International Research Collaboration in Turkish Higher Education: The Role of Individual, Professional, and Institutional Factors
Year 2022,
, 62 - 76, 30.11.2022
Alper Çalıkoğlu
Yaşar Kondakçı
Fatma Nevra Seggıe
Globalizing forces in higher education put growing pressure on both institutions and academics worldwide to become engaged in international research collaboration (IRC). Similarly, in Türkiye, the recent governmental and institutional strategies have been ambitiously promoting academics’ endeavors toward IRC. This study examines factors influencing IRC in Turkish higher education based on academics’ attitudes and behaviors. We utilized relevant questions of an international research project and investigated the relationships between IRC and individual, professional, and institutional factors through a survey design. Our findings indicate that despite globalizing trends, a considerable proportion of the participant Turkish academics tend not to establish IRC. We also found that obtaining a doctoral degree abroad, holding higher academic titles, being employed in foundation universities, and orientation towards research that is multidisciplinary or international in scope are influential in establishing IRC. Based on national (i.e., Türkiye) developments and global trends in higher education and the academic profession, we discuss our findings and suggest measures and actions for policymakers and administrators.
Supporting Institution
Technological and Scientific Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Scientific Research Projects Unit
Project Number
TÜBİTAK- Project no: 117K917 and COMU BAP-Project no: SBA-2017-1093
APIKS project was supported by the Technological and
Scientific Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK- Project no: 117K917) and
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Scientific Research Projects Unit (COMU
BAP-Project no: SBA-2017-1093) in Türkiye.
- Abramo, G., D’Angelo, C. A., Di Costa, F. (2018). The effect of multidisciplinary collaborations on research diversification. Scientometrics, 116, 423–433.
- Abramo, G., D’Angelo, C. A., & Solazzi, M. (2011). The relationship between scientists’ research performance and the degree of internationalization of their research. Scientometrics, 86, 629–643.
- Altbach, P. G., & Knight, J. (2007). The internationalization of higher education: Motivations and realities. Journal of Studies in International Education, 11(3–4), 290–305.
- APIKSTR (2020). Project ethical approvals. Retrieved from (October 30, 2020).
- Arnett, J. J. (2016). The neglected 95%: Why American psychology needs to become less American. The American Psychologist, 63(7), 602–614.
- Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Razavieh, A., & Sorensen, C. (2010). Introduction to research in education. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.
- Bammer, G. (2008). Enhancing research collaborations: Three key management challenges. Research Policy, 37, 875–887.
- Bulut Şahin, B. (2017). Internationalization in Turkish universities: Contributions, conflicts, and sources of conflicts: A multiple case study. Doctoral dissertation, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
- Calikoglu, A., Lee, J. J., & Arslan, H. (2020). Faculty international engagement: Examining rationales, strategies, and barriers in institutional settings. Journal of Studies in International Education, 26(1), 61–79.
- CoHE (2015). Strategic plan of the Council of Higher Education: 2016–2020. [Report in Turkish]. Ankara: Yükseköğretim Kurulu.
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- Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research methods in education. London: Routledge
- Coleman, J. H. J. (1999). What enables self-organizing behavior in business. Emergence, 1(1), 33–48.
- Collyer, F. M. (2018). Global patterns in the publishing of academic knowledge: Global North, Global South. Current Sociology, 66(1), 56–73.
- Coveney, P., & Highfield, R. (1995). Frontiers of complexity. London: Faber & Faber.
- Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Cummings, W. K., & Finkelstein, M. J. (2012). Scholars in the changing American academy: New contexts, new rules and new roles. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Çalıkoğlu, A. (2017). Factors influencing faculty involvement in internationalization: A mixed methods study on rationales, incentives, and barriers. Doctoral dissertation, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey.
- Çalıkoğlu, A. & Bulut Şahin, B. (2018). Internationalization in the universities in Turkey: Similarities and differences between institutional strategies. [Paper in Turkish] Paper presented at the 3rd International Higher Education Studies Conference, October 11–13, 2018, Kayseri, Türkiye.
