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Depresyonun Kişilerarası Psikoterapisinin Klinik Alandaki Rolü: Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapiler ve Medikal Tedavilerle Karşılaştırma Çalışmalarına İlişkin Bir Derleme

Year 2019, , 111 - 118, 30.06.2019


Kişilerarası psikoterapiler
(KPT), kişilerarası problematik süreçleri çözme yoluyla semptom sağaltımına
odaklanan yapılandırılmış bir yaklaşımdır. Odak noktası yas, kişilerarası
çatışmalar, rol değişiklikleri ve sosyal izolasyon olmak üzere dört alandaki
kişilerarası ilişki sorunlarıdır. Günümüzde depresyonun yanısıra yeme
bozuklukları, anksiyete bozuklukları, travma sonrası stres bozukluğu gibi
rahatsızlıkların tedavisinde de kullanılmakla birlikte, aslında ayaktan tedavi
gören depresyon hastaları için geliştirilmiş bir prosedürdür. Bu yaklaşımda
psikopatolojinin kişilerarası sorunlardan doğduğu ve sürdürüldüğü öne
sürülmektedir. KPT, depresyon tedavisi prosedürlerini araştıran pek çok
çalışmada karşımıza bir modül olarak çıkmaktadır. Öte yandan, psikoterapi
merkezlerinde ya da kliniklerde varlığına pek de aşina olmadığımız bir
psikoterapi ekolüdür. Buna paralel olarak, etkinlik çalışmalarının daha
ağırlıkta olduğu gözlemlenirken etkililik çalışmaları için aynı tablo söz
konusu olmamıştır. Yapılandırılmış bir prosedürle yürütülen çalışmalar, KPT’nin
depresyon üzerinde etkin olup olmadığı hakkında önemli bilgiler sağlamakla
birlikte çoğu zaman uygulama alanı için “fazla katı” kalabilmektedir. Bu
derleme çalışmasında ağırlıklı olarak etkililik çalışmalarının bulgularına yer
verilmiştir. Bu yolla, KPT’nin klinik uygulama alanındaki rolüne dair bir
çerçeve çizilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Derlemede, öncelikle yalnızca KPT’nin tedavi
prosedürü olarak seçildiği çalışmalar aktarılmış, daha sonraki bölümlerde ise
depresyon tedavisinde etkili olduğu pek çok araştırma tarafından desteklenen bilişsel
davranışçı terapiler ve medikal tedaviler gibi farklı prosedürlerle
kıyaslandığı çalışmalara değinilmiştir. Araştırma bulguları
değerlendirildiğinde, KPT’nin depresyon tedavisinde etkili bir yöntem olduğu
dikkat çekmektedir. Öte yandan, gerek medikal tedavilerle gerekse bilişsel
davranışçı terapilerle yapılan kıyaslama çalışmaları, KPT’nin diğer
yaklaşımlardan herhangi birine karşı üstünlüğü olmadığına işaret etmektedir. 


