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Hawking'ten İbn Sînâ'ya Tanrı ve Fizik

Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 97 - 117, 30.12.2017


William E. Carroll'dan yapılan tercümedir.


  • "Atkins, P. W.. “The Limitless Power of Science”, Nature’s Imagination: The Frontiers of Scientific Vision, tahkik; John Cornwell, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1995, s. 131."
  • "Artigas, Mariano. “Física y creación: el origen del universo,” Scripta Theologica, 29, 1/2 1987."
  • "Barrow, John. The Origin of the Universe, New York, Basic Books, 1994."
  • "Burrell, David. “Aquinas and Islamic and Jewish Thinkers”, Cambridge University Press, 1993, ss. 60-84."
  • "Carroll, William E.. “Big Bang Cosmology, Quantum Tunneling from Nothing, and Creation,” Laval théologique et philosophique, 44, no.1, février 1988."
  • "Carroll, William E., “Reductionism and the Conflict Between Science and Religion,” The Allen Review 15 (Oxford, 1996), ss. 19-22."
  • "Craig, William Lane, Smith, Quentin. Theism, Atheism and Big Bang Cosmology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1993."
  • "Davidson, Herbert A. Proofs for Eternity, Creation and the Existence of God in Me- dieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy, New York: Oxford University Press, 1987."
  • "Davies, Paul. God and the New Physics, New York, Simon and Schuster, 1983. Duhem, Pierre. “Physics, History of”, The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1911, 11:48. Fackenheim, Emil 1. “The Possibility of of the Universe in Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, and" "Maimonides,” Proceedings of the American Academy of Jewish Research, Sayı. XVI, 1947, ss. 39-70."
  • "Fadlou, Shehadi. Metaphysics in Islamic Philosophy, Delmar, N.Y., Caravan Books, 1982."
  • "Goichon, Amelie Marie. La distinction de l’essence et l’existence d’après Ibn Sina," Paris, 1937."
  • "Goodman, L.E.. Avicenna, London, Routledge, 1992."
  • "Gribbin, John. In the Beginning: The Birth of the Living Universe, Boston, Little Brown and Company, 1993."
  • "Hawking, Stephen. A Brief History of Time, New York, Bantam Books, 1988."
  • “Hawking, Stephen, The Boundary Condition of the Universe,” Astrophysical Cosmology, tahkik" H.A. Brück, G.V. Coyne, M.S. Longair, Vatican City, Pontifical Academy of Science, 1982, ss. 563-572."
  • "Hawking, Stephen, “The Quantum State of the Universe,” Nuclear Physics, B 239, 1984, ss. 257- 276."
  • "Hawking, Stephen, Hartle, J. “Wave Function of the Universe,” in Physical Review D, 28, 1983, ss. 2960-2975."
  • "Hawking, Stephen, Penrose, Roger. The Nature of Space and Time, Princeton, Princeton Univer- sity Press, 1996."
  • "Hourani, George F. “Ibn Sina on Necessary and Possible Existence,” Philosophical Forum, 4, 1972, ss. 74-86."
  • "İbn Sînâ, eş-Şifâ: el-İlâhiyyât, çev: Georges Anawati, La Métaphysique du Shifa, Paris, 1978, Sayı II, ss. 83-84."
  • "Isham, C.J., “Creation of the Universe as a Quantum Process,” in Physics, Philosophy, and Theology: A Common Quest for Understanding, edited by Robert John Russell, William R."
  • "Stoeger, S.J., and George V. Coyne, S.J., Vatican City, Vatican Observatory Publications, 1988."
  • "Stoeger, S.J, “Quantum Theories of the Creation of the Universe”, in Robert John Russell, Nancey Murphy and C.J. Isham (eds.), Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action; Vatican Observatory Foun- dation 1993."
  • "Kahn, Charles. “Why Existence Does Not Emerge as a Distinct Concept in Greek Philosophy,” Philosophies of Existence: Ancient and Medieval, tahkik; P. Morewedge, NY, Fordham, 1982."
  • "Kogan, Barry. Averroes and the Metaphysics of Causation, Binghamton, NY, State University of New York Press, 1985."
  • "Leaman, Oliver. An Introduction to Medieval Islamic Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 1985."
  • "Lindberg, David. The Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tra- dition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context 600 B.C. to A.D. 1450, University of Chicago Press, 1992."
  • "Lohr, Charles H. “Aristoteles Latinus,” The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy, tahkik; Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny ve Jan Pinborg, Cambridge University Press, 1982."
  • "McMullin, Ernan. “Indifference Principle and Anthropic Principle in Cosmology, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 24, no. 3, 1993."
  • "McMullin, Ernan, “Natural Science and Belief in a Creator: Historical Notes,”, in Physics, Phi- losophy, and Theology: A Common Quest for Understanding. Edited by R. J. Russell, W.R. Stoeger, and G.V. Coyne, 49-79. Vatican City State: Vatican Observatory, 1988."
  • "Netton, Ian R., Al-Farabi and His School, Londra ve New York, Routledge, 1992. Pagels, Perfect Symmetry: The Search for the Beginning of Time (London: Michael" "Joseph, Ltd., 1985)," "Peters, F.E. Aristotle and the Arabs: The Aristotelian Tradition in Islam, New York University Press, 1968." "Polkinghorne, J., The Quantum World, London, Longman 1984." "Rahman, F. “Ibn Sina’s Theory of the God-World Relationship”, God and Creation, edit; David Burrell and Bernard, University of Notre Dame Press, 1990." "Russell, Robert John. “Finite Creation Without a Beginning: The Doctrine of Crea- tion in Relation to Big Bang and Quantum Cosmologies,” in Quantum Cos- mology and the Laws of Nature, ed. Robert John Russell, Nancey Murphy, ve" "C.J. Isham, Vatican City, Vatican Observatory Publications, 1993." "……, “Quantum Physics in Philosophical and Theological Perspective,” in Physics, Philosophy, and Theology: a Common Quest for Understanding (PPT), Vati- can City State: Vatican Observatory 1988." "Sanguineti, Juan José. El Origen del Universo: La cosmología en busca de la filo- sofía, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Universidad Catolica Argentina, 1994." "……, “La creazione nella cosmologia contemporanea,” Acta Philosophica 4, no. 2 1995." "Stoeger, W.R.. “Contemporary Cosmology and Its Implications for the Science-Re-" "ligion Dialogue”." "Peters, T., “On Creating the Cosmos”. in Physics, Philosophy and Theology: A Com-" "mon Quest for Understanding, eds. R.J. Russell, W. R. Stoeger, (1988)." "Tryon, Edward. “Is the Universe a Vacuum Fluctuation?”, Nature 246, no. 14, 14 December 1973, ss. 396–397." "Vilekin, Alexander. “Birth of Inflationary Universes”, Physical Review D, 27, 12, 1983, s. 2851." "……, “Quantum Cosmology and the Initial State of the Universe”, Physical Review" "D 37, 1988, ss. 888-897." "……, “Approaches to Quantum Cosmology,” Physical Review D 50, 1994, ss. 2581- 2594." "Ward, Keith. “Creation and Modern Cosmology,” in Religion and Creation, Oxford University Press, 1996, ss. 287-315." "Weisheipl, James A. The Development of Physical Theory in the Middle Ages, Ann Arbor, MI, Ann Arbor Paperbacks, 1971." "Zycinski, Joseph. “Metaphysics and Epistemology in Stephen Hawking’s Theory of" "the Creation of the Universe,” Zygon, sayı. 31, no. 2, June 1996."
Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 97 - 117, 30.12.2017



