Research Article
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Çin’in Yükselişi, İpek Yolu Projesi ve Küresel Sistemin Dönüşme Potansiyeli

Year 2019, , 263 - 276, 19.03.2019


1980’lerden itibaren olağanüstü büyümesi ve modernleşmesi dünya sahnesinin
merkezinde yeniden ortaya çıkmasını da beraberinde getirmiştir. Son otuz yıl
içinde Çin, zayıf görünüme sahip bir ülkeden ekonomik olarak küresel bir üretim
merkezine, siyasal olarak da uluslararası meselelerde görüşlerine başvurulması
gereken bir küresel güce dönüşmüştür. Özellikle 2013 yılında Çin devlet Başkanı
Xi Jinping’in “Kuşak ve Yol Girişimi” (BRI) olarak adlandırılan projenin hayata
geçirileceğini ilan etmesiyle birlikte Yeni İpek Yolu’nun yeni bir küresel
düzen gerektireceği konusu gündeme gelmiştir.

İpek Yolu girişiminin kapsamı ve amaçları göz önüne alındığında, Çin gelişimini
ve modernleşmesini tamamlayacak, tek kutupluluktan çok kutupluluğa geçişi
kolaylaştıracak, dolayısıyla bugünün hegemon gücü Amerika Birleşik
Devletleri’ni dengeleyebilecek bir proje olduğu dile getirilmektedir. Şüphesiz
bu da Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ile rekabetin yoğunluğunu arttıracak bir
unsur olacaktır. Bu rekabetin de küresel düzeyde etkileri olacaktır.


  • Arduino, A. (2018). China's Private Army: Protecting the New Sılk Road., (Erişim Tarihi:18.08.2018)
  • B.R.Deepak. (2018). China's Global Rebalancing: Will İt Reshape the İnternational political and economic Order?, China's Global Rebalancing and the New Sılk Road (s. 1-12).Edit: B.R. Deepak, Springer, Singapur.
  • Ballard, B. (2018). China demonstrates grand trade ambitions through New Silk Road., , Temmuz 23, (Erişim Tarihi:13.10.2018).
  • Beeson, M. (2018). Geoeconomics with Chinese Characteristic: the BRI and China's Evokving Grand Strategy. Economic and Political Studies, 240-256.
  • Callahan, W. A. (2014). National İnsecurities:Humiliation, Salvation and Chinese Nationalism. Alternatives, 199-218.
  • Clarke, M. (2018). The Belt and Road Initiative: Exploring Bejing's Motivations and Challenges for its New Sılk Road. Strategic Analysis, 84-102.
  • Fontaine, R., & Klıman, D. (2018). On China's New Sılk Road, Democracy Pays A Toll. 16, (Erişim Tarihi:22.10.2018)
  • Ge, J. (2018). The Silk Road: Historical Geographic Background and Outlooks, China’s Belt and Road Initiatives, Economic Geography Reformation (s. 1-14), Edit:W. Liu, Shangai Jiao Tong University Press, Springer, Shanghai.
  • Ghıasy, R., & Zhou, J. (2017). The Sılk Road Economic Belt Considering Security İmplications and EU-China Cooperation Prospects. Stockholm: Stockholm İnternational Peace Researche İnstitute.
  • Guluzian, C. R. (2017). Making Inroads: China’s New Silk. The Cato Journal, 37(1), 135-147.
  • Haiguan, L. (2017). The Security Challenges of the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative and China’s Choices. CIRR, 129-147.
  • Hu, A. (2018). The Belt and Road: Revolution of Economic Geograph and the Era of Win-Winism, China's Belt and Road Initiatives Economic Geograph Reformation (s. 15-33) Edit:W. Liu, Shangai Jiao Tong University Press, Shangai:
  • Ikenbery, J. (2018). The End of Liberal İnternational Order? İnternational Affairs, 94(1), 7-23.
  • Kaufman, A. A. (2011). The “Century of Humiliation” and China’s National Narratives., (Erişim Tarihi: 22.10.2018).
  • Leavy, B. (2018). China's New Sılk Road Initiative-İmplication and Partners. Strategy&Leadership, 46(2), 34-40.
  • Lee, A. (2016). (Erişim Tarihi:12.03.2018).
