Research Article
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Systematic Literature Review on Born Global Firms

Year 2017, , 563 - 578, 18.08.2017


Born global firms enter the global marketplace soon after their inception, in many cases, by passing the domestic market. Sometimes these firms grow largely in their home markets before they rapidly reach high percentages of international revenues. Today many research worldwide investigates knowledge about these early internalizing firms. The objective of this study is to conduct a systematic literature review on born globals. Our methodology is emphasizing some of the remarkable studies and reviewing some recent literature on born globals. The findings show us many unique capabilities of born globals. 


  • Andersson, S., & Wictor, I. (2003). Innovative internationalization in new firms: Born globals-the Swedish case. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. 1(3), 249–276. doi:1080/10978520903238388
  • Andreea N. K., Danis, W. M., & Cavusgil, S. T. (2012). International entrepreneurship research in emerging economies: A critical review and research agenda. Journal of Business Venturing, 27(2), 266-290. doi:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2011.09.004
  • Cannone, G., Costantino, G., Pisoni, A., & Onetti, A. (2012). Drivers of International development for born global companies founded by Italian entrepreneurs. Paper submitted to the AIB 2012-Annual Meeting, to be held in Washington, DC, June 30-July 3, 2012.
  • Cavusgil, S. T. (1994). A quiet revolution in Australian exporters. Marketing News. 28(11), 18-21. doi: 9410311422
  • Chetty, S., & Campbell-Hunt, C. (2004). A strategic approach to internationalization: A traditional versus a “born-global” approach. Journal of International Marketing. 12(1), 57–81. doi:
  • Crick, D. (2009). The internationalisation of born global and international new venture SMEs, International Marketing Review. 26(4/5), 453–476. doi:
  • Deligonul, Z. S.; Hult, G. T. M., & Cavusgil, S. T. (2008). Entrepreneuring as a puzzle: An attempt to its explanation with truncation of subjective probability distribution of prospects. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2(2), 155-167. doi: 10.1002/sej.44
  • Dib, L. A., Rocha, A. A., & Silva, J. F. (2010). The internationalization process of Brazilian software firms and the born global phenomenon: Examining firm, network, and entrepreneur variables. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. 8(3), 233–253. doi: 10.1007/s10843-010-0044-z
  • Etemad, H. (2004). Internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises: A grounded theoretical framework and an overview. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. 21(1), 1–21. doi: 10.1111/j.1936-4490.2004.tb00319.x
  • Evangelista, F. (2005). Qualitative insights into the international new venture creation process. Journal of International Entrepreneur, 3(3),179–198. doi: 10.1007/s10843-005-4204-5
  • Falay, Z., Salimaki, M., Ainoma, A., & Gabrielsson, M. (2007). Design-intensive born globals: A multiple case study of marketing management, Journal of Marketing Management. 23(9/10): 877-899. doi:10.1362/026725707X250377
  • Fills, I. (2001). Small firm internationalization: An investigative survey and future research directions. Journal of management history. 39(9), 767-783. doi:
  • Freeman S., Edwards, R., & Schrader, B. (2006). How smaller born-global firms use networks and alliances to overcome constraints to rapid internationalization. Journal of International Marketing. 14(3), 33–63. doi:
  • Fuerst, S. (2010). Global marketing strategy: The case of a born global software firm in Colombia. Revista Ciencias Estrategicas. 18(24), 271-286.
  • Gabrielsson, M. (2005). Branding strategies of born globals. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. 3(3), 199-222. doi: 10.1007/s10843-005-0401-5
  • Gabrielsson, M., & Kirpalani, V. (2004). Born globals: How to reach new business space rapidly. International Business Review. 13(5), 555–571. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2004.03.005
  • Gabrielsson, M., Manek, Kirpalani, V. H., Dimitratosd, P., Solbergf, C. A., & Antonella, Z. (2008). Born globals: Propositions to help advance the theory. International Business Review. 17(4), 385-401. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2008.02.015
  • Gabrielsson, M., Sasi, V., & Darling, J. (2004). Finance strategies of rapidly growing Finnish SMEs: Born internationals and born globals. European Business Review. 16(6), 590–604. doi:
  • Gleason, K., & Wiggenhorn, J. (2007). Born globals, the choice of globalization strategy, and the market's perception of performance. Journal of World Business. 42(3), 322-335. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2007.04.007
  • Halldin, T. (2010). Survival of born global firms - do employee characteristics matter for survival? Center of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies, Electronic Working Paper Series. Paper No. 271.