  • "Atkins, P. W.. “The Limitless Power of Science”, Nature’s Imagination: The Frontiers of Scientific Vision, tahkik; John Cornwell, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1995, s. 131."
  • "Artigas, Mariano. “Física y creación: el origen del universo,” Scripta Theologica, 29, 1/2 1987."
  • "Barrow, John. The Origin of the Universe, New York, Basic Books, 1994."
  • "Burrell, David. “Aquinas and Islamic and Jewish Thinkers”, Cambridge University Press, 1993, ss. 60-84."
  • "Carroll, William E.. “Big Bang Cosmology, Quantum Tunneling from Nothing, and Creation,” Laval théologique et philosophique, 44, no.1, février 1988."
  • "Carroll, William E., “Reductionism and the Conflict Between Science and Religion,” The Allen Review 15 (Oxford, 1996), ss. 19-22."
  • "Craig, William Lane, Smith, Quentin. Theism, Atheism and Big Bang Cosmology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1993."
  • "Davidson, Herbert A. Proofs for Eternity, Creation and the Existence of God in Me- dieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy, New York: Oxford University Press, 1987."
  • "Davies, Paul. God and the New Physics, New York, Simon and Schuster, 1983. Duhem, Pierre. “Physics, History of”, The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1911, 11:48. Fackenheim, Emil 1. “The Possibility of of the Universe in Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, and" "Maimonides,” Proceedings of the American Academy of Jewish Research, Sayı. XVI, 1947, ss. 39-70."
  • "Fadlou, Shehadi. Metaphysics in Islamic Philosophy, Delmar, N.Y., Caravan Books, 1982."
  • "Goichon, Amelie Marie. La distinction de l’essence et l’existence d’après Ibn Sina," Paris, 1937."
  • "Goodman, L.E.. Avicenna, London, Routledge, 1992."
  • "Gribbin, John. In the Beginning: The Birth of the Living Universe, Boston, Little Brown and Company, 1993."
  • "Hawking, Stephen. A Brief History of Time, New York, Bantam Books, 1988."
  • “Hawking, Stephen, The Boundary Condition of the Universe,” Astrophysical Cosmology, tahkik" H.A. Brück, G.V. Coyne, M.S. Longair, Vatican City, Pontifical Academy of Science, 1982, ss. 563-572."
  • "Hawking, Stephen, “The Quantum State of the Universe,” Nuclear Physics, B 239, 1984, ss. 257- 276."
  • "Hawking, Stephen, Hartle, J. “Wave Function of the Universe,” in Physical Review D, 28, 1983, ss. 2960-2975."
  • "Hawking, Stephen, Penrose, Roger. The Nature of Space and Time, Princeton, Princeton Univer- sity Press, 1996."
  • "Hourani, George F. “Ibn Sina on Necessary and Possible Existence,” Philosophical Forum, 4, 1972, ss. 74-86."
  • "İbn Sînâ, eş-Şifâ: el-İlâhiyyât, çev: Georges Anawati, La Métaphysique du Shifa, Paris, 1978, Sayı II, ss. 83-84."
  • "Isham, C.J., “Creation of the Universe as a Quantum Process,” in Physics, Philosophy, and Theology: A Common Quest for Understanding, edited by Robert John Russell, William R."
  • "Stoeger, S.J., and George V. Coyne, S.J., Vatican City, Vatican Observatory Publications, 1988."
  • "Stoeger, S.J, “Quantum Theories of the Creation of the Universe”, in Robert John Russell, Nancey Murphy and C.J. Isham (eds.), Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action; Vatican Observatory Foun- dation 1993."
  • "Kahn, Charles. “Why Existence Does Not Emerge as a Distinct Concept in Greek Philosophy,” Philosophies of Existence: Ancient and Medieval, tahkik; P. Morewedge, NY, Fordham, 1982."
  • "Kogan, Barry. Averroes and the Metaphysics of Causation, Binghamton, NY, State University of New York Press, 1985."
  • "Leaman, Oliver. An Introduction to Medieval Islamic Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 1985."
