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Kadın Güçlendirmesi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği’nin Ölçülmesi: Türkiye Örneği

Year 2017, , 485 - 503, 18.08.2017


Çağdaş Türkiye'de kadın güçlendirilmesi ve cinsiyet eşitsizliğini analiz etmek oldukça önemlidir. Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin kurulmasından bu yana kadınların sosyoekonomik ve kültürel gelişimi için birçok reform gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu reformlar bile çağdaş Türkiye'de cinsiyet eşitsizliğini ortadan kaldıramamıştır.

Bu araştırma, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu verilerini kullanarak ve ikili lojistik regresyon uygulayarak Türkiye'de kadın güçlendirilmesine cinsiyetçi açıdan incelemektedir. Araştırma sonuçları kadınların çalışma hayatı içerisinde olmasının, kadın güçlendirilmesi için oldukça etkisi olduğudur. Analizin bir diğer sonucu ise aynı işlerde çalışan kadınların güçlendirmesinin daha mümkün olduğudur. Bu bakımdan çeşitli mesleki özellikler bazı güçlendirme göstergeleri ile bağlantılıdır.


  • Betcherman, Gordon, Luinstra, Amy and Ogawa, Makoto. 2001. Labor market regulation: international experience in promoting employment and social protection. Social Protection Discussion Paper 0128, World Bank: Washington, DC.
  • Ecevit, Yıldız. 2003: Women’s labor and social security, In Bridging the gap in Turkey: A milestone towards \faster socioeconomic development and poverty reduction, ed. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit Europe and Central Asia Region, 73-101, World Bank: Washington.
  • Editorial. 2012. Kadının bağımsız olabilmesinin bedeli iki kat çalışmak, Milliyet, December. Retrieved from:
  • Gündüz, Zuhal Yeflilyurt. 2012. The Women’s Movement in Turkey: From Tanzimat towards European Union Membership. Perceptions, 115-134.
  • Kabeer, Naila, Mahmud, Simeen, and Tanseem, Sakiba. 2011. Does paid work provide a pathway to women empowerment? Empirical findings from Bangladesh. Institute of Developmental Studies, 375: 1-42.
  • Ilkkaracan, Ipek. 2012. Why so few women in the labor market in Turkey, Feminist Economics, 18(1): 1–37.
  • Kalb, Guyonne. 2009. Children, Labour Supply and Child Care: Challenges for Empirical Analysis, Australian Economic Review, Vol. 42, No. 3: pp. 276–99.
  • Kasnakoğlu, Zeynep and Dayıoğlu, Meltem. 1997. Female labor force participation and earnings differentials between genders in Turkey, In Westpost Economic Dimensions of Gender Inequality: A Global Perspective, ed. J.M. Rives and M. Yousefi, 95-117, CT: London.
  • Kızılırmak, Burça. 2005. Labor market participation decisions of married women: evidence from Turkey, Ankara University, September. Retrieved from:
  • King, Elizabeth, and Mason, Andrew. 2001. Engendering Development: Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources and Voice. Washington, D.C. and New York: The World Bank and Oxford University Press. A World Bank Policy Research Report.
  • Medel-Anonuevo, Carolyn, and Bochynek, Bettina. 1995. The International Seminar on Women
  • Olmsted, Jennifer. 2011. Gender and globalization: the Iranian experience: veiled employment. Syracuse UP: 25-52.
  • Stokeley, Carmichael, and Hamilton, Charles. 1967. Black Power: The Politics of Liberation. New York: Random House.
  • Stromquist, Nelly. 1995. The Theoretical and Practical Bases for Empowerment (13-22). In C. Medel-Anonuevo (Eds.), Women Education and Empowerment: Pathways towards Autonomy. Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Education.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute, Women in Statistics. 2016. Retrieved from Tuna, Tulin. 2012. Gender and Modernization in Turkey. International Journal of Learning & Development, 2(5): 273-288.
  • UNDP Human Development Report. 2014. Retrieved from development-report-2014
  • World Economic Forum. 2014. The Global Gender Gap Report, 2014. Geneva: World Economic reform, Retrieved from:
  • Yorgun, Pembenaz. 2013. The Women Question and Difficulties of Feminism in Turkey. Journal of Revolutionary Socialist of the Middle East, No: 11.

