Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 4, 21 - 29, 30.12.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışma LGBT Destekçi Kimlik Ölçeğinin Türkçe geçerlilik güvenirliğini yapmak için gerçekleştirildi.
Gereç-Yöntem: 215 katılımcı ile gerçekleştirilen çalışmada K. Nicole Jones ve arkadaşları tarafından oluşturulun LGBT Destekçi Kimlik Ölçeği ve araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan 21 soruluk kişisel bilgi formu kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Yaş aralığı 18-55 arasında değişen katılımcıların %66,5'i (n=143) kadın, %33,5'i (n=72) erkektir. Çalışmada dil geçerliliği gerçekleştirilmiş olup, yapı geçerliliği için açımlayıcı faktör analizi (AFA) ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi (DFA) yapıldı. Ölçeğin güvenirlik değeri Cronbach alfa katsayısı ile hesaplandı ev .950 (KMO=0.950; p<0.01) sonucu elde edildi. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonuçlarında elde edilen uyum indekslerinin kabul edilebilir sınırlarda olduğu görüldü (X2= 302,053 Sd= 127, p <.001 X2/df=2.378, RMSEA=.88, CFI=.94, GFI= 0.86, NNFI=.91). Ölçeğin orijinal versiyonundaki alt ölçek sayısı (3 alt ölçek) ile Türkçe versiyonundaki alt ölçek sayısı (2 alt ölçek) değişiklik gösterdi. Alt ölçek sayısı ve alt ölçeklere dağılan maddeler farklılık gösterdiği için alt ölçeklerin isimleri orijinalinden farklı olarak tekrar düzenlendi. Madde faktör yükleri en düşük .51 en yüksek .89 olarak bulundu. Sonuç: Yapılan istatiksel analizler sonucunda LGBT Destekçi Kimlik Ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlama çalışmasının güvenilir ve geçerli olduğu kabul edildi.


  • 1. Dondurucu ZB. An Analysis About Messages Which Include Homosexuality Based Hate Speech in Twitter. Journal of Erciyes Communication.2018; 5(4): 1-2.
  • 2. Godoy C. The health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people: building a foundation for better understanding, the lgbt community. Washington, DC: National Academies Press (US). 2011;11-18
  • 3. Şahin Y, Evrensel I. Study Of The Self-Monitoring and Happiness Levels Of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) İndividuals in Terms Of Perceived Social Support. The Journal of Academic Social Science. 2022; 10(124):1-23.
  • 4. International Lesbian Gay Bisexul, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA). Minorities Report 2017: Attitudes to Sexual and Gender Minorities Around The World. 2017 2017_Attitudes_to_sexual_and_gender_minorities.pdf
  • 5. Esmer Y. (2012). World Velues Survey, Geographical scope: Turkey. 2012 COUNTRY=875&COUNTRY=875
  • 6. Zway M, Boonzaier F. “I Believe That Being a Lesbian is Not a Curse”: Young Black Lesbian Women Representing Their Identities Through Photovoice, Agenda: Empowering Women For Gender Equity.2015;29:96–107.
  • 7. Kosciw JG, Greytak EA, Bartkiewic MJ, Boesen MJ, Palmer NA. The 2011 National School Climate Survey: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in Our Nation’s Schools. Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). 2012.
  • 8. Coulter RW, Jun HJ, Calzo JP, Truong NL, Mair C, Markovic N, Corliss HL. Sexual‐Orientation Differences in Alcohol Use Trajectories And Disorders in Emerging Adulthood: Results From A Longitudinal Cohort Study in The United States. 2018.
  • 9. Karel F. Working Life Experiences of LGBT People And İnitiatives To Tackle Discrimination. 2016. working-conditions-social-policies/working-life-experiences-of-lgbt-people
  • 10. Güdül Ö, Çolak Ö. İşyerinde cinsel yönelim ve cinsiyet kimliği bağlamında mobbingin ruh sağlığına etkisi. Turkish Journal of Occupational Health and Safety. 2018;28-34.
  • 11. Karataş S, Buzlu S. Difficulty Of Getting Health Care of Transgender People Having . Lectio Scientific.2018;2(2):70-81. issue/42875/518470
  • 12. Bristol S, Kostelec T, MacDonald R. Improving Emergency Health Care Workers’ Knowledge, Competency, And Attitudes Toward Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Patients Through Interdisciplinary Cultural Competency Training. Journal of Emergency Nursing. 2018;44(6):632-639. doi: 10.1016/j. jen.2018.03.013.