- Çelik, Z., & Gür, B. S. (2014). The governance of higher education systems and university autonomy: Global trends and the case of Turkey [Article in Turkish]. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi, 4(1), 18–27.
- Çetinsaya, G. (2014). Expansion, quality, internationalization: A roadmap for Turkey’s higher education [Book in Turkish]. Ankara: Yükseköğretim Kurulu.
de Wit, H. (2019). Internationalization in higher education: A critical review. SFU Educational Review, 12(3), 9–17.
- Dölen, E. (2013). German muderrisses in Istanbul Darulfunun: 1915–1918 [Book in Turkish]. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
- Eimers, M. T. (1997). The role of intrinsic enjoyment in motivating faculty. Thought & Action, 13(2), 125–142.
- Enders, J. (2004). Higher education, internationalization, and the nation-state: Recent developments and challenges to governance theory. Higher Education, 47, 361–382.
- Field, A. (2013). Discovering statistics using SPSS (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Finkelstein, M., & Sethi, W. (2014). Patterns of faculty internationalization: A predictive model. In F. Huang, M. Finkelstein, & M. Rostan (Eds.), The internationalization of the academy: Changes, realities and prospects (pp. 237–258). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Finkelstein, M. J., Walker, E., & Chen, R. (2013). The American faculty in an age of globalization: Predictors of internationalization of research content and professional networks. Higher Education, 66, 325–340.
- Fox, M. F., Realff, M. L., Rueda, D. R., & Morn, J. (2017). International research collaboration among women engineers: Frequency and perceived barriers, by regions. Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(6), 1292–1306.
- Gazni, A., Sugimoto, C. R., & Didegah, F. (2011). Mapping world scientific collaboration: Authors, institutions, and countries. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(2), 323–335.
- Güvenç, B. (1998). History of Turkish education. Ankara: Turkish Education Association.
- Hoekman, J., Frenken, K., & Tijssen, R. J. W. (2010). Research collaboration at a distance: Changing spatial patterns of scientific collaboration within Europe. Research Policy, 39, 662–673.
- Horvath, F., Weber, K., & Wicki, M. (2000). International research orientation of Swiss universities: Self-regulated or politically imposed? Higher Education, 40, 389–408.
- Huang, F. (2014). The internationalisation of the academic profession. In F. Huang, M. Finkelstein, & M. Rostan (Eds.), The internationalization of the academy: Changes, realities and prospects (pp. 1–21). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Jeong, S., Choi, J. Y., & Kim, J.-Y. (2014). On the drivers of international collaboration: The impact of informal communication, motivation, and research resources. Science and Public Policy, 41(4), 520–531.
- Jung, J., & Horta, H. (2013). Higher education research in Asia: A publication and co-publication analysis. Higher Education Quarterly, 67(4), 398–419.
- Kerr, C. (1994). Higher education cannot escape history, issues for the twenty-first century. New York, NY: State University of New York Press.
- Kezar, A., Maxey, D., & Holcombe, E. (2015). The professoriate reconsidered. A study of new faculty models: The delphi project on the changing faculty and student success. Los Angeles, CA: Pullias Center for Higher Education, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California.
- Khoo, S. M. (2011). Ethical globalisation or privileged internationalisation? Exploring global citizenship and internationalisation in Irish and Canadian universities. Globalisation Societies and Education, 9(3–4), 337–353.
- Knight, J. (2004). Internationalization remodeled: Definition, approaches and rationales. Journal of Studies in International Education, 8(5), 5–31.
- Kurt, T., Gür, B. S., & Çelik, Z. (2017). Necessity for reforming Turkish Higher Education System and possibility of governance of state universities by the board of trustees. Education and Science, 189, 49–71.
- Kwiek, M. (2014). The internationalization of the Polish academic profession: A European comparative approach. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 60, 681–695.
