Research Article
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Year 2019, Issue: 2, 259 - 302, 31.07.2019


Continuous increase of the energy prices due to the political changes across the world, fossil fuels that are quite expensive to be manufactured going soon to be extinct, the presence of foreign-source dependency, as well as the environmental effects make it a must to detect alternative energy sources, thus utilizing these sources as productive as possible, in today's world. Cheaper and cleaner energy production, which is one of the fundamental problems of economic and social life, leads countries to reconsider their energy policies. At this point in Turkey, certain concrete steps have been recently taken concerning the nuclear energy policies, which have been tried to be put into practise for about 50 years, and the construction phase was initiated for two nuclear power stations. It is aimed at activating first nuclear power station Akkuyu in 2023.

These concrete developments make it a must to regulate various regulations in terms of liability law and insurance law, as well. Within this context, the international regime concerning the liability law and the Paris Convention, to which Turkey is a party, draw a general frame, and here in this study the manner how the liability area is to be subjected to the insurance is discussed.


  • Ampovska, Marja (2017), “Nuclear Insurance Pools Worldwide: The Role in The Nuclear Law” Balkan Social Science Review 9, (7-21).
  • Aydoğdu, Murat (2009), Sivil Amaçlı Nükleer Santral İşletenin ve Nükleer Madde Taşıyanın Hukuki Sorumluluğu, Ankara, Adalet Yayınevi.
  • Beyens, Mark (2014), "The EU Tentative to Harmonise Nuclear Liability Amaong The EU Memeber States", Nuclear Liability& Insurance, Nuclear Law in Progress Buenos Aires INLA, (663-671).
  • Burns, G. Stephen/Vasquez-Maignan, Ximena (2014), "Progress Towards A Global Nuclear Liabilty Regime", Nuclear Law in Progress, Congress-Buenos Aires INLA (633-653).
  • Cavers, David F. (1964), "Nuclear Energy, Tort Liability and Financial Protection", Nuclear Energy, Public Policy and The Law, New York University School of Law, (59-76).
  • Charreton, Pierre (2014), "Towards A Necessary Optimization of The Nuclear Liability Regimes", Nuclear Law in Progress, Congress-Buenos Aires INLA, (653-663).
  • Déri, Kataalin (1999), "Insurance Agreement Covering the Paks NPP", Reform of Civil Nucelar Liability, Budapest Symposium 1999, Nuclear Energy Agency, (399-405).
  • Gabartas, Herkus (2014), "The Challenges for Co-Existence and Harmonization Of Different Nuclear Liability Regimes in The European Union", Nuclear Law in Progress, Congress-Buenos Aires INLA, (763-789).
  • Güneysu, Gülin (1989), “Legal Liability Evolving Out of The Damages Caused by Nuclear Reactors”, Ankara University- Law School Journal, 1989-1990, Volume 41, Issue 1-4, (207-223).
  • Kremen, David (1999), “Nuclear Liability Regime in The U.S.A.” In: Seminar on Nuclear Law and Liability, 8-9 September 1999 Ankara, (1-6).
  • Kocaoğlu, Necip Kağan (2010), "Nükleer Tesis İşletenin Hukuki Sorumluluğu: Karşılaştırmalı ve Uluslararası Özel Hukuk Analizi", Ankara Barosu Dergisi, 2010 (2), (33-112).
  • Kolehmainen, Heikki (1999), "The Modernisation Of the Inter-netional Nuclear Third Party Liability Regime-Does Exclusive Liability still Make Sense?", Budapest Symposium 1999, OECD NEA Publications, (453-463).
  • Korkusuz, Mustafa (2012), Nükleer Santral İşletenin Hukuki Sorumluluğu, İstanbul, Beta Press.
  • Mohan, Ram (2015), Nuclear Energy and Liability in South Asia, Institutions, Legal Frameworks and Risk Assessment within SAARC, New Delhi, Springer.
  • Nocera, Fabrizio (2005), The Legal Regime of Nuclear Energy, A Comprehensive Guide to International and European Law, Antwerpen-Oxford.
  • Nomura, Toyohiro/Hokugo Taro/Takenaka, Chihiro (2012), “Japon's Nuclear Liability System”, Legal Affairs OECD NEA, (15-29).
  • OECD (1994), Liability and Compensation for Nuclear Damage, An International Overview, Paris, OECD NEA.
  • OECD (2016), Nuclear Legislation in OECD and NEA Countries, Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Nuclear Activities, U.S., Paris, OECD NEA. ˂(˃.
  • Özer Kabukçuoğlu, F. Dilek (2012), Sigortacılık Kanunu Şerhi, İstanbul, Oniki Levha Yayınevi.
  • Pelzer, Nobert (1999), "Focus on The Future of Nuclear Liabilty Law, Reform of Civil Nuclear Liability", Budapest Symposium, OECD NEA Publications, (421-453).
  • Pelzer, Norbert (2010) “Main Features of the Revised International Regime Governing Nuclear Liabilty-Progress and Standstill International Nuclear Law: History, Evolution and Outlook”, 10 th Anniversary of the International School of Nuclear Law, OECD NEA No:6934, (pp.355-387).
  • Quattrocchi, John L. (1999), "Nuclear Liability Insurance in The United States: An Insurer's Pective", Reform of Civil Nucelar Liability, Budapest Symposium 1999, Nuclear Energy Agency, (383-399).
  • Reitsma, Sebastiaan M.S.; " Nuclear Insurance Pools: World-wide Practice and Prospective", Swiss Nuclear Insurance Pool, ˂ 051/31051428.pdf, ˃.
  • Sands, Philippe/Galizzi Paolo (1999), “The 1968 Brussels Convention and Liability for Nuclear Damage”, Budapest Symposium, OECD NEA Publications, (475-507).
  • Saxena, Vaibhav (2014), “Nuclear Liability, New Dimensions and Emerging Trends, Nuclear Law in Progress”, Nuclear Law in Progress, Congress-Buenos Aires INLA, (681-695).
  • Schwartz, A. Julia (2010), "Liability and Compensation for Third Party Damage resulting from a Nuclear Incident" International Nuclear Law: History, Evolution and Outlook, 10 th Anniversary of the International school of nuclear law, OECD NEA No:6934, (307-355).
  • Tetley, Mark (2014), “Nuclear Insurance, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, Nuclear Law in Progress, XII INLA Congress-Buenos Aires, (709-727).
  • Thomas, Anthony/Heffron J. Raphael (2012), Third Party Nuclear Liabilty: The Case of a Supplier in the United Kingdom, University of Cambridge. ˂ /cam/pdf/cwpe1207.pdf˃.
  • Trevor, J.P.H (1969),"Principles of Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage", Nuclear Law for a Developing World, Vienna, IAEA, (109-115).
  • Ulusan, İhsan (1996) “Türk Hukukunda Nükleer Zararlardan Doğan Hukuki Mes’uliyet”, Prof. Dr. Halit Kemal Elbir’e Armağan, İs-tanbul, (551-563).
  •, ANI-Brouchure.pdf


