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Türkiye'de ve Dünyada Ortak ve Çift Diploma Programları: Güncel Durum ve Öneriler

Year 2018, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 78 - 89, 01.04.2018


Bu çalışmada, dünyada ve Türkiye'de uygulanmakta olan ortak ve çift diploma programları (OÇDP) ile ilgili güncel durum, şimdiye kadar yapılan uygulamalardan elde edilen avantajlar ve karşılaşılan zorluklar bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirme, ilgili uluslararası yükseköğretim kurumlarının raporları, hakemli bilimsel makaleler ve yayınlanmış uzman görüşlerinin incelenmesi yoluyla yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamlı ve derinlikli bir alanyazın taraması sağlayarak dünyada ve Türkiye'de uygulanan OÇDP'lerin mevcut durumunu ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Ek olarak, bu programlarla hedeflenen çıktıların sağlanması için dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar sıralanarak tavsiyelerde bulunulmuş, gelecekte yapılabilecek daha kapsamlı araştırmalar için öneriler yapılmıştır.


  • Aarden, A., and Lokhoff, J. (2013). Framework for fair recognition of joint degrees. ECA Occasional Paper. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < assets/uploads/2014/01/Framework_for_Fair_Recognition_of_Joint _Degrees.pdf> adresinden erişildi.
  • ACE (2014). Mapping ınternational joint and dual degrees: U.S. program profiles and perspectives. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < room/Documents/Mapping-International-Joint-and-Dual-Degrees. pdf> adresinden erişildi.
  • ACE (2015). American Council on Education Annual Report. 7 Aralık 2017 tari- hinde < Report-2015.pdf> adresinden erişildi.
  • Aguirre, S., and Quemada, J. (2012). E-learning systems support of collab- orative agreements: A theoretical model. Educational Technology & Society, 15(4), 279–295.
  • Asgary, N., and Robbert, M. A. (2010) A cost-benefit analysis of an inter- national double degree programme. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 32(3), 317–325.
  • Auschner, E., Laumann, M., and Gröschke, D. (2015). Towards under- standing and fostering intercultural competence within double degree programs. Journal of the Australia and New Zealand Student Services Association, 45, April 2015.
  • Chan, S. (2012). Going international: Double/joint degree programs in a Taiwanese University. Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Development, 1(2), (December 2012): 17–27.
  • Culver, S., Puri, I., Spinelli, G., DePauw, K., and Dooley, J. (2012). Collaborative double degree programs and value added for students: Lessons learned through the evaluate-E project. In J. Ryan (Ed.), Cross- cultural teaching and learning for home and international students (pp. 182–195). London: Routledge.
  • Dukhanov, A. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, V. V., Bilyatdinova, A., Boukhanovsky, A. V., and Sloot, P. M. A. (2014). Double-degree master’s program in computational science: Experiences of ITMO University and University of Amsterdam. Procedia Computer Science, 29, 1433–1445.
  • Dvoretsky, S., Dvoretsky, D., and Dvoretskaya, E. (2013). Perspectives and challenges of developing joint and double-degree programs in Russian higher professional education. 2013 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), 494–496.
  • Hornberger, C. A., Erämaa, S., Helembai, K., McCartan, P. J., and Turtiainen, T. (2014). Responding to the call for globalization in nurs- ing education: The implementation of the transatlantic double-degree program. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30(3), 243–250.
  • Hou, A. Y. (2017). Qualification recognition of joint degrees in Europe and Asia in the era of massification. In K. H. Mok (Ed.), Managing interna- tional connectivity, diversity of learning and changing labour markets. East Asian perspectives (pp. 73–88). (In A. Y. Hou, A. Yonezawa, S.-J. Chan, K. H. Mok (Eds.), Higher education in Asia: Quality, excellence and governance.) New York: Springer.
  • Hou, A. Y., Ince, M., Tsai, S., Wang, W., Hung, V., Lin Jiang, C., and Chen, K. (2016). Quality assurance of joint degree programs from the perspective of quality assurance agencies: Experience in East Asia. Higher Education Research & Development, 35(3), 473–487.
  • Hou, A. Y., Morse, R., and Wang, W. (2017). Recognition of academic qualifications in transnational higher education and challenges for rec- ognizing a joint degree in Europe and Asia. Studies in Higher Education, 42(7), 1211–1228.
  • Institute of International Education (IIE) (2011). Open doors report. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < 2011-Briefing-Presentation.pdf> adresinden erişildi.
  • Jİrgensen, T. E. (2012). CODOC, Cooperation on doctoral education between Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. Brussels: European University Association. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < Publications_homepage_list/EUA_CODOC_web.sflb.ashx> adresin- den erişildi.
  • Knight, J. (2008). Joint and double degree programmes: Vexing questions and issues. The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education.
