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Daha İyi Tıp Eğitimi İçin Tartışılan Güncel Görüşler

Year 2013, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 165 - 168, 01.12.2013


Tıp fakültelerinde mezuniyet öncesi eğitimin daha iyi yapılabilmesi için ulusal ve uluslararası kurumlarda çeşitli çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Tıp eğitiminin sistematik, probleme dayalı, temel ve klinik bilimler arasında dikey ve yatay entegrasyon sağlanmış, insan bilimleri ile entegre, topluma dayalı, seçmelilerle zenginleştirilmiş, öğrenci merkezlilik ilkeleri temelinde yapılması vurgulanmaktadır.


  • Abaoğlu, C., Aleksanyan, V. (1981). Teşhisten tedaviye. 8. baskı. İstabul: Filiz Kitabevi.
  • Abaoğlu, C., Aleksanyan, V. (2000). Semptomdan teşhise. 10. baskı. İstabul: Filiz Kitabevi.
  • Ann, W. F., and Hemmer, P. A. (2012). Program evaluation models and related theories: AMEE Guide No. 67. Medical Teacher, 34(5), e288- 299.
  • Bilham, T. (2009) e-Learning in medical education: Guide Supplement 32.5 – Viewpoint. Medical Teacher, 31(5), 449-451.
  • Blake, J. M., Norman, G. R., and Smith, E. K. M. (1995). Report card from McMaster: student evaluation at a problem based medical school. The Lancet, 345, 899-901.
  • Cater, J. I., Forsyth, J. S., Frost, G. J. (1991). The use of the objective structured clinical examination as an audit of teaching and student performance. Medical Teacher, 13(3), 253-257.
  • Dennick, R.,Wilkinson, S., and Purcell, N. (2009) Online eAssessment: AMEE Guide, No. 39. Medical Teacher, 31(3), 129-206.
  • Dolmans, D. H. J. M., Wolfhagen, I. H. A. P., and Snellen-Balerdong, H. A. M. (1994). Improving the effectiveness of tutors in problem- based learning. Medical Teacher, 16(4), 369-378.
  • Garcio-Barbero, M., Salas, J. C., and Ortega, J. C. (1994). Educational programmes for health professionals: WHO learning to work for health series. No (1). Copenhagen: WHO.
  • General Medical Council. (1991). Undergaduate medical education. The need for change. London: GMC.
  • General Medical Council. (1993). Recommen dations on under graduate medical education. London: GMC.
  • Godfrey, R.C. (1995). Undergraduate examinations – a continuing tyran- ny. The Lancet, 345, 765-767.
  • Grieve, C. (1992). Knowledge increment assessed for three methodolo- gies of teaching physiology. Medical Teacher, 14(1), 27-32.
  • Harden, R. M., and Davis, M. H. (1995). AMEE Medical Education Guide No (5). The core curriculum with options or special study modules. Medical Teacher, 17(2), 125-148.
  • Harden, R. M, Laidlaw, J. M., Ker, J. S., and Mitchell, H. E. (1996). AMEE Medical Education Guide No. 7.: Task-based learning: An educational strategy for undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education, Part 2. Medical Teacher, 18(2), 91-98.
  • İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Özdeğerlendirme Raporu (2012). İstanbul: İ.Ü. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi.
  • Nordquist J. (2013) The case method in education.BMJ Lerning. 14 Nisan 2013 tarihinde < CaseBasedLearningppt---BMJ-Group> adresinden erişildi.
  • Mitchell, G. (1998). Problem-based learning in medical schools: a new aproach. Medical Teacher, 10(1), 57-68.
  • Parmelee, D., Michaelsen, L. K., Cook, S., and Hudes, D. P. (2012). Team-based learning: A practical guide: AMEE Guide No. 65. Medical Teacher, 34(5), e275-287.
  • Posluns, E., Shafir, M S., Keystone, J. S., Ennis, J., and Claessons, E. A. (1990). Rewarding medical teaching excellence in a major Canadian teaching hospital. Medical Teacher, 12(1), 13-22.
  • Robinson, Z., Hazelgrove-Planel, E., Edwards, Z., and Siassakos, D. (2010). Peer-assisted learning: a planning and implementation frame- work. Guide supplement 30.7 – practical application. Medical Teacher, 32(9), e366-368.
  • Rolfe, I., and McPherson, J. (1995). Formative assessment: how am I doing? The Lancet, 345, 837-839.
  • Schormair, C., Swietlik, U., Hofmann, U., and Wilm, S. (1992). Ten statements on the motivation of medical teacher stoteach. Medical Teacher, 14(4), 283-286.
  • Shumak, K. H. (1992). Medical curriculum changes in Ontario. The Lancet, 340, 1152.
  • Vleuten, C. P. M., and Newble, D. I. (1995). How can we test clinical reasoning? The Lancet, 345, 1032-1034.

