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Postmodern Dönemde Yeni Bir Tanım Arayışı: Müellif Olarak Grafik Tasarımcı

Year 2020, , 87 - 96, 23.01.2020


Modernizm’in zorunlu getirisi
olarak metnin ve içeriğin üreticisi olmaktan çok, görsel iletişim aracısı
konumunda durmuş olan grafik tasarımcılar, 1970’li yıllara gelindiğinde içeriğin
şeffaf iletkeni
görevini üstelenen modernist tasarım anlayışının reddi ile
birlikte müşteriden bağımsız ve kişisel inisiyatife dayalı tasarım eğilimlerine
yönelmeye başlamışlardır. Bu eğilim, Designer
as Author
olarak tanımlanan ve Türkçede müellif tasarımcı kelimesine
karşılık gelen bir anlayışını beraberinde getirmiştir. Müellif tavır ile
birlikte grafik tasarımcılar için içerik üretimi, tasarım sürecinin en başından
itibaren, biçimle birlikte düşünülmesi gereken bir bileşen haline gelmiştir.
Böylelikle grafik tasarımcılar, mesleki becerileriyle birlikte kişisel
birikimlerini de tasarım sürecine dahil etmeleri gerektiğini keşfetmişlerdir.


  • Barthes, R. (2013). Dilin Çalışma Sesi, (Çev. A. Ece, N. K. Sevil, ve E. Gökteke), İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • (14.10.2019) Carson, D. (2003). Design and Discovery, TedTalks
  • Cramsie, P. (2010). Printing with Pixels, The Story of Graphic Design, s. 190, New York: Abrams Publishing
  • Drucker, J., McVarish, E. (2009). Graphic Design History: A Critical Guide. Amerika: Pearson Education.
  • Eskilson, S. (2007). "Mature Postmodernism Wolfgang Weingart", Graphic Design a New History. Londra: Yale University Press.
  • library/Foucault_Author.pdf (28.07.2019) Foucault, M. (1969). "What is an Author?" Aesthetics, Method and Epistemology, Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984. Paris.
  • Huswit, G. (Yöneten). (2007). Helvetica a Documantery Film, Swiss Dots Production, 80 dakika.
  •’l a_e- posta_soylesisi.html (15.07.2019) Karol, E., Tanyeli, U. (2007). Esen Karol ile Uğur Tanyeli Arasında Bir E-posta Söyleşisi.
  • (13.05.2011) Karol, E. (2006). "Sending Off Bottles to the Sea"
  • Lupton, E. (1997). A Postmodern on Deconstruction? Design Culture An Anthology of Writing From The AIGA Journal of Graphic Design, (Düz. S. Heller, M. Finamore), New York: Allworth Press. Lupton, E. (1998). The Designer as Producer, The Education of a Graphic Designer (Düz. Steven Heller), s. 159-162, New York: Allworth Press.
  • Lupton, E., Miller, A. (1999). Deconstruction and Graphic Design, Design Writing Research (s. 3-24). New York: Phaidon.
  • Lupton, E., Miller, A. (1999). McLuhan/Fiore, Massaging the Message, Design, Writing, Research (s. 91-107). New York: Phaidon.
  • (09.12.2018) Lupton, E. (2009) "Insights Design Lecture Series: Ellen Lupton", Walker Art Center: Minneapolis.
  • Meggs, P. (2006). Meggs' History of Graphic Design, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • (08.09.2019) McCoy, K. (1990). Cranbrook Design: The New Discourse
  • Öztuna, Y. (2007). "Yapıbozumculuk ve Grafik Tasarım", Grafik Tasarım Dergisi, sayı 15, s. 79-85.
  • Poynor, R. (1991). "The Designer as Author", Design Without Boundaries, s. 97-103, Londra: Booth Clibborn Editions.
  • Poynor, R. (1998). "Authoring a Labyrinth", Design Without Boundaries, s. 235-236, Londra: Booth- Clibborn Editions.
  • Poynor, R. (2003). No More Rules: Graphic Design and Postmodernism, s. 118-147, Londra: Yale University Press.
  • (12.07.2019) Rock, M. (1996). "The Designer as Author", Eye Magazine
  • (10.10.2019) Strom, K. (2003). "Reading Scott Makela: The Subversion of Dyslexic Deconstruction", Design Issues, sayı 12.
  • (15.09.2019) VanderLans, R., Licko, Z. (1989). Emigre Ambition/Fear.
  • (27.11.2018) McCoy, K. (1998). "Digital Communications Design In The Second Computer Revolution".

