Research Article
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Dijital Yerlilerin Dijital Beceri Haritası: İmkanlar, Olasılıklar, Engeller

Year 2023, Issue: 15, 112 - 129, 29.12.2023


Bu çalışmada dijital okuryazarlığın geniş tanımından yola çıkılarak dijital okuryazarlık kavramının merkezindeki dijital becerilere odaklanılmış ve üniversite öğrencilerinin hem eğitim ve öğretim süreçlerinde hem de gelecekte girecekleri mesleki pratiklerde rolü artan dijital becerileri ne kadar haiz olduğu araştırılmıştır. Araştırma, üniversite öğrencilerinin dijital becerilerini sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik olmak üzere üç deneyim alanının bütünlüğü içinde ele almakta ve dijital becerilerin bu boyutlarla ilişkilerini ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırmada üniversite öğrencilerinin dijital davranışlarının merkezindeki pratikleri, dijital teknolojileri kullanımlarının kapsamı ve biçimleri serimlenmektedir. Araştırmada ayrıca, öğrencilerin kendi dijital becerilerine ilişkin algıları ve bu becerileri geliştirmek için yüksek öğrenim ve eğitim süreçlerinden beklentileri analiz edilerek öğretim ve eğitim sürecini güncel koşullara uygun hale getirmek amaçlı çalışmalar için veri sağlanmaktadır. Çalışmada Ankara Üniversitesinin her fakültesinden 4 bin 527 lisans öğrencisine anket uygulanmış, öğrencilerin dijital becerilerinin sosyo-ekonomik koşullarıyla doğrudan ilgili olduğu, dijital teknolojilere teknik erişimin onları dijital okuryazarlar haline getirmediği, dijital becerileri hangi düzeyde sahip olduğuna bakılmaksızın öğrencilerin bu becerileri geliştirmek için eğitim süreçlerinde kurumsal düzeyde daha fazla olanak ve destek talep ettiği bulgulanmıştır.

Supporting Institution

Ankara Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Bilişim ve Yeni Medya Merkezi (BİYEM)

Project Number



Ankara Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Bilişim ve Yeni Medya Merkezi BİYEM'e, BİYEM sorumlusu Prof. Dr. Gamze Yücesan-Özdemir ve Dr. Çağrı Kaderoğlu Bulut'a araştırmaya katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ederim.