  • Knight, J. (2009). Double- and joint- degree programs: Double benefits or double counting? International Higher Education, 55, 12–13. 7 Aralık 2017 tari- hinde < 8423/7557> adresinden erişildi.
  • Knight, J. (2011). Doubts ve dilemmas with double degree programs. In: Globalisation and Internationalisation of Higher Education [online mono- graph]. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento (RUSC), 8(2), 297–312. UOC. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < e6/Doubts_and_Dilemmas_with_Double_Degree_Programs.pdf> adresinden erişildi.
  • Kuproyanov, R., and Kozlova, I. (2013). Developing double-degree bilin- gual Master’s program “Social Work in Industry”. 2013 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), 25–27 September, 2013, Kazan, Russia (pp. 633–635).
  • Kuder, M., and Obst, D. (2009). Joint and double-degree programs in the Transatlantic context: a survey report. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde <http:// JointandDoubleDegreePrograms.pdf> adresinden erişildi.
  • Lane, J. E., Krebs, K. C., and Thompson, L. (2015). Leveraging system assets to strengthen campus internationalization: Strategic planning and the role of leadership. International Briefs for Higher Education Leaders, 5, 7–10. Washington D.C.: Center for International Higher Education and American Council on Education.
  • Li, M., and Chen, Q. (2012). Globalization, internationalization and the world-class university movement: The China experience. In R. King, S. Marginson, and R. Naidoo (Eds.), Handbook of globalization and higher education (pp. 241–255). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
  • Lisho, M. (2017). A glimpse of challenges ve benefits associated with col- laborative postgraduate programmes in Sub-Saharan African Universities. Educational Research and Reviews, 12(4), 172–176.
  • Maiworm, F. (2006). Results of the survey on study programmes awarding double, multiple or joint degrees. In Study commissioned by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rectors’ Conference. Kassel: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rector’s Conference (HRK).
  • Nuffic (2015). Joint programmes from A to Z: A reference guide for practition- ers. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde <> adresinden erişildi.
  • Obst, D., and Kuder, M. (2012). International joint-and double-degree programs. International Higher Education, 66, 5–7.
  • Obst, D., Kuder, M., and Banks, C. (2011). Joint and double degree programs in the global context: Report on an international survey. IIE Report. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < and-Reports/IIE-Bookstore/Joint-Degree-Survey-Report-2011#.V4- s4ri7iko> adresinden erişildi.
  • OECD (2014). Education at a glance 2014: OECD indicators. Paris: OECD Publishing. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < 2014-en> adresinden erişildi.
  • Peterson, P. M. (2015). Introduction. International joint and dual degrees: Strategy and implementation. International Briefs for Higher Education Leaders, 5, 2. Washington D.C.: Center for International Higher Education and American Council on Education.
  • Rawashdeh, N. A., Tutunji, T. A., and Younis, M. B. (2014). Development of a Jordanian-European double-degree master program in mechatron- ics engineering. 15th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), September 9–11, 2014, Elgouna, Egypt.
  • Russell, A. W., Dolnicar, S., and Ayoub, M. (2007). Double degrees: Double the trouble or twice the return? Higher Education, 55(5), 575– 591.
  • Shamsuddin, A. H., Hunger, A., and Muchtar, A. (2013). Over 10 years of cooperation between Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany: Case study of the development of a fruit- ful partnership. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 102, 11–20.
  • Steve O. M., and Balraj, L. (2003) Higher education institutional collabo- rations: An analysis of models of joint degree programs, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 25(2), 131–145.
  • Tercanli, H. (2016). Turkish-German joint degree programs: Institutional per- spectives on sustainability. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < reader-e-book-2016/turkish-german-joint-degree-programs-institu- tional-perspectives-on-sustainability/> adresinden erişildi.
  • The JOI.CON Training Project (2012). Practical approaches to the manage- ment of joint programmes: Results from the JOI.CON Training Project. Leipzig.
  • Uroda, A. (2010). Borders bridging degrees: Harbin and Vladivostok’s dou- ble degree programs. In Chapman, D. W. (Ed.), Crossing borders in East Asian higher education (p. 231–264). Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre University of Hong Kong.
  • van den Hoven, E., and Connell, J. (2016). Joint doctoral supervision across countries: Changes, challenges and considerations. In P. Blessinger, D. Stockley (Eds.), Emerging directions in doctoral education, Innovations in higher education teaching and learning (Vol. 6, p. 259–280). 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde <> adresinden erişildi.
  • West, C. (2015). Degrees without borders. International Educator, July–Aug 2015, 20–32.

