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Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği’ne Sürdürülebilir Katılımı İçin Düzenleyici Etki Analizinin Gerekliliği

Year 2010, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 207 - 225, 01.06.2010



  • ACS, Z., AUDRETSCH, D(1990), Innovation and Small Firms, Cambridge.
  • ALINAITWE, H.M., WIDE’N, K., MWAKALI, J and B. HANSSON (2007), “Innovation Barriers and Enablers that Affect Productivity in Uganda Building Industry”, Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 12(1),58-74
  • BALDWIN, J.R., and G. GELLATLY(2004), Innovation Strategies and Performance in Small Firms, Ottowa.
  • BIRLEY, S. and N, NEKTARI (1995), The Failure of Owner-Managed Businesses: The Diagnosis of Accountants and Bankers, Report for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England Wales.
  • CLIFFORD, D.K. and C. CAVANAGH (1985), The Winning Performance-How America’s High- Growth Midsize Companies Succeed, Sidgewick and Jackson, London.
  • DAMANPOUR, F.(1996), “Organizational Complexity and Innovation: Developing and Testing Multiple Contingency Models”, Management Science, 42(5), 693-716.
  • DRUCKER, P.F.(1985), Innovation and Entreprenurship, Harper&Row Publication, N.Y.
  • DURNA, U.(2002), Yenilik Yönetimi, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • ELÇİ, Ş.(2006). Inovasyon Kalkınmanın ve Rekabetin Anahtarı, Pelin Ofset, Ankara.
  • FOLEY, P. and H, GREN (1995). “ A successful High-Technology Company. In Foley, P.and Gren, H. (Eds), Small Business Success. The Small Business Research Trust, Paul Chapman Publishing, London, 72-80.
  • FREEL, M.S. (2000). “Barriers to Product Innovation in Small Manufacturing Firms”, International Small Business Journal, 18, 60-80.
  • Galia, F. Legros,D. (2004). “Complementarities Between Obstacles to Innovation: Evidence From France”, Research Policy, 33, pp. 1185-1199
  • GEROSKI, P., MACHIN, S and J. VAN REENEN (1993), “The Profitability of Innovating Firms”, RAND Journal of Economics, 24 (2), 198-211.
  • GEROSKI, P., and S. MACHIN (1993), “Innovation, Profitability and Growth Over the Business Cycle”, Empirica, 20, 35-50.
  • HADJIMANOLIS, A.(1999). “Barriers to Innovation for SMEs in a small less developed country (Cyprus)”, Technovation, Vol.19, 561-570.
  • HOOGSTRAATEN, T. (2005), Difference in Growth Between Successful, Unsuccessful and Non- innovating SMEs, University of Twente, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Mathematics and Computer Science.
  • KNIGHT , R.M (1996). “Breaking Down the Barriers”, Business Quarterly, 61(1), 70-76.
  • LALL, S., BARBA-NAVARETTI, G., TEITEL, S., and G. WIGNARAJA, (1994), Technology and Enterprise Development – Ghana under Structural Adjustment, Macmillan Press, Hampshire, UK.
  • LARSEN , P., and A. LEWIS(2007). “How Award-Winning SMEs Manage the Barriers to Innovation”, Creativity and Innovation Management, 16(2), 142-151.
  • MANDAL, A. and S.G.DESKMUKH.(1994), “Vendor Selection Using Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM)”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 14(6) 52-59.
  • Mc ADAM, R., McCONVERY, T., and G. ARMSTRONG (2004), “Barriers to innovation within small firms in a peripheral location”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 10(3), 206-221.
  • MOHNEN, P. and J.ROSA(1999), “Barriers to Innovation in Service Industries in Canada”, Science and Technology Redesign Project, Research Paper No.7, Ottowa.
  • MONDIANO, P. and O. Nİ-CHİONNA. (1986), “Breaking into the Big Time”, Management Today, 11,pp.82-84
  • NAPIER, G., SERGER, S.S. and E.W.HANSON (2004), Strengthening innovation and technology policies for SME development in Turkey – opportunities for private sector involvement, Report for Organizational for Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development (IKED), Malmö, Sweden.
  • NUNALLY, J.O.(1978). Psychometric Theory, McGraw Hill, New York, New York, 701.
  • OECD, 1997. Oslo Manual: Proposed Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Technological Innovation, 2nd edition, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) / Eurostat, Paris.
  • PALMER-NOONE, L. (2000), Perceived Barriers to Innovation: First Report From a Study on Innovation in Higher Education, Assessment and Accountability Forum, Summer, 2-7.
  • PIATIER, A.(1984), Barriers to Innovation, Frances Printer, London
  • PIHKALA, T., LINENPAA, H and L,VESALAINEN (2002), “Innovation Barriers Amongst Clusters of European SME’s”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2 (6), 520
  • PORTER, M. (1990), The Competitive Advantage of Nations, MacMillian, London.
  • Pro Inno Europe Inno Metrics (2009), European Innovation Scoreboard 2009 Comparative Analysis of Innovation Performance,
  • REN, T.(2009), “Barriers and Drivers for Process Innovation in the petrochemical industry: A case study”, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 26, 285-304.
  • UZUN, A.(1997). Technological innovation activities in Turkey: the case of the manufacturing industry, 1995-1997. Technovation, 21(3), 189-196.
  • UZUN, A.(2006). Science and technology policy in Turkey. National strategies for innovation and change during the 1983-2003 period and beyond, Scientometrics, 66(3,: 551-559.
  • SAATÇIOĞLU, Ö. and Ö.ÖZMEN (2007), “A Research on Identifying Innovation Process and Innovation Performance in Big Companies”, Technology and Economic Development, 2nd International Conference on The Dynamics of Science and Technology Policies, 25-26 May 2007, Izmir University of Economics.
  • SEGERRA-Blasco, A., GARCIA-QUEVEDO, J., TERUEL-CARRIZOSA, M. (2008). “Barriers to Innovation and Public Policy in Catalonia.”, pp.431-451.
  • STENDALH, M., and A.ROSE (2008), “Antecedents and Barriers to Product Innovation-a Comparison Between Innovating and Non-innovating Strategic Business Units in the Wood Industry”, Silva Fennica, 42 (4), 659-681.
  • SUND, K.J. (2008), Innovation in the Postal Sector: Strategies, Barriers and Enablers, Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne, SAP
  • TIDD, J., J.BESSANT and K.PAVITT (2005), Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, Wiley, Chichester.
  • TIDD, J., J.BESSANT and K.PAVITT (2001), Managing Innovation: Integrating Technologcial, Market and Organizational Change, Wiley Chichester.
  • VINCENT L., BHARADWAJ, S. and G.CHALLAGALLA (2004), “ Does Innovation Mediate Firm Performance ? A Meta Analysis of Determinants and Consequences of Organizational Innovation”, Working Paper, Atlanta: Georgia Institute of Technology
  • TIWARI, R.(2007). “The Early Phases of Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges in Public- Private Partnership”, Asia Pacific Tech Monitor, 24(1), 32-37
  • TIWARI, R. and S.BUSE S.(2007), “Barriers to Innovation in SME’s: Can Internationalization of R&D Mitigate their Effects”, Working Paper, No:50, Proocedings of the First European Conference on Knowledge for Growth: A Role and Dynamics of Corporate R&D, Spain.
  • TONGE, R., LARSEN, P. and M.ITO(1998), “Strategic Leadership in Super-Growth Companies – A Reappraisal”, Long Range Planning, 31, 835-844.
  • WARFIELD, J.W.(1974). “Developing Interconnected Matrices in Structural Modelling”, IEEE Transcript on Systems, Men and Cybernetics, 4(1), 51-81.
  • WOODCOCK, D.L., MOSEY, S.P. and WOOD, T.B.W. (2000), “New Product Development in British SMEs”, European Journal of Innovation Management, 3,.212-221.
  • WREN, B.M., SOUDER, WM. E. and BERKOWITZ, D. (2000), “Market Orientation and New Product Development in Global Industrial Firms”, Industrial Marketing Management, 29, 601-611.
  • Yinenpaa, H.(1998), “Measures to Overcome Barriers to Innovation in Sweden”, Paper EFMD European Small Business Seminar in Vienna, 1998, online; last accessed 21.5.2006

