Conference Paper
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Year 2020, , 275 - 308, 18.02.2020


Doha Bakanlar Deklarasyonu 19. paragrafında, “DTÖ Ticaretle Bağlantılı Fikri Mülkiyet Hakları Anlaşması Konseyi’ne, çalışma programını takip ederken, TRIPS md. 27.3 (b) hükmünün gözden geçirilmesi de dahil, TRIPS Sözleşmesinin 71.1 maddesi uyarınca uygulanmasının gözden geçirilmesi ve işbu deklarasyonun 12. paragrafına göre öngörülen çalışmaları da inceleyerek, TRIPS anlaşması ile Biyolojik Çeşitlilik Sözleşmesi aralarındaki ilişkiyi, geleneksel bilgi ve folklörün korunmasını, ve madde 71.1 uyarınca üyeler tarafından ortaya konan yeni gelişmeleri inceleme talimatı” vermiştir. Bu talimatla birlikte, “TRIPS md. 27.3 (b) hükmünün”, “TRIPS anlaşması ile BÇS aralarındaki ilişkinin” ve “geleneksel bilgi ve folklörün korunması” başlıklarının gözden geçirilmesi süreci başlamıştır. Paragraf 19 ile üç ana görev verilmiş olduğu açıktır. İş bu çalışma TRIPS Konseyi içinde yer bulan TRIPS ile BÇS arasındaki ilişkiye dair çalışmaları inceleyip, tanımlayacaktır. Bu ilişkiyi incelerken, konu hakkında çok sayıda DTÖ üyesi tarafından yapılan ve sunulan, önemli tartışma ve önerilere odaklanılacaktır. İlk bölümde TRIPS ve BÇS, konu ile ilgili maddeleri ile birlikte incelenecektir. İkinci bölümde konu hakkında genel tartışmalar incelenecektir. Üçüncü bölümde özellikle önceden izin alınma konusu dahil, daha belirgin tartışmalara odaklanılacak ve üyeler arasındaki farklı yaklaşımlar görülebilecektir. İş bu çalışmada son olarak, TRIPS ile BÇS arasında bir çatışma veya uzlaşma ihtimali olup olmadığı sorusuna cevap aranılacaktır.


  • Books
  • Dutfield, Graham (2004), Intellectual Property Biogenetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, London, Earthscan.
  • Book Sections
  • Rosendal, G. Kristin (2006), “The Convention on Biological Diversity: Tensions with the WTO TRIPS Agreement over Access to Genetic Resources and the Sharing of Benefits”, Oberthür, Sebastian, Gehring, Thomas (Editors), Institutional Interaction in Global Environmental Governance, Synergy and Conflict among International and EU Policies, Cambridge, The MIT Press, p. 79 – 101.
  • Stoll, Peter - Tobias / von Hahn, Anja (2003), “Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Knowledge and Indigenous Resources in International Law”,von Lewinski, Silke (Editor), Indigenous Heritage and Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, 1st. edt.
  • Electronic Books
  • Chouchena – Rojas, Martha/Muller, Manuel Ruiz/Vivas, David/Winkler, Sebastian (Editors) (2005), Disclosure Requirements: Ensuring Mutual Supportiveness Between The WTO TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and ICTSD, Geneva, Switzerland,< > l.a.d. 15.03.2019.
  • Eugui, David Vivas (2002), Issues Linked To The Convention On Biological Diversity In The WTO Negotiations: Implementing Doha Mandates, July, Geneva, Centre For International Environmental Law (CIEL),< > l.a.d. 18.03.2019.
  • Roffe, Pedro / Melendez-Ortiz, Ricardo / Bellmann, Christophe / Chamay, Marie and others (2005), Resource Book On TRIPS and Development: An Authoritative And Practical Guide To The TRIPS Agreement (UNCTAD - ICTSD capacity building Project on IPR’s), 1st Edt., USA, Cambridge University Press, <> l.a.d. 18.03.2019.
  • Electronic Book Sections
  • Addor, Felix, “Switzerland’s Proposals For Disclosure Of The Source Of Genetic Resources And Traditional Knowledge In Patent Applications; And Views On Prior Informed Consent And Benefit Sharing In Patent Applications”, Chouchena – Rojas, Martha/Muller, Manuel Ruiz/Vivas, David/Winkler, Sebastian (Editors) (2005), Disclosure Requirements: Ensuring Mutual Supportiveness Between The WTO TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and ICTSD, Geneva, Switzerland, < > l.a.d. 15.03.2019, p. 35 – 40.