  • Harveston, P., Kedia, B., & Davis, P. (2000). Internationalization of born global and gradual globalizing firms: The impact of the manager. Advances in Competitiveness Research. 8(1), 92–99.
  • Hashai, N. (2011a). Sequencing the expansion of geographic scope and foreign operations by “born global” firms. Journal of International Business Studies. 42(1/21), 995–1015. doi:10.1057/jibs.2011.31
  • Hashai, N. (2011b). Global service multinationals from a small open economy – The case of Israeli high-tech service providers, in ravi ramamurti, The Future of Foreign Direct Investment and theMultinational Enterprise (Research in Global Strategic Management. (15), 335-353. doi: 10.1108/S1064-4857(2011)0000015019
  • Hordes, M., Clancy, J., & Baddaley, J. (1995). A primer for global start ups. The Academy of Management Executive. 9(2),7–11. doi: 10.5465/AME.1995.9506273262
  • Jantunen, A., Nummela, N., Puumalainen, K., & Saarenketo, S. (2008). Strategic orientations of born globals-Do they really matter? Journal of World Business. 43(2), 158-170. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2007.11.015
  • Jody, W., & Mika, G. (2011). The early development of born global firms in the software industry. International Journal of Technology Transfer & Commercialisation. 10(3/4), 332-353. doi:
  • Kalinic, I., & Forza, C. (2012). Rapid internationalization of traditional SMEs: Between gradualist models and born globals. International Business Review. 21(4), 694-707. doi:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2011.08.002 doi:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2011.08.002
  • Karra, N., Phillips, N., & Tracey, P. (2008). Building the born global firm: Developing entrepreneurial capabilities for International new venture success. Long Range Planning. 41(4), 440-458. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2008.05.002
  • Knight, G. (1997). Emerging paradigm for international marketing: the born global firm. Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Michigan State University, Michigan (Unpublished PhD Dissertation).
  • Knight, G. A., & Cavusgil, S. T. (2004). Innovation, organizational capabilities, and the born-global firm. Journal of International Business Studies. 35(2), 124-141. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400071
  • Knight, G. A., & S. T. Cavusgil, (1996). The born global firm: A challenge to traditional internationalization theory. Advances in International Marketing, (8), 11-26. doi:10.1016/S0969-5931(97)00032-2
  • Knight, G., Madsen, T., & Servais, P. (2004). An inquiry into born-global firms in Europe and the USA. International Marketing Review. 21(6), 645–665. doi:
  • Kudina, A., Yip, G., & Barkema, H. (2008). Born global. Business Strategy Review. 19(4), 38-44. doi: 10.1002/9781444316568.wiem06052
  • Kuivalainen, O., Sundquvist, S., & Servais, P. (2007). Firms’ degree of born-globalness, international entrepreneurial orientation and export performance. Journal of World Business. 42(3), 253-267. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2007.04.010
  • Kundu, S., & Renko, M. (2005). Explaining export performance: A comparative study of international new ventures in Finnish and Indian software industry. In: Katz J, Shepherd D (eds) International Entrepreneurship. Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence and growth 8:43–84 doi: 978-1-84950-356-3
  • Lewin, A.Y. & Massini, S. (2003). Knowledge creation and organizational capabilities of innovating and imitating firms', in H. T soukas and N. Mylonopoulos (eds.) Organizations as Knowledge Systems, Palgrave: Basingstoke.
