Research Article
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Comparing the Young People's Coffee Shop Perceptions with Their Senses of Taste

Year 2023, , 1 - 19, 09.03.2023


Today’s coffee shops, have emotional and social functions beyond food and beverage consumption. The abundance of perceptual factors that are thought to be effective in consumers' coffee shop preferences leads to the questioning of the level of rationality in these choices. "Are basic elements such as taste, purity, and aroma of coffee the primary determinants of consumer decision-making? Or the variables that are more effective in consumer preferences are various perceptual elements?". With the field research conducted within the scope of these inquiries, young consumers were clustered according to their primary coffee shop preferences. Afterward, some perceptual differences of these clusters were measured and compared with each other, as well as their reactions to different branded coffees which they experienced through a blind tasting test. The findings show that there are differences between consumer clusters in terms of perceived quality of life impact, brand loyalty, customer-brand identification, and repurchase intention. In the blind tasting test, it is observed that only global branded coffee differs in terms of flavour and both global and national branded coffee differ in terms of repurchase intention.
Key Words: Coffee Shop, Young Consumer, Blind Tasting
JEL Classification: M31


  • Akşit Aşık, N. (2017). Changing coffee consumption habits and a research on Turkish coffee, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 5 (4), 310-325.
  • Akarçay, E. (2014). Kâh Kahvehane Kâh Café: A Theoretical Introduction on Coffee Consumption in Globalising Eskişehir, Galatasaray University Journal of Communication, Special Issue-2, 181-202.
  • Arslan, F. (2019). Consumers' Coffee Consumption Habits and Coffee Shop Preferences: A Research in Antalya Province, International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research, 3(2), 224-234.
  • Baruönü Latif, Ö. and Örs, M. (2018). Factors Affecting Second Wave Coffee Preference: Do We Know the Coffees We Drink? Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 6(4), 150-173.
  • Bayındır, B. and Önçel, S. (2019). Reasons for University Students to Prefer Coffee Shops: The Case of Anadolu University, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 7(3), 1806-1820.
  • Chillakuri, B. and Mahanandia, R. (2018), "Generation Z entering the workforce: the need for sustainable strategies in maximising their talent", Human Resource Management International Digest, 26 (4), 34-38.
  • Cruz-Flores, M., Espinoza-Ortega, A., Thomé-Ortiz, H., & Vizcarra-Bordi, I. (2020). Motives for coffee consumption at coffee shops in Mexico. Coffee Science-ISSN 1984-3909, 15, e151757-e151757
  • Dai, B. and Pelton, L. E. (2018). Exploring consumers' skincare retail patronage. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 43, 269-277.
  • Erdoğan, F. (2014). The Effect of Brand Value on Customer Loyalty and a Field Application on Chain Coffee Shops, Istanbul Gelisim University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master's Thesis, Istanbul.
  • Erlina, E. and Hermawan, D. (2021). Marketing Mix on Customer Loyalty at Coffee Shop in Bandung. Aptisi Transactions on Management (ATM), 5(1), 89-96.
  • Field, A. (2009). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. SAGE Publishing, London, UK.
  • Gölbaşı Şimşek, G. and Noyan, F. (2009). A model test for brand loyalty in the mobile phone device market in Turkey, METU Development Journal, 36 (June), 121 - 159.
  • Gravetter, F.J. and Wallnau, L.B. (2014). Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Eight Edition, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA, USA.
  • Grzeskowiak, S. and Sirgy, M.J. (2007). Consumer Well-Being (CWB): The Effects of Self-Image Congruence, Brand-Community Belongingness, Brand Loyalty, and Consumption Recency. Applied Research Quality Life, 2007/2, 289-304.
  • Gürbüz, S. and Şahin, F. (2017). Research Methods in Social Sciences: Philosophy - Method - Analysis (4th Edition), Seçkin Publishing, Ankara. Han, H., Nguyen, H. N., Song, H., Chua, B. L., Lee, S., & Kim, W. (2018). Drivers of brand loyalty in the chain coffee shop industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, 86-97.
  • Işıkay, T. and Başçı, A. (2020). Consumer - Brand Identification in terms of Social Identity Theory and a Research, Marmara University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 42 (1) 63-90.
  • Ibrahim, B., Aljarah, A., & Sawaftah, D. (2021). Linking social media marketing activities to revisit intention through brand trust and brand loyalty on the coffee shop facebook pages: Exploring sequential mediation mechanism. Sustainability, 13(4), 2277.
  • Kang, J., Tang, L., Lee, J. Y., & Bosselman, R. H. (2012). Understanding customer behaviour in name-brand Korean coffee shops: The role of self-congruity and functional congruity, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31 (3), 809-818.
