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Gelişmekte Olan Piyasa Ekonomilerinde İhracatın Dinamikleri

Year 2012, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 19 - 33, 01.03.2012



  • Aulakh, Preet S., Masaoki Kotabe and Hildy Teegen, 2000; “Export Strategies and Performance of firms from emerging economies: Evidence from Brazil, Chile and Mexico,” Academy of
  • Management Journal, Vol.43, No.3, pp: 342-361. Balassa B., 1978; “Export and Economic Growth: Further Evidence,” Journal Development Economics, 5: 181-189.
  • Badi H. Baltagi (2008): Econometrica, Fourth Edition, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, USA.
  • Bilgin, Cevat and Ahmet Şahbaz, 2009, “Türkiye’de İhracatr Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkileri,”
  • Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1): 177-198. Bo, . Variety and Productivity in China’s,” Cheptea, Angela, Lionel Fontagne and Soledad Zignago, 2007; “European Export Performance,” CEPII, WP No 2010-12, July 2010.
  • Chow, Peter C. Y., 1987; “Causality between Export Growth and Industrial Development:
  • Empirical Evidence from the NICs,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol.26, Issue 1, pp: 55-63. Dijk, Michiel van, 2002; “The Determinants of Export Performance in Developing Countries: The Case of Indonesian Manufacturing,” Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies, Working
  • Paper 02.01, The Netherlands, February 2002.
  • Ghartey, Edward E., 1993; “Causal Relationship between Exports and Economic Growth: Some
  • Empirical Evidence in Taiwan, Japan and the US,” Applied Economics, Vol.25, Issue 9, pp: 1145-1152.
  • Glasure, Yong U. and Aie-Rie Lee, 1999; “The export-led Growth Hypotheisi: The Role of the Exchange Rate, Money, and Government Expenditure from Korea,” Atlantic Economic
  • Journal, Vol.27, Issue 3, pp: 262-270. Hall, Stephen, Georage Hondroyiannis, P.A.V.B. Swamy, George Tavlas and Michael Ulan, 2010;
  • “Exchange-Rate Volatility and Export Performance: Do Emerging Market Economies Resemble Industrial Countries or other Developing Countries?,” Economic Modelling. Sarıkaya, Çağrı, 2004; “Export Dynamics in Turkey”, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
  • Hamori, Shigeyuki and Yoichi Matsubayashi, 2009; “Empirical Analysis of Export Demand
  • Behavior of LDCs: Panel Cointehration Approach,” Economic Bulletin, Vol.29, No.3. Hesse, Heiko, 2008; “Export Diversification and Economic Growth,” Comission on Growth and Development, Working Paper No: 21.
  • Hondroyiannis, George, P.A.V.B. Swamy, Georage Tavlas and Michael Ulan, 2008; “Some Further
  • Evidence on Exchange-Rate Volatility and Exports,” Review of World Economics, Vol.144, No.1, April 2008, pp: 151-180.
  • Im, Kyung So, M.Hashem Pesaran and Yongcheol Shin (2003); “Testing for Unit Roots in
  • Heterogeneous Panels”, Journal of Econometrics, Vol.115, No. 1, pp.53-74. IMF International Financial Statistical online, Accessed 11 November 2010.
  • Jongwanich, Juthathip, 2007; “Determinants of Export Performance in East and Southeast Asia,”
  • Asian Development Bank, ERD Working Paper No. 106, November 2007.