Yapısal Yorumlayıcı Modelleme İle Inovasyon Sürecinde Karşılaşılan Engellerin İncelenmesi: Türkiye Gerçeği

Year 2010, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 207 - 225, 01.06.2010


Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye koşullarında inovasyon sürecindeki engelleri belirlemek, engellerin arasındaki ilişkileri araştırmak ve engellerin diğer engellere ve inovasyon sisteminde etkisini ölçecek bir model geliştirmektir. Literatürde Türkiye’deki inovasyon engellerini belirleyen bir araştırma olmadığı için, inovasyon engelleri ile ilgili detaylı bir literatür taraması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Literatür taraması ile 32 iç ve 29 dış engel elde edilmesinden sonra, ikinci adım Türkiye için geçerli engellerin belirlenmesi olmuştur. Türkiye için geçerli engellerin oluşturulması için DELPHI çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Türkiye için geçerli 12 engel belirlendikten sonra, engeller arasındaki ilişkilerin belirlenmesi için ISM(Yorumlayıcı Yapısal Modelleme) kullanılmıştır. Bu araştırmada uzmanların inovasyon engelleri ile ilgili düşünceleri temel alınmıştır. “Inovasyonun finansmanı” engelinin Türkiye’de inovasyon ile ilgili diğer tim engelleri etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Literatürde inovasyon ile ilgili şirket, sektör veya ülke düzeyinde çalışmalar bulunmasına rağmen, inovasyon engellerinin ilişkisini inceleyen çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu araştırma Türkiye’de inovasyon engellerini inceleyen, inovasyon engellerinin aralarındaki ilişkileri belirleyerek, inovasyon engellerinin çözümünde kullanılacak bir model geliştirmeyi amaçlayan ilk çalışmadır. Bu araştırmanın sonuçları akadamisyenler, politikacılar ve politika geliştiricileri inovasyon engellerinin tanımlanmasının önemi ile ilgili uyarmaktadır