Year 2019, Issue: 2, 259 - 302, 31.07.2019


    Dünyadaki politik gelişmelere bağlı olarak enerji fiyatlarının sürekli artması, üretimi oldukça pahalı olan fosil yakıtların belirli bir süre sonra bitecek olması, dışa bağımlılığın varlığı ve çevresel etkiler sebebiyle alternatif enerji kaynaklarının tespit edilerek bu kaynaklardan yüksek verimle faydalanılması günümüzde adeta bir zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. Ekonomik ve sosyal hayatın temel sorunları arasında yerini alan daha ucuz ve temiz enerji üretimi, ülkeleri enerji politikalarını yeniden gözden geçirmeye yöneltmektedir. Bu noktada yaklaşık 50 yıldır hayata geçirilmeye çalışan nükleer enerji politikalarına ilişkin yakın geçmişte somut adımlar atılmış ve iki nükleer santralin yapım aşamasına geçilmiştir. 2023 yılında ilk nükleer santralimiz Akkuyunun aktif hale getirilmesi hedeflenmektedir.

    Bahse konu somut gelişmeler, beraberinde hem sorumluluk hukuku hem de sigorta hukuku açısından muhtelif yasal düzenlemelerin yapılmasını gerekli kılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, sorumluluk hukukuna ilişkin uluslararası rejim ile ülkemizin taraf olduğu Paris Sözleşmesi genel bir çerçeve çizmekle birlikte, sınırları belirlenmiş olan sorumluluk alanının ne şekilde sigortaya dahil edileceği, çalışma genelinde tartışmaya konu edilmiştir.


  • Ampovska, Marja (2017), “Nuclear Insurance Pools Worldwide: The Role in The Nuclear Law” Balkan Social Science Review 9, (7-21).
  • Aydoğdu, Murat (2009), Sivil Amaçlı Nükleer Santral İşletenin ve Nükleer Madde Taşıyanın Hukuki Sorumluluğu, Ankara, Adalet Yayınevi.
  • Beyens, Mark (2014), "The EU Tentative to Harmonise Nuclear Liability Amaong The EU Memeber States", Nuclear Liability& Insurance, Nuclear Law in Progress Buenos Aires INLA, (663-671).
  • Burns, G. Stephen/Vasquez-Maignan, Ximena (2014), "Progress Towards A Global Nuclear Liabilty Regime", Nuclear Law in Progress, Congress-Buenos Aires INLA (633-653).
  • Cavers, David F. (1964), "Nuclear Energy, Tort Liability and Financial Protection", Nuclear Energy, Public Policy and The Law, New York University School of Law, (59-76).
  • Charreton, Pierre (2014), "Towards A Necessary Optimization of The Nuclear Liability Regimes", Nuclear Law in Progress, Congress-Buenos Aires INLA, (653-663).
  • Déri, Kataalin (1999), "Insurance Agreement Covering the Paks NPP", Reform of Civil Nucelar Liability, Budapest Symposium 1999, Nuclear Energy Agency, (399-405).
  • Gabartas, Herkus (2014), "The Challenges for Co-Existence and Harmonization Of Different Nuclear Liability Regimes in The European Union", Nuclear Law in Progress, Congress-Buenos Aires INLA, (763-789).
  • Güneysu, Gülin (1989), “Legal Liability Evolving Out of The Damages Caused by Nuclear Reactors”, Ankara University- Law School Journal, 1989-1990, Volume 41, Issue 1-4, (207-223).
  • Kremen, David (1999), “Nuclear Liability Regime in The U.S.A.” In: Seminar on Nuclear Law and Liability, 8-9 September 1999 Ankara, (1-6).
  • Kocaoğlu, Necip Kağan (2010), "Nükleer Tesis İşletenin Hukuki Sorumluluğu: Karşılaştırmalı ve Uluslararası Özel Hukuk Analizi", Ankara Barosu Dergisi, 2010 (2), (33-112).