  • Karagöz, Murat and Ali Şen, 2005; “Exports and Economic Growth of Turkey Cointegration and Error-Correction Analysis,” Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 4, S.13, pp:1-15.
  • Kavoussi, Rostam M., 1984; “Export Expansion and Economic Growth: Further Empirical
  • Evidence,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol.14, ıssue 1, January-February 1984, pp: 241-250.
  • Khalafalla, Khalid Yousif and Alan J. Webb, 2000; “Exports and Economic Growth under
  • Structural Change: A Co-integration Analysis of Evidence from Malaysia,” International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Working Papers, 14595.
  • Kravis, I.B., 1970; “Trade as a Handmaiden of Growth: Critical Minimum Effort and Diminishing
  • Returns,” Journal of Development Economics, 30(2). Levin A, Lin C (1992) Unit root tests in panel data: asymptotic and finite-sample properties,
  • University of California: San Diego, (Discussion Paper 92–93). Levin A, Lin CF, Chu C (2002) Unit root tests in panel data: asymptotic and finite-sample properties. Journal of Econometrics 108:1–24.
  • Maddala GS, Wu S (1999) A comparative study of unit root tests with panel data and a new simple test. Oxford Bulletın of Economıcs And Statıstıcs, Specıal Issue, 0305-9049, 61:631–652.
  • Maddala, G.S., S.,Wu, and P. Liu, 1999. “Do Panel Data Rescue Purchasing Power Parity
  • (PPP) Theory?” In: Krishnakumar, J., Ronchetti, E. (Eds.), Panel Data Econometrics: Future Directions, Elsevier. Pack, H., 1993; “Technology Gaps Between Industrial and Developing Countries: Are There
  • Dividends for Latecomers?,” in World Bank (ed), Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics 1992: Waashington D.C.
  • Pazim, Khairul Hanim, 2009; “Panel Data Analysis of Export-Led Growth Hypothesis in BIMP
  • EAGA Countries,” MPRA Paper No. 13264. .
  • Ramos, 2001; “Exports, Imports, and Economic Growth in Portugal: Evidence from Causality and Cointegration Analysis,” Economic Modelling, Vol.18, Issue 4, pp:613-623.
  • Roper, Stephen and James H. Love, 2002; “The Determinants of Expert Performance: Panel Data Evidence . Irish Manufacturing Plants,”.
  • Santos-Paulino, Amelia U., 2008; “Export productivity and Specialization in China, Brazil, India and South Africa,” World Institute for Developments Research, Research Paper No: 28.
  • Sekmen, Fuat and Hakan Sarıbas, 2007; “Cointegration and Causality Among Exchange Rate,
  • Export, and Import: Empirical Evidence from Turkey,” Applied Econometrics and International Development, Vol.7, No.2. Tuncer, İsmail, 2002; “Türkiye’de İhracat, İthalat ve Büyüme: TODA-YAMAMOTO Yöntemiyle
  • Granger Nedensellik Analizleri (1980-2000),” Çukurova Üniv. Sos. Bil. Der. Cilt 9, Sayı
  • UNCTAD, 2002; “World Investment Report,” United Nations, New York and Geneva.
  • Appendix 1: The Anaysis of Autocorrelation GDP AC 346 INF AC 661 346 064 000 PC 661 90 000 Lag Lag 055 000 257 0.318 54 000 Lag 055 000 078 126 93 000 Lag 893 000 067 046 45 000 CA/GDP AC 451 RER AC 194 451 50 000 PC 194 688 000 Lag Lag 84 000 001 0.038 688 000 Lag 22 000 0.099 0.095 082 000 Lag 24 000 0.064 0.027 350 000 IMP AC 245 RESİD AC 0.138 245 040 000 PC 0.138 457 001 Lag Lag 912 000 0.278 0.303 305 000 Lag 651 000 0.063 0.173 479 000 Lag 851 000 377 284 23 000