- Kwiek, M. (2015). The internationalization of research in Europe: A quantitative study of 11 national systems from a micro-level perspective. Journal of Studies in International Education, 19(4), 341–359.
- Kwiek, M. (2016). The European research elite: A cross-national study of highly productive academics across 11 European systems. Higher Education, 71(3), 379–397.
- Kwiek, M. (2018). International research collaboration and international research orientation: Comparative findings about European academics. Journal of Studies in International Education, 22(2), 136–160.
- Kwiek, M. (2019). Changing European academics: A comparative study of social stratification, work patterns and research productivity. London: Routledge.
- Kwiek, M. (2020). Internationalists and locals: International research collaboration in a resource-poor system. Scientometrics, 124, 57–105.
- Kyvik, S., & Larsen, I. M. (1994). International contact and research performance. Scientometrics, 29, 161–172.
- Kyvik, S., & Larsen, I. M. (1997). The exchange of knowledge. A small country in the international research community. Science Communication, 18(3), 238–264.
- Liu, S., Liu, M., Jiang, H., Lin, Y., & Xu, K. (2019). International comparisons of themes in higher education research. Higher Education Research & Development, 38(7), 1445–1460.
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- Mason, S., Merga, M. K., Canché, M. S. G., & Roni, S. M. (2021). The internationality of published higher education scholarship: How do the ‘top’ journals compare? Journal of Informetrics, 15, 101155.
- Melin, G. (2000). Pragmatism and self-organization: Research collaboration on the individual level. Research Policy, 29, 31–34.
- Moseneaga, A., & Agergaard, J. (2012). Agents of internationalisation? Danish universities’ practices for attracting international students. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 10(4), 519–538.
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- Özoglu, M., Gür, B. S., & Gümüs, S. (2016). Rapid expansion of higher education in Turkey: The challenges of recently established public universities (2006–2013). Higher Education Policy, 29(1), 21–39.
- Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative research and evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Rhoades, G., Kiyama, J. M., McCormick, R., & Quiroz, M. (2008). Local cosmopolitans and cosmopolitan locals: New models of professionals in the academy. The Review of Higher Education, 31, 209–235.
- Rostan, M., Ceravolo, F. A., & Metcalfe, S. A. (2014). The internationalization of research. In F. Huang, M. Finkelstein, & M. Rostan (Eds.), The internationalization of the academy: Changes, realities and prospects (pp. 119–144). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Selvitopu, A., & Aydın, A. (2018). Internationalization strategies in Turkish higher education: A qualitative inquiry in the process approach context. [Article in Turkish] Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(4): 803–823.
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- Smeby, J-Ch., & Gornitzka, Å. (2008). All cosmopolitans now? The changing international contacts of university researchers. In Å. Gornitzka, & L. Langfeldt (Eds.), Borderless knowledge. Understanding “new” internationalisation of research and higher education in Norway (pp. 37–50). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Stoop, I. (2012). Unit non-response due to refusal. In L. Gideon (Ed.), Handbook of survey methodology for the social sciences (pp. 121–147). Dordrecht: Springer.