  • Lopez, L., Kundu, S. K., & Ciravegna, L. (2009). Born global or born regional? Evidence from an exploratory study in the Costa Rican software industry. Journal of International Business Studies. 40(7), 1228-1238. doi:
  • Luoastarinen, R. & Gabrielson, M. (2004). Finnish Perspectives of International Entrepreneurship. Handbook of Research on International Entrepreneurship., p. 383-403. doi: 10.4337/9781845420512.00031
  • Madsen, T. K., & Servais, P. (1997). The internationalization of born globals: An evolutionary process? International Business Review. 6(6), 561-583. doi:10.1016/S0969-5931(97)00032-2
  • Maria, R., Andreu, B., & Diego, M. (2011). Role of international precocity in born global firms. International Journal of Technology Transfer & Commercialisation. 10(3/4), 247 doi:
  • Massini S., Lewin A. Y. & Greve, H. R. (2003). Comparisons groups and the adaptation patterns of organizational routines. Presented at the I. IRASEAT conference “Knowledge and economic and social change: New challenges to innovation studies”, Manchester, 7-9 April 2003.
  • McDougall, P., & Oviatt, B. (1994). Explaining the formation of international new ventures: The limits of theories from international business research. Journal of Business Venturing. 9(6), 469–487. doi:10.1016/0883-9026(94)90017-5
  • McDougall, P., & Oviatt, B. (1996). New venture internationalization, strategic change, and performance: a follow-up study. Journal of Business Venturing. 11(1), 23-40. doi:10.1016/0883-9026(95)00081-X
  • McDougall, P., & Oviatt, B. (2003). Some fundamental issues in international entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. July, (1-2).
  • McKinsey & Co. (1993). Emerging Exporters. Australia's High Value-Added Manufacturing Exporters, Melbourne: McKinsey & Company and the Australian Manufacturing Council.
  • Mets, T., & Kelli, A. (2011). Are hi-tech “born global-s” really born global? Organizacijų Vadyba: Sisteminiai, Tyrima. 59 /2011.
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Global Doğan Firmalar Üzerine Sistematik Literatür İncelemesi

Year 2017, , 563 - 578, 18.08.2017


Global doğan işletmeler, kuruluşlarından kısa bir süre sonra yerel pazarları aşarak uluslararası pazarlara açılmaktadır. Çoğu zaman bu firmalar, uluslararası gelirlerini artırmadan önce, kendi yerel pazarlarında önemli büyüklüklere ulaşabilmektedir. Günümüzde bu erken uluslararasılaşan firmalar hakkında çok sayıda çalışma yapılmakta ve bu firmalarla ilgili çeşitli veriler ortaya konulmaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında global doğan şirketlerle ilgili sistematik bir literatür taramasının yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, global doğan şirketlerle ilgili olarak daha önceden yapılmış çalışmalardan elde edilen veriler sistematik olarak ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda; sadece global doğan işletmelere özgü çeşitli özellikler tespit edilmiştir.


  • Andersson, S., & Wictor, I. (2003). Innovative internationalization in new firms: Born globals-the Swedish case. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. 1(3), 249–276. doi:1080/10978520903238388
  • Andreea N. K., Danis, W. M., & Cavusgil, S. T. (2012). International entrepreneurship research in emerging economies: A critical review and research agenda. Journal of Business Venturing, 27(2), 266-290. doi:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2011.09.004
  • Cannone, G., Costantino, G., Pisoni, A., & Onetti, A. (2012). Drivers of International development for born global companies founded by Italian entrepreneurs. Paper submitted to the AIB 2012-Annual Meeting, to be held in Washington, DC, June 30-July 3, 2012.
