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İlaç Sektöründe Pazar Paylarının Analizi: Yeni Lanchester Stratejisi ve Sistem Dinamikleri

Year 2013, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 51 - 65, 01.06.2013


Today, many companies have developed different competition strategies with the purpose of reaching their institutional targets. Developing of the competition strategies and reaction to the instantaneous changes according to the market conditions are possible with the detailed and dynamic analysis of the competitors. In this study, how to change the market shares of the pharmaceutical product companies that compete in a certain region, depending upon the sales force have been analyzed. Lanchester’s Laws have been used for the calculations made in order to determine the market shares. All calculations have been integrated in the frame of system dynamic model in the long run analysis of the market shares and forecasting the long term results of the different sales forces. Different scenarios and long term effects have been analyzed for changes of sales forces via this model. The study ended up with obtaining the potential market share changes of the pharmaceutical product in the case study for the long run which would support the marketing activities.


  • ACEMOĞLU, Daron ve LINN, Joshua (2003), Market Size In Innovation: Theory And Evidence From The Pharmaceutical Industry, NBER Working Paper Series. Working Paper 10038. National Bureau of Economic Research. Cambridge, MA.
  • BATCHELOR, Tim P. ve Mark BRIFFA (2010), “Influences on Resource-Holding Potential During Dangerous Group Contests Between Wood Ants”, Animal Behaviour, 80, 443-449. BATCHELOR, Tim P. SANTINI, Giacomo ve Mark BRIFFA (2012), “Size Distribution and Battles In Wood Ants: Group Resource-Holding Potential is The Sum Of The Individual Parts”, Animal Behaviour, 83, 111-117.
  • BRUNI, Daniele Severi ve Gianmario VERONA (2009), “Dynamic Marketing Capabilities in Science-based Firms: an Exploratory Investigation of the Pharmaceutical Industry”, British Journal of Management, 20, 101–117.
  • COYLE, R. Geoff (1996), “System Dynamics Applied to Defense Analysis: a Literature Survey”, Defense analysis, 12(2), 141-160.
  • ERICKSON, Gary M. (1997), “Note: Dynamic Conjectural Variations in a Lanchester Oligopoly”, Management Science, 43(11), 1603-1608.
  • ERICKSON, Gary M. (2009), “An Oligopoly Model of Dynamic Advertising Competition”, European Journal of Operational Research, 197, 374–388.
  • FORRESTER, Jay W. (1999), Industrial Dynamics. Waltham, MA: Pegasus Communications.
  • FRUCHTER, Gila ve Shlomo KALISH (1998), “Dynamic Promotional Budgeting and Media Allocation”, European Journal of Operational Research, 1(II), 15-27.
  • GONZALEZ, Eduardo ve Marcelo J. VILLENA (2011a), “Spatial Attrition Modeling: Stability Conditions for a 2D + t FD Formulation”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 61, 3246–3257.
  • GONZALEZ, Eduardo ve Marcelo J. VILLENA (2011b), “Spatial Lanchester Models”, European Journal of Operational Research, 210, 706–715.
  • HUANG, Jian. LENG, Mingming ve Liping LIANG (2012), “Recent Developments in Dynamic Advertising Research”. European Journal of Operational Research, 220, 591–609.
  • KOLA, İsmail ve John LANDIS (2004), “Can the Pharmaceutical Industry Reduce Attrition Rates?”, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 3, 711-716.
  • KONG, Hong-Shan. ZHANG, Ming-Qing ve Jun TANG (2011), “Research On System Dynamics Model of Lanchester Equations”, Computer Engineering and Design, 08.
  • LIU, Pei-Leen. SUN, Huai-Ku ve Yue-Tarng YOU (2012), “Combined Arms System Dynamics Model for Modern Land Battle”, Journal of C.C.I.T., 41(1), 19-28.
  • MARIEL, Petr. (1997), “A Dynamic Model of Advertising Competition: An Empirical Analysis of Feedback Strategies”, Kybernetika, 33(6), 633-648.
  • MARTIN-HERRAN, Guiomar. MCQUITTY, Shaun ve Simon Pierre SIGUE (2012), “Offensive Versus Defensive Marketing: What is the Optimal Spending Allocation?”, Intern. J. of Research in Marketing, 29, 210–219.
  • MEADOWS, Donella. RANDERS, Jorgen ve Dennis MEADOWS (2004), Limits to Growth – The 30 Year Update, Bath Press, London.
  • MESAK, Hani I. (1999), “On The Generalizability of Advertising Pulsation Monopoly Results to an Oligopoly”, European Journal of Operational Research, 117, 429-449.
  • OUARDIGHI, Fouad El ve Federico PASİN (2006), “Quality Improvement and Goodwill Accumulation in a Dynamic Duopoly”, European Journal of Operational Research, 175, 1021–1032.
  • PRASAD, A. Naik. RAMAN, Kalyan ve Russell S. WINER (2005), “Planning Marketing-Mix Strategies in the Presence of Interaction Effects”, Marketing Science, 24(1), 25-34.
  • ROBERTS, Peter W. (1999), “Product Innovation, Product–Market Competition and Persistent Profitability in The U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry”, Strategic Management Journal, 20, 655–670.
  • SCHULER, John (2001), “Reflections on Lanchester strategy”, Comp. Int. Rev, 12, 37–46.
  • SPRADLIN, Christina ve Greg SPRADLIN (2007), “Lanchester’s Equations in Three Dimensions”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 53. 999–1011.
  • TAOKA, Nobuo (1997), Lanchester Strategy. Lanchester Press, Sunnyvale, CA.
  • TAYLOR, James G. (1982), “Annihilation Prediction For Lanchester-Type Models of Modern Warfare with Logistics Constraints”, Mathematical Modelling, 3, 323-340.
  • WANG, Menghan. GOU, Qinglong.WU, Chunxu ve Liang LIANG (2012), “An Aggregate Response Model Based on Consumer Population Dynamics”, International Journal of Applied Management Science, Article in press.
  • WANG, Qinan. Wu, Zhang (2001), “Duopolistic Model of Dynamic Competitive Advertising”, European Journal of Operational Research, 128, 213-226.
  • WOZENCRAFT, John M ve. Paul H. MOOSE (1987), Characteristic Trajectories of Generalized Lanchester Equations. Defense Technical Information Center. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey. CA.
  • YANO, Shinichi (1990), Lanchester Strategy. Lanchester Press. Sunnyvale. CA.
  • ZHAO, Zhenyuan. BOHORQUEZ, Juan Camilo. DIXON, Alex ve Neil F. JOHNSON (2009), “Internal Network Dynamics Prolong a Losing Battle”, Arvix 0901.1170.