  • Bernecker, S. L., Constantino, M. J., Atkinson, L. R., Bagby, R. M., Ravitz, P. Ve McBride, C. (2016). Attachment style as a moderating influence on the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal psychotherapy for depression: A failure to replicate. Psychotherapy, 53(1), 22-33.
  • Brakemeier, E. L. ve Frase, L. (2012). Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) in major depressive disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 262(2), 117-121.
  • Brody, A. L., Saxena, S., Stoessel, P., Gillies, L. A., Fairbanks, L. A., Alborzian, S. ve Ho, M. (2001). Regional brain metabolic changes in patients with majordepression treated with either paroxetine or interpersonal therapy: preliminary findings. Archives of General Psychiatry, 8(7), 631-640. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.58.7.631
  • El-Bilsha, M. A. (2019) Effect of interpersonal psychotherapy on the depression and loneliness among the elderly residing in residential homes.. Middle East Journal of Age and Ageing, 16(1), 14-25. doi: 10.5742/MEJAA.2019.93620
  • Elkin, I., Shea, M. T., Watkins, J. T., Imber, S. D., Sotsky, S. M., Collins, J. F. ve Fiester, S. J. (1989). National Institute of Mental Health treatment of depression collaborative research program: General effectiveness of treatments. Archives of General Psychiatry, 46(11), 971-982.
  • Frank, E., Kupfer, D. J., Perel, J. M., Cornes, C., Jarrett, D. B., Mallinger, A. G. ve Grochocinski, V. J. (1990). Three-year outcomes for maintenance therapies in recurrent depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 47(12), 1093-1099. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.1990.01810240013002
  • Horowitz, J. L., Garber J., Ciesla, J. A., Young, J. F. ve Mufson, L. (2007). Prevention of depressive symptoms in adolescents: A randomized trial of cognitive behavioral and interpersonal prevention programs. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 75(5), 693-706. doi: 10.1037/0022006X.75.5.693
  • Kass, A. E., Kolko, R. P. ve Wilfley, D. E. (2013). Psychological treatments for eating disorders. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 26(6), 549–555. doi:10.1097/YCO.0b013e328365a30e
  • Klerman, G. L., Dimascio, A., Weissman, M., Prusoff, B. ve Paykel, E. S. (1974). Treatment of depression by drugs and psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 131(2), 186-191. doi: 10.1176/ajp.131.2.186
  • Lemmens, L. H. J. M., DeRubeis, R. J., Arntz, A., Peeters, F. P. M. .L. ve Huibers, M. J. H. (2016). Sudden gains in cognitive therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy for adult depression. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 77, 170-176. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2015.12.014
  • Markowitz, J. C., Lipsitz, J. ve Milrod, B. L. (2014). Critical review of outcome research on interpersonal psychotherapy for anxiety disorders. Depression and Anxiety, 31(4), 316–325. doi:10.1002/da.22238
  • Markowitz, J. C., Petkova, E., Neria, Y., Van Meter, P. E., Zhao, Y., Hembree, E., …Marshall, R. D. (2015). Is exposure necessary? A randomized clinical trial of interpersonal psychotherapy for PTSD. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 172(5), 430–440. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2014.14070908
  • Mufson, L. ve Fairbanks, J. (1996). Interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents: A one-year naturalistic follow-up study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 35(9), 1145-1155. doi: 10.1097/00004583-199609000-00012
  • Mufson, L., Weissman, M. M., Moreau, D. ve Garfinkel, R. (1999). Efficacy of interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents. Archives of General Psychiatry, 56(6), 573-579. doi:10-1001/pubs.Arch Gen Psychiatry.
  • Murphy, R., Straebler, S., Basden, S., Cooper, Z. ve Fairburn, C. G. (2012). Interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorder. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 19, 150-158. doi: 10.1002/cpp.1780
  • O'Hara, M. W., Stuart, S., Gorman, L.L ve Wenzel, A. Efficacy of interpersonal psychotherapy for postpartum depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 57(11), 1039–1045. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.57.11.1039
  • Özer, Ü. ve Yüksel, G. (2016). Interpersonal psychotherapy in the treatment of perinatal complicated grief:A case who experienced intrauterine loss of twins. Journal of Mood Disorders, 6(1), 20-24. doi: 10.5455/jmood.20160118040459
  • Posmontier, B., Bina, R., Glasser, S., Cinamon, T., Styr, B. ve Sammarco, T. (2017). Incorporating interpersonal psychotherapy for postpartum depression into social work practice in Israel. Research on Social Work Practice, 29(1), 61 68. doi: 10.1177/1049731517707057
  • Ravitz, P., Watson, P., Lawson, A., Constantino, M. J., Bernecker, S., Park, J. ve Swartz, H. A. Interpersonal psychotherapy: A scoping review and historical perspective (1974-2017). Harvard Review of Psychiatry. doi: 10.1097/HRP.0000000000000219
  • Schramm, E., Zobel, I., Dykierek, P., Kech, S., Brakemeier, E. L., Külz, A. ve Berger M. (2011). Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy versus interpersonal psychotherapy for early-onset chronic depression: A randomized pilot study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 129(1–3), 109- 111. .
  • Souza, L. H., Salum, G. A., Mosqueiro, B. P., Caldieraro, M. A., Guerra, T. A. ve Fleck, P. D.(2016). Interpersonal psychotherapy as add-on for treatment-resistant depression: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 193, 373-380. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2016.01.004
  • Stewart, M. O., Raffa, S. D., Steele, J. L., Miller, S. A., Clougherty, K. F., Hinrichsen, G. A. ve Karlin, B. E. (2014). National dissemination of interpersonal psychotherapy for depression in veterans: Therapist and patient-level outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82(6), 1201-1206. doi: 10.1037/a0037410
  • Stuart, S. (2004). Brief interpersonal psychotherapy. The Art and Science of Brief Psychotherapies: A Practitioner’s Guide içinde (s.119-155). Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing.
  • Weismann, M. M., Klerman, G. L., Prusoff, B. A., Sholomskas, D. ve Padian, N. (1981). Depressed outpatients: results one year after treatment with drugs and /or interpersonal psychotherapy. Archives of General Psychiatry, 38(1),51-55. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.1981.01780260053005

