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“A Research Study For Procedural Justice As A Factor In Employee Retention”

Year 2008, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 49 - 60, 01.06.2008



  • BOYD, Brian (1990), “Corporate Linkages and Organizational Environment: A Test of the Resource Dependence Model,” Strategic Management Journal, October, 11 (6), 419-430.
  • CHİN, Jon W.; Robert E. WİDİNG II and Angela PALADINO (2004) “Influence of Resource Dependence Theory on Firm Performance – Managing the Competitive Environment: An Empirical Investigation,” Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • FINK, Robert C., Linda F. EDELMAN, Kenneth J. HATTEN, William L. JAMES (2006), “Transaction Cost Economics, Resource Dependence Theory, and Customer-Supplier Relationships,” Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 15 8 (3), 497-529.
  • FINKELSTEIN, Sydney (1997), “Interindustry Merger Patterns and Resource Dependence: A Replication and Extension of Pfeffer,” Strategic Management Journal, November, 18 (10), 787-810.
  • ISLAM, M. Rafiqul (2003), “Transnational Corporation-Bangladesh Relations: A Resource Dependence Perspective,” International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 6 (3), 354-373.
  • JUN, Sung Pyo, Gordon M. ARMSTRONG (1997), “The Bases of Power in Churches: An Analysis from A Resource Dependence Perspective,” The Social Science Journal, 34 (2), 105-130.
  • KAUFMANN, P. J., L. W. STERN (1988), “Relational Exchange Norms, Perceptions of Unfairness, and Retained Hostility in Commercial Litigation”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 32 (3), 534-552.
  • MACEDO, Isabel Maria, Jose Carlos PINHO (2006), “The Relationship between Resource Dependence and Market Orientation: The Specific Case of Non-Profit Organizations,” European Journal of Marketing, 40 (5/6), 533-553.
  • MUDAMBİ, Ram; Torben PEDERSEN (2007), “Agency Theory and Resource Dependence Theory: Complementary Explanations for Subsidiary Power in Multinational Corporations,” Working Paper, Center for Strategic Management and Globalization, Copenhagen Business School, March, 1-16.
  • PHAN, Dien D.; Nicole Maria STATA (2002), “E-business Success at Intel: An Organization Ecology and Resource Dependence Perspective,” Industrial Management & Data Systems,102 (3/4), 211-217.
  • PFEFFER, J., G. R. SALANCIK (2003), The External Control of Organisations: A Resource Dependence Perspective, Stanford University Pres, Stanford CA.
  • REITZ, H. Joseph (1979), “The External Control of Organizations: A Resource Dependence Perspective,” Academy of Management, April, 4, pg. 309.
  • SAMBHARYA, Rakesh B., Kunal BANERJI (2006), “The Effect of Keiretsu Affiliation and Resource Dependencies on Supplier Firm Performance in the Japanese Aotomobile Industry,” Management International Review, 46 (1), 7-37.
  • SARVAN, Fulya; Eren Durmuş ARICI; Janset ÖZEN; Bahattin ÖZDEMİR; Ebru Tarcan İÇİGEN (2003), “On Stratejik Yönetim Okulu: Biçimleşme Okulunun Bütünleştirici Çerçevesi,” Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 6, 73-122.
  • SONG, Young II (1995), “Strategic Alliances in the Hospital Industry: A Fusion of Institutional and Resource Dependence Views,” Academy of Management Journal, 271-275.
  • ULRICH, David, Jay B. BARNEY (1984), “Perspectives in Organizations: Resource Dependence, Efficiency, and Population,” Academy of Management, June, 9, 471-481.
  • YOUNG, Michael N., David AHLSTROM, Garry D. BRUTON, Eunice S. CHAN (2001), “The Resource Dependence, Service and Control Functions of Boards of Directors in Hong Kong and Taiwanese Firms,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 18 (2), pg. 223.
  • ZINN, Jacqueline S., Jose PROENCA, Michael D. ROSKO (1997), “Organizational and Environmental Factors in Hospital Alliance Membership and Contract Management: A Resource-Dependence Perspective,” Hospital & Health Services Administration, 42 (1), 67-86.

Kaynak Bağımlılığı Teorisi’nin Kritik Bir Unsuru Olarak Kaynak Belirsizliği ve Müşteri-Tedarikçi Arasındaki İlişkisel Değişime Etkisi

Year 2008, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 49 - 60, 01.06.2008


Bu araştırma kaynak belirsizliği ve müşteri - tedarikçi arasındaki ilişkisel değişime etkisini inceleme amacı taşımaktadır. Müşteri için kaynak belirsizliğini oluşturan üç etken vardır. Kaynak yoğunluğu, Kaynak bulmada belirsizlik ve Kaynak bağlantılandırılması. Araştırma için gerekli olan veriler bir anket yardımıyla Marmara Bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren 134 işletmeden elde edilmiştir. Kaynak belirsizliği ile örgütler arası ilişkisel değişime etkisini test etmek amacıyla bu araştırmada faktör, korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, kaynak yoğunluğu ve kaynak bulmada belirsizlik müşterinin tedarikçilerle kurduğu ilişkisel değişime etki etmemekte, kaynak bağlantılandırılması örgütler arası ilişkisel değişimde belirleyici olmaktadır. Tek-yönlü Anova analizi sonuçları ise kaynak yoğunluğu, kaynak bulmada belirsizlik ve kaynak bağlantılandırılması faktörleri ile müşterinin faaliyette bulunduğu sektör, kuruluş yılı, ciro ve personel sayısı gibi kontrol değişkenleri arasında anlamlı bir farklılık olmadığını ifade etmektedir