İlaç Sektöründe Pazar Paylarının Analizi: Yeni Lanchester Stratejisi ve Sistem Dinamikleri

Year 2013, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 51 - 65, 01.06.2013


Günümüzde pek çok işletme kurumsal hedeflerine ulaşmak amacıyla farklı rekabet stratejileri geliştirmektedir. Rekabet stratejilerinin geliştirilmesi ve pazar koşullarına göre anlık değişimlere tepki gösterebilmesi ise rakiplerin detaylı ve dinamik analiziyle mümkün olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, belirli bir bölgede rekabet eden ilaç firmalarının, pazar satış gücüne bağlı olarak Pazar paylarının nasıl değişebileceği analiz edilmektedir. Pazar paylarının belirlenmesi için yapılan hesaplamalarda, Lanchester kanunları kullanılmakta; Pazar paylarının uzun dönemli analizlerinde ve farklı satış güçlerinin uzun dönemli sonuçlarını öngörebilmek amacıyla, tüm bu hesaplamalar bir sistem dinamiği modeli çerçevesinde bütünleştirilmektedir. Uygulanan bu model aracılığıyla, rakiplerin satış gücü değişimlerinin pazardaki etkileri için çok farklı senaryolar ve bu senaryoların uzun dönemdeki etkileri analiz edilebilmektedir. Çalışmanın sonucunda, örnek olay kapsamında ele alınan ilaç firmalarının pazarlama faaliyetlerini destekleyebilecek potansiyel pazar payı değişimleri uzun dönem için karşılaştırmalı olarak elde edilmiştir.


