Research Article
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Organizational Democracy

Year 2014, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 231 - 248, 14.10.2015


The understanding of democracy that is shaped by contemporary economic, political, social and cultural developments makes us re-consider organizational life. The number of studies on organizational democracy rises exponentially whereby contributions to and complexities for the organization are discussed. In this context, this study begins with a conceptualization of organizational democracy from modern business management perspective, which is followed by respectively; a discussion of previous research on organizational democracy, the causes behind the new departure towards organizational democracy, the contributions to organizations, the complexities and problems faced during practical implementation, and finally a literature review on the ways and means of ensuring organizational democracy. With this study, the following questions will be raised to scholarly discussion; is organizational democracy just an ideal emphasizing the human element and employee satisfaction, or is it a strategy that needs managerial attention for attainment of organizational goals in 21 st century?


  • Beetham, D. Boyle, K. (1998) Demokrasinin Temelleri 80 Soru ve Cevap (Çev. Vahit Bıçak) Ankara: Liberte Yayınları
  • Block, P. (1993) Stewardships:Choosing Service Over Self-Interest, San Francisco : Berrett- Koehler
  • Buhlungu, S. (2009) “The Rise And Decline Of The Democratic Organizational Culture İn The South African Labor Movement , 1973 To 2000”, Labor Studies Journal 34:9, 520-539
  • Butcher, D.,Clarke, M. (2002) “The Cornerstone For Organizational Democracy”. Organizational Dynamic, 31(1), 35-41
  • Collom, E., (2000). “Worker Control:The Bases of The Women’s Support”, Economic and Industrial Democracy&2000 21, 211-235
  • Collom, E., (2001-a). “Social Inequality and The Politics of Production: Americans’ Attitudes Toward Workplace Democracy”, University of California Riverside Doktora Tezi
  • Collom, E., (2001-b) “Clarifying The Cross-Class Support for Workplace Democracy” Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 45, 71-103
  • Collom, E. (2001-c) “Social Inequalityand the Politics of Production Identifying Potential Supporters of Economic Democracy”, Sociological Forum, 16, 471-501
  • Crane,A., Matten, D. (2005) “What is Stakeholder Democracy? Perspectives and Issues”, Business Ethics: A Europan Review, 14 (1), 6-13
  • Çam, S. (2009) “Şahsına Münhasır Bir Nesil: Devir Y Devri”, Progroup Bülten,3,
  • Çelik, O. (2007) İşletmelerde Muhasebe Bilgisi ve Şirket Demokrasisi, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi
  • Dahl, R. (2001) ”A Right Workplace Democracy? Response To Robert Meyer”, Review Of Politics, 63, 221-247
  • Davies, B. (1967) “Some Thoughts On Organizational Democracy”, Journal Of Management Studies, 4 (3), 270-281
  • Deist, H. V. (2008) “Possibilities Of Democratisation in Organisations”, Social Epistemology 22, 97-107
  • Diener, R. B. (2011) Positive Psychology As Social Change, London: Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg
  • Fenton, L. T. (2002) Democractic Company For Organizations Transforming Our Workplace and, 07.03.2014 USA: World Dynamic Inc, Kaynak:
  • Gand, S. Bejean, M. (2013) “Organizing sustainable democratic firms: processes of regeneration as the design European Academy of Management, EURAM 2013, Istanbul
  • models of cooperation” 13th Annual Conference of the
  • Hoffman, M.F. (2002) “Do All Things With Counsel, Benedictine Women and Organizational Democracy”, Communication Studies,53 (3), 203-218
  • Johnson, P. (2006) “Whence Democracy? A Review And Critique Of The Conceptual Dimentions And Implications Of The Business Case For Organizational Democracy.” University Of Sheffield, UK, 13 (2), 245-274
  • Kerr, A. (2004) “The Limits of Organizational Democracy” Academy of Management Executive, 18(3), 81-97
  • Koçel, T. (2003) İşletme Yöneticiliği, İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım
  • Lansbury, D. R. (2009) ”Workplace Democrarcy And The Global Financial Crisis” Journal Of Industrial Relations, Sage Publications, 51, 1-22
  • Luhman, J. T. (2006). “Theoretical Postulations on Organization Democracy”, Journal of Management Inquiry 15, 168-185
  • Ng, C., Ng, E. (2009) “Balancing The Democracy Dilemmas: Experience Of Women Workers’ Cooperatives In Hong Hong”, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30,182-206
  • Remtulla, K. A. (2007) “The Knowledge-Based Economy And E-Learning: Critical Considerations For Workplace Democracy”, Convergence 40, 9-24 International Council For Adult Education, 07.03.2014
  • Sartori, G. (1996). Demokrasi Teorisine Geri Dönüş, (Çev. Tuncer Karamustafaoğlu), Ankara: Mehmet Turan Yetkin Yayınları,
  • Smith, M. (1976) “ Barries To Organizational Democracy In Public Administration” Administration&Society, 8 (3), 275-317
  • Stohl C., Cheney, G. (2001) “Participatory Processes\Paradoxical Practices: Communication and The Dilemmas of Organizational Democracy”, Management Communication Quarterly, 14, 349-407
  • Şimşek, M. (2001) Toplam Kalite Yönetimi, İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları
  • Weber, W. Unterrainer, C., Schmid, B. (2009) “The Influence of Organizational Democracy on Employees Socio-Moral Climate and Prosocial Behavioral Orientations” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30, 1127-1149
  • Weber, W. (2001). Threats to and Prospects for Organizational Democracy Researh: Extended Version of a contribution for the International Conference "Participation Between Markets and Organizational Democracy", Organized by Manfred Moldaschl & Wolfgang G. Weber, 16-17 organizationaldemocracy.pdf, 31.01.2014
  • Yazdani, N. (2010) “Organizational Democracy and Organizational Structure Link: Role Of Strategic Leadership Enviromental Uncertainly ”, Research Journal Of The Institute of Business Administration, 5 (2), 51-73
  • Yazıcı, Ç. (2008) Öz Yönetim Modelinin Güncelliğinin Değerlendirilmesi , Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi
  •, Türkiye’de Y Kuşağının Özellikleri ve İstatistikler [Rapor] (erişim tarihi: 10.03.2014)