  • Kaya, G. and Toker, S. (2019). Analysing of Coffee Consumption Habits: Istanbul Case (Analysing Of Coffee Consumption Habits: Istanbul Case). International Journal Of Economics, Politics, Humanities & Social Sciences, 2(3), 146-164.
  • Kenney, A. L., Phan, U. T. X., & Adhikari, K. (2022). Applying acceptability and emotion to understand the consumer's consumption habits and involvement with coffee. Journal of Sensory Studies, 37(1), e12713.
  • Kim, K., Choi, H. J., & Hyun, S. S. (2020). Coffee house consumers' value perception and its consequences: Multi-Dimensional approach. Sustainability, 12 (4), 1663.
  • Kim, S-H., Kim, M., & Holland, S. (2017). How Customer Personality Traits Influence Brand Loyalty in the Coffee Shop Industry: The Moderating Role of Business Types, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 19 (3), 311-335.
  • Kim, S-H and Lee, S. (2017). Promoting customers' involvement with service brands: evidence from coffee shop customers, Journal of Services Marketing, 31 (7), 733-744.
  • McCrindle, M. and Wolfinger, E. (2009). The ABC of XYZ: Understanding the Global Generations. Sydney, Australia: A UNSW Press Ltd.
  • Nagy, S. (2017). The impact of country of origin in mobile phone choice of generation Y and Z. Journal of Management and Training for Industries, 4(2), 16-29.
  • Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, (2022). Retrieved 25.12.2022, Access link:
  • Özbek, V. (2016). The Regulatory Effect of Perceived Service Quality in the Relationship Between Perceived Risk and Perceived Value, International Review Of Economics And Management, 4 (3), 62-83.
  • Pangaribuan, C. H., Sofia, A., & Sitinjak, M. F. (2020). Factors of coffee shop revisit intention and word-of-mouth mediated by customer satisfaction. Journal of Management and Business, 19(1).
  • Ratasuk, A. and Buranasombop A. (2021). Contributions of Marketing Factors on Customer Repurchase Intentions in Convenience Store Coffee Shops in Bangkok and Mediating Role of Brand Image, Asian Administration and Management Review, 4 (2), 11-22.
  • Sirgy, M. J., Lee, D-J., Kamra, K. and Tidwell, J. (2008). What Determines Perceived Quality-of-life Impact of Mobile Phones? A Model Based on the Consumption Life Cycle, Applied Research Quality Life, 3, 251-268.
  • Susanty, A. and Kenny, E. (2015). The relationship between brand equity, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty on coffee shop: Study of Excelso and Starbucks. ASEAN Marketing Journal, 7 (1), 14-27.
  • Tangsupwattana, W. and Liu, X. (2018). Effect of emotional experience on symbolic consumption in Generation Y consumers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 36 (5), 514-527.
  • Tsiotsou, R. (2006). The role of perceived product quality and overall satisfaction on purchase intentions, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30 (2), 207-217.
  • Tüzün, A. (2018). Reasons for Consumers to Prefer Boutique Coffee Shops: A Research in Ankara Province, Batman University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master's Thesis, Batman.
  • Ustaahmetoğlu, E. (2015). The Effects of Product Scarcity Messages, Perceived Quality and Perceived Value on Purchase Intention, Journal of Consumer and Consumption Research, 7 (1), 157-177.
  • Yu, H. and Fang, W. (2009). Relative impacts from product quality, service quality, and experience quality on customer perceived value and intention to shop for the coffee shop market, Total Quality Management, 20 (11), 1273-1285.
  • Yu, J-P & Yoon, N-S (2011). The Market Segmentation of Coffee Shops and the Difference Analysis of Consumer Behavior: A Case based on Caffe Bene. Journal of Distribution Science, 9, 5-13.

Gençlerin Kahve Dükkânı Algılarının, Lezzet Hissiyatları ile Karşılaştırılması: Gençler Favori Kahvelerini Tanıyabiliyorlar mı?