  • Lee, S. P. (2016). The rise of China and its contest for discursive power. Global Media China, 102-120.
  • Leverett, F., & Bingbing, W. (2017). The New Sılk Road and China's Evolving Gran Strategy. The China Journal, 77, 110-132.
  • Li, Y., & Schemerer, H. (2017). Trade and the New Sılk Road: Opportunities, Challenges and Solution. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 205-213.
  • Liu, Y. (2018). The Belt and Road and a New Model of İnternational Development Cooperation, China's Belt and Road Initiatives Economic Geograph Reformation (s. 33-39) Edit: W.Liu, Shangai Jiao Tong University Press, Shangai.
  • Mahapatra, C. (2018). "One Belt, One Road": China, US and the Emerging Hegemonic Struggle in Asia, B. Deepak (Dü.) içinde, China's Global Rebalancing and the New Sılk Road (s. 181-190),Edit: B.R. Deepak, Springer,Singapur.
  • Mark, K. (2017). China's New Sılk Road. Kanada.
  • Nobis, A. (2017). The New Sılk Road, Old Concepts of Globalization, and New Questions. Open Cultural Studies, 203-213.
  • Qiao, L. (2018). Grand strategy Thoughts with a Global Vision. W. Liu (Dü.) içinde, China's Initiatives Economic Geograph Reformation (s. 39-49), Edit:W. Liu, Shangai Jiao Tong University Press, Shangai.
  • Radzıyevska, S., Us, İ., & Pokryshka, D. (2017). global Dominates of China's Development. International Economic Policiy, 26(1), 134-163.
  • Raleigh, H. ( 2017). China’s ‘Project Of The Century’ Aims To Unseat U.S. As World’s Dominant Power. (Erişim Tarihi:13.06.2018)
  • Ross, R. S. (2018). On the Fungibility of Economic Power: China's Economic Rise and the East Asian Security Order. Europan journal of International Relations, 1-26.
  • Sagi, J., & Engelberk, İ. (2018). The Belt and Road Initiative-a Way Forward to China's Expansion. Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations, 4(1), 9-37.
  • Schake, K. (2017). Safe Passage The Transition From British to American Hegemony. London: Harward Üniversty.
  • Stuenkel, O. (2014). China's Parallel Global Order.'s-parallel-global, , Aralık 10, (Erişim Tarihi:25.10.2018).
  • Tozzo, B. (2018). American Hegemony After the Great Recession A Transformation in World Order, Palgrave Macmillan, Kanada.
  • Wang, C. (2018). Changing İnternational System Structures and the Belt and Road Initiative, Rethinking the Sılk Road China's Belt and Road and Emerging Eurasian Relations (s. 269-281),Edit: M. Mayer, Springer, Singapur.
  • Wang, H. (2018). Emerging İnternational Order and China's Role, China's Global Balancing and teh New Sılk Road (s. 227-247),Edit: B.R. Deepak, Springer, Singapur.
  • Wang, Y. (2018). Dealing with the Risk of the Belt and Road Initiative, China's Rebalancing and the Sılk road (s. 207-227), Edit: B.R. Deepak, Springer, Singapur.
  • Ward, A. (2018). Everyone warns of China’s rise. But its decline could be even worse., (Erişim Tarihi:16.01.2019).
  • Womack, B. (2015). China and Future Status Quo. The Chinese Journal of İnternational Politics. Cilt 8, Sayı 2. (s.115-137).
  • Xuetong, Y. (2014). China’s New Foreign Policy: Not Conflict But Convergence Of Interests., , Eylül 6, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2018).
  • Yinhong, S. (2014). China's Soft Power and İts Peaceful Rise as an Aspiring World Power: A Critical Assesment, Going Soft. P. Roberts (Dü.) içinde, The US and China Go Global (s. 1-11), Edit: P.Roberts, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, London.
  • Zhang, F. (2015). China as a Global Force. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 3(1), 120–128).
Year 2019, , 263 - 276, 19.03.2019



