Innovative Approaches in Fashion Retailing
Year 2016,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 29 - 38, 30.11.2016
Şirin Gizem Köse
Arzu Karaman Akgül
Intense competition in retailing industry forces retailers to nd new ways to attract consumers. Innovation stands out as a way to dierentiate a company and gain a competitive advantage in this competitive environment. Like almost all industries, innovation appears to be one of the most crucial success factors in the retail industry. This paper aims to provide insights about the innovative practices of fashion retailers in order to explain the technologies that can be used by fashion companies operating in retailing. Radio frequency identication, body scanning, virtual-try-on, augmented reality and magic mirror are discussed as innovative approaches in fashion retailing. The fashion retailers can benet from those approaches to better understand and reach consumers.
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- Azuma, R. T. (1997): A survey of augmented reality, Presence: Teleoperators and virtual environments, 6(4), 355385.
- Barnett, J. M., G. Grolleau, and S. El Harbi (2010): The fashion lottery: Cooperative innovation in stochastic markets, The Journal of Legal Studies, 39(1), 159200.
- Batista, L., and I. Ng (2012): The emergence of relationship-based retailinga perspective from the fashion sector, emergence, 10, 11.
- Begole, B., T. Matsumoto, W. Zhang, N. Yee, J. Liu, and M. Chu (2009): Designed to t: challenges of interaction design for clothes tting room technologies, in International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 448457. Springer.
- Berry, L. L., R. N. Bolton, C. H. Bridges, J. Meyer, A. Parasuraman, and K. Seiders (2010): Opportunities for innovation in the delivery of interactive retail services, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24(2), 155167.
- Berryman, D. R. (2012): Augmented reality: a review, Medical reference services quarterly, 31(2), 212218.
- Carmigniani, J., and B. Furht (2011): Augmented reality: an overview, in Handbook of augmented reality, pp. 346. Springer.
- D'Apuzzo, N., and A. Gruen (2009): Recent advances in 3D full body scanning with applications to fashion and apparel, Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques IX.
- Elsheikh, K. M., and M. F. El Feky (2015): Deployment of printed RFID in Egyptian apparel retailing.
- Ertürk, N. (2011): Moda Kavram, Moda Kuramlar ve Güncel Moda Eğilimi Çalışmalar, SDÜ Arte-Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Sanat Dergisi, 4(7).
- Goldsmith, R. E., M. A. Moore, and P. Beaudoin (1999): Fashion innovativeness and selfconcept: a replication, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 8(1), 718.
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- Istook, C. L., and S.-J. Hwang (2001): 3D body scanning systems with application to the apparel industry, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 5(2), 120132.
- Kabukcu, E. (2015): Creativity Process in Innovation Oriented Entrepreneurship: The case of Vakko, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 13211329.
- Kachare, S., S. Vanga, E. Gupta, and J. Borade (2015): Fashion Accessories Using Virtual Mirror, International Journal of Science and Technology.
- Loker, S., L. Cowie, S. Ashdown, et al. (2004): Female consumers' reactions to body scanning, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 22(4), 151160.
- Martínez, H., D. Skournetou, J. Hyppölä, S. Laukkanen, and A. Heikkilä (2014): Drivers and bottlenecks in the adoption of augmented reality applications, Journal ISSN, 2368, 5956.
- Moon, K., and E. Ngai (2008): The adoption of RFID in fashion retailing: a business value-added framework, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 108(5), 596612.
- Pachoulakis, I., and K. Kapetanakis (2012): Augmented reality platforms for virtual fitting rooms, The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications, 4(4), 35.
- Pantano, E. (2014): Innovation management in retailing: From consumer perspective to corporate strategy, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(5), 825826.
- Peng, F., D. Sweeney, and P. Delamore (2012): Digital Innovation in Fashion-How to'Capture'the User Experience in 3D Body Scanning, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (IJIEM), 3(4), 233240.
- Renko, S., and M. Druzijanic (2014): Perceived usefulness of innovative technology in retailing: Consumers' and retailers' point of view, Journal of retailing and consumer services, 21(5), 836843.
- Reynolds, J., and L. Hristov (2009): Are there barriers to innovation in retailing?, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 19(4), 317330.
- Sanganee, D. (2013): The eects of wearable computing and augmented reality on performing everyday tasks, Available FTP: http://www. idgconnect. com/view_abstract/14909/the-eectswearablecomputing-augmented-reality-performing-everyday-tasks.
- Trott, P. (2008): Innovation management and new product development. Pearson education.
- Tzou, R.-C., and H.-P. Lu (2009): Exploring the emotional, aesthetic, and ergonomic facets of innovative product on fashion technology acceptance model, Behaviour & Information Technology, 28(4), 311322.
- Ünay, F. G., and C. Zehir (2012): Innovation intelligence and entrepreneurship in the fashion industry, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 41, 315321.
- Varadarajan, R., R. Srinivasan, G. G. Vadakkepatt, M. S. Yadav, P. A. Pavlou, S. Krishnamurthy, and T. Krause (2010): Interactive technologies and retailing strategy: a review, conceptual framework and future research directions, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24(2), 96-110.
- Wong, W. K. ve Guo, Z. X. (2014): The Role Of RFID Technologies in the Textiles and Fashion Supply Chain: An Overview, in Fashion Supply Chain Management Using Radio Frequency Identication (RFID) Technologies, ed. by W. K. W. ve Z. X. Guo. Woodhead Publishing.
- Yuen, S., G. Yaoyuneyong, and E. Johnson (2011): Augmented reality: An overview and directions for AR in education, Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 4(1), 119140.