Year 2023, , 1 - 19, 09.03.2023


Günümüz tüketicilerinin yoğun talep gösterdiği kahve dükkanları, yiyecek içecek tüketiminin ötesinde duygusal ve sosyal işlevlere de sahiptir. Tüketicilerin kahve dükkânı tercihlerinde etkili olduğu düşünülen algısal unsurların fazlalığı, bu seçimlerdeki rasyonalite düzeyinin de sorgulanmasına yol açmaktadır. “Kahve dükkanlarının çekirdek ürünü olan kahvenin; tadı, saflığı, aroması gibi temel unsurlar, tüketici karar mekanizmasının öncelikli belirleyicileri midir? Yoksa tüketici tercihlerinde daha etkili olan değişkenler, farklı algısal unsurlar mıdır?”. Bu sorgulamalar kapsamında gerçekleştirilen saha araştırması ile genç tüketiciler öncelikli kahve dükkânı tercihlerine göre sınıflandırılmış ve bu sınıfların hem bazı algısal farklılıkları hem de kör tadım testi ile deneyimledikleri farklı markalı kahvelere ilişkin tepkileri ölçülerek birbirleriyle kıyaslanmıştır. Bulgular; algılanan yaşam kalitesi etkisi, marka sadakati, öz-imaj uyumu, müşteri-marka özdeşleşmesi ve yeniden satın alma niyeti değişkenleri bakımından, tüketici kümeleri arasında farklılık bulunduğunu göstermektedir. Kör tadım testinde ise lezzet bakımından sadece küresel markalı kahvenin ve tekrar satın alma isteği bakımından hem küresel hem de ulusal markalı kahvenin farklılaştığı gözlemlenmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kahve Dükkânı, Genç Tüketici, Kör Tadım
JEL Sınıflandırması: M31


  • Akşit Aşık, N. (2017). Changing coffee consumption habits and a research on Turkish coffee, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 5 (4), 310-325.
  • Akarçay, E. (2014). Kâh Kahvehane Kâh Café: A Theoretical Introduction on Coffee Consumption in Globalising Eskişehir, Galatasaray University Journal of Communication, Special Issue-2, 181-202.
  • Arslan, F. (2019). Consumers' Coffee Consumption Habits and Coffee Shop Preferences: A Research in Antalya Province, International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research, 3(2), 224-234.
  • Baruönü Latif, Ö. and Örs, M. (2018). Factors Affecting Second Wave Coffee Preference: Do We Know the Coffees We Drink? Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 6(4), 150-173.
  • Bayındır, B. and Önçel, S. (2019). Reasons for University Students to Prefer Coffee Shops: The Case of Anadolu University, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 7(3), 1806-1820.
  • Chillakuri, B. and Mahanandia, R. (2018), "Generation Z entering the workforce: the need for sustainable strategies in maximising their talent", Human Resource Management International Digest, 26 (4), 34-38.
  • Cruz-Flores, M., Espinoza-Ortega, A., Thomé-Ortiz, H., & Vizcarra-Bordi, I. (2020). Motives for coffee consumption at coffee shops in Mexico. Coffee Science-ISSN 1984-3909, 15, e151757-e151757
  • Dai, B. and Pelton, L. E. (2018). Exploring consumers' skincare retail patronage. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 43, 269-277.
  • Erdoğan, F. (2014). The Effect of Brand Value on Customer Loyalty and a Field Application on Chain Coffee Shops, Istanbul Gelisim University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master's Thesis, Istanbul.
  • Erlina, E. and Hermawan, D. (2021). Marketing Mix on Customer Loyalty at Coffee Shop in Bandung. Aptisi Transactions on Management (ATM), 5(1), 89-96.
  • Field, A. (2009). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. SAGE Publishing, London, UK.
  • Gölbaşı Şimşek, G. and Noyan, F. (2009). A model test for brand loyalty in the mobile phone device market in Turkey, METU Development Journal, 36 (June), 121 - 159.
  • Gravetter, F.J. and Wallnau, L.B. (2014). Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Eight Edition, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA, USA.
  • Grzeskowiak, S. and Sirgy, M.J. (2007). Consumer Well-Being (CWB): The Effects of Self-Image Congruence, Brand-Community Belongingness, Brand Loyalty, and Consumption Recency. Applied Research Quality Life, 2007/2, 289-304.
  • Gürbüz, S. and Şahin, F. (2017). Research Methods in Social Sciences: Philosophy - Method - Analysis (4th Edition), Seçkin Publishing, Ankara. Han, H., Nguyen, H. N., Song, H., Chua, B. L., Lee, S., & Kim, W. (2018). Drivers of brand loyalty in the chain coffee shop industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, 86-97.
  • Işıkay, T. and Başçı, A. (2020). Consumer - Brand Identification in terms of Social Identity Theory and a Research, Marmara University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 42 (1) 63-90.
  • Ibrahim, B., Aljarah, A., & Sawaftah, D. (2021). Linking social media marketing activities to revisit intention through brand trust and brand loyalty on the coffee shop facebook pages: Exploring sequential mediation mechanism. Sustainability, 13(4), 2277.
  • Kang, J., Tang, L., Lee, J. Y., & Bosselman, R. H. (2012). Understanding customer behaviour in name-brand Korean coffee shops: The role of self-congruity and functional congruity, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31 (3), 809-818.
