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Gayrimenkul Yatırım Ortaklıklar ve Gayrimenkul Yatırımlarının Temelleri: Türkiye Örneği
Year 2005,
Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 39 - 46, 01.03.2005
Branch Ben; Investments Principles and Practices, Longman Financial Services, Second Edition 1989
Chinloy Peter; Real Estate Investment and Financial Strategy; 1987
Deloittle & Touche, Understanding REITs, Personal Finance Advisor, July 1997
Friedman M. Steven; The REIT as a Strategic Real Estate Tool, Commercial Investment Real Estate Journal,1998
Geurts G. Tom, Nolan Hilary; Does Real Estate Have A Place in the Investment Portfolio of Tomorrow, Review of Business, Vol.18 Issue.4, 1997
GYO, Esaslar Tebli i, 2004
Irwin Hal; REITS and The Real Estate Resurrection; CMHC Mortgage Market Trends Th rd Quarter,1998
Landy W. Eugene; Benefits of Dividend Re nvestment Plans and Shareholder Investment Plans for Shareholders, Real Estate Investment Trusts and the Economy; 1996
Meretsky Jason, Real Estate Investment Trusts: An Analysis of the Investment Vehicle and Income Tax Implications, University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review vol.53 No.1,1998
NAREIT, NAREIT/PREA Property Investment Strategy, Real Estate Symposium, 1998
Raijen Van Laura; Real Estate Investment Structures, Working Paper, 1998
Schriner A. James; Real estate: hidden wealth for a company? It might be smart to sell your property- and lease instead, Industry week, Vol.246 No.18; 1997
Tacirler Menkul De erler A. ., 2004,
Akkaya, G., Kutay, N., & Tükenmez, M. (2005). Gayrimenkul Yatırım Ortaklıklar ve Gayrimenkul Yatırımlarının Temelleri: Türkiye Örneği. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 12(1), 39-46.