  • BOYD, Brian (1990), “Corporate Linkages and Organizational Environment: A Test of the Resource Dependence Model,” Strategic Management Journal, October, 11 (6), 419-430.
  • CHİN, Jon W.; Robert E. WİDİNG II and Angela PALADINO (2004) “Influence of Resource Dependence Theory on Firm Performance – Managing the Competitive Environment: An Empirical Investigation,” Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • FINK, Robert C., Linda F. EDELMAN, Kenneth J. HATTEN, William L. JAMES (2006), “Transaction Cost Economics, Resource Dependence Theory, and Customer-Supplier Relationships,” Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 15 8 (3), 497-529.
  • FINKELSTEIN, Sydney (1997), “Interindustry Merger Patterns and Resource Dependence: A Replication and Extension of Pfeffer,” Strategic Management Journal, November, 18 (10), 787-810.
  • ISLAM, M. Rafiqul (2003), “Transnational Corporation-Bangladesh Relations: A Resource Dependence Perspective,” International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 6 (3), 354-373.
  • JUN, Sung Pyo, Gordon M. ARMSTRONG (1997), “The Bases of Power in Churches: An Analysis from A Resource Dependence Perspective,” The Social Science Journal, 34 (2), 105-130.
  • KAUFMANN, P. J., L. W. STERN (1988), “Relational Exchange Norms, Perceptions of Unfairness, and Retained Hostility in Commercial Litigation”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 32 (3), 534-552.
  • MACEDO, Isabel Maria, Jose Carlos PINHO (2006), “The Relationship between Resource Dependence and Market Orientation: The Specific Case of Non-Profit Organizations,” European Journal of Marketing, 40 (5/6), 533-553.
  • MUDAMBİ, Ram; Torben PEDERSEN (2007), “Agency Theory and Resource Dependence Theory: Complementary Explanations for Subsidiary Power in Multinational Corporations,” Working Paper, Center for Strategic Management and Globalization, Copenhagen Business School, March, 1-16.
  • PHAN, Dien D.; Nicole Maria STATA (2002), “E-business Success at Intel: An Organization Ecology and Resource Dependence Perspective,” Industrial Management & Data Systems,102 (3/4), 211-217.
  • PFEFFER, J., G. R. SALANCIK (2003), The External Control of Organisations: A Resource Dependence Perspective, Stanford University Pres, Stanford CA.
  • REITZ, H. Joseph (1979), “The External Control of Organizations: A Resource Dependence Perspective,” Academy of Management, April, 4, pg. 309.
  • SAMBHARYA, Rakesh B., Kunal BANERJI (2006), “The Effect of Keiretsu Affiliation and Resource Dependencies on Supplier Firm Performance in the Japanese Aotomobile Industry,” Management International Review, 46 (1), 7-37.
  • SARVAN, Fulya; Eren Durmuş ARICI; Janset ÖZEN; Bahattin ÖZDEMİR; Ebru Tarcan İÇİGEN (2003), “On Stratejik Yönetim Okulu: Biçimleşme Okulunun Bütünleştirici Çerçevesi,” Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 6, 73-122.
  • SONG, Young II (1995), “Strategic Alliances in the Hospital Industry: A Fusion of Institutional and Resource Dependence Views,” Academy of Management Journal, 271-275.
  • ULRICH, David, Jay B. BARNEY (1984), “Perspectives in Organizations: Resource Dependence, Efficiency, and Population,” Academy of Management, June, 9, 471-481.
  • YOUNG, Michael N., David AHLSTROM, Garry D. BRUTON, Eunice S. CHAN (2001), “The Resource Dependence, Service and Control Functions of Boards of Directors in Hong Kong and Taiwanese Firms,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 18 (2), pg. 223.
  • ZINN, Jacqueline S., Jose PROENCA, Michael D. ROSKO (1997), “Organizational and Environmental Factors in Hospital Alliance Membership and Contract Management: A Resource-Dependence Perspective,” Hospital & Health Services Administration, 42 (1), 67-86.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Hulusi Doğan This is me

Gürhan Uysal This is me

İsa İpçioğlu This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 15 Issue: 2


APA Doğan, H., Uysal, G., & İpçioğlu, İ. (2008). Kaynak Bağımlılığı Teorisi’nin Kritik Bir Unsuru Olarak Kaynak Belirsizliği ve Müşteri-Tedarikçi Arasındaki İlişkisel Değişime Etkisi. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 15(2), 49-60.