(5), 13-22.