  • Aytaş, G., Kaplan, K. (2017). Medya Okuryazarlığı Bağlamında Yeni Okuryazarlıklar. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(2), 291-310.
  • Bennett, S., Maton, K., ve Kervin, L. (2008). The ‘digital natives’ debate: A critical review of the evidence. British journal of educational technology, 39(5), 775-786.
  • Coiro, J., Knobel, M., Lankshear, C., ve Leu, D. J. (2014). Central issues in new literacies and new literacies research. In Handbook of research on new literacies (ss. 1-22). Routledge.
  • Couldry, N., Rodriguez, C., Bolin, G., Cohen, J., Volkmer, I., Goggin, G., ... ve Lee, K. S. (2018). Media, communication and the struggle for social progress. Global Media and Communication, 14(2), 173-191.
  • Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2004). Digital literacy: A conceptual framework for survival skills in the digital era. Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia, 13(1), 93-106.
  • Etike, Ş. (2021). Gençlik ve Dijital Okuryazarlık: İletişim Fakültesi Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Emek Araştırma Dergisi, (21).
  • Frand, J. L. (2000). The information-age mindset changes in students and implications for higher education. Educause review, 35, 14-25.
  • Hargittai, E. (2010). Digital na (t) ives? Variation in internet skills and uses among members of the “net generation”. Sociological inquiry, 80(1), 92-113.
  • Kennedy, G. E., Judd, T. S., Churchward, A., Gray, K., ve Krause, K. L. (2008). First year students' experiences with technology: Are they really digital natives?. Australasian journal of educational technology, 24(1).
  • Kinzer, C. K. (2010). Considering literacy and policy in the context of digital environments. Language Arts, 88(1), 51.
  • Kinzer, C. K., Leu, D. J., ve Peters, M. A. (2017). New Literacies and new literacies within changing digital environments. Encyclopedia of educational philosophy and theory. Singapore: Springer. Kirkwood, A., ve Price, L. (2005). Learners and learning in the twenty‐first century: what do we know about students’ attitudes towards and experiences of information and communication technologies that will help us design courses?. Studies in higher education, 30(3), 257-274.
  • Kirschner, P. A., ve De Bruyckere, P. (2017). The myths of the digital native and the multitasker. Teaching and Teacher education, 67, 135-142.
  • Kvavik, R. B., ve Caruso, J. B. (2005). ECAR study of students and information technology, 2005: Convenience, connection, control, and learning. hash=1DC07F32110D75276B97B9E53E777B1242EB76AF
  • Leu, D. J., Kinzer, C. K., Coiro, J., Castek, J., ve Henry, L. A. (2013). New literacies and the new literacies of online reading comprehension: A dual level theory. Theoretical models and process of reading, 1150-1181. List, A. (2019). Defining digital literacy development: An examination of pre-service teachers’ beliefs. Computers ve Education, 138, 146-158.
  • Martin, A. (2005). DigEuLit–a European framework for digital literacy: a progress report. Journal of eLiteracy, 2(2), 130-136.
  • Martin, A., Grudziecki, J. (2006). DigEuLit: Concepts and tools for digital literacy development. Innovation in teaching and learning in information and computer sciences, 5(4), 249-267.
  • Oblinger, D., ve Oblinger, J. (2005). Is it age or IT: First steps toward understanding the net generation. Educating the net generation, 2(1-2), 20.
  • OECD, (2001). Understanding the Digital Divide, France: OECD Publications. erişim: 16 Kasım 2021.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1–6.
  • Reddy, P., Sharma, B., ve Chaudhary, K. (2020). Digital literacy: A review of literature. International Journal of Technoethics (IJT), 11(2), 65-94.
  • Shopova, T. (2014). “Digital literacy of students and its improvement at the university”. Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, 7(2), 26-32.
  • Statista (2023). Number of internet and social media users worldwide as of January 2023.
  • Spires, H. A., ve Kerkhoff, S. N. (2016). New literacies. The encyclopedia of middle grades education, 282-286.
  • Tapscott, D. (1998). Growing up digital (Vol. 302). San Francisco: McGraw-Hill Companies.
  • Tapscott, D. (1999). Educating the net generation. Educational leadership, 56(5), 6-11.
  • We are social (2023). The Changing in the World of Digital in 2023.

Digital Skills Map of Digital Natives: Opportunities, Possibilities, Obstacles

Year 2023, Issue: 15, 112 - 129, 29.12.2023


In this study, starting from the broad definition of digital literacy, it was focused on digital skills at the center of the concept of digital literacy and it was investigated at what level university students have digital skills, which have an increasing role both in their education and training processes and in their future professional practices. The research interprets the digital skills of university students in the integrity of three areas of experience: social, cultural and economic, and reveals the relationships of digital skills with these dimensions. In the research, the practices of university students at the center of their digital behaviors, the scope and forms of their use of digital technologies are revealed. In the research, students' perceptions of their own digital skills and their expectations from higher education and educational processes to develop these skills are analyzed and data is provided for studies to make the teaching and education process suitable for current conditions. In the study, a questionnaire was applied to 4,527 undergraduate students from each faculty of Ankara University. In the research, it has been found that students' digital skills are directly related to their socio-economic conditions, technical access to digital technologies does not make them digitally literate, and regardless of what level they have digital skills, students demand more opportunities and support at the institutional level in order to develop these skills.