Gelişmekte Olan Piyasa Ekonomilerinde İhracatın Dinamikleri

Year 2012, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 19 - 33, 01.03.2012


Bu çalışmada, 1994:1-2009:1 arası çeyreklik veriler kullanılarak gelişmekte olan piyasa ekonomilerinde ihracatın belirleyicileri dengeli panel veri yöntemi ile analiz edilmektedir. Temel makroekonomik teoride, ihracat ile reel döviz kuru ve yurtiçi gelir arasında doğrusal ve pozitif bir ilişki bulunmaktadır. Buradan hareketle ihracatın yurtiçi gelirden bağımsız olduğu da anlaşılmaktadır. Aynı zamanda yerel fiyatlarda bir artış reel döviz kurunda düşüşe neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle enflasyon artışı ihracatı negatif etkilemektedir. Teoriye ilaveten, ithalatın uluslar arası entegre ekonomilerde ihracat için önemli bir faktör olduğu açıkça görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada makroekonomik teori test edilmektedir. Ampirik sonuçlar reel döviz kuru, yurtiçi gelir, ithalat ve enflasyon oranının ihracat için önemli değişkenler olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır


  • Aulakh, Preet S., Masaoki Kotabe and Hildy Teegen, 2000; “Export Strategies and Performance of firms from emerging economies: Evidence from Brazil, Chile and Mexico,” Academy of
  • Management Journal, Vol.43, No.3, pp: 342-361. Balassa B., 1978; “Export and Economic Growth: Further Evidence,” Journal Development Economics, 5: 181-189.
  • Badi H. Baltagi (2008): Econometrica, Fourth Edition, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, USA.
  • Bilgin, Cevat and Ahmet Şahbaz, 2009, “Türkiye’de İhracatr Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkileri,”
  • Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1): 177-198. Bo, . Variety and Productivity in China’s,” Cheptea, Angela, Lionel Fontagne and Soledad Zignago, 2007; “European Export Performance,” CEPII, WP No 2010-12, July 2010.
  • Chow, Peter C. Y., 1987; “Causality between Export Growth and Industrial Development:
  • Empirical Evidence from the NICs,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol.26, Issue 1, pp: 55-63. Dijk, Michiel van, 2002; “The Determinants of Export Performance in Developing Countries: The Case of Indonesian Manufacturing,” Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies, Working
  • Paper 02.01, The Netherlands, February 2002.
  • Ghartey, Edward E., 1993; “Causal Relationship between Exports and Economic Growth: Some
  • Empirical Evidence in Taiwan, Japan and the US,” Applied Economics, Vol.25, Issue 9, pp: 1145-1152.
  • Glasure, Yong U. and Aie-Rie Lee, 1999; “The export-led Growth Hypotheisi: The Role of the Exchange Rate, Money, and Government Expenditure from Korea,” Atlantic Economic
  • Journal, Vol.27, Issue 3, pp: 262-270. Hall, Stephen, Georage Hondroyiannis, P.A.V.B. Swamy, George Tavlas and Michael Ulan, 2010;
  • “Exchange-Rate Volatility and Export Performance: Do Emerging Market Economies Resemble Industrial Countries or other Developing Countries?,” Economic Modelling. Sarıkaya, Çağrı, 2004; “Export Dynamics in Turkey”, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
  • Hamori, Shigeyuki and Yoichi Matsubayashi, 2009; “Empirical Analysis of Export Demand
  • Behavior of LDCs: Panel Cointehration Approach,” Economic Bulletin, Vol.29, No.3. Hesse, Heiko, 2008; “Export Diversification and Economic Growth,” Comission on Growth and Development, Working Paper No: 21.
  • Hondroyiannis, George, P.A.V.B. Swamy, Georage Tavlas and Michael Ulan, 2008; “Some Further
  • Evidence on Exchange-Rate Volatility and Exports,” Review of World Economics, Vol.144, No.1, April 2008, pp: 151-180.
  • Im, Kyung So, M.Hashem Pesaran and Yongcheol Shin (2003); “Testing for Unit Roots in
  • Heterogeneous Panels”, Journal of Econometrics, Vol.115, No. 1, pp.53-74. IMF International Financial Statistical online, Accessed 11 November 2010.
