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Çağdaş Sanatın Hayalet Mekanları: Tekinsizlik ve Ev İlişkisi Üzerine Sanat Pratikleri

Year 2020, , 13 - 27, 24.07.2020


Bu çalışma, tekinsizlik (das unheimleiche/ the uncanny) kavramının geleneksel tanımlarından günümüze değişen anlamları ve çözümlemelerine yönelik verilerin, sanat alanı içerisinde üretilmiş ev/ mekân pratikleriyle ilişkili olarak anlamlandırılması üzerine kurulmuştur. Araştırma sürecinde, çok yönlü bir kavram olan tekinsizliğin dilsel kökeninden yola çıkılarak, ev mekânı ile ilişkili boyutu ele alınmış; insanın ev mekânında huzur içerisinde var olma halinden çıkışla, belirli olumsuz koşullar altında oluşan kaygı durumuna bağlı olarak, evin içinde var olma hissiyatının yitimiyle birlikte ortaya çıkan tekinsizlik duygusuna değinilmiştir. Bu anlamda, insana en bilindik, en yakın mekân olan evin; anı, bellek, zaman, dış dünyanın yarattığı koşullar vb. unsurlarla insana yabancılaşan bir mekâna nasıl dönüşebildiği durumu üzerinden, tekinsizleşebilen bir mekân olarak değişen anlam ve görüntüleri ele alınmıştır. Çağdaş sanat içerisinde evin/ mekânın yeniden üretim pratiklerine yönelik; Gregor Schneider, Rachel Whiteread, Paulette Phillips ve Michael Landy’nin ev/ mekân üzerine kurguladıkları eserleri, tekinsizlik kavramının dilbilimsel karşılıklarına yönelik taşıdığı anlamlar çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır.


  • Berstrand, T. (2013). Splitting and doubling: Spaces for contemporary living in works by gordon Matta-Clark, Kurt Schwitters and Gregor Schneider (Yayınlanmış Doktora Tezi). Kent School of Architecture, University of Kent.
  • Bollnow, O. F. (1961). Lived-Space. Philosophy Today, 5(1), 31-39.
  • Burke, E. (2015). Unsettling space: Trauma and architecture in contemporary art (Unpublished MSc. Thesis). Tasmanian School of Art, University of Tasmania.
  • Colomina, B. (2007). Domesticiy at war. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
  • Coxhead, G. (2017, 6 November). Rachel Whiteread. Artnews, Art in America. Erişim adresi:
  • Derrida, J. (2007). Marx’ın hayaletleri. (A. Tümertekin, Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Dolar, M. (1991). I shall be with you on your wedding- night: Lacan and the uncanny, October: Rendering The Real, 58, 5-23.
  • Freud, S. (1955). The ‘Uncanny’. The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud, Volume XVII (1917-1919): An Infantile neurosis and other works, (A. Strachey, Trans.), 217-256.
  • Hardy, S. and Wiedmer C. (2011). Motherhood and space configurations of the maternal through politics, home, and the body. US: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hogue, M. (1999). Buildings cast, carved, wrapped: The intervention practices of Rachel Whiteread, Matta-Clark and Christo. 87. Acsa Annual Meeting, 195-202. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.
  • Jay, M. (1994). Downcast eyes: The denigration of vision in twentieth-century French thought. London, England: University of California Press.
  • Jentsch, E. (1997) On the psychology of the uncanny (R. Sellars, Trans.), Angelaki, 2: 1, 7-16, doi: 10.1080/09697259708571910 (Original work published 1906)