  • 13. Budge SL, Adelson JL, Howard KA. Anxiety And Depression in Transgender Individuals: The Roles Of Transition Status Loss Social Support, And Coping. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology.2013;81(3):545-557.
  • 14. Uluyol FM. Relationship between bullying experiences related with gender ıdentity, sexual orientation and social support and psychological well-being. J Clin Psy. 2016;19(2):87-96 | DOI: 10.5505/kpd.2016.77487
  • 15. Tuna SK, Aslan H. (2018). The Relationship Between Perceived Social Support and Organizational Commitment Levels Of Primary And Secondary School Teachers. Universal Journal of Educational Research.2018;6(5):983–993. doi:10.13189/ujer.2018.060519
  • 16. Büyükyılmaz O, Kaya H. Do Social Support For Women And Men Change İn Reducing Job Stress? An Examination on Research Assistants. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2022;65:1-21.
  • 17. Tarhan S. The Prediction Of Hope From Self Efficacy, Perceived Social Support and Personality Traits. (Unpublished PhD Thesis). Gazi University / Institute of Educational Sciences / Department of Educational Sciences / Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance. 2012. Ankara.
  • 18. Yang F-C, Kao R-H, Cho C-C. A Multilevel Study on The Causal Relationship in Association Network Of Work Stress: Moderating effects of social support. Policing: An International Journal. 2019; 42(4):624–639. doi:10.1108/ PIJPSM-07-2018-0086)
  • 19. Yalçınoğlu N. Eşcinsel ve biseksüel erkeklerin psiko-sosyal sorunları ve bunları etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi. (unpublished thesis). Istanbul University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Public Health. 2012. İstanbul.
  • 20. Orta İM, Camgöz SM. A General Overview on Research On Homophobia İn Turkey. DTCF Journal.2018; 58(1):409-439.
  • 21. Yakusho O. Influence Of Social Support, Existential Well-Being, And Stress Over Sexual Orientation on Self Esteem Of Gay, Lesbian, And Bisexual İndividuals. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling.2005;27(1):131-143.
  • 22. Budge SL, Katz-Wise SL, Tebbe EN, Howard KAS, Schneider CL, Rodriguez A. Transgender Emotional and Coping Processes: Facilitative and Avoidant Coping Throughout Gender Transitioning. The Counseling Psychologist. 2011;41(4):601-647.
  • 23. Öner A. Beyaz Yakalı Eşcinseller, İş Yerinde Cinsel Yönelim Ayrımcılığı ve Mücadele Stratejileri. İletişim Yayınları. 2015. Istanbul.
  • 24. Danyeli Güzel Ö. Lezbiyen, Gey, Biseksüel ve Transseksüellerin Sosyal Dışlanma Deneyimleri. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Baskent University Institute of Social Sciences. 2017. Ankara
  • 25. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA). A Practitioner’s Resource Guide: Helping Families to Support Their LGBT Children. 2014. Families-to-Support-Their-LGBT-Children/PEP14-LGBTKIDS
  • 26. Kabacaoğlu G. Gey ve Lezbiyenlerde Açılına Süreci: Nitel Bir Çalışma. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Hacettepe University, 2015. Ankara.
  • 27. Demirdizen, D, Çınar S, Kesici MR. İşyerinde Cinsel Yönelim Ayrımcılığı: LGB Bireylere Yönelik Bir Alan Çalışması. IV. National Symposium on Social Rights. 2012; 311-330. 18-19 October 2012, Muğla: Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University.
  • 28. Ueno K, Vaghela P, Ritter LJ. Sexual Orientation, İnternal Migration, and Mental Health During The Transition To Adulthood. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 2014;55(4):461-481.
  • 29. Jones KN, Brewster ME, Jones JA. The Creation and Validation of The LGBT Ally Identity Measure. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. 2014;1(2):181–195.
  • 30. Nunnually JC. Psychometric Theory. NewYork: McGraw-Hill Companies. 1978
  • 31. Şahin MG, Öztürk NB. Scale Development Process in Educational Field: A Content Analysis Research. Kastamonu Education Journal.2018;26(1):191-199.
  • 32. Sadıç E, Beydağ KD. Nursing Students’ Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay and Affecting Factors. Journal of Nursing Science.2018;1(2):5-13.
  • 33. Soner G, Altay B. Attitude of Nursing Last Term Students Towards Homosexual Individuals. Journal of Samsun Health Science.2018;3(2):17-24.
  • 34. Babahanoğlu R, Türkmen P. Sosyal Hizmet Bölümü Öğrencilerinin LGBT Bireylerine Bakış Açılarının İncelenmesi. Scientific Developments.2019;(38):442-148.