Örgütsel Demokrasi

Year 2014, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 231 - 248, 14.10.2015


Günümüz dünyasında yaşanan ekonomik, siyasi, sosyal ve kültürel gelişmelerin etkilediği demokrasi anlayışı, örgütsel yaşamı da yeniden düşünmemize neden olmaktadır. Literatürde örgütsel demokrasiyi ele alan çalışmaların giderek artmakta olduğu ve örgütlere katkılarının veya zorluklarının tartışıldığı görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada, öncelikle örgütsel demokrasi kavramı, modern işletme yönetimi perspektifinden tanımlanmaya ve temellendirilmeye çalışılmış, daha sonra sırasıyla; örgütsel demokrasiye ilişkin bazı araştırmalar, örgütsel demokrasiye yönelişin nedenleri, örgütlere katkısı, uygulamadaki sorunlar ve zorluklar ve son olarak da örgütsel demokrasiyi sağlamanın yollarına ilişkin literatür incelemesi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın, örgütsel demokrasi kavramının, sadece insani boyutlara, çalışan mutluluğuna vurgu yapan bir ideal midir? Yoksa, 21.yy’da örgütsel hedeflere ulaşmada yönetsel olarak ele alınması gereken bir strateji midir? sorularını tartışmaya açması hedeflenmektedir.