  • ACEMOĞLU, Daron ve LINN, Joshua (2003), Market Size In Innovation: Theory And Evidence From The Pharmaceutical Industry, NBER Working Paper Series. Working Paper 10038. National Bureau of Economic Research. Cambridge, MA.
  • BATCHELOR, Tim P. ve Mark BRIFFA (2010), “Influences on Resource-Holding Potential During Dangerous Group Contests Between Wood Ants”, Animal Behaviour, 80, 443-449. BATCHELOR, Tim P. SANTINI, Giacomo ve Mark BRIFFA (2012), “Size Distribution and Battles In Wood Ants: Group Resource-Holding Potential is The Sum Of The Individual Parts”, Animal Behaviour, 83, 111-117.
  • BRUNI, Daniele Severi ve Gianmario VERONA (2009), “Dynamic Marketing Capabilities in Science-based Firms: an Exploratory Investigation of the Pharmaceutical Industry”, British Journal of Management, 20, 101–117.
  • COYLE, R. Geoff (1996), “System Dynamics Applied to Defense Analysis: a Literature Survey”, Defense analysis, 12(2), 141-160.
  • ERICKSON, Gary M. (1997), “Note: Dynamic Conjectural Variations in a Lanchester Oligopoly”, Management Science, 43(11), 1603-1608.
  • ERICKSON, Gary M. (2009), “An Oligopoly Model of Dynamic Advertising Competition”, European Journal of Operational Research, 197, 374–388.
  • FORRESTER, Jay W. (1999), Industrial Dynamics. Waltham, MA: Pegasus Communications.
  • FRUCHTER, Gila ve Shlomo KALISH (1998), “Dynamic Promotional Budgeting and Media Allocation”, European Journal of Operational Research, 1(II), 15-27.
  • GONZALEZ, Eduardo ve Marcelo J. VILLENA (2011a), “Spatial Attrition Modeling: Stability Conditions for a 2D + t FD Formulation”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 61, 3246–3257.
  • GONZALEZ, Eduardo ve Marcelo J. VILLENA (2011b), “Spatial Lanchester Models”, European Journal of Operational Research, 210, 706–715.
  • HUANG, Jian. LENG, Mingming ve Liping LIANG (2012), “Recent Developments in Dynamic Advertising Research”. European Journal of Operational Research, 220, 591–609.
  • KOLA, İsmail ve John LANDIS (2004), “Can the Pharmaceutical Industry Reduce Attrition Rates?”, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 3, 711-716.
  • KONG, Hong-Shan. ZHANG, Ming-Qing ve Jun TANG (2011), “Research On System Dynamics Model of Lanchester Equations”, Computer Engineering and Design, 08.
  • LIU, Pei-Leen. SUN, Huai-Ku ve Yue-Tarng YOU (2012), “Combined Arms System Dynamics Model for Modern Land Battle”, Journal of C.C.I.T., 41(1), 19-28.
  • MARIEL, Petr. (1997), “A Dynamic Model of Advertising Competition: An Empirical Analysis of Feedback Strategies”, Kybernetika, 33(6), 633-648.
  • MARTIN-HERRAN, Guiomar. MCQUITTY, Shaun ve Simon Pierre SIGUE (2012), “Offensive Versus Defensive Marketing: What is the Optimal Spending Allocation?”, Intern. J. of Research in Marketing, 29, 210–219.
  • MEADOWS, Donella. RANDERS, Jorgen ve Dennis MEADOWS (2004), Limits to Growth – The 30 Year Update, Bath Press, London.
  • MESAK, Hani I. (1999), “On The Generalizability of Advertising Pulsation Monopoly Results to an Oligopoly”, European Journal of Operational Research, 117, 429-449.
  • OUARDIGHI, Fouad El ve Federico PASİN (2006), “Quality Improvement and Goodwill Accumulation in a Dynamic Duopoly”, European Journal of Operational Research, 175, 1021–1032.
  • PRASAD, A. Naik. RAMAN, Kalyan ve Russell S. WINER (2005), “Planning Marketing-Mix Strategies in the Presence of Interaction Effects”, Marketing Science, 24(1), 25-34.
  • ROBERTS, Peter W. (1999), “Product Innovation, Product–Market Competition and Persistent Profitability in The U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry”, Strategic Management Journal, 20, 655–670.
  • SCHULER, John (2001), “Reflections on Lanchester strategy”, Comp. Int. Rev, 12, 37–46.
  • SPRADLIN, Christina ve Greg SPRADLIN (2007), “Lanchester’s Equations in Three Dimensions”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 53. 999–1011.
  • TAOKA, Nobuo (1997), Lanchester Strategy. Lanchester Press, Sunnyvale, CA.
  • TAYLOR, James G. (1982), “Annihilation Prediction For Lanchester-Type Models of Modern Warfare with Logistics Constraints”, Mathematical Modelling, 3, 323-340.
  • WANG, Menghan. GOU, Qinglong.WU, Chunxu ve Liang LIANG (2012), “An Aggregate Response Model Based on Consumer Population Dynamics”, International Journal of Applied Management Science, Article in press.
  • WANG, Qinan. Wu, Zhang (2001), “Duopolistic Model of Dynamic Competitive Advertising”, European Journal of Operational Research, 128, 213-226.
  • WOZENCRAFT, John M ve. Paul H. MOOSE (1987), Characteristic Trajectories of Generalized Lanchester Equations. Defense Technical Information Center. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey. CA.
  • YANO, Shinichi (1990), Lanchester Strategy. Lanchester Press. Sunnyvale. CA.
  • ZHAO, Zhenyuan. BOHORQUEZ, Juan Camilo. DIXON, Alex ve Neil F. JOHNSON (2009), “Internal Network Dynamics Prolong a Losing Battle”, Arvix 0901.1170.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Aşkın Özdağoğlu This is me

Güzin Özdağoğlu This is me

Emre Göktepe This is me

Kaner Eyüboğlu This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 20 Issue: 2


APA Özdağoğlu, A., Özdağoğlu, G., Göktepe, E., Eyüboğlu, K. (2013). İlaç Sektöründe Pazar Paylarının Analizi: Yeni Lanchester Stratejisi ve Sistem Dinamikleri. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 20(2), 51-65.