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Genç ö¤retim üyelerinin mesleki geliflim ihtiyaçlar›: Türkiye’deki bir devlet üniversitesinde tarama çal›flmas›

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 73 - 81, 01.08.2017


Bu makalede özet bulunmamaktadır.


  • Abebe, T., Bulver, K., Hanner, M. A., Kennedy-Hagan, K., Lee, J., Lovekamp, B., … Wyatt, D. (2010). Faculty development needs assessment survey. Eastern Illinois University. Accessed through <http://www.eiu. edu/~facdev/needsAssessment/survey.php> on May 23rd, 2014.
  • Avalos, B. (2011). Teacher professional development in teaching and teacher education over ten years. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27, 10–20.
  • Bender, W. N. (2012). Project-based learning: Differentiating instruction for the 21st century. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • Bretag, T., Mahmud, S., Wallace, M., Walker, R., McGowan, U., East, J., & James, C. (2014). Teach us how to do it properly An Australian aca- demic integrity student survey. Studies in Higher Education, 39(7), 1150–1169.
  • Brophy, J. E. (2010). Motivating students to learn (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Davis, S., Kirkland, R., & Sheehan, O. (2010). 2010–2014 CORE faculty devel- opment action plan executive summary. Accessed through <www.oucom.> on October 5th, 2014.
  • Elçi, A., & Yaratan, H. (2012). Needs for professional development in teaching and learning in an international university. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 49, 47–66.
  • Ekşi, G. (2010). An assessment of the professional development needs of English language instructors working at a state university. Unpublished master’s thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Eret, E., & Ok, A. (2014). Internet plagiarism in higher education: Tendencies, triggering factors and reasons among teacher candidates. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 39(8), 1002–1016.
  • Guskey, T. R. (2002). Professional development and teacher change. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 8(3), 381–391.
  • Hadar, L., & Brody, D. (2010). From isolation to symphonic harmony: Building a professional development community among teacher educa- tors. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(8), 1641–1651.
  • Hahn, T. B., & Lester, J. (2012). Faculty needs and preferences for profes- sional development. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 53(2), 82–97.
  • Kabakçı, I., & Odabaşı, H. F. (2008). The organization of the faculty devel- opment programs for research assistants: The case of education facul- ties in Turkey. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 7(3), 56–63.
  • Khan, M. N., & Sarwar, M. (2011). Needs assessment of university teach- ers for professional enhancement. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(2), 208–212.
  • Kitzrow, M. A. (2003). The mental health needs of today’s college students: Challenges and recommendations. NASPA Journal, 41, 165–179.
  • Koç, M., Demirbilek, M., & İnce, E. Y. (2015). A needs assessment for aca- demicians’ Professional development. Education and Science, 40(177), 297–311.
  • Latchem, C., Odabaşı, F. H., & Kabakçı, I. (2006). Online professional development for university teaching in Turkey: A proposal. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5(1), 20–26.
  • Macfarlane, B., Zhang, J., & Pun, A. (2014). Academic integrity: A review of the literature. Studies in Higher Education, 39(2), 339–358.
  • Matsubayaski, M., Drake, E., Shaw, A., & DeZure D. (2009). Needs assessment survey results: Faculty. Office of Faculty and Organizational Design (F&OD), Michigan State University. Accessed through <http://fod.msu. edu/sites/default/files/page_media/faculty-results.pdf> on November 4th, 2014.
  • McCabe, D. L., & Pavela, G. (2004). Ten (updated) principles of academic integrity: How faculty can foster student honesty. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 36(3), 10–15.
  • Moeini, H. (2003). A need analysis study for faculty development programs in METU and structural equation modeling of faculty needs. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Middle Technical East University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Murray, J. P. (2002). Faculty development in SACS-accredited community colleges. Community College Review, 29(4), 50–66.
  • Odabaşı, H. F. (2003). Faculty point of view on faculty development. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24, 86–89.
  • Odabaşı, H. F. (2005). The status and need for faculty development in Turkey. International Journal for Academic Development, 10(2), 139–142.
  • OECD (2009). The professional development of teachers. In OECD, Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments: First Results from TALIS (pp. 47–86). Paris: OECD.
  • Önkol, P. E. (2011). Perception of professional development at Bilkent University faculty Academic English program. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Opre, A., Zaharie, M., & Opre, D. (2008). Faculty development: Teaching staff needs, knowledge, and priorities. Cognition, Brain and Behavior, 12(1), 29–43.
  • Siddiqui, Z. S. (2006). Professional development of academics. A needs assessment. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Smith, K. (2003). So, what about the professional development of teacher educators? European Journal of Teacher Education, 26(2), 201–215.
  • Speck, M., & Knipe, C. (2005). Why can't we get it right? Designing high- quality professional development for standards-based schools (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • Swennen, A., Jones, K., & Volman, M. (2010). Teacher educators: Their identities, sub-identities and implications for professional development. Professional Development in Education, 36(1–2), 131–148.
  • Taylor, A., & McQuiggan, C. (2008). Faculty development programming: If we built it, will they come? Educause Quarterly, 3, 28–37.
  • Upcraft, M. L., & Schuh, J. H. (1996). Assessment in student affairs: A guide for practitioners. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Vajoczki, S., & Knorr, K. (2010). Faculty development information survey prelim- inary results. McMaster University report. Accessed through <http://cll. Report.pdf> on April 28th, 2014.
  • Van Schalkwyk, S., Leibowitz, B., Herman, N., & Farmer, J. (2015). Reflections on professional learning: Choices, context and culture. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 46, 4–10.
  • Wallin, D. L., & Smith, C. L. (2005). Professional development needs of full-time faculty in technical colleges. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 29(2), 87–108.