Role of The Interpersonal Psychotherapy of Depression in Clinical Settings: Comparison with Cognitive Behavioural Therapies and Medical Treatment Procedures

Year 2019, , 111 - 118, 30.06.2019


psychotherapies (IPT) are structured approach that focuses on symptom
management through solving interpersonal problematic processes. The focus is on
four main interpersonal problems: mourning, interpersonal conflicts, role
changes and social isolation. Although it is used in the treatment of disorders
such as eating disorders, anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder
nowadays, it is actually a procedure which was developed for the outpatients
with depression. In this review, it is aimed to examine (IPT) which take part
in studies as one of the most popular modules, while not commonly used in real
clinical settings and psychotherapy centres. Also, efficacy studies were
observed to be more weighted compared to the effectiveness studies.Although the
efficacy studies provide valuable contributions about the efficacy of IPT on
depression, the exact procedures may be hard to follow in clinical settings.
Relying on the reasons explained above, in this review, it is aimed to provide
information about effectiveness researches more. By doing so, it is hoped to
draw a portrait of IPT on depression in real clinical settings. Firstly, the
studies in which IPT was chosen as the single module of the treament  were presented. Then, comparative studies
conducted with Cognitive Behavioral Therapies and Medical Therapies were
discussed. Findings suggested it is noteworthy that IPT is an effective method
in the treatment of depression. On the other hand, comparative studies
conducted with both medical treatments and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies
indicate that CPT has no superiority over any other approach.