In Search Of New Definition In The Postmodern Era: Graphic Designer As An Author

Year 2020, , 87 - 96, 23.01.2020


designers, who have stood in the position of visual communication mediator
rather than being the producer of text and content as a necessary return of
modernism, started to turn towards design tendencies independent of the
customer and personal initiative based on the rejection of the modernist design
concept which assumed the role of transparent conductor of the content a
in 1970s. This tendency has brought along an understanding which is defined as
Designer as Author and corresponds to the word müellif in Turkish. With
this author attitude, the production of content has become a component
that must be considered together with the form for graphic designers, from the
very beginning of the design process. Thus, graphic designers have discovered
that they need to incorporate their professional knowledge as well as their
personal knowledge into the design process.


  • Barthes, R. (2013). Dilin Çalışma Sesi, (Çev. A. Ece, N. K. Sevil, ve E. Gökteke), İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • (14.10.2019) Carson, D. (2003). Design and Discovery, TedTalks
  • Cramsie, P. (2010). Printing with Pixels, The Story of Graphic Design, s. 190, New York: Abrams Publishing
  • Drucker, J., McVarish, E. (2009). Graphic Design History: A Critical Guide. Amerika: Pearson Education.
  • Eskilson, S. (2007). "Mature Postmodernism Wolfgang Weingart", Graphic Design a New History. Londra: Yale University Press.
  • library/Foucault_Author.pdf (28.07.2019) Foucault, M. (1969). "What is an Author?" Aesthetics, Method and Epistemology, Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984. Paris.
  • Huswit, G. (Yöneten). (2007). Helvetica a Documantery Film, Swiss Dots Production, 80 dakika.
  •’l a_e- posta_soylesisi.html (15.07.2019) Karol, E., Tanyeli, U. (2007). Esen Karol ile Uğur Tanyeli Arasında Bir E-posta Söyleşisi.
  • (13.05.2011) Karol, E. (2006). "Sending Off Bottles to the Sea"
  • Lupton, E. (1997). A Postmodern on Deconstruction? Design Culture An Anthology of Writing From The AIGA Journal of Graphic Design, (Düz. S. Heller, M. Finamore), New York: Allworth Press. Lupton, E. (1998). The Designer as Producer, The Education of a Graphic Designer (Düz. Steven Heller), s. 159-162, New York: Allworth Press.
  • Lupton, E., Miller, A. (1999). Deconstruction and Graphic Design, Design Writing Research (s. 3-24). New York: Phaidon.
  • Lupton, E., Miller, A. (1999). McLuhan/Fiore, Massaging the Message, Design, Writing, Research (s. 91-107). New York: Phaidon.
  • (09.12.2018) Lupton, E. (2009) "Insights Design Lecture Series: Ellen Lupton", Walker Art Center: Minneapolis.
  • Meggs, P. (2006). Meggs' History of Graphic Design, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • (08.09.2019) McCoy, K. (1990). Cranbrook Design: The New Discourse
  • Öztuna, Y. (2007). "Yapıbozumculuk ve Grafik Tasarım", Grafik Tasarım Dergisi, sayı 15, s. 79-85.
  • Poynor, R. (1991). "The Designer as Author", Design Without Boundaries, s. 97-103, Londra: Booth Clibborn Editions.
  • Poynor, R. (1998). "Authoring a Labyrinth", Design Without Boundaries, s. 235-236, Londra: Booth- Clibborn Editions.
  • Poynor, R. (2003). No More Rules: Graphic Design and Postmodernism, s. 118-147, Londra: Yale University Press.
  • (12.07.2019) Rock, M. (1996). "The Designer as Author", Eye Magazine
  • (10.10.2019) Strom, K. (2003). "Reading Scott Makela: The Subversion of Dyslexic Deconstruction", Design Issues, sayı 12.
  • (15.09.2019) VanderLans, R., Licko, Z. (1989). Emigre Ambition/Fear.
  • (27.11.2018) McCoy, K. (1998). "Digital Communications Design In The Second Computer Revolution".
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleler

Umut Altıntaş 0000-0001-7951-5178

Publication Date January 23, 2020
Submission Date October 14, 2019
Acceptance Date December 23, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Altıntaş, U. (2020). Postmodern Dönemde Yeni Bir Tanım Arayışı: Müellif Olarak Grafik Tasarımcı. Yedi(23), 87-96.


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