  • Eugui, David Vivas/Ruiz, Manuel, “Toward An Effective Disclosure Mechanism: Justification, Scope and Legal Effects”, Chouchena – Rojas, Martha/Muller, Manuel Ruiz/Vivas, David/Winkler, Sebastian (Editors) (2005), Disclosure Requirements: Ensuring Mutual Supportiveness Between The WTO TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and ICTSD, Geneva, Switzerland, < > l.a.d. 15.03.2019, p. 23 – 28.
  • Oliva, Maria Julia / Perrault, Ann, “Prior Informed Consent And Access To Genetic Resources”, Chouchena – Rojas, Martha/Muller, Manuel Ruiz/Vivas, David/Winkler, Sebastian (Editors) (2005), Disclosure Requirements: Ensuring Mutual Supportiveness Between The WTO TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and ICTSD, Geneva, Switzerland, < > l.a.d. 15.03.2019, p. 17 – 20.
  • Venero, Begoña, “Addressing The Disclosure Requirement At The International Level: The Role Of The TRIPS Agreement”, Chouchena – Rojas, Martha/Muller, Manuel Ruiz/Vivas, David/Winkler, Sebastian (Editors) (2005), Disclosure Requirements: Ensuring Mutual Supportiveness Between The WTO TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and ICTSD, Geneva, Switzerland, < > l.a.d. 15.03.2019, p. 29 – 32.
  • Articles
  • Carr, Jonathan (2008), “Agreements that Divide: Trips vs. CBD and Proposals for Mandatory Disclosure of Source and Origin of Genetic Resources in Patent Applications”, Journal of Transnational Law & Policy, I: 1, Fall, V: 18, p. 131 – 154.
  • Cottier, Thomas/Panizzon, Marion (2008), “Legal Perspective On Traditional Knowledge: The Case For Intellectual Property Protection”, Journal of Intenational Economic Law, I: 2, February, V: 7, p. 371 - 399.
  • Dutfield, Graham (2002), “Sharing The Benefits Of Biodiversity Is There A Role For Patent System?”, The Journal Of World Intellectual Property, I: 6, November, V: 5, p. 899 - 900, (2002).
  • Dutfield, Graham (2001), “TRIPS - Related Aspects of Traditional Knowledge, Case Western Reserve Journal Of International Law”, I: 2, V: 33, p. 233 – 275, (2001).
  • Ewens, Lara E. (2000), “Seed Wars: Biotechnology, Intellectual Property, and the Quest for High Yield Seeds”, Boston College International & Comparative Law Review, I: 2, V: 23, p. 285 – 310.
  • Jeffery, Michael I. (2002), “Bioprospecting: Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing under the Convention on Biodiversity and the Bonn Guidelines”, Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law, I: 6, V: 2002, p. 747 – 808.
  • Keating, Dominic (2005), “Access to Genetic Resources and Equitable Benefit Sharing through a New Disclosure Requirement in the Patent System: An Issue in Search of a Forum”, Journal of Patent & Trademark Office Society, July, V: 87, p. 525 – 547.
  • Laxman, Lekha/Ansari, Abdul Haseeb (2012), “The Interface Between TRIPS and CBD: Efforts Towards Harmonization”, Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, I: 2, V: 11, p. 108 – 132.
  • Linarelli, John (2002), “Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and Biotechnology: European Aspects”, Singapore Journal of International &Comparative Law, I: 6, V: 2002, p. 406 – 435.
  • McManis, Charles R. (2003), “Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge Protection: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally”, Cardozo Journal of International & Comparative Law, V: 11, p. 547 – 583.
  • McManis, Charles R. (1998), “The Interface between International Intellectual Property and Environmental Protection: Biodiversity and Biotechnology”, Washington University Law Quarterly, I: 1, V: 76, p. 255 – 279, (1998).
  • Tejera, Valentina (1999), “Tripping over Property Rights: Is It Possible to Reconcile the Convention on Biological Diversity with Article 27 of the TRIPs Agreement”, New England Law Review, I: 4, Summer, V: 33, p. 967 – 987.