Project Number



  • Aytaş, G., Kaplan, K. (2017). Medya Okuryazarlığı Bağlamında Yeni Okuryazarlıklar. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(2), 291-310.
  • Bennett, S., Maton, K., ve Kervin, L. (2008). The ‘digital natives’ debate: A critical review of the evidence. British journal of educational technology, 39(5), 775-786.
  • Coiro, J., Knobel, M., Lankshear, C., ve Leu, D. J. (2014). Central issues in new literacies and new literacies research. In Handbook of research on new literacies (ss. 1-22). Routledge.
  • Couldry, N., Rodriguez, C., Bolin, G., Cohen, J., Volkmer, I., Goggin, G., ... ve Lee, K. S. (2018). Media, communication and the struggle for social progress. Global Media and Communication, 14(2), 173-191.
  • Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2004). Digital literacy: A conceptual framework for survival skills in the digital era. Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia, 13(1), 93-106.
  • Etike, Ş. (2021). Gençlik ve Dijital Okuryazarlık: İletişim Fakültesi Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Emek Araştırma Dergisi, (21).
  • Frand, J. L. (2000). The information-age mindset changes in students and implications for higher education. Educause review, 35, 14-25.
  • Hargittai, E. (2010). Digital na (t) ives? Variation in internet skills and uses among members of the “net generation”. Sociological inquiry, 80(1), 92-113.
  • Kennedy, G. E., Judd, T. S., Churchward, A., Gray, K., ve Krause, K. L. (2008). First year students' experiences with technology: Are they really digital natives?. Australasian journal of educational technology, 24(1).
  • Kinzer, C. K. (2010). Considering literacy and policy in the context of digital environments. Language Arts, 88(1), 51.
  • Kinzer, C. K., Leu, D. J., ve Peters, M. A. (2017). New Literacies and new literacies within changing digital environments. Encyclopedia of educational philosophy and theory. Singapore: Springer. Kirkwood, A., ve Price, L. (2005). Learners and learning in the twenty‐first century: what do we know about students’ attitudes towards and experiences of information and communication technologies that will help us design courses?. Studies in higher education, 30(3), 257-274.
  • Kirschner, P. A., ve De Bruyckere, P. (2017). The myths of the digital native and the multitasker. Teaching and Teacher education, 67, 135-142.
  • Kvavik, R. B., ve Caruso, J. B. (2005). ECAR study of students and information technology, 2005: Convenience, connection, control, and learning. hash=1DC07F32110D75276B97B9E53E777B1242EB76AF
  • Leu, D. J., Kinzer, C. K., Coiro, J., Castek, J., ve Henry, L. A. (2013). New literacies and the new literacies of online reading comprehension: A dual level theory. Theoretical models and process of reading, 1150-1181. List, A. (2019). Defining digital literacy development: An examination of pre-service teachers’ beliefs. Computers ve Education, 138, 146-158.
  • Martin, A. (2005). DigEuLit–a European framework for digital literacy: a progress report. Journal of eLiteracy, 2(2), 130-136.
  • Martin, A., Grudziecki, J. (2006). DigEuLit: Concepts and tools for digital literacy development. Innovation in teaching and learning in information and computer sciences, 5(4), 249-267.
  • Oblinger, D., ve Oblinger, J. (2005). Is it age or IT: First steps toward understanding the net generation. Educating the net generation, 2(1-2), 20.
  • OECD, (2001). Understanding the Digital Divide, France: OECD Publications. erişim: 16 Kasım 2021.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1–6.
  • Reddy, P., Sharma, B., ve Chaudhary, K. (2020). Digital literacy: A review of literature. International Journal of Technoethics (IJT), 11(2), 65-94.
  • Shopova, T. (2014). “Digital literacy of students and its improvement at the university”. Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, 7(2), 26-32.
  • Statista (2023). Number of internet and social media users worldwide as of January 2023.
  • Spires, H. A., ve Kerkhoff, S. N. (2016). New literacies. The encyclopedia of middle grades education, 282-286.
  • Tapscott, D. (1998). Growing up digital (Vol. 302). San Francisco: McGraw-Hill Companies.
  • Tapscott, D. (1999). Educating the net generation. Educational leadership, 56(5), 6-11.
  • We are social (2023). The Changing in the World of Digital in 2023.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Şafak Etike 0000-0002-3055-7876

Project Number 1
Early Pub Date December 25, 2023
Publication Date December 29, 2023
Submission Date March 17, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 15


APA Etike, Ş. (2023). Dijital Yerlilerin Dijital Beceri Haritası: İmkanlar, Olasılıklar, Engeller. Yeni Medya(15), 112-129.

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