Joint and double degree programs in Turkey and around the world: Current implementations and suggestions for improvement

Year 2018, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 78 - 89, 01.04.2018


In this study, the current status of joint and double degree programs (JDDP) both in Turkey and in the world are reviewed in the light of the advantages and challenges that have been encountered in their implementation so far. The review was conducted through qualitative content analysis of the reports published by the relevant international higher education institutions, expert opinions, and scientific articles. Considering the lack of any similar review studies, this study fills a significant gap in the relevant literature in Turkey. Furthermore, key considerations are listed and recommendations are made for attaining the targeted outcomes in JDDPs. Suggestions for more comprehensive future studies covering additional dimensions are also made.


  • Aarden, A., and Lokhoff, J. (2013). Framework for fair recognition of joint degrees. ECA Occasional Paper. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < assets/uploads/2014/01/Framework_for_Fair_Recognition_of_Joint _Degrees.pdf> adresinden erişildi.
  • ACE (2014). Mapping ınternational joint and dual degrees: U.S. program profiles and perspectives. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < room/Documents/Mapping-International-Joint-and-Dual-Degrees. pdf> adresinden erişildi.
  • ACE (2015). American Council on Education Annual Report. 7 Aralık 2017 tari- hinde < Report-2015.pdf> adresinden erişildi.
  • Aguirre, S., and Quemada, J. (2012). E-learning systems support of collab- orative agreements: A theoretical model. Educational Technology & Society, 15(4), 279–295.
  • Asgary, N., and Robbert, M. A. (2010) A cost-benefit analysis of an inter- national double degree programme. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 32(3), 317–325.
  • Auschner, E., Laumann, M., and Gröschke, D. (2015). Towards under- standing and fostering intercultural competence within double degree programs. Journal of the Australia and New Zealand Student Services Association, 45, April 2015.
  • Chan, S. (2012). Going international: Double/joint degree programs in a Taiwanese University. Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Development, 1(2), (December 2012): 17–27.
  • Culver, S., Puri, I., Spinelli, G., DePauw, K., and Dooley, J. (2012). Collaborative double degree programs and value added for students: Lessons learned through the evaluate-E project. In J. Ryan (Ed.), Cross- cultural teaching and learning for home and international students (pp. 182–195). London: Routledge.
  • Dukhanov, A. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, V. V., Bilyatdinova, A., Boukhanovsky, A. V., and Sloot, P. M. A. (2014). Double-degree master’s program in computational science: Experiences of ITMO University and University of Amsterdam. Procedia Computer Science, 29, 1433–1445.
  • Dvoretsky, S., Dvoretsky, D., and Dvoretskaya, E. (2013). Perspectives and challenges of developing joint and double-degree programs in Russian higher professional education. 2013 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), 494–496.
  • Hornberger, C. A., Erämaa, S., Helembai, K., McCartan, P. J., and Turtiainen, T. (2014). Responding to the call for globalization in nurs- ing education: The implementation of the transatlantic double-degree program. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30(3), 243–250.
  • Hou, A. Y. (2017). Qualification recognition of joint degrees in Europe and Asia in the era of massification. In K. H. Mok (Ed.), Managing interna- tional connectivity, diversity of learning and changing labour markets. East Asian perspectives (pp. 73–88). (In A. Y. Hou, A. Yonezawa, S.-J. Chan, K. H. Mok (Eds.), Higher education in Asia: Quality, excellence and governance.) New York: Springer.
  • Hou, A. Y., Ince, M., Tsai, S., Wang, W., Hung, V., Lin Jiang, C., and Chen, K. (2016). Quality assurance of joint degree programs from the perspective of quality assurance agencies: Experience in East Asia. Higher Education Research & Development, 35(3), 473–487.
  • Hou, A. Y., Morse, R., and Wang, W. (2017). Recognition of academic qualifications in transnational higher education and challenges for rec- ognizing a joint degree in Europe and Asia. Studies in Higher Education, 42(7), 1211–1228.
  • Institute of International Education (IIE) (2011). Open doors report. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < 2011-Briefing-Presentation.pdf> adresinden erişildi.
  • Jİrgensen, T. E. (2012). CODOC, Cooperation on doctoral education between Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. Brussels: European University Association. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < Publications_homepage_list/EUA_CODOC_web.sflb.ashx> adresin- den erişildi.
  • Knight, J. (2008). Joint and double degree programmes: Vexing questions and issues. The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education.
  • Knight, J. (2009). Double- and joint- degree programs: Double benefits or double counting? International Higher Education, 55, 12–13. 7 Aralık 2017 tari- hinde < 8423/7557> adresinden erişildi.