Current concepts on better medical education

Year 2013, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 165 - 168, 01.12.2013


There are several national and international reports on how to improve the quality and scope of medical education in medical schools. It is emphasized that the medical education should be systematical, problem-based, horizontally and vertically integrated between basic and clinical sciences, integrated with human sciences, community-based, enriched with electives and student-centered.


  • Abaoğlu, C., Aleksanyan, V. (1981). Teşhisten tedaviye. 8. baskı. İstabul: Filiz Kitabevi.
  • Abaoğlu, C., Aleksanyan, V. (2000). Semptomdan teşhise. 10. baskı. İstabul: Filiz Kitabevi.
  • Ann, W. F., and Hemmer, P. A. (2012). Program evaluation models and related theories: AMEE Guide No. 67. Medical Teacher, 34(5), e288- 299.
  • Bilham, T. (2009) e-Learning in medical education: Guide Supplement 32.5 – Viewpoint. Medical Teacher, 31(5), 449-451.
  • Blake, J. M., Norman, G. R., and Smith, E. K. M. (1995). Report card from McMaster: student evaluation at a problem based medical school. The Lancet, 345, 899-901.
  • Cater, J. I., Forsyth, J. S., Frost, G. J. (1991). The use of the objective structured clinical examination as an audit of teaching and student performance. Medical Teacher, 13(3), 253-257.
  • Dennick, R.,Wilkinson, S., and Purcell, N. (2009) Online eAssessment: AMEE Guide, No. 39. Medical Teacher, 31(3), 129-206.
  • Dolmans, D. H. J. M., Wolfhagen, I. H. A. P., and Snellen-Balerdong, H. A. M. (1994). Improving the effectiveness of tutors in problem- based learning. Medical Teacher, 16(4), 369-378.
  • Garcio-Barbero, M., Salas, J. C., and Ortega, J. C. (1994). Educational programmes for health professionals: WHO learning to work for health series. No (1). Copenhagen: WHO.
  • General Medical Council. (1991). Undergaduate medical education. The need for change. London: GMC.
  • General Medical Council. (1993). Recommen dations on under graduate medical education. London: GMC.
  • Godfrey, R.C. (1995). Undergraduate examinations – a continuing tyran- ny. The Lancet, 345, 765-767.
  • Grieve, C. (1992). Knowledge increment assessed for three methodolo- gies of teaching physiology. Medical Teacher, 14(1), 27-32.
  • Harden, R. M., and Davis, M. H. (1995). AMEE Medical Education Guide No (5). The core curriculum with options or special study modules. Medical Teacher, 17(2), 125-148.
  • Harden, R. M, Laidlaw, J. M., Ker, J. S., and Mitchell, H. E. (1996). AMEE Medical Education Guide No. 7.: Task-based learning: An educational strategy for undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education, Part 2. Medical Teacher, 18(2), 91-98.
  • İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Özdeğerlendirme Raporu (2012). İstanbul: İ.Ü. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi.
  • Nordquist J. (2013) The case method in education.BMJ Lerning. 14 Nisan 2013 tarihinde < CaseBasedLearningppt---BMJ-Group> adresinden erişildi.
  • Mitchell, G. (1998). Problem-based learning in medical schools: a new aproach. Medical Teacher, 10(1), 57-68.
  • Parmelee, D., Michaelsen, L. K., Cook, S., and Hudes, D. P. (2012). Team-based learning: A practical guide: AMEE Guide No. 65. Medical Teacher, 34(5), e275-287.
  • Posluns, E., Shafir, M S., Keystone, J. S., Ennis, J., and Claessons, E. A. (1990). Rewarding medical teaching excellence in a major Canadian teaching hospital. Medical Teacher, 12(1), 13-22.
  • Robinson, Z., Hazelgrove-Planel, E., Edwards, Z., and Siassakos, D. (2010). Peer-assisted learning: a planning and implementation frame- work. Guide supplement 30.7 – practical application. Medical Teacher, 32(9), e366-368.
  • Rolfe, I., and McPherson, J. (1995). Formative assessment: how am I doing? The Lancet, 345, 837-839.
  • Schormair, C., Swietlik, U., Hofmann, U., and Wilm, S. (1992). Ten statements on the motivation of medical teacher stoteach. Medical Teacher, 14(4), 283-286.
  • Shumak, K. H. (1992). Medical curriculum changes in Ontario. The Lancet, 340, 1152.
  • Vleuten, C. P. M., and Newble, D. I. (1995). How can we test clinical reasoning? The Lancet, 345, 1032-1034.
There are 25 citations in total.


Other ID JA79AK84YM
Journal Section Original Empirical Research

Zeynep Solakoğlu This is me

Feyza Darendeliler This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 3 Issue: 3


APA Solakoğlu, Z., & Darendeliler, F. (2013). Daha İyi Tıp Eğitimi İçin Tartışılan Güncel Görüşler. Yükseköğretim Dergisi, 3(3), 165-168.

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