  • Cavusgil, S. T. (1994). A quiet revolution in Australian exporters. Marketing News. 28(11), 18-21. doi: 9410311422
  • Chetty, S., & Campbell-Hunt, C. (2004). A strategic approach to internationalization: A traditional versus a “born-global” approach. Journal of International Marketing. 12(1), 57–81. doi:
  • Crick, D. (2009). The internationalisation of born global and international new venture SMEs, International Marketing Review. 26(4/5), 453–476. doi:
  • Deligonul, Z. S.; Hult, G. T. M., & Cavusgil, S. T. (2008). Entrepreneuring as a puzzle: An attempt to its explanation with truncation of subjective probability distribution of prospects. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2(2), 155-167. doi: 10.1002/sej.44
  • Dib, L. A., Rocha, A. A., & Silva, J. F. (2010). The internationalization process of Brazilian software firms and the born global phenomenon: Examining firm, network, and entrepreneur variables. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. 8(3), 233–253. doi: 10.1007/s10843-010-0044-z
  • Etemad, H. (2004). Internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises: A grounded theoretical framework and an overview. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. 21(1), 1–21. doi: 10.1111/j.1936-4490.2004.tb00319.x
  • Evangelista, F. (2005). Qualitative insights into the international new venture creation process. Journal of International Entrepreneur, 3(3),179–198. doi: 10.1007/s10843-005-4204-5
  • Falay, Z., Salimaki, M., Ainoma, A., & Gabrielsson, M. (2007). Design-intensive born globals: A multiple case study of marketing management, Journal of Marketing Management. 23(9/10): 877-899. doi:10.1362/026725707X250377
  • Fills, I. (2001). Small firm internationalization: An investigative survey and future research directions. Journal of management history. 39(9), 767-783. doi:
  • Freeman S., Edwards, R., & Schrader, B. (2006). How smaller born-global firms use networks and alliances to overcome constraints to rapid internationalization. Journal of International Marketing. 14(3), 33–63. doi:
  • Fuerst, S. (2010). Global marketing strategy: The case of a born global software firm in Colombia. Revista Ciencias Estrategicas. 18(24), 271-286.
  • Gabrielsson, M. (2005). Branding strategies of born globals. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. 3(3), 199-222. doi: 10.1007/s10843-005-0401-5
  • Gabrielsson, M., & Kirpalani, V. (2004). Born globals: How to reach new business space rapidly. International Business Review. 13(5), 555–571. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2004.03.005
  • Gabrielsson, M., Manek, Kirpalani, V. H., Dimitratosd, P., Solbergf, C. A., & Antonella, Z. (2008). Born globals: Propositions to help advance the theory. International Business Review. 17(4), 385-401. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2008.02.015
  • Gabrielsson, M., Sasi, V., & Darling, J. (2004). Finance strategies of rapidly growing Finnish SMEs: Born internationals and born globals. European Business Review. 16(6), 590–604. doi:
  • Gleason, K., & Wiggenhorn, J. (2007). Born globals, the choice of globalization strategy, and the market's perception of performance. Journal of World Business. 42(3), 322-335. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2007.04.007
  • Halldin, T. (2010). Survival of born global firms - do employee characteristics matter for survival? Center of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies, Electronic Working Paper Series. Paper No. 271.
  • Harveston, P., Kedia, B., & Davis, P. (2000). Internationalization of born global and gradual globalizing firms: The impact of the manager. Advances in Competitiveness Research. 8(1), 92–99.
  • Hashai, N. (2011a). Sequencing the expansion of geographic scope and foreign operations by “born global” firms. Journal of International Business Studies. 42(1/21), 995–1015. doi:10.1057/jibs.2011.31
  • Hashai, N. (2011b). Global service multinationals from a small open economy – The case of Israeli high-tech service providers, in ravi ramamurti, The Future of Foreign Direct Investment and theMultinational Enterprise (Research in Global Strategic Management. (15), 335-353. doi: 10.1108/S1064-4857(2011)0000015019
  • Hordes, M., Clancy, J., & Baddaley, J. (1995). A primer for global start ups. The Academy of Management Executive. 9(2),7–11. doi: 10.5465/AME.1995.9506273262
  • Jantunen, A., Nummela, N., Puumalainen, K., & Saarenketo, S. (2008). Strategic orientations of born globals-Do they really matter? Journal of World Business. 43(2), 158-170. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2007.11.015
  • Jody, W., & Mika, G. (2011). The early development of born global firms in the software industry. International Journal of Technology Transfer & Commercialisation. 10(3/4), 332-353. doi:
  • Kalinic, I., & Forza, C. (2012). Rapid internationalization of traditional SMEs: Between gradualist models and born globals. International Business Review. 21(4), 694-707. doi:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2011.08.002 doi:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2011.08.002
  • Karra, N., Phillips, N., & Tracey, P. (2008). Building the born global firm: Developing entrepreneurial capabilities for International new venture success. Long Range Planning. 41(4), 440-458. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2008.05.002
  • Knight, G. (1997). Emerging paradigm for international marketing: the born global firm. Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Michigan State University, Michigan (Unpublished PhD Dissertation).