  • Knight, J. (2011). Doubts ve dilemmas with double degree programs. In: Globalisation and Internationalisation of Higher Education [online mono- graph]. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento (RUSC), 8(2), 297–312. UOC. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < e6/Doubts_and_Dilemmas_with_Double_Degree_Programs.pdf> adresinden erişildi.
  • Kuproyanov, R., and Kozlova, I. (2013). Developing double-degree bilin- gual Master’s program “Social Work in Industry”. 2013 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), 25–27 September, 2013, Kazan, Russia (pp. 633–635).
  • Kuder, M., and Obst, D. (2009). Joint and double-degree programs in the Transatlantic context: a survey report. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde <http:// JointandDoubleDegreePrograms.pdf> adresinden erişildi.
  • Lane, J. E., Krebs, K. C., and Thompson, L. (2015). Leveraging system assets to strengthen campus internationalization: Strategic planning and the role of leadership. International Briefs for Higher Education Leaders, 5, 7–10. Washington D.C.: Center for International Higher Education and American Council on Education.
  • Li, M., and Chen, Q. (2012). Globalization, internationalization and the world-class university movement: The China experience. In R. King, S. Marginson, and R. Naidoo (Eds.), Handbook of globalization and higher education (pp. 241–255). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
  • Lisho, M. (2017). A glimpse of challenges ve benefits associated with col- laborative postgraduate programmes in Sub-Saharan African Universities. Educational Research and Reviews, 12(4), 172–176.
  • Maiworm, F. (2006). Results of the survey on study programmes awarding double, multiple or joint degrees. In Study commissioned by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rectors’ Conference. Kassel: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rector’s Conference (HRK).
  • Nuffic (2015). Joint programmes from A to Z: A reference guide for practition- ers. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde <> adresinden erişildi.
  • Obst, D., and Kuder, M. (2012). International joint-and double-degree programs. International Higher Education, 66, 5–7.
  • Obst, D., Kuder, M., and Banks, C. (2011). Joint and double degree programs in the global context: Report on an international survey. IIE Report. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < and-Reports/IIE-Bookstore/Joint-Degree-Survey-Report-2011#.V4- s4ri7iko> adresinden erişildi.
  • OECD (2014). Education at a glance 2014: OECD indicators. Paris: OECD Publishing. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < 2014-en> adresinden erişildi.
  • Peterson, P. M. (2015). Introduction. International joint and dual degrees: Strategy and implementation. International Briefs for Higher Education Leaders, 5, 2. Washington D.C.: Center for International Higher Education and American Council on Education.
  • Rawashdeh, N. A., Tutunji, T. A., and Younis, M. B. (2014). Development of a Jordanian-European double-degree master program in mechatron- ics engineering. 15th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), September 9–11, 2014, Elgouna, Egypt.
  • Russell, A. W., Dolnicar, S., and Ayoub, M. (2007). Double degrees: Double the trouble or twice the return? Higher Education, 55(5), 575– 591.
  • Shamsuddin, A. H., Hunger, A., and Muchtar, A. (2013). Over 10 years of cooperation between Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany: Case study of the development of a fruit- ful partnership. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 102, 11–20.
  • Steve O. M., and Balraj, L. (2003) Higher education institutional collabo- rations: An analysis of models of joint degree programs, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 25(2), 131–145.
  • Tercanli, H. (2016). Turkish-German joint degree programs: Institutional per- spectives on sustainability. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde < reader-e-book-2016/turkish-german-joint-degree-programs-institu- tional-perspectives-on-sustainability/> adresinden erişildi.
  • The JOI.CON Training Project (2012). Practical approaches to the manage- ment of joint programmes: Results from the JOI.CON Training Project. Leipzig.
  • Uroda, A. (2010). Borders bridging degrees: Harbin and Vladivostok’s dou- ble degree programs. In Chapman, D. W. (Ed.), Crossing borders in East Asian higher education (p. 231–264). Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre University of Hong Kong.
  • van den Hoven, E., and Connell, J. (2016). Joint doctoral supervision across countries: Changes, challenges and considerations. In P. Blessinger, D. Stockley (Eds.), Emerging directions in doctoral education, Innovations in higher education teaching and learning (Vol. 6, p. 259–280). 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde <> adresinden erişildi.
  • West, C. (2015). Degrees without borders. International Educator, July–Aug 2015, 20–32.
There are 39 citations in total.


Other ID JA63JF42DN
Journal Section Original Empirical Research

Mehmet Şengül This is me

Harun Serpil This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Şengül, M., & Serpil, H. (2018). Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Ortak ve Çift Diploma Programları: Güncel Durum ve Öneriler. Yükseköğretim Dergisi, 8(1), 78-89.

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