  • 35. Coster WJ, Mancini MC. Recommendations for translation and cross-cultural adaptation of instruments for occupational therapy research and practice. Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo.2015;26(1):50–57.
  • 36. Beaton D, Bombardier C, Guillemin F, Ferraz MB. Recommendations for the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the DASH & Quick DASH Outcome Measures. Institute for Work & Health.2007; 1–45.
  • 37. International Test Commission (ITC). Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests. International Journal of Testing. 2018;18(2):101–134. http://dx.doi. org/10.1080/15305058. 2017.1398166.
  • 38. World Health Organization (WHO). Process of translation and adaptation of instruments. 2017. http://www. en/
  • 39. Davis LL. Instrument Review: Getting The Most From a Panel of Experts. Applied Nursing Research. 1992;5:194-197.
  • 40. Durmuş B, Yurtkoru SE, Çinko M. Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS’le Veri Analizi. Beta Basım Yayım. 7th edition. 2018, İstanbul
  • 41. Doll WJ, Weidong X, Gholamreza T. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of The End-User Computing Satisfaction İnstrument, MIS Quarterly. 1994;18(4):453- 461.
  • 42. Okur E, Yalçın Özdilek Ş. Environmental Attitude Scale Developed by Structural Equation Modeling, Elementary Education Online.2012;11(1), 85-94.
  • 43. Bollen KA. Structural Equations with Latent Variables. New York, Wiley. 1989.
  • 44. Kline RB. Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. New York, The Guilford Press. 2011.
  • 45. Çokluk Ö, Şekercioğlu G, Büyüköztürk Ş. Çok Değişkenli İstatistik SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları. Ankara, Pegem Akademi Yayınları. 2010.
  • 46. Şimşek ÖF. Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesine Giriş, Temel İlkeler ve LISREL Uygulamaları. Ankara: Ekinoks Eğitim ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri, Siyasal Basın ve Dağıtım. 2007.
  • 47. Segars AH, Varun G. Re-Examining Perceived Ease of Use and Usefulness: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis, MIS Quarterly.1993;17(4): 517-525.
  • 48. Ingles CJ, Hidalgo MD, Mendez FX. Interpersonal Difficulties in Adolescence: A New Self-Report Measure. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 2005;21(1):11–22.
  • 49. Konopka K, Prusik M, Szulawsk M. Two Sexes, Two Genders Only: Measuring Attitudes Toward Transgender İndividuals İn Poland. Sex Roles.2019;82:600–621. doi:10.1007/s11199-019- 01071-7.
  • 50. Şah U. The Relationship of The Descriptions of Homosexuality, Bisexuality and Transsexuality With Levels of Homophobiaand Acquaintanceship with LGBT people. Psikoloji Çalışmaları. 2012;32(2): 23-48.
  • 51. Kanamori Y, Cornelius-White JHD. Counselors’ and Counseling Students’ Attitudes Toward Transgender Persons, J LGBT Issues Couns.2017;11:36-51.
  • 52. Sakallı N. The Relationship Between Sexism and Attitudes Toward Homosexuality in a Sample of Turkish College Students. J Homosex. 2002;42:53-63.
Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 4, 21 - 29, 30.12.2023



  • 1. Dondurucu ZB. An Analysis About Messages Which Include Homosexuality Based Hate Speech in Twitter. Journal of Erciyes Communication.2018; 5(4): 1-2.
  • 2. Godoy C. The health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people: building a foundation for better understanding, the lgbt community. Washington, DC: National Academies Press (US). 2011;11-18
  • 3. Şahin Y, Evrensel I. Study Of The Self-Monitoring and Happiness Levels Of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) İndividuals in Terms Of Perceived Social Support. The Journal of Academic Social Science. 2022; 10(124):1-23.
  • 4. International Lesbian Gay Bisexul, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA). Minorities Report 2017: Attitudes to Sexual and Gender Minorities Around The World. 2017 2017_Attitudes_to_sexual_and_gender_minorities.pdf
  • 5. Esmer Y. (2012). World Velues Survey, Geographical scope: Turkey. 2012 COUNTRY=875&COUNTRY=875
  • 6. Zway M, Boonzaier F. “I Believe That Being a Lesbian is Not a Curse”: Young Black Lesbian Women Representing Their Identities Through Photovoice, Agenda: Empowering Women For Gender Equity.2015;29:96–107.
  • 7. Kosciw JG, Greytak EA, Bartkiewic MJ, Boesen MJ, Palmer NA. The 2011 National School Climate Survey: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in Our Nation’s Schools. Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). 2012.