  • Arduino, A. (2018). China's Private Army: Protecting the New Sılk Road., (Erişim Tarihi:18.08.2018)
  • B.R.Deepak. (2018). China's Global Rebalancing: Will İt Reshape the İnternational political and economic Order?, China's Global Rebalancing and the New Sılk Road (s. 1-12).Edit: B.R. Deepak, Springer, Singapur.
  • Ballard, B. (2018). China demonstrates grand trade ambitions through New Silk Road., , Temmuz 23, (Erişim Tarihi:13.10.2018).
  • Beeson, M. (2018). Geoeconomics with Chinese Characteristic: the BRI and China's Evokving Grand Strategy. Economic and Political Studies, 240-256.
  • Callahan, W. A. (2014). National İnsecurities:Humiliation, Salvation and Chinese Nationalism. Alternatives, 199-218.
  • Clarke, M. (2018). The Belt and Road Initiative: Exploring Bejing's Motivations and Challenges for its New Sılk Road. Strategic Analysis, 84-102.
  • Fontaine, R., & Klıman, D. (2018). On China's New Sılk Road, Democracy Pays A Toll. 16, (Erişim Tarihi:22.10.2018)
  • Ge, J. (2018). The Silk Road: Historical Geographic Background and Outlooks, China’s Belt and Road Initiatives, Economic Geography Reformation (s. 1-14), Edit:W. Liu, Shangai Jiao Tong University Press, Springer, Shanghai.
  • Ghıasy, R., & Zhou, J. (2017). The Sılk Road Economic Belt Considering Security İmplications and EU-China Cooperation Prospects. Stockholm: Stockholm İnternational Peace Researche İnstitute.
  • Guluzian, C. R. (2017). Making Inroads: China’s New Silk. The Cato Journal, 37(1), 135-147.
  • Haiguan, L. (2017). The Security Challenges of the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative and China’s Choices. CIRR, 129-147.
  • Hu, A. (2018). The Belt and Road: Revolution of Economic Geograph and the Era of Win-Winism, China's Belt and Road Initiatives Economic Geograph Reformation (s. 15-33) Edit:W. Liu, Shangai Jiao Tong University Press, Shangai:
  • Ikenbery, J. (2018). The End of Liberal İnternational Order? İnternational Affairs, 94(1), 7-23.
  • Kaufman, A. A. (2011). The “Century of Humiliation” and China’s National Narratives., (Erişim Tarihi: 22.10.2018).
  • Leavy, B. (2018). China's New Sılk Road Initiative-İmplication and Partners. Strategy&Leadership, 46(2), 34-40.
  • Lee, A. (2016). (Erişim Tarihi:12.03.2018).
  • Lee, S. P. (2016). The rise of China and its contest for discursive power. Global Media China, 102-120.
  • Leverett, F., & Bingbing, W. (2017). The New Sılk Road and China's Evolving Gran Strategy. The China Journal, 77, 110-132.
  • Li, Y., & Schemerer, H. (2017). Trade and the New Sılk Road: Opportunities, Challenges and Solution. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 205-213.
  • Liu, Y. (2018). The Belt and Road and a New Model of İnternational Development Cooperation, China's Belt and Road Initiatives Economic Geograph Reformation (s. 33-39) Edit: W.Liu, Shangai Jiao Tong University Press, Shangai.
  • Mahapatra, C. (2018). "One Belt, One Road": China, US and the Emerging Hegemonic Struggle in Asia, B. Deepak (Dü.) içinde, China's Global Rebalancing and the New Sılk Road (s. 181-190),Edit: B.R. Deepak, Springer,Singapur.
  • Mark, K. (2017). China's New Sılk Road. Kanada.
  • Nobis, A. (2017). The New Sılk Road, Old Concepts of Globalization, and New Questions. Open Cultural Studies, 203-213.
  • Qiao, L. (2018). Grand strategy Thoughts with a Global Vision. W. Liu (Dü.) içinde, China's Initiatives Economic Geograph Reformation (s. 39-49), Edit:W. Liu, Shangai Jiao Tong University Press, Shangai.
  • Radzıyevska, S., Us, İ., & Pokryshka, D. (2017). global Dominates of China's Development. International Economic Policiy, 26(1), 134-163.
  • Raleigh, H. ( 2017). China’s ‘Project Of The Century’ Aims To Unseat U.S. As World’s Dominant Power. (Erişim Tarihi:13.06.2018)
  • Ross, R. S. (2018). On the Fungibility of Economic Power: China's Economic Rise and the East Asian Security Order. Europan journal of International Relations, 1-26.
  • Sagi, J., & Engelberk, İ. (2018). The Belt and Road Initiative-a Way Forward to China's Expansion. Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations, 4(1), 9-37.
  • Schake, K. (2017). Safe Passage The Transition From British to American Hegemony. London: Harward Üniversty.
  • Stuenkel, O. (2014). China's Parallel Global Order.'s-parallel-global, , Aralık 10, (Erişim Tarihi:25.10.2018).
  • Tozzo, B. (2018). American Hegemony After the Great Recession A Transformation in World Order, Palgrave Macmillan, Kanada.
  • Wang, C. (2018). Changing İnternational System Structures and the Belt and Road Initiative, Rethinking the Sılk Road China's Belt and Road and Emerging Eurasian Relations (s. 269-281),Edit: M. Mayer, Springer, Singapur.
  • Wang, H. (2018). Emerging İnternational Order and China's Role, China's Global Balancing and teh New Sılk Road (s. 227-247),Edit: B.R. Deepak, Springer, Singapur.
  • Wang, Y. (2018). Dealing with the Risk of the Belt and Road Initiative, China's Rebalancing and the Sılk road (s. 207-227), Edit: B.R. Deepak, Springer, Singapur.
  • Ward, A. (2018). Everyone warns of China’s rise. But its decline could be even worse., (Erişim Tarihi:16.01.2019).
  • Womack, B. (2015). China and Future Status Quo. The Chinese Journal of İnternational Politics. Cilt 8, Sayı 2. (s.115-137).
  • Xuetong, Y. (2014). China’s New Foreign Policy: Not Conflict But Convergence Of Interests., , Eylül 6, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2018).
  • Yinhong, S. (2014). China's Soft Power and İts Peaceful Rise as an Aspiring World Power: A Critical Assesment, Going Soft. P. Roberts (Dü.) içinde, The US and China Go Global (s. 1-11), Edit: P.Roberts, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, London.
  • Zhang, F. (2015). China as a Global Force. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 3(1), 120–128).
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Osman Tekir 0000-0002-0471-0013

Nesrin Demir

Publication Date March 19, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Tekir, O., & Demir, N. (2019). Çin’in Yükselişi, İpek Yolu Projesi ve Küresel Sistemin Dönüşme Potansiyeli. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 26(1), 263-276.