  • Kaya, G. and Toker, S. (2019). Analysing of Coffee Consumption Habits: Istanbul Case (Analysing Of Coffee Consumption Habits: Istanbul Case). International Journal Of Economics, Politics, Humanities & Social Sciences, 2(3), 146-164.
  • Kenney, A. L., Phan, U. T. X., & Adhikari, K. (2022). Applying acceptability and emotion to understand the consumer's consumption habits and involvement with coffee. Journal of Sensory Studies, 37(1), e12713.
  • Kim, K., Choi, H. J., & Hyun, S. S. (2020). Coffee house consumers' value perception and its consequences: Multi-Dimensional approach. Sustainability, 12 (4), 1663.
  • Kim, S-H., Kim, M., & Holland, S. (2017). How Customer Personality Traits Influence Brand Loyalty in the Coffee Shop Industry: The Moderating Role of Business Types, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 19 (3), 311-335.
  • Kim, S-H and Lee, S. (2017). Promoting customers' involvement with service brands: evidence from coffee shop customers, Journal of Services Marketing, 31 (7), 733-744.
  • McCrindle, M. and Wolfinger, E. (2009). The ABC of XYZ: Understanding the Global Generations. Sydney, Australia: A UNSW Press Ltd.
  • Nagy, S. (2017). The impact of country of origin in mobile phone choice of generation Y and Z. Journal of Management and Training for Industries, 4(2), 16-29.
  • Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, (2022). Retrieved 25.12.2022, Access link:
  • Özbek, V. (2016). The Regulatory Effect of Perceived Service Quality in the Relationship Between Perceived Risk and Perceived Value, International Review Of Economics And Management, 4 (3), 62-83.
  • Pangaribuan, C. H., Sofia, A., & Sitinjak, M. F. (2020). Factors of coffee shop revisit intention and word-of-mouth mediated by customer satisfaction. Journal of Management and Business, 19(1).
  • Ratasuk, A. and Buranasombop A. (2021). Contributions of Marketing Factors on Customer Repurchase Intentions in Convenience Store Coffee Shops in Bangkok and Mediating Role of Brand Image, Asian Administration and Management Review, 4 (2), 11-22.
  • Sirgy, M. J., Lee, D-J., Kamra, K. and Tidwell, J. (2008). What Determines Perceived Quality-of-life Impact of Mobile Phones? A Model Based on the Consumption Life Cycle, Applied Research Quality Life, 3, 251-268.
  • Susanty, A. and Kenny, E. (2015). The relationship between brand equity, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty on coffee shop: Study of Excelso and Starbucks. ASEAN Marketing Journal, 7 (1), 14-27.
  • Tangsupwattana, W. and Liu, X. (2018). Effect of emotional experience on symbolic consumption in Generation Y consumers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 36 (5), 514-527.
  • Tsiotsou, R. (2006). The role of perceived product quality and overall satisfaction on purchase intentions, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30 (2), 207-217.
  • Tüzün, A. (2018). Reasons for Consumers to Prefer Boutique Coffee Shops: A Research in Ankara Province, Batman University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master's Thesis, Batman.
  • Ustaahmetoğlu, E. (2015). The Effects of Product Scarcity Messages, Perceived Quality and Perceived Value on Purchase Intention, Journal of Consumer and Consumption Research, 7 (1), 157-177.
  • Yu, H. and Fang, W. (2009). Relative impacts from product quality, service quality, and experience quality on customer perceived value and intention to shop for the coffee shop market, Total Quality Management, 20 (11), 1273-1285.
  • Yu, J-P & Yoon, N-S (2011). The Market Segmentation of Coffee Shops and the Difference Analysis of Consumer Behavior: A Case based on Caffe Bene. Journal of Distribution Science, 9, 5-13.
Year 2023, , 1 - 19, 09.03.2023



  • Akşit Aşık, N. (2017). Changing coffee consumption habits and a research on Turkish coffee, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 5 (4), 310-325.
  • Akarçay, E. (2014). Kâh Kahvehane Kâh Café: A Theoretical Introduction on Coffee Consumption in Globalising Eskişehir, Galatasaray University Journal of Communication, Special Issue-2, 181-202.
  • Arslan, F. (2019). Consumers' Coffee Consumption Habits and Coffee Shop Preferences: A Research in Antalya Province, International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research, 3(2), 224-234.
  • Baruönü Latif, Ö. and Örs, M. (2018). Factors Affecting Second Wave Coffee Preference: Do We Know the Coffees We Drink? Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 6(4), 150-173.
  • Bayındır, B. and Önçel, S. (2019). Reasons for University Students to Prefer Coffee Shops: The Case of Anadolu University, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 7(3), 1806-1820.