  • Beetham, D. Boyle, K. (1998) Demokrasinin Temelleri 80 Soru ve Cevap (Çev. Vahit Bıçak) Ankara: Liberte Yayınları
  • Block, P. (1993) Stewardships:Choosing Service Over Self-Interest, San Francisco : Berrett- Koehler
  • Buhlungu, S. (2009) “The Rise And Decline Of The Democratic Organizational Culture İn The South African Labor Movement , 1973 To 2000”, Labor Studies Journal 34:9, 520-539
  • Butcher, D.,Clarke, M. (2002) “The Cornerstone For Organizational Democracy”. Organizational Dynamic, 31(1), 35-41
  • Collom, E., (2000). “Worker Control:The Bases of The Women’s Support”, Economic and Industrial Democracy&2000 21, 211-235
  • Collom, E., (2001-a). “Social Inequality and The Politics of Production: Americans’ Attitudes Toward Workplace Democracy”, University of California Riverside Doktora Tezi
  • Collom, E., (2001-b) “Clarifying The Cross-Class Support for Workplace Democracy” Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 45, 71-103
  • Collom, E. (2001-c) “Social Inequalityand the Politics of Production Identifying Potential Supporters of Economic Democracy”, Sociological Forum, 16, 471-501
  • Crane,A., Matten, D. (2005) “What is Stakeholder Democracy? Perspectives and Issues”, Business Ethics: A Europan Review, 14 (1), 6-13
  • Çam, S. (2009) “Şahsına Münhasır Bir Nesil: Devir Y Devri”, Progroup Bülten,3,
  • Çelik, O. (2007) İşletmelerde Muhasebe Bilgisi ve Şirket Demokrasisi, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi
  • Dahl, R. (2001) ”A Right Workplace Democracy? Response To Robert Meyer”, Review Of Politics, 63, 221-247
  • Davies, B. (1967) “Some Thoughts On Organizational Democracy”, Journal Of Management Studies, 4 (3), 270-281
  • Deist, H. V. (2008) “Possibilities Of Democratisation in Organisations”, Social Epistemology 22, 97-107
  • Diener, R. B. (2011) Positive Psychology As Social Change, London: Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg
  • Fenton, L. T. (2002) Democractic Company For Organizations Transforming Our Workplace and, 07.03.2014 USA: World Dynamic Inc, Kaynak:
  • Gand, S. Bejean, M. (2013) “Organizing sustainable democratic firms: processes of regeneration as the design European Academy of Management, EURAM 2013, Istanbul
  • models of cooperation” 13th Annual Conference of the
  • Hoffman, M.F. (2002) “Do All Things With Counsel, Benedictine Women and Organizational Democracy”, Communication Studies,53 (3), 203-218
  • Johnson, P. (2006) “Whence Democracy? A Review And Critique Of The Conceptual Dimentions And Implications Of The Business Case For Organizational Democracy.” University Of Sheffield, UK, 13 (2), 245-274
  • Kerr, A. (2004) “The Limits of Organizational Democracy” Academy of Management Executive, 18(3), 81-97
  • Koçel, T. (2003) İşletme Yöneticiliği, İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım
  • Lansbury, D. R. (2009) ”Workplace Democrarcy And The Global Financial Crisis” Journal Of Industrial Relations, Sage Publications, 51, 1-22
  • Luhman, J. T. (2006). “Theoretical Postulations on Organization Democracy”, Journal of Management Inquiry 15, 168-185
  • Ng, C., Ng, E. (2009) “Balancing The Democracy Dilemmas: Experience Of Women Workers’ Cooperatives In Hong Hong”, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30,182-206
  • Remtulla, K. A. (2007) “The Knowledge-Based Economy And E-Learning: Critical Considerations For Workplace Democracy”, Convergence 40, 9-24 International Council For Adult Education, 07.03.2014
  • Sartori, G. (1996). Demokrasi Teorisine Geri Dönüş, (Çev. Tuncer Karamustafaoğlu), Ankara: Mehmet Turan Yetkin Yayınları,
  • Smith, M. (1976) “ Barries To Organizational Democracy In Public Administration” Administration&Society, 8 (3), 275-317
  • Stohl C., Cheney, G. (2001) “Participatory Processes\Paradoxical Practices: Communication and The Dilemmas of Organizational Democracy”, Management Communication Quarterly, 14, 349-407
  • Şimşek, M. (2001) Toplam Kalite Yönetimi, İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları
  • Weber, W. Unterrainer, C., Schmid, B. (2009) “The Influence of Organizational Democracy on Employees Socio-Moral Climate and Prosocial Behavioral Orientations” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30, 1127-1149
  • Weber, W. (2001). Threats to and Prospects for Organizational Democracy Researh: Extended Version of a contribution for the International Conference "Participation Between Markets and Organizational Democracy", Organized by Manfred Moldaschl & Wolfgang G. Weber, 16-17 organizationaldemocracy.pdf, 31.01.2014
  • Yazdani, N. (2010) “Organizational Democracy and Organizational Structure Link: Role Of Strategic Leadership Enviromental Uncertainly ”, Research Journal Of The Institute of Business Administration, 5 (2), 51-73
  • Yazıcı, Ç. (2008) Öz Yönetim Modelinin Güncelliğinin Değerlendirilmesi , Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi
  •, Türkiye’de Y Kuşağının Özellikleri ve İstatistikler [Rapor] (erişim tarihi: 10.03.2014)
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Pınar , Asena Coşan , Gülova

Publication Date October 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 21 Issue: 2


APA Coşan , Gülova, P. ,. A. (2015). Örgütsel Demokrasi. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 21(2), 231-248.