  • Kolehmainen, Heikki (1999), "The Modernisation Of the Inter-netional Nuclear Third Party Liability Regime-Does Exclusive Liability still Make Sense?", Budapest Symposium 1999, OECD NEA Publications, (453-463).
  • Korkusuz, Mustafa (2012), Nükleer Santral İşletenin Hukuki Sorumluluğu, İstanbul, Beta Press.
  • Mohan, Ram (2015), Nuclear Energy and Liability in South Asia, Institutions, Legal Frameworks and Risk Assessment within SAARC, New Delhi, Springer.
  • Nocera, Fabrizio (2005), The Legal Regime of Nuclear Energy, A Comprehensive Guide to International and European Law, Antwerpen-Oxford.
  • Nomura, Toyohiro/Hokugo Taro/Takenaka, Chihiro (2012), “Japon's Nuclear Liability System”, Legal Affairs OECD NEA, (15-29).
  • OECD (1994), Liability and Compensation for Nuclear Damage, An International Overview, Paris, OECD NEA.
  • OECD (2016), Nuclear Legislation in OECD and NEA Countries, Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Nuclear Activities, U.S., Paris, OECD NEA. ˂(˃.
  • Özer Kabukçuoğlu, F. Dilek (2012), Sigortacılık Kanunu Şerhi, İstanbul, Oniki Levha Yayınevi.
  • Pelzer, Nobert (1999), "Focus on The Future of Nuclear Liabilty Law, Reform of Civil Nuclear Liability", Budapest Symposium, OECD NEA Publications, (421-453).
  • Pelzer, Norbert (2010) “Main Features of the Revised International Regime Governing Nuclear Liabilty-Progress and Standstill International Nuclear Law: History, Evolution and Outlook”, 10 th Anniversary of the International School of Nuclear Law, OECD NEA No:6934, (pp.355-387).
  • Quattrocchi, John L. (1999), "Nuclear Liability Insurance in The United States: An Insurer's Pective", Reform of Civil Nucelar Liability, Budapest Symposium 1999, Nuclear Energy Agency, (383-399).
  • Reitsma, Sebastiaan M.S.; " Nuclear Insurance Pools: World-wide Practice and Prospective", Swiss Nuclear Insurance Pool, ˂ 051/31051428.pdf, ˃.
  • Sands, Philippe/Galizzi Paolo (1999), “The 1968 Brussels Convention and Liability for Nuclear Damage”, Budapest Symposium, OECD NEA Publications, (475-507).
  • Saxena, Vaibhav (2014), “Nuclear Liability, New Dimensions and Emerging Trends, Nuclear Law in Progress”, Nuclear Law in Progress, Congress-Buenos Aires INLA, (681-695).
  • Schwartz, A. Julia (2010), "Liability and Compensation for Third Party Damage resulting from a Nuclear Incident" International Nuclear Law: History, Evolution and Outlook, 10 th Anniversary of the International school of nuclear law, OECD NEA No:6934, (307-355).
  • Tetley, Mark (2014), “Nuclear Insurance, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, Nuclear Law in Progress, XII INLA Congress-Buenos Aires, (709-727).
  • Thomas, Anthony/Heffron J. Raphael (2012), Third Party Nuclear Liabilty: The Case of a Supplier in the United Kingdom, University of Cambridge. ˂ /cam/pdf/cwpe1207.pdf˃.
  • Trevor, J.P.H (1969),"Principles of Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage", Nuclear Law for a Developing World, Vienna, IAEA, (109-115).
  • Ulusan, İhsan (1996) “Türk Hukukunda Nükleer Zararlardan Doğan Hukuki Mes’uliyet”, Prof. Dr. Halit Kemal Elbir’e Armağan, İs-tanbul, (551-563).
  •, ANI-Brouchure.pdf
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section PRIVATE LAW