  • Chillakuri, B. and Mahanandia, R. (2018), "Generation Z entering the workforce: the need for sustainable strategies in maximising their talent", Human Resource Management International Digest, 26 (4), 34-38.
  • Cruz-Flores, M., Espinoza-Ortega, A., Thomé-Ortiz, H., & Vizcarra-Bordi, I. (2020). Motives for coffee consumption at coffee shops in Mexico. Coffee Science-ISSN 1984-3909, 15, e151757-e151757
  • Dai, B. and Pelton, L. E. (2018). Exploring consumers' skincare retail patronage. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 43, 269-277.
  • Erdoğan, F. (2014). The Effect of Brand Value on Customer Loyalty and a Field Application on Chain Coffee Shops, Istanbul Gelisim University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master's Thesis, Istanbul.
  • Erlina, E. and Hermawan, D. (2021). Marketing Mix on Customer Loyalty at Coffee Shop in Bandung. Aptisi Transactions on Management (ATM), 5(1), 89-96.
  • Field, A. (2009). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. SAGE Publishing, London, UK.
  • Gölbaşı Şimşek, G. and Noyan, F. (2009). A model test for brand loyalty in the mobile phone device market in Turkey, METU Development Journal, 36 (June), 121 - 159.
  • Gravetter, F.J. and Wallnau, L.B. (2014). Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Eight Edition, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA, USA.
  • Grzeskowiak, S. and Sirgy, M.J. (2007). Consumer Well-Being (CWB): The Effects of Self-Image Congruence, Brand-Community Belongingness, Brand Loyalty, and Consumption Recency. Applied Research Quality Life, 2007/2, 289-304.
  • Gürbüz, S. and Şahin, F. (2017). Research Methods in Social Sciences: Philosophy - Method - Analysis (4th Edition), Seçkin Publishing, Ankara. Han, H., Nguyen, H. N., Song, H., Chua, B. L., Lee, S., & Kim, W. (2018). Drivers of brand loyalty in the chain coffee shop industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, 86-97.
  • Işıkay, T. and Başçı, A. (2020). Consumer - Brand Identification in terms of Social Identity Theory and a Research, Marmara University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 42 (1) 63-90.
  • Ibrahim, B., Aljarah, A., & Sawaftah, D. (2021). Linking social media marketing activities to revisit intention through brand trust and brand loyalty on the coffee shop facebook pages: Exploring sequential mediation mechanism. Sustainability, 13(4), 2277.
  • Kang, J., Tang, L., Lee, J. Y., & Bosselman, R. H. (2012). Understanding customer behaviour in name-brand Korean coffee shops: The role of self-congruity and functional congruity, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31 (3), 809-818.
  • Kaya, G. and Toker, S. (2019). Analysing of Coffee Consumption Habits: Istanbul Case (Analysing Of Coffee Consumption Habits: Istanbul Case). International Journal Of Economics, Politics, Humanities & Social Sciences, 2(3), 146-164.
  • Kenney, A. L., Phan, U. T. X., & Adhikari, K. (2022). Applying acceptability and emotion to understand the consumer's consumption habits and involvement with coffee. Journal of Sensory Studies, 37(1), e12713.
  • Kim, K., Choi, H. J., & Hyun, S. S. (2020). Coffee house consumers' value perception and its consequences: Multi-Dimensional approach. Sustainability, 12 (4), 1663.
  • Kim, S-H., Kim, M., & Holland, S. (2017). How Customer Personality Traits Influence Brand Loyalty in the Coffee Shop Industry: The Moderating Role of Business Types, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 19 (3), 311-335.
  • Kim, S-H and Lee, S. (2017). Promoting customers' involvement with service brands: evidence from coffee shop customers, Journal of Services Marketing, 31 (7), 733-744.
  • McCrindle, M. and Wolfinger, E. (2009). The ABC of XYZ: Understanding the Global Generations. Sydney, Australia: A UNSW Press Ltd.
  • Nagy, S. (2017). The impact of country of origin in mobile phone choice of generation Y and Z. Journal of Management and Training for Industries, 4(2), 16-29.
  • Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, (2022). Retrieved 25.12.2022, Access link:
  • Özbek, V. (2016). The Regulatory Effect of Perceived Service Quality in the Relationship Between Perceived Risk and Perceived Value, International Review Of Economics And Management, 4 (3), 62-83.
  • Pangaribuan, C. H., Sofia, A., & Sitinjak, M. F. (2020). Factors of coffee shop revisit intention and word-of-mouth mediated by customer satisfaction. Journal of Management and Business, 19(1).
  • Ratasuk, A. and Buranasombop A. (2021). Contributions of Marketing Factors on Customer Repurchase Intentions in Convenience Store Coffee Shops in Bangkok and Mediating Role of Brand Image, Asian Administration and Management Review, 4 (2), 11-22.