  • Knight, G. A., & Cavusgil, S. T. (2004). Innovation, organizational capabilities, and the born-global firm. Journal of International Business Studies. 35(2), 124-141. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400071
  • Knight, G. A., & S. T. Cavusgil, (1996). The born global firm: A challenge to traditional internationalization theory. Advances in International Marketing, (8), 11-26. doi:10.1016/S0969-5931(97)00032-2
  • Knight, G., Madsen, T., & Servais, P. (2004). An inquiry into born-global firms in Europe and the USA. International Marketing Review. 21(6), 645–665. doi:
  • Kudina, A., Yip, G., & Barkema, H. (2008). Born global. Business Strategy Review. 19(4), 38-44. doi: 10.1002/9781444316568.wiem06052
  • Kuivalainen, O., Sundquvist, S., & Servais, P. (2007). Firms’ degree of born-globalness, international entrepreneurial orientation and export performance. Journal of World Business. 42(3), 253-267. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2007.04.010
  • Kundu, S., & Renko, M. (2005). Explaining export performance: A comparative study of international new ventures in Finnish and Indian software industry. In: Katz J, Shepherd D (eds) International Entrepreneurship. Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence and growth 8:43–84 doi: 978-1-84950-356-3
  • Lewin, A.Y. & Massini, S. (2003). Knowledge creation and organizational capabilities of innovating and imitating firms', in H. T soukas and N. Mylonopoulos (eds.) Organizations as Knowledge Systems, Palgrave: Basingstoke.
  • Lopez, L., Kundu, S. K., & Ciravegna, L. (2009). Born global or born regional? Evidence from an exploratory study in the Costa Rican software industry. Journal of International Business Studies. 40(7), 1228-1238. doi:
  • Luoastarinen, R. & Gabrielson, M. (2004). Finnish Perspectives of International Entrepreneurship. Handbook of Research on International Entrepreneurship., p. 383-403. doi: 10.4337/9781845420512.00031
  • Madsen, T. K., & Servais, P. (1997). The internationalization of born globals: An evolutionary process? International Business Review. 6(6), 561-583. doi:10.1016/S0969-5931(97)00032-2
  • Maria, R., Andreu, B., & Diego, M. (2011). Role of international precocity in born global firms. International Journal of Technology Transfer & Commercialisation. 10(3/4), 247 doi:
  • Massini S., Lewin A. Y. & Greve, H. R. (2003). Comparisons groups and the adaptation patterns of organizational routines. Presented at the I. IRASEAT conference “Knowledge and economic and social change: New challenges to innovation studies”, Manchester, 7-9 April 2003.
  • McDougall, P., & Oviatt, B. (1994). Explaining the formation of international new ventures: The limits of theories from international business research. Journal of Business Venturing. 9(6), 469–487. doi:10.1016/0883-9026(94)90017-5
  • McDougall, P., & Oviatt, B. (1996). New venture internationalization, strategic change, and performance: a follow-up study. Journal of Business Venturing. 11(1), 23-40. doi:10.1016/0883-9026(95)00081-X
  • McDougall, P., & Oviatt, B. (2003). Some fundamental issues in international entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. July, (1-2).
  • McKinsey & Co. (1993). Emerging Exporters. Australia's High Value-Added Manufacturing Exporters, Melbourne: McKinsey & Company and the Australian Manufacturing Council.
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There are 79 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Sinan Nardalı This is me

Publication Date August 18, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Nardalı, S. (2017). Global Doğan Firmalar Üzerine Sistematik Literatür İncelemesi. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 24(2), 563-578.