  • Bernecker, S. L., Constantino, M. J., Atkinson, L. R., Bagby, R. M., Ravitz, P. Ve McBride, C. (2016). Attachment style as a moderating influence on the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal psychotherapy for depression: A failure to replicate. Psychotherapy, 53(1), 22-33.
  • Brakemeier, E. L. ve Frase, L. (2012). Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) in major depressive disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 262(2), 117-121.
  • Brody, A. L., Saxena, S., Stoessel, P., Gillies, L. A., Fairbanks, L. A., Alborzian, S. ve Ho, M. (2001). Regional brain metabolic changes in patients with majordepression treated with either paroxetine or interpersonal therapy: preliminary findings. Archives of General Psychiatry, 8(7), 631-640. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.58.7.631
  • El-Bilsha, M. A. (2019) Effect of interpersonal psychotherapy on the depression and loneliness among the elderly residing in residential homes.. Middle East Journal of Age and Ageing, 16(1), 14-25. doi: 10.5742/MEJAA.2019.93620
  • Elkin, I., Shea, M. T., Watkins, J. T., Imber, S. D., Sotsky, S. M., Collins, J. F. ve Fiester, S. J. (1989). National Institute of Mental Health treatment of depression collaborative research program: General effectiveness of treatments. Archives of General Psychiatry, 46(11), 971-982.
  • Frank, E., Kupfer, D. J., Perel, J. M., Cornes, C., Jarrett, D. B., Mallinger, A. G. ve Grochocinski, V. J. (1990). Three-year outcomes for maintenance therapies in recurrent depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 47(12), 1093-1099. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.1990.01810240013002
  • Horowitz, J. L., Garber J., Ciesla, J. A., Young, J. F. ve Mufson, L. (2007). Prevention of depressive symptoms in adolescents: A randomized trial of cognitive behavioral and interpersonal prevention programs. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 75(5), 693-706. doi: 10.1037/0022006X.75.5.693
  • Kass, A. E., Kolko, R. P. ve Wilfley, D. E. (2013). Psychological treatments for eating disorders. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 26(6), 549–555. doi:10.1097/YCO.0b013e328365a30e
  • Klerman, G. L., Dimascio, A., Weissman, M., Prusoff, B. ve Paykel, E. S. (1974). Treatment of depression by drugs and psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 131(2), 186-191. doi: 10.1176/ajp.131.2.186
  • Lemmens, L. H. J. M., DeRubeis, R. J., Arntz, A., Peeters, F. P. M. .L. ve Huibers, M. J. H. (2016). Sudden gains in cognitive therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy for adult depression. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 77, 170-176. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2015.12.014
  • Markowitz, J. C., Lipsitz, J. ve Milrod, B. L. (2014). Critical review of outcome research on interpersonal psychotherapy for anxiety disorders. Depression and Anxiety, 31(4), 316–325. doi:10.1002/da.22238
  • Markowitz, J. C., Petkova, E., Neria, Y., Van Meter, P. E., Zhao, Y., Hembree, E., …Marshall, R. D. (2015). Is exposure necessary? A randomized clinical trial of interpersonal psychotherapy for PTSD. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 172(5), 430–440. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2014.14070908
  • Mufson, L. ve Fairbanks, J. (1996). Interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents: A one-year naturalistic follow-up study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 35(9), 1145-1155. doi: 10.1097/00004583-199609000-00012
  • Mufson, L., Weissman, M. M., Moreau, D. ve Garfinkel, R. (1999). Efficacy of interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents. Archives of General Psychiatry, 56(6), 573-579. doi:10-1001/pubs.Arch Gen Psychiatry.
  • Murphy, R., Straebler, S., Basden, S., Cooper, Z. ve Fairburn, C. G. (2012). Interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorder. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 19, 150-158. doi: 10.1002/cpp.1780
  • O'Hara, M. W., Stuart, S., Gorman, L.L ve Wenzel, A. Efficacy of interpersonal psychotherapy for postpartum depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 57(11), 1039–1045. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.57.11.1039
  • Özer, Ü. ve Yüksel, G. (2016). Interpersonal psychotherapy in the treatment of perinatal complicated grief:A case who experienced intrauterine loss of twins. Journal of Mood Disorders, 6(1), 20-24. doi: 10.5455/jmood.20160118040459
  • Posmontier, B., Bina, R., Glasser, S., Cinamon, T., Styr, B. ve Sammarco, T. (2017). Incorporating interpersonal psychotherapy for postpartum depression into social work practice in Israel. Research on Social Work Practice, 29(1), 61 68. doi: 10.1177/1049731517707057
  • Ravitz, P., Watson, P., Lawson, A., Constantino, M. J., Bernecker, S., Park, J. ve Swartz, H. A. Interpersonal psychotherapy: A scoping review and historical perspective (1974-2017). Harvard Review of Psychiatry. doi: 10.1097/HRP.0000000000000219
  • Schramm, E., Zobel, I., Dykierek, P., Kech, S., Brakemeier, E. L., Külz, A. ve Berger M. (2011). Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy versus interpersonal psychotherapy for early-onset chronic depression: A randomized pilot study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 129(1–3), 109- 111. .
  • Souza, L. H., Salum, G. A., Mosqueiro, B. P., Caldieraro, M. A., Guerra, T. A. ve Fleck, P. D.(2016). Interpersonal psychotherapy as add-on for treatment-resistant depression: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 193, 373-380. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2016.01.004
  • Stewart, M. O., Raffa, S. D., Steele, J. L., Miller, S. A., Clougherty, K. F., Hinrichsen, G. A. ve Karlin, B. E. (2014). National dissemination of interpersonal psychotherapy for depression in veterans: Therapist and patient-level outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82(6), 1201-1206. doi: 10.1037/a0037410
  • Stuart, S. (2004). Brief interpersonal psychotherapy. The Art and Science of Brief Psychotherapies: A Practitioner’s Guide içinde (s.119-155). Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing.
  • Weismann, M. M., Klerman, G. L., Prusoff, B. A., Sholomskas, D. ve Padian, N. (1981). Depressed outpatients: results one year after treatment with drugs and /or interpersonal psychotherapy. Archives of General Psychiatry, 38(1),51-55. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.1981.01780260053005
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Psychology
Journal Section Volume:3, Issue:5 June

Ekin Öztekin 0000-0001-9562-4841

Kübra Meltem Karaoğlu This is me 0000-0002-4874-9200

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Öztekin, E., & Karaoğlu, K. M. (2019). Depresyonun Kişilerarası Psikoterapisinin Klinik Alandaki Rolü: Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapiler ve Medikal Tedavilerle Karşılaştırma Çalışmalarına İlişkin Bir Derleme. Yaşam Becerileri Psikoloji Dergisi, 3(5), 111-118.