  • Sirgy, M. J., Lee, D-J., Kamra, K. and Tidwell, J. (2008). What Determines Perceived Quality-of-life Impact of Mobile Phones? A Model Based on the Consumption Life Cycle, Applied Research Quality Life, 3, 251-268.
  • Susanty, A. and Kenny, E. (2015). The relationship between brand equity, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty on coffee shop: Study of Excelso and Starbucks. ASEAN Marketing Journal, 7 (1), 14-27.
  • Tangsupwattana, W. and Liu, X. (2018). Effect of emotional experience on symbolic consumption in Generation Y consumers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 36 (5), 514-527.
  • Tsiotsou, R. (2006). The role of perceived product quality and overall satisfaction on purchase intentions, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30 (2), 207-217.
  • Tüzün, A. (2018). Reasons for Consumers to Prefer Boutique Coffee Shops: A Research in Ankara Province, Batman University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master's Thesis, Batman.
  • Ustaahmetoğlu, E. (2015). The Effects of Product Scarcity Messages, Perceived Quality and Perceived Value on Purchase Intention, Journal of Consumer and Consumption Research, 7 (1), 157-177.
  • Yu, H. and Fang, W. (2009). Relative impacts from product quality, service quality, and experience quality on customer perceived value and intention to shop for the coffee shop market, Total Quality Management, 20 (11), 1273-1285.
  • Yu, J-P & Yoon, N-S (2011). The Market Segmentation of Coffee Shops and the Difference Analysis of Consumer Behavior: A Case based on Caffe Bene. Journal of Distribution Science, 9, 5-13.
Year 2023, , 1 - 19, 09.03.2023



  • Akşit Aşık, N. (2017). Changing coffee consumption habits and a research on Turkish coffee, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 5 (4), 310-325.
  • Akarçay, E. (2014). Kâh Kahvehane Kâh Café: A Theoretical Introduction on Coffee Consumption in Globalising Eskişehir, Galatasaray University Journal of Communication, Special Issue-2, 181-202.
  • Arslan, F. (2019). Consumers' Coffee Consumption Habits and Coffee Shop Preferences: A Research in Antalya Province, International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research, 3(2), 224-234.
  • Baruönü Latif, Ö. and Örs, M. (2018). Factors Affecting Second Wave Coffee Preference: Do We Know the Coffees We Drink? Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 6(4), 150-173.
  • Bayındır, B. and Önçel, S. (2019). Reasons for University Students to Prefer Coffee Shops: The Case of Anadolu University, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 7(3), 1806-1820.
  • Chillakuri, B. and Mahanandia, R. (2018), "Generation Z entering the workforce: the need for sustainable strategies in maximising their talent", Human Resource Management International Digest, 26 (4), 34-38.
  • Cruz-Flores, M., Espinoza-Ortega, A., Thomé-Ortiz, H., & Vizcarra-Bordi, I. (2020). Motives for coffee consumption at coffee shops in Mexico. Coffee Science-ISSN 1984-3909, 15, e151757-e151757
  • Dai, B. and Pelton, L. E. (2018). Exploring consumers' skincare retail patronage. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 43, 269-277.
  • Erdoğan, F. (2014). The Effect of Brand Value on Customer Loyalty and a Field Application on Chain Coffee Shops, Istanbul Gelisim University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master's Thesis, Istanbul.
  • Erlina, E. and Hermawan, D. (2021). Marketing Mix on Customer Loyalty at Coffee Shop in Bandung. Aptisi Transactions on Management (ATM), 5(1), 89-96.
  • Field, A. (2009). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. SAGE Publishing, London, UK.
  • Gölbaşı Şimşek, G. and Noyan, F. (2009). A model test for brand loyalty in the mobile phone device market in Turkey, METU Development Journal, 36 (June), 121 - 159.
  • Gravetter, F.J. and Wallnau, L.B. (2014). Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Eight Edition, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA, USA.
  • Grzeskowiak, S. and Sirgy, M.J. (2007). Consumer Well-Being (CWB): The Effects of Self-Image Congruence, Brand-Community Belongingness, Brand Loyalty, and Consumption Recency. Applied Research Quality Life, 2007/2, 289-304.
  • Gürbüz, S. and Şahin, F. (2017). Research Methods in Social Sciences: Philosophy - Method - Analysis (4th Edition), Seçkin Publishing, Ankara. Han, H., Nguyen, H. N., Song, H., Chua, B. L., Lee, S., & Kim, W. (2018). Drivers of brand loyalty in the chain coffee shop industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, 86-97.