- Zhang, W., T. Matsumoto, J. Liu, M. Chu, and B. Begole (2008): An intelligent tting room using multi-camera perception, in Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces, pp. 6069. ACM.
Year 2016,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 29 - 38, 30.11.2016
Şirin Gizem Köse
Arzu Karaman Akgül
- Apeagyei, P. R. (2010): Application of 3D body scanning technology to human measurement for clothing Fit, this issue.
- Azuma, R. T. (1997): A survey of augmented reality, Presence: Teleoperators and virtual environments, 6(4), 355385.
- Barnett, J. M., G. Grolleau, and S. El Harbi (2010): The fashion lottery: Cooperative innovation in stochastic markets, The Journal of Legal Studies, 39(1), 159200.
- Batista, L., and I. Ng (2012): The emergence of relationship-based retailinga perspective from the fashion sector, emergence, 10, 11.
- Begole, B., T. Matsumoto, W. Zhang, N. Yee, J. Liu, and M. Chu (2009): Designed to t: challenges of interaction design for clothes tting room technologies, in International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 448457. Springer.
- Berry, L. L., R. N. Bolton, C. H. Bridges, J. Meyer, A. Parasuraman, and K. Seiders (2010): Opportunities for innovation in the delivery of interactive retail services, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24(2), 155167.
- Berryman, D. R. (2012): Augmented reality: a review, Medical reference services quarterly, 31(2), 212218.
- Carmigniani, J., and B. Furht (2011): Augmented reality: an overview, in Handbook of augmented reality, pp. 346. Springer.
- D'Apuzzo, N., and A. Gruen (2009): Recent advances in 3D full body scanning with applications to fashion and apparel, Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques IX.
- Elsheikh, K. M., and M. F. El Feky (2015): Deployment of printed RFID in Egyptian apparel retailing.
- Ertürk, N. (2011): Moda Kavram, Moda Kuramlar ve Güncel Moda Eğilimi Çalışmalar, SDÜ Arte-Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Sanat Dergisi, 4(7).
- Goldsmith, R. E., M. A. Moore, and P. Beaudoin (1999): Fashion innovativeness and selfconcept: a replication, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 8(1), 718.
- Hines, T. (2007): Globalization: global markets and global supplies, Fashion marketing, p. 1.
- Istook, C. L., and S.-J. Hwang (2001): 3D body scanning systems with application to the apparel industry, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 5(2), 120132.
- Kabukcu, E. (2015): Creativity Process in Innovation Oriented Entrepreneurship: The case of Vakko, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 13211329.
- Kachare, S., S. Vanga, E. Gupta, and J. Borade (2015): Fashion Accessories Using Virtual Mirror, International Journal of Science and Technology.
- Loker, S., L. Cowie, S. Ashdown, et al. (2004): Female consumers' reactions to body scanning, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 22(4), 151160.
- Martínez, H., D. Skournetou, J. Hyppölä, S. Laukkanen, and A. Heikkilä (2014): Drivers and bottlenecks in the adoption of augmented reality applications, Journal ISSN, 2368, 5956.
- Moon, K., and E. Ngai (2008): The adoption of RFID in fashion retailing: a business value-added framework, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 108(5), 596612.
- Pachoulakis, I., and K. Kapetanakis (2012): Augmented reality platforms for virtual fitting rooms, The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications, 4(4), 35.
- Pantano, E. (2014): Innovation management in retailing: From consumer perspective to corporate strategy, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(5), 825826.
- Peng, F., D. Sweeney, and P. Delamore (2012): Digital Innovation in Fashion-How to'Capture'the User Experience in 3D Body Scanning, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (IJIEM), 3(4), 233240.
- Renko, S., and M. Druzijanic (2014): Perceived usefulness of innovative technology in retailing: Consumers' and retailers' point of view, Journal of retailing and consumer services, 21(5), 836843.
- Reynolds, J., and L. Hristov (2009): Are there barriers to innovation in retailing?, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 19(4), 317330.
- Sanganee, D. (2013): The eects of wearable computing and augmented reality on performing everyday tasks, Available FTP: http://www. idgconnect. com/view_abstract/14909/the-eectswearablecomputing-augmented-reality-performing-everyday-tasks.
- Trott, P. (2008): Innovation management and new product development. Pearson education.
- Tzou, R.-C., and H.-P. Lu (2009): Exploring the emotional, aesthetic, and ergonomic facets of innovative product on fashion technology acceptance model, Behaviour & Information Technology, 28(4), 311322.
- Ünay, F. G., and C. Zehir (2012): Innovation intelligence and entrepreneurship in the fashion industry, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 41, 315321.
- Varadarajan, R., R. Srinivasan, G. G. Vadakkepatt, M. S. Yadav, P. A. Pavlou, S. Krishnamurthy, and T. Krause (2010): Interactive technologies and retailing strategy: a review, conceptual framework and future research directions, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24(2), 96-110.
- Wong, W. K. ve Guo, Z. X. (2014): The Role Of RFID Technologies in the Textiles and Fashion Supply Chain: An Overview, in Fashion Supply Chain Management Using Radio Frequency Identication (RFID) Technologies, ed. by W. K. W. ve Z. X. Guo. Woodhead Publishing.
- Yuen, S., G. Yaoyuneyong, and E. Johnson (2011): Augmented reality: An overview and directions for AR in education, Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 4(1), 119140.
- Zhang, W., T. Matsumoto, J. Liu, M. Chu, and B. Begole (2008): An intelligent tting room using multi-camera perception, in Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces, pp. 6069. ACM.