  • Jongwanich, Juthathip, 2007; “Determinants of Export Performance in East and Southeast Asia,”
  • Asian Development Bank, ERD Working Paper No. 106, November 2007.
  • Karagöz, Murat and Ali Şen, 2005; “Exports and Economic Growth of Turkey Cointegration and Error-Correction Analysis,” Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 4, S.13, pp:1-15.
  • Kavoussi, Rostam M., 1984; “Export Expansion and Economic Growth: Further Empirical
  • Evidence,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol.14, ıssue 1, January-February 1984, pp: 241-250.
  • Khalafalla, Khalid Yousif and Alan J. Webb, 2000; “Exports and Economic Growth under
  • Structural Change: A Co-integration Analysis of Evidence from Malaysia,” International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Working Papers, 14595.
  • Kravis, I.B., 1970; “Trade as a Handmaiden of Growth: Critical Minimum Effort and Diminishing
  • Returns,” Journal of Development Economics, 30(2). Levin A, Lin C (1992) Unit root tests in panel data: asymptotic and finite-sample properties,
  • University of California: San Diego, (Discussion Paper 92–93). Levin A, Lin CF, Chu C (2002) Unit root tests in panel data: asymptotic and finite-sample properties. Journal of Econometrics 108:1–24.
  • Maddala GS, Wu S (1999) A comparative study of unit root tests with panel data and a new simple test. Oxford Bulletın of Economıcs And Statıstıcs, Specıal Issue, 0305-9049, 61:631–652.
  • Maddala, G.S., S.,Wu, and P. Liu, 1999. “Do Panel Data Rescue Purchasing Power Parity
  • (PPP) Theory?” In: Krishnakumar, J., Ronchetti, E. (Eds.), Panel Data Econometrics: Future Directions, Elsevier. Pack, H., 1993; “Technology Gaps Between Industrial and Developing Countries: Are There
  • Dividends for Latecomers?,” in World Bank (ed), Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics 1992: Waashington D.C.
  • Pazim, Khairul Hanim, 2009; “Panel Data Analysis of Export-Led Growth Hypothesis in BIMP
  • EAGA Countries,” MPRA Paper No. 13264. .
  • Ramos, 2001; “Exports, Imports, and Economic Growth in Portugal: Evidence from Causality and Cointegration Analysis,” Economic Modelling, Vol.18, Issue 4, pp:613-623.
  • Roper, Stephen and James H. Love, 2002; “The Determinants of Expert Performance: Panel Data Evidence . Irish Manufacturing Plants,”.
  • Santos-Paulino, Amelia U., 2008; “Export productivity and Specialization in China, Brazil, India and South Africa,” World Institute for Developments Research, Research Paper No: 28.
  • Sekmen, Fuat and Hakan Sarıbas, 2007; “Cointegration and Causality Among Exchange Rate,
  • Export, and Import: Empirical Evidence from Turkey,” Applied Econometrics and International Development, Vol.7, No.2. Tuncer, İsmail, 2002; “Türkiye’de İhracat, İthalat ve Büyüme: TODA-YAMAMOTO Yöntemiyle
  • Granger Nedensellik Analizleri (1980-2000),” Çukurova Üniv. Sos. Bil. Der. Cilt 9, Sayı
  • UNCTAD, 2002; “World Investment Report,” United Nations, New York and Geneva.
  • Appendix 1: The Anaysis of Autocorrelation GDP AC 346 INF AC 661 346 064 000 PC 661 90 000 Lag Lag 055 000 257 0.318 54 000 Lag 055 000 078 126 93 000 Lag 893 000 067 046 45 000 CA/GDP AC 451 RER AC 194 451 50 000 PC 194 688 000 Lag Lag 84 000 001 0.038 688 000 Lag 22 000 0.099 0.095 082 000 Lag 24 000 0.064 0.027 350 000 IMP AC 245 RESİD AC 0.138 245 040 000 PC 0.138 457 001 Lag Lag 912 000 0.278 0.303 305 000 Lag 651 000 0.063 0.173 479 000 Lag 851 000 377 284 23 000
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Asuman KOÇ Yurtkur This is me

Arzu TAY Bayramoğlu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 19 Issue: 1


APA Yurtkur, A. K., & Bayramoğlu, A. T. (2012). Gelişmekte Olan Piyasa Ekonomilerinde İhracatın Dinamikleri. Journal of Management and Economics, 19(1), 19-33.