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Türk Yükseköğretiminde Uluslararası Araştırma İş Birlikleri: Bireysel, Mesleki ve Kurumsal Faktörlerin Rolü
Year 2022,
, 62 - 76, 30.11.2022
Alper Çalıkoğlu
Yaşar Kondakçı
Fatma Nevra Seggıe
Küreselleşmenin yükseköğretimdeki etkisi, hem üniversiteleri hem de akademisyenleri uluslararası araştırma iş birliklerine daha fazla katılmaya zorlamaktadır. Türkiye’de de benzer şekilde, devletin ve üniversitelerin son dönem stratejileri akademisyenlerin uluslararası iş birliği kurma konusundaki çabalarını güçlü şekilde teşvik etmektedir. Bu çalışma, Türk yükseköğretiminde uluslararası araştırma iş birliğini etkileyen faktörleri, akademisyenlerin tutum ve davranışlarına göre incelemektedir. Çalışmada survey deseni çerçevesinde, uluslararası bir araştırma projesinin ilgili sorularına dayalı olarak, uluslararası araştırma iş birliği kurma ile bireysel, mesleki ve kurumsal faktörler arasındaki ilişkiler araştırılmışır. Bulgularımız, küresel trendlere rağmen, araştırmaya katılan akademisyenlerin, dikkate değer bir kısmının uluslararası araştırma iş birliği kurmadığını göstermektedir. Ayrıca, doktora derecesini yurtdışından alma, yüksek akademik unvanlara sahip olma, vakıf üniversitelerinde görev yapıyor olma ve multidisipliner ya da uluslararası odağı olan araştırma yöneliminin uluslararası araştırma iş birliği kurmada etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışmanın sonunda bulgular, yükseköğretimde ulusal gelişmeler ve küresel eğilimler çerçevesinde tartışılarak politika oluşturuculara ve yöneticilere önerilerde bulunmuştur.
Project Number
TÜBİTAK- Project no: 117K917 and COMU BAP-Project no: SBA-2017-1093
- Abramo, G., D’Angelo, C. A., Di Costa, F. (2018). The effect of multidisciplinary collaborations on research diversification. Scientometrics, 116, 423–433.
- Abramo, G., D’Angelo, C. A., & Solazzi, M. (2011). The relationship between scientists’ research performance and the degree of internationalization of their research. Scientometrics, 86, 629–643.
- Altbach, P. G., & Knight, J. (2007). The internationalization of higher education: Motivations and realities. Journal of Studies in International Education, 11(3–4), 290–305.
- APIKSTR (2020). Project ethical approvals. Retrieved from (October 30, 2020).
- Arnett, J. J. (2016). The neglected 95%: Why American psychology needs to become less American. The American Psychologist, 63(7), 602–614.
- Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Razavieh, A., & Sorensen, C. (2010). Introduction to research in education. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.
- Bammer, G. (2008). Enhancing research collaborations: Three key management challenges. Research Policy, 37, 875–887.
- Bulut Şahin, B. (2017). Internationalization in Turkish universities: Contributions, conflicts, and sources of conflicts: A multiple case study. Doctoral dissertation, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
- Calikoglu, A., Lee, J. J., & Arslan, H. (2020). Faculty international engagement: Examining rationales, strategies, and barriers in institutional settings. Journal of Studies in International Education, 26(1), 61–79.
- CoHE (2015). Strategic plan of the Council of Higher Education: 2016–2020. [Report in Turkish]. Ankara: Yükseköğretim Kurulu.
- CoHE (2017). Strategy document for the internationaliazation in higher education: 2018–2022. [Report in Turkish] Retrieved from (October 30, 2020).
- CoHE (2018). Higher education statistics on the 2017–2018 academic year. [Report in Turkish]. Retrieved from (October 30, 2020).
- Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research methods in education. London: Routledge
- Coleman, J. H. J. (1999). What enables self-organizing behavior in business. Emergence, 1(1), 33–48.
- Collyer, F. M. (2018). Global patterns in the publishing of academic knowledge: Global North, Global South. Current Sociology, 66(1), 56–73.
- Coveney, P., & Highfield, R. (1995). Frontiers of complexity. London: Faber & Faber.
- Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Cummings, W. K., & Finkelstein, M. J. (2012). Scholars in the changing American academy: New contexts, new rules and new roles. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Çalıkoğlu, A. (2017). Factors influencing faculty involvement in internationalization: A mixed methods study on rationales, incentives, and barriers. Doctoral dissertation, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey.
- Çalıkoğlu, A. & Bulut Şahin, B. (2018). Internationalization in the universities in Turkey: Similarities and differences between institutional strategies. [Paper in Turkish] Paper presented at the 3rd International Higher Education Studies Conference, October 11–13, 2018, Kayseri, Türkiye.