Measuring Women Empowerment and Gender Equality: Case of Turkey

Year 2017, , 485 - 503, 18.08.2017


It is very important to explore women’s empowerment and gender disparity in contemporary Turkey. Various reforms have been propounded since the establishment of the Turkish Republic to promote women’s socioeconomic and cultural development. Even with these reforms, gender inequality remains Turkey’s contemporary challenge.

This research looks at women’s empowerment in Turkey utilizing Turkish Statistics Institute data and applying binary logistic regression. The suggestions of this research is that being among the labor market is vital to women’s empowerment. The findings of this analysis also shows that women in some job fields have a higher probability for empowerment. Various occupational features are linked with some empowerment indicators.


  • Betcherman, Gordon, Luinstra, Amy and Ogawa, Makoto. 2001. Labor market regulation: international experience in promoting employment and social protection. Social Protection Discussion Paper 0128, World Bank: Washington, DC.
  • Ecevit, Yıldız. 2003: Women’s labor and social security, In Bridging the gap in Turkey: A milestone towards \faster socioeconomic development and poverty reduction, ed. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit Europe and Central Asia Region, 73-101, World Bank: Washington.
  • Editorial. 2012. Kadının bağımsız olabilmesinin bedeli iki kat çalışmak, Milliyet, December. Retrieved from:
  • Gündüz, Zuhal Yeflilyurt. 2012. The Women’s Movement in Turkey: From Tanzimat towards European Union Membership. Perceptions, 115-134.
  • Kabeer, Naila, Mahmud, Simeen, and Tanseem, Sakiba. 2011. Does paid work provide a pathway to women empowerment? Empirical findings from Bangladesh. Institute of Developmental Studies, 375: 1-42.
  • Ilkkaracan, Ipek. 2012. Why so few women in the labor market in Turkey, Feminist Economics, 18(1): 1–37.
  • Kalb, Guyonne. 2009. Children, Labour Supply and Child Care: Challenges for Empirical Analysis, Australian Economic Review, Vol. 42, No. 3: pp. 276–99.
  • Kasnakoğlu, Zeynep and Dayıoğlu, Meltem. 1997. Female labor force participation and earnings differentials between genders in Turkey, In Westpost Economic Dimensions of Gender Inequality: A Global Perspective, ed. J.M. Rives and M. Yousefi, 95-117, CT: London.
  • Kızılırmak, Burça. 2005. Labor market participation decisions of married women: evidence from Turkey, Ankara University, September. Retrieved from:
  • King, Elizabeth, and Mason, Andrew. 2001. Engendering Development: Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources and Voice. Washington, D.C. and New York: The World Bank and Oxford University Press. A World Bank Policy Research Report.
  • Medel-Anonuevo, Carolyn, and Bochynek, Bettina. 1995. The International Seminar on Women
  • Olmsted, Jennifer. 2011. Gender and globalization: the Iranian experience: veiled employment. Syracuse UP: 25-52.
  • Stokeley, Carmichael, and Hamilton, Charles. 1967. Black Power: The Politics of Liberation. New York: Random House.
  • Stromquist, Nelly. 1995. The Theoretical and Practical Bases for Empowerment (13-22). In C. Medel-Anonuevo (Eds.), Women Education and Empowerment: Pathways towards Autonomy. Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Education.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute, Women in Statistics. 2016. Retrieved from Tuna, Tulin. 2012. Gender and Modernization in Turkey. International Journal of Learning & Development, 2(5): 273-288.
  • UNDP Human Development Report. 2014. Retrieved from development-report-2014
  • World Economic Forum. 2014. The Global Gender Gap Report, 2014. Geneva: World Economic reform, Retrieved from:
  • Yorgun, Pembenaz. 2013. The Women Question and Difficulties of Feminism in Turkey. Journal of Revolutionary Socialist of the Middle East, No: 11.
There are 18 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Meltem Ince Yenılmez

Publication Date August 18, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Ince Yenılmez, M. (2017). Kadın Güçlendirmesi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği’nin Ölçülmesi: Türkiye Örneği. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 24(2), 485-503.