  • ACS, Z., AUDRETSCH, D(1990), Innovation and Small Firms, Cambridge.
  • ALINAITWE, H.M., WIDE’N, K., MWAKALI, J and B. HANSSON (2007), “Innovation Barriers and Enablers that Affect Productivity in Uganda Building Industry”, Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 12(1),58-74
  • BALDWIN, J.R., and G. GELLATLY(2004), Innovation Strategies and Performance in Small Firms, Ottowa.
  • BIRLEY, S. and N, NEKTARI (1995), The Failure of Owner-Managed Businesses: The Diagnosis of Accountants and Bankers, Report for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England Wales.
  • CLIFFORD, D.K. and C. CAVANAGH (1985), The Winning Performance-How America’s High- Growth Midsize Companies Succeed, Sidgewick and Jackson, London.
  • DAMANPOUR, F.(1996), “Organizational Complexity and Innovation: Developing and Testing Multiple Contingency Models”, Management Science, 42(5), 693-716.
  • DRUCKER, P.F.(1985), Innovation and Entreprenurship, Harper&Row Publication, N.Y.
  • DURNA, U.(2002), Yenilik Yönetimi, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • ELÇİ, Ş.(2006). Inovasyon Kalkınmanın ve Rekabetin Anahtarı, Pelin Ofset, Ankara.
  • FOLEY, P. and H, GREN (1995). “ A successful High-Technology Company. In Foley, P.and Gren, H. (Eds), Small Business Success. The Small Business Research Trust, Paul Chapman Publishing, London, 72-80.
  • FREEL, M.S. (2000). “Barriers to Product Innovation in Small Manufacturing Firms”, International Small Business Journal, 18, 60-80.
  • Galia, F. Legros,D. (2004). “Complementarities Between Obstacles to Innovation: Evidence From France”, Research Policy, 33, pp. 1185-1199
  • GEROSKI, P., MACHIN, S and J. VAN REENEN (1993), “The Profitability of Innovating Firms”, RAND Journal of Economics, 24 (2), 198-211.
  • GEROSKI, P., and S. MACHIN (1993), “Innovation, Profitability and Growth Over the Business Cycle”, Empirica, 20, 35-50.
  • HADJIMANOLIS, A.(1999). “Barriers to Innovation for SMEs in a small less developed country (Cyprus)”, Technovation, Vol.19, 561-570.
  • HOOGSTRAATEN, T. (2005), Difference in Growth Between Successful, Unsuccessful and Non- innovating SMEs, University of Twente, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Mathematics and Computer Science.
  • KNIGHT , R.M (1996). “Breaking Down the Barriers”, Business Quarterly, 61(1), 70-76.
  • LALL, S., BARBA-NAVARETTI, G., TEITEL, S., and G. WIGNARAJA, (1994), Technology and Enterprise Development – Ghana under Structural Adjustment, Macmillan Press, Hampshire, UK.
  • LARSEN , P., and A. LEWIS(2007). “How Award-Winning SMEs Manage the Barriers to Innovation”, Creativity and Innovation Management, 16(2), 142-151.
  • MANDAL, A. and S.G.DESKMUKH.(1994), “Vendor Selection Using Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM)”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 14(6) 52-59.
  • Mc ADAM, R., McCONVERY, T., and G. ARMSTRONG (2004), “Barriers to innovation within small firms in a peripheral location”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 10(3), 206-221.
  • MOHNEN, P. and J.ROSA(1999), “Barriers to Innovation in Service Industries in Canada”, Science and Technology Redesign Project, Research Paper No.7, Ottowa.
  • MONDIANO, P. and O. Nİ-CHİONNA. (1986), “Breaking into the Big Time”, Management Today, 11,pp.82-84
  • NAPIER, G., SERGER, S.S. and E.W.HANSON (2004), Strengthening innovation and technology policies for SME development in Turkey – opportunities for private sector involvement, Report for Organizational for Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development (IKED), Malmö, Sweden.
  • NUNALLY, J.O.(1978). Psychometric Theory, McGraw Hill, New York, New York, 701.
  • OECD, 1997. Oslo Manual: Proposed Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Technological Innovation, 2nd edition, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) / Eurostat, Paris.
  • PALMER-NOONE, L. (2000), Perceived Barriers to Innovation: First Report From a Study on Innovation in Higher Education, Assessment and Accountability Forum, Summer, 2-7.