  • Electronic Sources
  • Chen, Lyan, Forbes, “The Most Profitable Industries In 2016”, < > l.a.d. 19.02.2019.
  • Electronic Documents
  • WTO Documents (Log in for all WTO documents, Documents online search facility < > l.a.d. 18.03.2019.
  • Communications - WTO Members
  • African Group IP/C/W/404, IP/C/W/206; Brazil IP/C/W/228; Brazil and India IP/C/W/443; European Community IP/C/W/383; India IP/C/W/198 IP/C/W/195; Switzerland IP/C/W/433, IP/C/W/423; United States IP/C/W/434 , IP/C/W 257, IP/C/W/209, IP/C/W/162, IP/C/W/449
  • Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights – Minutes of Meeting
  • IP/C/M/29; IP/C/M/37/Add., 1; IP/C/M/39; IP/C/M/40; IP/C/M/42; IP/C/M/43; IP/C/M/44; IP/C/M/46; IP/C/M/47; IP/C/M/48; IP/C/M/49.
  • TRIPS Council Secretariat, “The relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity –Summary of Issues raised and points made”, (TRIPS Council Secretariat) (IP/C/W/368/Rev.1, February 2006), < > l.a.d. 18.03.2019.
  • TN/C/W/52, 19 July 2008 (Draft Modalities For TRIPS Related Issues).
  • WTO (2001), The Doha Ministerial Declaration, Ministerial Conference Fourth Session, Doha 9 - 14 November, WT/MIN(01)/DEC/1.<> l.a.d.15.03.2019. WIPO Documents
  • PCT/R/WG/4/13; PCT/R/WG/5/11/Rev.
  • CBD Documents
  • Ad Hoc Open - Ended Working Group on Access and Benefit Sharing Meeting: UNEP/CBD/WG-ABS/3/7, 3 March 2005,
  • Table of Statues
  • Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS)
  • Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD)


Year 2020, , 275 - 308, 18.02.2020


Doha Ministerial Declaration (The Fourth Ministerial Conference of World Trade Organization (WTO), held on 9 – 14 November 2001, in Doha, Qatar) paragraph 19 instructs “the Council (of WTO) for Trade - Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), in pursuing its work programme including under the review of Article 27.3(b), the review of the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement under Article 71.1 and the work foreseen pursuant to paragraph 12 of this Declaration, to examine, inter alia, the relationship between TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the protection of traditional knowledge and folklore, and other relevant new developments raised by Members pursuant to Article 71.1”. With this instruction the works in WTO regarding the review of “the provisions of Article 27.3(b)”, “the relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and CBD”, and “the protection of traditional knowledge and folklore” started. It is clear that paragraph 19 has three mandates. This work will examine and describe the work in the TRIPS Council (Council) on the relationship between TRIPS and CBD. While examining the relationship, this work will be focused on the main arguments and proposals regarding the issue which are made and presented by the several WTO Members. In the first part of the work, TRIPS agreement and CBD with related articles regarding the issue will be examined. In the second part, general discussions on the issue will be examined. In the third part, more particular disscussions on the issue, especially on the point of prior informed consent, will be focused and different approachs between members will be seen. Lastly this work will seek an answer regarding whether there is any conflict between TRIPS and CBD or possibility of compromise.


  • Books
  • Dutfield, Graham (2004), Intellectual Property Biogenetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, London, Earthscan.
  • Book Sections
  • Rosendal, G. Kristin (2006), “The Convention on Biological Diversity: Tensions with the WTO TRIPS Agreement over Access to Genetic Resources and the Sharing of Benefits”, Oberthür, Sebastian, Gehring, Thomas (Editors), Institutional Interaction in Global Environmental Governance, Synergy and Conflict among International and EU Policies, Cambridge, The MIT Press, p. 79 – 101.
  • Stoll, Peter - Tobias / von Hahn, Anja (2003), “Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Knowledge and Indigenous Resources in International Law”,von Lewinski, Silke (Editor), Indigenous Heritage and Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, 1st. edt.
  • Electronic Books
  • Chouchena – Rojas, Martha/Muller, Manuel Ruiz/Vivas, David/Winkler, Sebastian (Editors) (2005), Disclosure Requirements: Ensuring Mutual Supportiveness Between The WTO TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and ICTSD, Geneva, Switzerland,< > l.a.d. 15.03.2019.