  • Işıkay, T. and Başçı, A. (2020). Consumer - Brand Identification in terms of Social Identity Theory and a Research, Marmara University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 42 (1) 63-90.
  • Ibrahim, B., Aljarah, A., & Sawaftah, D. (2021). Linking social media marketing activities to revisit intention through brand trust and brand loyalty on the coffee shop facebook pages: Exploring sequential mediation mechanism. Sustainability, 13(4), 2277.
  • Kang, J., Tang, L., Lee, J. Y., & Bosselman, R. H. (2012). Understanding customer behaviour in name-brand Korean coffee shops: The role of self-congruity and functional congruity, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31 (3), 809-818.
  • Kaya, G. and Toker, S. (2019). Analysing of Coffee Consumption Habits: Istanbul Case (Analysing Of Coffee Consumption Habits: Istanbul Case). International Journal Of Economics, Politics, Humanities & Social Sciences, 2(3), 146-164.
  • Kenney, A. L., Phan, U. T. X., & Adhikari, K. (2022). Applying acceptability and emotion to understand the consumer's consumption habits and involvement with coffee. Journal of Sensory Studies, 37(1), e12713.
  • Kim, K., Choi, H. J., & Hyun, S. S. (2020). Coffee house consumers' value perception and its consequences: Multi-Dimensional approach. Sustainability, 12 (4), 1663.
  • Kim, S-H., Kim, M., & Holland, S. (2017). How Customer Personality Traits Influence Brand Loyalty in the Coffee Shop Industry: The Moderating Role of Business Types, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 19 (3), 311-335.
  • Kim, S-H and Lee, S. (2017). Promoting customers' involvement with service brands: evidence from coffee shop customers, Journal of Services Marketing, 31 (7), 733-744.
  • McCrindle, M. and Wolfinger, E. (2009). The ABC of XYZ: Understanding the Global Generations. Sydney, Australia: A UNSW Press Ltd.
  • Nagy, S. (2017). The impact of country of origin in mobile phone choice of generation Y and Z. Journal of Management and Training for Industries, 4(2), 16-29.
  • Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, (2022). Retrieved 25.12.2022, Access link:
  • Özbek, V. (2016). The Regulatory Effect of Perceived Service Quality in the Relationship Between Perceived Risk and Perceived Value, International Review Of Economics And Management, 4 (3), 62-83.
  • Pangaribuan, C. H., Sofia, A., & Sitinjak, M. F. (2020). Factors of coffee shop revisit intention and word-of-mouth mediated by customer satisfaction. Journal of Management and Business, 19(1).
  • Ratasuk, A. and Buranasombop A. (2021). Contributions of Marketing Factors on Customer Repurchase Intentions in Convenience Store Coffee Shops in Bangkok and Mediating Role of Brand Image, Asian Administration and Management Review, 4 (2), 11-22.
  • Sirgy, M. J., Lee, D-J., Kamra, K. and Tidwell, J. (2008). What Determines Perceived Quality-of-life Impact of Mobile Phones? A Model Based on the Consumption Life Cycle, Applied Research Quality Life, 3, 251-268.
  • Susanty, A. and Kenny, E. (2015). The relationship between brand equity, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty on coffee shop: Study of Excelso and Starbucks. ASEAN Marketing Journal, 7 (1), 14-27.
  • Tangsupwattana, W. and Liu, X. (2018). Effect of emotional experience on symbolic consumption in Generation Y consumers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 36 (5), 514-527.
  • Tsiotsou, R. (2006). The role of perceived product quality and overall satisfaction on purchase intentions, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30 (2), 207-217.
  • Tüzün, A. (2018). Reasons for Consumers to Prefer Boutique Coffee Shops: A Research in Ankara Province, Batman University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master's Thesis, Batman.
  • Ustaahmetoğlu, E. (2015). The Effects of Product Scarcity Messages, Perceived Quality and Perceived Value on Purchase Intention, Journal of Consumer and Consumption Research, 7 (1), 157-177.
  • Yu, H. and Fang, W. (2009). Relative impacts from product quality, service quality, and experience quality on customer perceived value and intention to shop for the coffee shop market, Total Quality Management, 20 (11), 1273-1285.
  • Yu, J-P & Yoon, N-S (2011). The Market Segmentation of Coffee Shops and the Difference Analysis of Consumer Behavior: A Case based on Caffe Bene. Journal of Distribution Science, 9, 5-13.
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  • Gürbüz, S. and Şahin, F. (2017). Research Methods in Social Sciences: Philosophy - Method - Analysis (4th Edition), Seçkin Publishing, Ankara. Han, H., Nguyen, H. N., Song, H., Chua, B. L., Lee, S., & Kim, W. (2018). Drivers of brand loyalty in the chain coffee shop industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, 86-97.