- Çelik, Z., & Gür, B. S. (2014). The governance of higher education systems and university autonomy: Global trends and the case of Turkey [Article in Turkish]. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi, 4(1), 18–27.
- Çetinsaya, G. (2014). Expansion, quality, internationalization: A roadmap for Turkey’s higher education [Book in Turkish]. Ankara: Yükseköğretim Kurulu.
de Wit, H. (2019). Internationalization in higher education: A critical review. SFU Educational Review, 12(3), 9–17.
- Dölen, E. (2013). German muderrisses in Istanbul Darulfunun: 1915–1918 [Book in Turkish]. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
- Eimers, M. T. (1997). The role of intrinsic enjoyment in motivating faculty. Thought & Action, 13(2), 125–142.
- Enders, J. (2004). Higher education, internationalization, and the nation-state: Recent developments and challenges to governance theory. Higher Education, 47, 361–382.
- Field, A. (2013). Discovering statistics using SPSS (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Finkelstein, M., & Sethi, W. (2014). Patterns of faculty internationalization: A predictive model. In F. Huang, M. Finkelstein, & M. Rostan (Eds.), The internationalization of the academy: Changes, realities and prospects (pp. 237–258). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Finkelstein, M. J., Walker, E., & Chen, R. (2013). The American faculty in an age of globalization: Predictors of internationalization of research content and professional networks. Higher Education, 66, 325–340.
- Fox, M. F., Realff, M. L., Rueda, D. R., & Morn, J. (2017). International research collaboration among women engineers: Frequency and perceived barriers, by regions. Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(6), 1292–1306.
- Gazni, A., Sugimoto, C. R., & Didegah, F. (2011). Mapping world scientific collaboration: Authors, institutions, and countries. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(2), 323–335.
- Güvenç, B. (1998). History of Turkish education. Ankara: Turkish Education Association.
- Hoekman, J., Frenken, K., & Tijssen, R. J. W. (2010). Research collaboration at a distance: Changing spatial patterns of scientific collaboration within Europe. Research Policy, 39, 662–673.
- Horvath, F., Weber, K., & Wicki, M. (2000). International research orientation of Swiss universities: Self-regulated or politically imposed? Higher Education, 40, 389–408.
- Huang, F. (2014). The internationalisation of the academic profession. In F. Huang, M. Finkelstein, & M. Rostan (Eds.), The internationalization of the academy: Changes, realities and prospects (pp. 1–21). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Jeong, S., Choi, J. Y., & Kim, J.-Y. (2014). On the drivers of international collaboration: The impact of informal communication, motivation, and research resources. Science and Public Policy, 41(4), 520–531.
- Jung, J., & Horta, H. (2013). Higher education research in Asia: A publication and co-publication analysis. Higher Education Quarterly, 67(4), 398–419.
- Kerr, C. (1994). Higher education cannot escape history, issues for the twenty-first century. New York, NY: State University of New York Press.
- Kezar, A., Maxey, D., & Holcombe, E. (2015). The professoriate reconsidered. A study of new faculty models: The delphi project on the changing faculty and student success. Los Angeles, CA: Pullias Center for Higher Education, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California.
- Khoo, S. M. (2011). Ethical globalisation or privileged internationalisation? Exploring global citizenship and internationalisation in Irish and Canadian universities. Globalisation Societies and Education, 9(3–4), 337–353.
- Knight, J. (2004). Internationalization remodeled: Definition, approaches and rationales. Journal of Studies in International Education, 8(5), 5–31.
- Kurt, T., Gür, B. S., & Çelik, Z. (2017). Necessity for reforming Turkish Higher Education System and possibility of governance of state universities by the board of trustees. Education and Science, 189, 49–71.
- Kwiek, M. (2014). The internationalization of the Polish academic profession: A European comparative approach. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 60, 681–695.