  • 8. Coulter RW, Jun HJ, Calzo JP, Truong NL, Mair C, Markovic N, Corliss HL. Sexual‐Orientation Differences in Alcohol Use Trajectories And Disorders in Emerging Adulthood: Results From A Longitudinal Cohort Study in The United States. 2018.
  • 9. Karel F. Working Life Experiences of LGBT People And İnitiatives To Tackle Discrimination. 2016. working-conditions-social-policies/working-life-experiences-of-lgbt-people
  • 10. Güdül Ö, Çolak Ö. İşyerinde cinsel yönelim ve cinsiyet kimliği bağlamında mobbingin ruh sağlığına etkisi. Turkish Journal of Occupational Health and Safety. 2018;28-34.
  • 11. Karataş S, Buzlu S. Difficulty Of Getting Health Care of Transgender People Having . Lectio Scientific.2018;2(2):70-81. issue/42875/518470
  • 12. Bristol S, Kostelec T, MacDonald R. Improving Emergency Health Care Workers’ Knowledge, Competency, And Attitudes Toward Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Patients Through Interdisciplinary Cultural Competency Training. Journal of Emergency Nursing. 2018;44(6):632-639. doi: 10.1016/j. jen.2018.03.013.
  • 13. Budge SL, Adelson JL, Howard KA. Anxiety And Depression in Transgender Individuals: The Roles Of Transition Status Loss Social Support, And Coping. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology.2013;81(3):545-557.
  • 14. Uluyol FM. Relationship between bullying experiences related with gender ıdentity, sexual orientation and social support and psychological well-being. J Clin Psy. 2016;19(2):87-96 | DOI: 10.5505/kpd.2016.77487
  • 15. Tuna SK, Aslan H. (2018). The Relationship Between Perceived Social Support and Organizational Commitment Levels Of Primary And Secondary School Teachers. Universal Journal of Educational Research.2018;6(5):983–993. doi:10.13189/ujer.2018.060519
  • 16. Büyükyılmaz O, Kaya H. Do Social Support For Women And Men Change İn Reducing Job Stress? An Examination on Research Assistants. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2022;65:1-21.
  • 17. Tarhan S. The Prediction Of Hope From Self Efficacy, Perceived Social Support and Personality Traits. (Unpublished PhD Thesis). Gazi University / Institute of Educational Sciences / Department of Educational Sciences / Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance. 2012. Ankara.
  • 18. Yang F-C, Kao R-H, Cho C-C. A Multilevel Study on The Causal Relationship in Association Network Of Work Stress: Moderating effects of social support. Policing: An International Journal. 2019; 42(4):624–639. doi:10.1108/ PIJPSM-07-2018-0086)
  • 19. Yalçınoğlu N. Eşcinsel ve biseksüel erkeklerin psiko-sosyal sorunları ve bunları etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi. (unpublished thesis). Istanbul University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Public Health. 2012. İstanbul.
  • 20. Orta İM, Camgöz SM. A General Overview on Research On Homophobia İn Turkey. DTCF Journal.2018; 58(1):409-439.
  • 21. Yakusho O. Influence Of Social Support, Existential Well-Being, And Stress Over Sexual Orientation on Self Esteem Of Gay, Lesbian, And Bisexual İndividuals. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling.2005;27(1):131-143.
  • 22. Budge SL, Katz-Wise SL, Tebbe EN, Howard KAS, Schneider CL, Rodriguez A. Transgender Emotional and Coping Processes: Facilitative and Avoidant Coping Throughout Gender Transitioning. The Counseling Psychologist. 2011;41(4):601-647.
  • 23. Öner A. Beyaz Yakalı Eşcinseller, İş Yerinde Cinsel Yönelim Ayrımcılığı ve Mücadele Stratejileri. İletişim Yayınları. 2015. Istanbul.
  • 24. Danyeli Güzel Ö. Lezbiyen, Gey, Biseksüel ve Transseksüellerin Sosyal Dışlanma Deneyimleri. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Baskent University Institute of Social Sciences. 2017. Ankara
  • 25. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA). A Practitioner’s Resource Guide: Helping Families to Support Their LGBT Children. 2014. Families-to-Support-Their-LGBT-Children/PEP14-LGBTKIDS
  • 26. Kabacaoğlu G. Gey ve Lezbiyenlerde Açılına Süreci: Nitel Bir Çalışma. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Hacettepe University, 2015. Ankara.
  • 27. Demirdizen, D, Çınar S, Kesici MR. İşyerinde Cinsel Yönelim Ayrımcılığı: LGB Bireylere Yönelik Bir Alan Çalışması. IV. National Symposium on Social Rights. 2012; 311-330. 18-19 October 2012, Muğla: Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University.