Professional Development Needs of Junior Faculty: A Survey Study in a Public University in Turkey

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 73 - 81, 01.08.2017


No abstract available


  • Abebe, T., Bulver, K., Hanner, M. A., Kennedy-Hagan, K., Lee, J., Lovekamp, B., … Wyatt, D. (2010). Faculty development needs assessment survey. Eastern Illinois University. Accessed through <http://www.eiu. edu/~facdev/needsAssessment/survey.php> on May 23rd, 2014.
  • Avalos, B. (2011). Teacher professional development in teaching and teacher education over ten years. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27, 10–20.
  • Bender, W. N. (2012). Project-based learning: Differentiating instruction for the 21st century. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • Bretag, T., Mahmud, S., Wallace, M., Walker, R., McGowan, U., East, J., & James, C. (2014). Teach us how to do it properly An Australian aca- demic integrity student survey. Studies in Higher Education, 39(7), 1150–1169.
  • Brophy, J. E. (2010). Motivating students to learn (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Davis, S., Kirkland, R., & Sheehan, O. (2010). 2010–2014 CORE faculty devel- opment action plan executive summary. Accessed through <www.oucom.> on October 5th, 2014.
  • Elçi, A., & Yaratan, H. (2012). Needs for professional development in teaching and learning in an international university. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 49, 47–66.
  • Ekşi, G. (2010). An assessment of the professional development needs of English language instructors working at a state university. Unpublished master’s thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Eret, E., & Ok, A. (2014). Internet plagiarism in higher education: Tendencies, triggering factors and reasons among teacher candidates. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 39(8), 1002–1016.
  • Guskey, T. R. (2002). Professional development and teacher change. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 8(3), 381–391.
  • Hadar, L., & Brody, D. (2010). From isolation to symphonic harmony: Building a professional development community among teacher educa- tors. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(8), 1641–1651.
  • Hahn, T. B., & Lester, J. (2012). Faculty needs and preferences for profes- sional development. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 53(2), 82–97.
  • Kabakçı, I., & Odabaşı, H. F. (2008). The organization of the faculty devel- opment programs for research assistants: The case of education facul- ties in Turkey. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 7(3), 56–63.
  • Khan, M. N., & Sarwar, M. (2011). Needs assessment of university teach- ers for professional enhancement. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(2), 208–212.
  • Kitzrow, M. A. (2003). The mental health needs of today’s college students: Challenges and recommendations. NASPA Journal, 41, 165–179.
  • Koç, M., Demirbilek, M., & İnce, E. Y. (2015). A needs assessment for aca- demicians’ Professional development. Education and Science, 40(177), 297–311.
  • Latchem, C., Odabaşı, F. H., & Kabakçı, I. (2006). Online professional development for university teaching in Turkey: A proposal. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5(1), 20–26.
  • Macfarlane, B., Zhang, J., & Pun, A. (2014). Academic integrity: A review of the literature. Studies in Higher Education, 39(2), 339–358.