- Kwiek, M. (2015). The internationalization of research in Europe: A quantitative study of 11 national systems from a micro-level perspective. Journal of Studies in International Education, 19(4), 341–359.
- Kwiek, M. (2016). The European research elite: A cross-national study of highly productive academics across 11 European systems. Higher Education, 71(3), 379–397.
- Kwiek, M. (2018). International research collaboration and international research orientation: Comparative findings about European academics. Journal of Studies in International Education, 22(2), 136–160.
- Kwiek, M. (2019). Changing European academics: A comparative study of social stratification, work patterns and research productivity. London: Routledge.
- Kwiek, M. (2020). Internationalists and locals: International research collaboration in a resource-poor system. Scientometrics, 124, 57–105.
- Kyvik, S., & Larsen, I. M. (1994). International contact and research performance. Scientometrics, 29, 161–172.
- Kyvik, S., & Larsen, I. M. (1997). The exchange of knowledge. A small country in the international research community. Science Communication, 18(3), 238–264.
- Liu, S., Liu, M., Jiang, H., Lin, Y., & Xu, K. (2019). International comparisons of themes in higher education research. Higher Education Research & Development, 38(7), 1445–1460.
- Marginson, S. (2021). Heterogeneous systems and common objects: The relation between global and national science. Centre for Global Higher Education. Retrieved from (March 30, 2021).
- Mason, S., Merga, M. K., Canché, M. S. G., & Roni, S. M. (2021). The internationality of published higher education scholarship: How do the ‘top’ journals compare? Journal of Informetrics, 15, 101155.
- Melin, G. (2000). Pragmatism and self-organization: Research collaboration on the individual level. Research Policy, 29, 31–34.
- Moseneaga, A., & Agergaard, J. (2012). Agents of internationalisation? Danish universities’ practices for attracting international students. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 10(4), 519–538.
- Official Gazette (1981). The law of higher education [Text in Turkish]. Retrieved from (April 15, 2021).
- Özoglu, M., Gür, B. S., & Gümüs, S. (2016). Rapid expansion of higher education in Turkey: The challenges of recently established public universities (2006–2013). Higher Education Policy, 29(1), 21–39.
- Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative research and evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Rhoades, G., Kiyama, J. M., McCormick, R., & Quiroz, M. (2008). Local cosmopolitans and cosmopolitan locals: New models of professionals in the academy. The Review of Higher Education, 31, 209–235.
- Rostan, M., Ceravolo, F. A., & Metcalfe, S. A. (2014). The internationalization of research. In F. Huang, M. Finkelstein, & M. Rostan (Eds.), The internationalization of the academy: Changes, realities and prospects (pp. 119–144). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Selvitopu, A., & Aydın, A. (2018). Internationalization strategies in Turkish higher education: A qualitative inquiry in the process approach context. [Article in Turkish] Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(4): 803–823.
- SJR (2020a). Scimago country rankings: Turkey. Retrieved from (October 20, 2020).
- SJR (2020b). Scimago country comparison. Retrieved from (October 20, 2020).
- Smeby, J-Ch., & Gornitzka, Å. (2008). All cosmopolitans now? The changing international contacts of university researchers. In Å. Gornitzka, & L. Langfeldt (Eds.), Borderless knowledge. Understanding “new” internationalisation of research and higher education in Norway (pp. 37–50). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Stoop, I. (2012). Unit non-response due to refusal. In L. Gideon (Ed.), Handbook of survey methodology for the social sciences (pp. 121–147). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Tight, M. (2012). Higher education research 2000–2010: Changing journal publication patterns. Higher Education Research & Development, 31(5), 723–740.
- TÜBİTAK (n.d.a). Funding for scientific activities. [Text in Turkish] Retrieved from: (April 20, 2021).
- TÜBİTAK (n.d.b). International support programmes: 1071 Programme. [Text in Turkish] Retrieved from: (April 20, 2021).
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