  • PIATIER, A.(1984), Barriers to Innovation, Frances Printer, London
  • PIHKALA, T., LINENPAA, H and L,VESALAINEN (2002), “Innovation Barriers Amongst Clusters of European SME’s”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2 (6), 520
  • PORTER, M. (1990), The Competitive Advantage of Nations, MacMillian, London.
  • Pro Inno Europe Inno Metrics (2009), European Innovation Scoreboard 2009 Comparative Analysis of Innovation Performance,
  • REN, T.(2009), “Barriers and Drivers for Process Innovation in the petrochemical industry: A case study”, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 26, 285-304.
  • UZUN, A.(1997). Technological innovation activities in Turkey: the case of the manufacturing industry, 1995-1997. Technovation, 21(3), 189-196.
  • UZUN, A.(2006). Science and technology policy in Turkey. National strategies for innovation and change during the 1983-2003 period and beyond, Scientometrics, 66(3,: 551-559.
  • SAATÇIOĞLU, Ö. and Ö.ÖZMEN (2007), “A Research on Identifying Innovation Process and Innovation Performance in Big Companies”, Technology and Economic Development, 2nd International Conference on The Dynamics of Science and Technology Policies, 25-26 May 2007, Izmir University of Economics.
  • SEGERRA-Blasco, A., GARCIA-QUEVEDO, J., TERUEL-CARRIZOSA, M. (2008). “Barriers to Innovation and Public Policy in Catalonia.”, pp.431-451.
  • STENDALH, M., and A.ROSE (2008), “Antecedents and Barriers to Product Innovation-a Comparison Between Innovating and Non-innovating Strategic Business Units in the Wood Industry”, Silva Fennica, 42 (4), 659-681.
  • SUND, K.J. (2008), Innovation in the Postal Sector: Strategies, Barriers and Enablers, Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne, SAP
  • TIDD, J., J.BESSANT and K.PAVITT (2005), Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, Wiley, Chichester.
  • TIDD, J., J.BESSANT and K.PAVITT (2001), Managing Innovation: Integrating Technologcial, Market and Organizational Change, Wiley Chichester.
  • VINCENT L., BHARADWAJ, S. and G.CHALLAGALLA (2004), “ Does Innovation Mediate Firm Performance ? A Meta Analysis of Determinants and Consequences of Organizational Innovation”, Working Paper, Atlanta: Georgia Institute of Technology
  • TIWARI, R.(2007). “The Early Phases of Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges in Public- Private Partnership”, Asia Pacific Tech Monitor, 24(1), 32-37
  • TIWARI, R. and S.BUSE S.(2007), “Barriers to Innovation in SME’s: Can Internationalization of R&D Mitigate their Effects”, Working Paper, No:50, Proocedings of the First European Conference on Knowledge for Growth: A Role and Dynamics of Corporate R&D, Spain.
  • TONGE, R., LARSEN, P. and M.ITO(1998), “Strategic Leadership in Super-Growth Companies – A Reappraisal”, Long Range Planning, 31, 835-844.
  • WARFIELD, J.W.(1974). “Developing Interconnected Matrices in Structural Modelling”, IEEE Transcript on Systems, Men and Cybernetics, 4(1), 51-81.
  • WOODCOCK, D.L., MOSEY, S.P. and WOOD, T.B.W. (2000), “New Product Development in British SMEs”, European Journal of Innovation Management, 3,.212-221.
  • WREN, B.M., SOUDER, WM. E. and BERKOWITZ, D. (2000), “Market Orientation and New Product Development in Global Industrial Firms”, Industrial Marketing Management, 29, 601-611.
  • Yinenpaa, H.(1998), “Measures to Overcome Barriers to Innovation in Sweden”, Paper EFMD European Small Business Seminar in Vienna, 1998, online; last accessed 21.5.2006
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Sibel MEHTER Aykın This is me

Ömür Yaşar Saatçioğlu This is me

Ömür Neczan Timurcanday Özmen This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


APA Aykın, S. M., Saatçioğlu, Ö. Y., & Timurcanday Özmen, Ö. N. (2010). Yapısal Yorumlayıcı Modelleme İle Inovasyon Sürecinde Karşılaşılan Engellerin İncelenmesi: Türkiye Gerçeği. Journal of Management and Economics, 17(2), 207-225.