  • "Lindberg, David. The Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tra- dition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context 600 B.C. to A.D. 1450, University of Chicago Press, 1992."
  • "Lohr, Charles H. “Aristoteles Latinus,” The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy, tahkik; Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny ve Jan Pinborg, Cambridge University Press, 1982."
  • "McMullin, Ernan. “Indifference Principle and Anthropic Principle in Cosmology, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 24, no. 3, 1993."
  • "McMullin, Ernan, “Natural Science and Belief in a Creator: Historical Notes,”, in Physics, Phi- losophy, and Theology: A Common Quest for Understanding. Edited by R. J. Russell, W.R. Stoeger, and G.V. Coyne, 49-79. Vatican City State: Vatican Observatory, 1988."
  • "Netton, Ian R., Al-Farabi and His School, Londra ve New York, Routledge, 1992. Pagels, Perfect Symmetry: The Search for the Beginning of Time (London: Michael" "Joseph, Ltd., 1985)," "Peters, F.E. Aristotle and the Arabs: The Aristotelian Tradition in Islam, New York University Press, 1968." "Polkinghorne, J., The Quantum World, London, Longman 1984." "Rahman, F. “Ibn Sina’s Theory of the God-World Relationship”, God and Creation, edit; David Burrell and Bernard, University of Notre Dame Press, 1990." "Russell, Robert John. “Finite Creation Without a Beginning: The Doctrine of Crea- tion in Relation to Big Bang and Quantum Cosmologies,” in Quantum Cos- mology and the Laws of Nature, ed. Robert John Russell, Nancey Murphy, ve" "C.J. Isham, Vatican City, Vatican Observatory Publications, 1993." "……, “Quantum Physics in Philosophical and Theological Perspective,” in Physics, Philosophy, and Theology: a Common Quest for Understanding (PPT), Vati- can City State: Vatican Observatory 1988." "Sanguineti, Juan José. El Origen del Universo: La cosmología en busca de la filo- sofía, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Universidad Catolica Argentina, 1994." "……, “La creazione nella cosmologia contemporanea,” Acta Philosophica 4, no. 2 1995." "Stoeger, W.R.. “Contemporary Cosmology and Its Implications for the Science-Re-" "ligion Dialogue”." "Peters, T., “On Creating the Cosmos”. in Physics, Philosophy and Theology: A Com-" "mon Quest for Understanding, eds. R.J. Russell, W. R. Stoeger, (1988)." "Tryon, Edward. “Is the Universe a Vacuum Fluctuation?”, Nature 246, no. 14, 14 December 1973, ss. 396–397." "Vilekin, Alexander. “Birth of Inflationary Universes”, Physical Review D, 27, 12, 1983, s. 2851." "……, “Quantum Cosmology and the Initial State of the Universe”, Physical Review" "D 37, 1988, ss. 888-897." "……, “Approaches to Quantum Cosmology,” Physical Review D 50, 1994, ss. 2581- 2594." "Ward, Keith. “Creation and Modern Cosmology,” in Religion and Creation, Oxford University Press, 1996, ss. 287-315." "Weisheipl, James A. The Development of Physical Theory in the Middle Ages, Ann Arbor, MI, Ann Arbor Paperbacks, 1971." "Zycinski, Joseph. “Metaphysics and Epistemology in Stephen Hawking’s Theory of" "the Creation of the Universe,” Zygon, sayı. 31, no. 2, June 1996."
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

William E Carroll This is me

Publication Date December 30, 2017
Submission Date May 15, 2017
Acceptance Date August 20, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


ISNAD Carroll, William E. “Hawking’ten İbn Sînâ’ya Tanrı Ve Fizik”. Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 3/2 (December 2017), 97-117.

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