  • Eugui, David Vivas (2002), Issues Linked To The Convention On Biological Diversity In The WTO Negotiations: Implementing Doha Mandates, July, Geneva, Centre For International Environmental Law (CIEL),< > l.a.d. 18.03.2019.
  • Roffe, Pedro / Melendez-Ortiz, Ricardo / Bellmann, Christophe / Chamay, Marie and others (2005), Resource Book On TRIPS and Development: An Authoritative And Practical Guide To The TRIPS Agreement (UNCTAD - ICTSD capacity building Project on IPR’s), 1st Edt., USA, Cambridge University Press, <> l.a.d. 18.03.2019.
  • Electronic Book Sections
  • Addor, Felix, “Switzerland’s Proposals For Disclosure Of The Source Of Genetic Resources And Traditional Knowledge In Patent Applications; And Views On Prior Informed Consent And Benefit Sharing In Patent Applications”, Chouchena – Rojas, Martha/Muller, Manuel Ruiz/Vivas, David/Winkler, Sebastian (Editors) (2005), Disclosure Requirements: Ensuring Mutual Supportiveness Between The WTO TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and ICTSD, Geneva, Switzerland, < > l.a.d. 15.03.2019, p. 35 – 40.
  • Eugui, David Vivas/Ruiz, Manuel, “Toward An Effective Disclosure Mechanism: Justification, Scope and Legal Effects”, Chouchena – Rojas, Martha/Muller, Manuel Ruiz/Vivas, David/Winkler, Sebastian (Editors) (2005), Disclosure Requirements: Ensuring Mutual Supportiveness Between The WTO TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and ICTSD, Geneva, Switzerland, < > l.a.d. 15.03.2019, p. 23 – 28.
  • Oliva, Maria Julia / Perrault, Ann, “Prior Informed Consent And Access To Genetic Resources”, Chouchena – Rojas, Martha/Muller, Manuel Ruiz/Vivas, David/Winkler, Sebastian (Editors) (2005), Disclosure Requirements: Ensuring Mutual Supportiveness Between The WTO TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and ICTSD, Geneva, Switzerland, < > l.a.d. 15.03.2019, p. 17 – 20.
  • Venero, Begoña, “Addressing The Disclosure Requirement At The International Level: The Role Of The TRIPS Agreement”, Chouchena – Rojas, Martha/Muller, Manuel Ruiz/Vivas, David/Winkler, Sebastian (Editors) (2005), Disclosure Requirements: Ensuring Mutual Supportiveness Between The WTO TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and ICTSD, Geneva, Switzerland, < > l.a.d. 15.03.2019, p. 29 – 32.
  • Articles
  • Carr, Jonathan (2008), “Agreements that Divide: Trips vs. CBD and Proposals for Mandatory Disclosure of Source and Origin of Genetic Resources in Patent Applications”, Journal of Transnational Law & Policy, I: 1, Fall, V: 18, p. 131 – 154.
  • Cottier, Thomas/Panizzon, Marion (2008), “Legal Perspective On Traditional Knowledge: The Case For Intellectual Property Protection”, Journal of Intenational Economic Law, I: 2, February, V: 7, p. 371 - 399.
  • Dutfield, Graham (2002), “Sharing The Benefits Of Biodiversity Is There A Role For Patent System?”, The Journal Of World Intellectual Property, I: 6, November, V: 5, p. 899 - 900, (2002).
  • Dutfield, Graham (2001), “TRIPS - Related Aspects of Traditional Knowledge, Case Western Reserve Journal Of International Law”, I: 2, V: 33, p. 233 – 275, (2001).
  • Ewens, Lara E. (2000), “Seed Wars: Biotechnology, Intellectual Property, and the Quest for High Yield Seeds”, Boston College International & Comparative Law Review, I: 2, V: 23, p. 285 – 310.
  • Jeffery, Michael I. (2002), “Bioprospecting: Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing under the Convention on Biodiversity and the Bonn Guidelines”, Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law, I: 6, V: 2002, p. 747 – 808.