  • Işıkay, T. and Başçı, A. (2020). Consumer - Brand Identification in terms of Social Identity Theory and a Research, Marmara University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 42 (1) 63-90.
  • Ibrahim, B., Aljarah, A., & Sawaftah, D. (2021). Linking social media marketing activities to revisit intention through brand trust and brand loyalty on the coffee shop facebook pages: Exploring sequential mediation mechanism. Sustainability, 13(4), 2277.
  • Kang, J., Tang, L., Lee, J. Y., & Bosselman, R. H. (2012). Understanding customer behaviour in name-brand Korean coffee shops: The role of self-congruity and functional congruity, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31 (3), 809-818.
  • Kaya, G. and Toker, S. (2019). Analysing of Coffee Consumption Habits: Istanbul Case (Analysing Of Coffee Consumption Habits: Istanbul Case). International Journal Of Economics, Politics, Humanities & Social Sciences, 2(3), 146-164.
  • Kenney, A. L., Phan, U. T. X., & Adhikari, K. (2022). Applying acceptability and emotion to understand the consumer's consumption habits and involvement with coffee. Journal of Sensory Studies, 37(1), e12713.
  • Kim, K., Choi, H. J., & Hyun, S. S. (2020). Coffee house consumers' value perception and its consequences: Multi-Dimensional approach. Sustainability, 12 (4), 1663.
  • Kim, S-H., Kim, M., & Holland, S. (2017). How Customer Personality Traits Influence Brand Loyalty in the Coffee Shop Industry: The Moderating Role of Business Types, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 19 (3), 311-335.
  • Kim, S-H and Lee, S. (2017). Promoting customers' involvement with service brands: evidence from coffee shop customers, Journal of Services Marketing, 31 (7), 733-744.
  • McCrindle, M. and Wolfinger, E. (2009). The ABC of XYZ: Understanding the Global Generations. Sydney, Australia: A UNSW Press Ltd.
  • Nagy, S. (2017). The impact of country of origin in mobile phone choice of generation Y and Z. Journal of Management and Training for Industries, 4(2), 16-29.
  • Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, (2022). Retrieved 25.12.2022, Access link:
  • Özbek, V. (2016). The Regulatory Effect of Perceived Service Quality in the Relationship Between Perceived Risk and Perceived Value, International Review Of Economics And Management, 4 (3), 62-83.
  • Pangaribuan, C. H., Sofia, A., & Sitinjak, M. F. (2020). Factors of coffee shop revisit intention and word-of-mouth mediated by customer satisfaction. Journal of Management and Business, 19(1).
  • Ratasuk, A. and Buranasombop A. (2021). Contributions of Marketing Factors on Customer Repurchase Intentions in Convenience Store Coffee Shops in Bangkok and Mediating Role of Brand Image, Asian Administration and Management Review, 4 (2), 11-22.
  • Sirgy, M. J., Lee, D-J., Kamra, K. and Tidwell, J. (2008). What Determines Perceived Quality-of-life Impact of Mobile Phones? A Model Based on the Consumption Life Cycle, Applied Research Quality Life, 3, 251-268.
  • Susanty, A. and Kenny, E. (2015). The relationship between brand equity, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty on coffee shop: Study of Excelso and Starbucks. ASEAN Marketing Journal, 7 (1), 14-27.
  • Tangsupwattana, W. and Liu, X. (2018). Effect of emotional experience on symbolic consumption in Generation Y consumers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 36 (5), 514-527.
  • Tsiotsou, R. (2006). The role of perceived product quality and overall satisfaction on purchase intentions, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30 (2), 207-217.
  • Tüzün, A. (2018). Reasons for Consumers to Prefer Boutique Coffee Shops: A Research in Ankara Province, Batman University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master's Thesis, Batman.
  • Ustaahmetoğlu, E. (2015). The Effects of Product Scarcity Messages, Perceived Quality and Perceived Value on Purchase Intention, Journal of Consumer and Consumption Research, 7 (1), 157-177.
  • Yu, H. and Fang, W. (2009). Relative impacts from product quality, service quality, and experience quality on customer perceived value and intention to shop for the coffee shop market, Total Quality Management, 20 (11), 1273-1285.
  • Yu, J-P & Yoon, N-S (2011). The Market Segmentation of Coffee Shops and the Difference Analysis of Consumer Behavior: A Case based on Caffe Bene. Journal of Distribution Science, 9, 5-13.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ali Naci Karabulut 0000-0001-9156-1732

Publication Date March 9, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Karabulut, A. N. (2023). Comparing the Young People’s Coffee Shop Perceptions with Their Senses of Taste. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 30(1), 1-19.