  • Kaçar, E. (2018). Lacan ve topoloji. Flsf (Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi), 25, 535-554.
  • Landy, M. (2004). Semi-detached [Sanatçının baba evinin reprodüksiyonu]. (2019, October 17). Retrieved from:
  • Lauzon, C. (2017). The unmaking of home in contemporary art. USA: University of Toronto Press.
  • Masschelein, A. (2011). The unconcept: The Freudian uncanny in late-twentieth-century theory. USA: State University of New York Press.
  • McCarthy, L. (2015). The unhomely home: Women, home-lessness and the unheimlich. Housing Studies Association Conference –‘Housing the Generations: Justice, Inequality and the Implications of Political Change. York, 8-10 April 2015, Sheffield Hallam University.
  • Megill, A. (1998). Aşırılığın peygamberleri: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida. (T. Birkan, Çev.). Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Melhuish, C. (2005). Michael landy’s semi-detached. Home Cultures, 2(1), 117–122.
  • Myzelev, A. (2001). The uncanny memories of architecture: Architectural works by Rebecca Horn and Rachel Whiteread. Bibliographie D'histoire De L'art, Florida State University, Tallahassee. 59-65
  • Phillips, P. (2002). Floating house. [5.1 surround ses ile 16mm filmde çekilen tek kanallı video gösterimi, 3 dakika]. Collection of The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. (2019, November 17). Retrieved from:
  • Roy, V. (2017). It’s all Rheydt. In Romero, E. A.(Ed.), Gregor Schneider, kindergarten (p. 26-35), México: MUAC. Erişim adresi:
  • Royle. N. (2003). The uncanny. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
  • Saehrendt, C. ve Kittl, S. (2012). Bunu ben de yaparım! modern sanatı kullanma kılavuzu. (Z. A. Yılmazer, Çev.) İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Schneider, G. (1985a). Dead house u r [Sanatçının kendi evi]. Retrieved from:
  • ____________. (1985b). Dead house u r, [Sanatçının kendi evi]. Retrieved from:,,
  • ____________. (1996). ‘u r 14, das letzte loch, haus u r, Rheydt’ [Sanatçının kendi evi]. Retrieved from:
  • Talu, N. (2008). The phenomenon of the home in modern culture: transcendental homelessness and escape fantasy at the intersection of art and design (Yayınlanmış Doktora Tezi). İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Wang, S. Lilienfeld, S. O. ve Rochat, P. (2015). The uncanny valley: Existence and explanations, American Psychological Association, Review of General Psychology, 19(4), 393–407.
  • Whiteread, R. (1990). Ghost [Çelik konstrüksiyon üzerine alçı]. 269x 355.5x 317.5cm. Retrieved from:
  • __________. (1993). House [Döküm/ püskürtme beton].). Retrieved from:
  • __________. (1995). Untitled/ pink torso [Döküm/ pempe diş plasteri]. Retrieved from:
  • Žižek, S. (2005). Yamuk bakmak: Popüler kültürden Jacques Lacan'a giriş. (T. Birkan, Çev.) İstanbul: Metis Yayıncılık.
  • __________. (2012). Lacan hakkında bilmeyi hep istediğiniz ama Hitchcock’a sormaya korktuğunuz her şey. (B. Erdoğan, Çev.), İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı.