  • Keating, Dominic (2005), “Access to Genetic Resources and Equitable Benefit Sharing through a New Disclosure Requirement in the Patent System: An Issue in Search of a Forum”, Journal of Patent & Trademark Office Society, July, V: 87, p. 525 – 547.
  • Laxman, Lekha/Ansari, Abdul Haseeb (2012), “The Interface Between TRIPS and CBD: Efforts Towards Harmonization”, Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, I: 2, V: 11, p. 108 – 132.
  • Linarelli, John (2002), “Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and Biotechnology: European Aspects”, Singapore Journal of International &Comparative Law, I: 6, V: 2002, p. 406 – 435.
  • McManis, Charles R. (2003), “Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge Protection: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally”, Cardozo Journal of International & Comparative Law, V: 11, p. 547 – 583.
  • McManis, Charles R. (1998), “The Interface between International Intellectual Property and Environmental Protection: Biodiversity and Biotechnology”, Washington University Law Quarterly, I: 1, V: 76, p. 255 – 279, (1998).
  • Tejera, Valentina (1999), “Tripping over Property Rights: Is It Possible to Reconcile the Convention on Biological Diversity with Article 27 of the TRIPs Agreement”, New England Law Review, I: 4, Summer, V: 33, p. 967 – 987.
  • Electronic Sources
  • Chen, Lyan, Forbes, “The Most Profitable Industries In 2016”, < > l.a.d. 19.02.2019.
  • Electronic Documents
  • WTO Documents (Log in for all WTO documents, Documents online search facility < > l.a.d. 18.03.2019.
  • Communications - WTO Members
  • African Group IP/C/W/404, IP/C/W/206; Brazil IP/C/W/228; Brazil and India IP/C/W/443; European Community IP/C/W/383; India IP/C/W/198 IP/C/W/195; Switzerland IP/C/W/433, IP/C/W/423; United States IP/C/W/434 , IP/C/W 257, IP/C/W/209, IP/C/W/162, IP/C/W/449
  • Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights – Minutes of Meeting
  • IP/C/M/29; IP/C/M/37/Add., 1; IP/C/M/39; IP/C/M/40; IP/C/M/42; IP/C/M/43; IP/C/M/44; IP/C/M/46; IP/C/M/47; IP/C/M/48; IP/C/M/49.
  • TRIPS Council Secretariat, “The relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity –Summary of Issues raised and points made”, (TRIPS Council Secretariat) (IP/C/W/368/Rev.1, February 2006), < > l.a.d. 18.03.2019.
  • TN/C/W/52, 19 July 2008 (Draft Modalities For TRIPS Related Issues).
  • WTO (2001), The Doha Ministerial Declaration, Ministerial Conference Fourth Session, Doha 9 - 14 November, WT/MIN(01)/DEC/1.<> l.a.d.15.03.2019. WIPO Documents
  • PCT/R/WG/4/13; PCT/R/WG/5/11/Rev.
  • CBD Documents
  • Ad Hoc Open - Ended Working Group on Access and Benefit Sharing Meeting: UNEP/CBD/WG-ABS/3/7, 3 March 2005,
  • Table of Statues
  • Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS)
  • Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD)
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section PRIVATE LAW

Sinan Misili 0000-0002-6759-2317

Publication Date February 18, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


AMA Misili S. ASSESSMENTS ON THE TRIPS AGREEMENT AND THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY. YBHD. February 2020;(1):275-308. doi:10.33432/ybuhukuk.622998
Chicago Misili, Sinan. “ASSESSMENTS ON THE TRIPS AGREEMENT AND THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi, no. 1 (February 2020): 275-308.
EndNote Misili S (February 1, 2020) ASSESSMENTS ON THE TRIPS AGREEMENT AND THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi 1 275–308.
IEEE S. Misili, “ASSESSMENTS ON THE TRIPS AGREEMENT AND THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY”, YBHD, no. 1, pp. 275–308, February 2020, doi: 10.33432/ybuhukuk.622998.
ISNAD Misili, Sinan. “ASSESSMENTS ON THE TRIPS AGREEMENT AND THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi 1 (February 2020), 275-308.
MLA Misili, Sinan. “ASSESSMENTS ON THE TRIPS AGREEMENT AND THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi, no. 1, 2020, pp. 275-08, doi:10.33432/ybuhukuk.622998.