  • Matsubayaski, M., Drake, E., Shaw, A., & DeZure D. (2009). Needs assessment survey results: Faculty. Office of Faculty and Organizational Design (F&OD), Michigan State University. Accessed through <http://fod.msu. edu/sites/default/files/page_media/faculty-results.pdf> on November 4th, 2014.
  • McCabe, D. L., & Pavela, G. (2004). Ten (updated) principles of academic integrity: How faculty can foster student honesty. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 36(3), 10–15.
  • Moeini, H. (2003). A need analysis study for faculty development programs in METU and structural equation modeling of faculty needs. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Middle Technical East University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Murray, J. P. (2002). Faculty development in SACS-accredited community colleges. Community College Review, 29(4), 50–66.
  • Odabaşı, H. F. (2003). Faculty point of view on faculty development. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24, 86–89.
  • Odabaşı, H. F. (2005). The status and need for faculty development in Turkey. International Journal for Academic Development, 10(2), 139–142.
  • OECD (2009). The professional development of teachers. In OECD, Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments: First Results from TALIS (pp. 47–86). Paris: OECD.
  • Önkol, P. E. (2011). Perception of professional development at Bilkent University faculty Academic English program. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Opre, A., Zaharie, M., & Opre, D. (2008). Faculty development: Teaching staff needs, knowledge, and priorities. Cognition, Brain and Behavior, 12(1), 29–43.
  • Siddiqui, Z. S. (2006). Professional development of academics. A needs assessment. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Smith, K. (2003). So, what about the professional development of teacher educators? European Journal of Teacher Education, 26(2), 201–215.
  • Speck, M., & Knipe, C. (2005). Why can't we get it right? Designing high- quality professional development for standards-based schools (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • Swennen, A., Jones, K., & Volman, M. (2010). Teacher educators: Their identities, sub-identities and implications for professional development. Professional Development in Education, 36(1–2), 131–148.
  • Taylor, A., & McQuiggan, C. (2008). Faculty development programming: If we built it, will they come? Educause Quarterly, 3, 28–37.
  • Upcraft, M. L., & Schuh, J. H. (1996). Assessment in student affairs: A guide for practitioners. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Vajoczki, S., & Knorr, K. (2010). Faculty development information survey prelim- inary results. McMaster University report. Accessed through <http://cll. Report.pdf> on April 28th, 2014.
  • Van Schalkwyk, S., Leibowitz, B., Herman, N., & Farmer, J. (2015). Reflections on professional learning: Choices, context and culture. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 46, 4–10.
  • Wallin, D. L., & Smith, C. L. (2005). Professional development needs of full-time faculty in technical colleges. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 29(2), 87–108.
There are 36 citations in total.


Other ID JA93CF85JG
Journal Section Original Empirical Research

Oya Yerin Güneri This is me

Yeşim Çapa Aydın This is me

Esra Eret Orhan This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Güneri, O. Y., Aydın, Y. Ç., & Orhan, E. E. (2017). Genç ö¤retim üyelerinin mesleki geliflim ihtiyaçlar›: Türkiye’deki bir devlet üniversitesinde tarama çal›flmas›. Yükseköğretim Dergisi, 7(2), 73-81.

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