Ghost Spaces of Contemporary Art: Art Practices on Uncanniness and Home Relationship

Year 2020, , 13 - 27, 24.07.2020


This study is based on the interpretation of the data regarding the meanings and analysis of the concept of uncanny (das unheimleiche) and its traditional definitions up to the present, in relation to home / space practices produced within the field of art. On the basis of the linguistic origin of this versatile term uncanny, its association with the home space has been addressed, as well as the feeling of uncanny with the loss of the feeling of being in the house, depending on the state of anxiety under certain negative conditions, based upon the state of human being in peace in the home space. In this sense, the most familiar, closest place to the house; changing meanings and images have been handled as a space that can become uncanny over the state of how it can transform into a space alienated to human by elements such as memory, time, conditions created by the outside world. For the reproduction practices of the house / space in contemporary art; Gregor Schneider, Rachel Whiteread, Paulette Phillips and Michael Landy's works, which are constructed on the home / space, are considered within the meaning of the linguistic equivalents of the concept of uncannyness. 


  • Berstrand, T. (2013). Splitting and doubling: Spaces for contemporary living in works by gordon Matta-Clark, Kurt Schwitters and Gregor Schneider (Yayınlanmış Doktora Tezi). Kent School of Architecture, University of Kent.
  • Bollnow, O. F. (1961). Lived-Space. Philosophy Today, 5(1), 31-39.
  • Burke, E. (2015). Unsettling space: Trauma and architecture in contemporary art (Unpublished MSc. Thesis). Tasmanian School of Art, University of Tasmania.
  • Colomina, B. (2007). Domesticiy at war. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
  • Coxhead, G. (2017, 6 November). Rachel Whiteread. Artnews, Art in America. Erişim adresi:
  • Derrida, J. (2007). Marx’ın hayaletleri. (A. Tümertekin, Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Dolar, M. (1991). I shall be with you on your wedding- night: Lacan and the uncanny, October: Rendering The Real, 58, 5-23.
  • Freud, S. (1955). The ‘Uncanny’. The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud, Volume XVII (1917-1919): An Infantile neurosis and other works, (A. Strachey, Trans.), 217-256.
  • Hardy, S. and Wiedmer C. (2011). Motherhood and space configurations of the maternal through politics, home, and the body. US: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hogue, M. (1999). Buildings cast, carved, wrapped: The intervention practices of Rachel Whiteread, Matta-Clark and Christo. 87. Acsa Annual Meeting, 195-202. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.
  • Jay, M. (1994). Downcast eyes: The denigration of vision in twentieth-century French thought. London, England: University of California Press.
  • Jentsch, E. (1997) On the psychology of the uncanny (R. Sellars, Trans.), Angelaki, 2: 1, 7-16, doi: 10.1080/09697259708571910 (Original work published 1906)
  • Kaçar, E. (2018). Lacan ve topoloji. Flsf (Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi), 25, 535-554.
  • Landy, M. (2004). Semi-detached [Sanatçının baba evinin reprodüksiyonu]. (2019, October 17). Retrieved from:
  • Lauzon, C. (2017). The unmaking of home in contemporary art. USA: University of Toronto Press.
  • Masschelein, A. (2011). The unconcept: The Freudian uncanny in late-twentieth-century theory. USA: State University of New York Press.
  • McCarthy, L. (2015). The unhomely home: Women, home-lessness and the unheimlich. Housing Studies Association Conference –‘Housing the Generations: Justice, Inequality and the Implications of Political Change. York, 8-10 April 2015, Sheffield Hallam University.
  • Megill, A. (1998). Aşırılığın peygamberleri: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida. (T. Birkan, Çev.). Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Melhuish, C. (2005). Michael landy’s semi-detached. Home Cultures, 2(1), 117–122.
  • Myzelev, A. (2001). The uncanny memories of architecture: Architectural works by Rebecca Horn and Rachel Whiteread. Bibliographie D'histoire De L'art, Florida State University, Tallahassee. 59-65
  • Phillips, P. (2002). Floating house. [5.1 surround ses ile 16mm filmde çekilen tek kanallı video gösterimi, 3 dakika]. Collection of The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. (2019, November 17). Retrieved from:
  • Roy, V. (2017). It’s all Rheydt. In Romero, E. A.(Ed.), Gregor Schneider, kindergarten (p. 26-35), México: MUAC. Erişim adresi:
  • Royle. N. (2003). The uncanny. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
  • Saehrendt, C. ve Kittl, S. (2012). Bunu ben de yaparım! modern sanatı kullanma kılavuzu. (Z. A. Yılmazer, Çev.) İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Schneider, G. (1985a). Dead house u r [Sanatçının kendi evi]. Retrieved from:
  • ____________. (1985b). Dead house u r, [Sanatçının kendi evi]. Retrieved from:,,
  • ____________. (1996). ‘u r 14, das letzte loch, haus u r, Rheydt’ [Sanatçının kendi evi]. Retrieved from:
  • Talu, N. (2008). The phenomenon of the home in modern culture: transcendental homelessness and escape fantasy at the intersection of art and design (Yayınlanmış Doktora Tezi). İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Wang, S. Lilienfeld, S. O. ve Rochat, P. (2015). The uncanny valley: Existence and explanations, American Psychological Association, Review of General Psychology, 19(4), 393–407.
  • Whiteread, R. (1990). Ghost [Çelik konstrüksiyon üzerine alçı]. 269x 355.5x 317.5cm. Retrieved from:
  • __________. (1993). House [Döküm/ püskürtme beton].). Retrieved from:
  • __________. (1995). Untitled/ pink torso [Döküm/ pempe diş plasteri]. Retrieved from:
  • Žižek, S. (2005). Yamuk bakmak: Popüler kültürden Jacques Lacan'a giriş. (T. Birkan, Çev.) İstanbul: Metis Yayıncılık.
  • __________. (2012). Lacan hakkında bilmeyi hep istediğiniz ama Hitchcock’a sormaya korktuğunuz her şey. (B. Erdoğan, Çev.), İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleler

Mert Barlas 0000-0002-1524-4425

Publication Date July 24, 2020
Submission Date February 14, 2020
Acceptance Date April 9, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Barlas, M. (2020). Çağdaş Sanatın Hayalet Mekanları: Tekinsizlik ve Ev İlişkisi Üzerine Sanat Pratikleri. Yedi(24), 13-27.


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