Serdar Demirci This is me 0000-0001-6450-9824

Publication Date July 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 2


APA Demirci, S. (2019). NUCLEAR ENERGY AND INSURANCE PROBLEMATIC OF TURKEY. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi(2), 259-302.
AMA Demirci S. NUCLEAR ENERGY AND INSURANCE PROBLEMATIC OF TURKEY. YBHD. July 2019;(2):259-302. doi:10.33432/ybuhukuk.599169
Chicago Demirci, Serdar. “NUCLEAR ENERGY AND INSURANCE PROBLEMATIC OF TURKEY”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi, no. 2 (July 2019): 259-302.
EndNote Demirci S (July 1, 2019) NUCLEAR ENERGY AND INSURANCE PROBLEMATIC OF TURKEY. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi 2 259–302.
IEEE S. Demirci, “NUCLEAR ENERGY AND INSURANCE PROBLEMATIC OF TURKEY”, YBHD, no. 2, pp. 259–302, July 2019, doi: 10.33432/ybuhukuk.599169.
ISNAD Demirci, Serdar. “NUCLEAR ENERGY AND INSURANCE PROBLEMATIC OF TURKEY”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi 2 (July 2019), 259-302.
MLA Demirci, Serdar. “NUCLEAR ENERGY AND INSURANCE PROBLEMATIC OF TURKEY”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi, no. 2, 2019, pp. 259-02, doi:10.33432/ybuhukuk.599169.