  • 28. Ueno K, Vaghela P, Ritter LJ. Sexual Orientation, İnternal Migration, and Mental Health During The Transition To Adulthood. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 2014;55(4):461-481.
  • 29. Jones KN, Brewster ME, Jones JA. The Creation and Validation of The LGBT Ally Identity Measure. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. 2014;1(2):181–195.
  • 30. Nunnually JC. Psychometric Theory. NewYork: McGraw-Hill Companies. 1978
  • 31. Şahin MG, Öztürk NB. Scale Development Process in Educational Field: A Content Analysis Research. Kastamonu Education Journal.2018;26(1):191-199.
  • 32. Sadıç E, Beydağ KD. Nursing Students’ Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay and Affecting Factors. Journal of Nursing Science.2018;1(2):5-13.
  • 33. Soner G, Altay B. Attitude of Nursing Last Term Students Towards Homosexual Individuals. Journal of Samsun Health Science.2018;3(2):17-24.
  • 34. Babahanoğlu R, Türkmen P. Sosyal Hizmet Bölümü Öğrencilerinin LGBT Bireylerine Bakış Açılarının İncelenmesi. Scientific Developments.2019;(38):442-148.
  • 35. Coster WJ, Mancini MC. Recommendations for translation and cross-cultural adaptation of instruments for occupational therapy research and practice. Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo.2015;26(1):50–57.
  • 36. Beaton D, Bombardier C, Guillemin F, Ferraz MB. Recommendations for the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the DASH & Quick DASH Outcome Measures. Institute for Work & Health.2007; 1–45.
  • 37. International Test Commission (ITC). Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests. International Journal of Testing. 2018;18(2):101–134. http://dx.doi. org/10.1080/15305058. 2017.1398166.
  • 38. World Health Organization (WHO). Process of translation and adaptation of instruments. 2017. http://www. en/
  • 39. Davis LL. Instrument Review: Getting The Most From a Panel of Experts. Applied Nursing Research. 1992;5:194-197.
  • 40. Durmuş B, Yurtkoru SE, Çinko M. Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS’le Veri Analizi. Beta Basım Yayım. 7th edition. 2018, İstanbul
  • 41. Doll WJ, Weidong X, Gholamreza T. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of The End-User Computing Satisfaction İnstrument, MIS Quarterly. 1994;18(4):453- 461.
  • 42. Okur E, Yalçın Özdilek Ş. Environmental Attitude Scale Developed by Structural Equation Modeling, Elementary Education Online.2012;11(1), 85-94.
  • 43. Bollen KA. Structural Equations with Latent Variables. New York, Wiley. 1989.
  • 44. Kline RB. Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. New York, The Guilford Press. 2011.
  • 45. Çokluk Ö, Şekercioğlu G, Büyüköztürk Ş. Çok Değişkenli İstatistik SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları. Ankara, Pegem Akademi Yayınları. 2010.
  • 46. Şimşek ÖF. Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesine Giriş, Temel İlkeler ve LISREL Uygulamaları. Ankara: Ekinoks Eğitim ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri, Siyasal Basın ve Dağıtım. 2007.
  • 47. Segars AH, Varun G. Re-Examining Perceived Ease of Use and Usefulness: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis, MIS Quarterly.1993;17(4): 517-525.
  • 48. Ingles CJ, Hidalgo MD, Mendez FX. Interpersonal Difficulties in Adolescence: A New Self-Report Measure. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 2005;21(1):11–22.
  • 49. Konopka K, Prusik M, Szulawsk M. Two Sexes, Two Genders Only: Measuring Attitudes Toward Transgender İndividuals İn Poland. Sex Roles.2019;82:600–621. doi:10.1007/s11199-019- 01071-7.
  • 50. Şah U. The Relationship of The Descriptions of Homosexuality, Bisexuality and Transsexuality With Levels of Homophobiaand Acquaintanceship with LGBT people. Psikoloji Çalışmaları. 2012;32(2): 23-48.
  • 51. Kanamori Y, Cornelius-White JHD. Counselors’ and Counseling Students’ Attitudes Toward Transgender Persons, J LGBT Issues Couns.2017;11:36-51.
  • 52. Sakallı N. The Relationship Between Sexism and Attitudes Toward Homosexuality in a Sample of Turkish College Students. J Homosex. 2002;42:53-63.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Nursing
Journal Section Research Articles

Sevcan Karataş

Publication Date December 30, 2023
Submission Date January 3, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 4 Issue: 4
