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Erken anöstrüs döneminde Siirt keçilerine melatonin uygulamalarının ovulasyon ve gebelik oranları üzerine etkileri

Year 2001, Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2, 87 - 94, 01.06.2001


Bu çalışmada Siirt keçilerinde erken anöstrüs döneminde melatonin uygulamalarının ovulasyon ve gebelik üzerine etkileri araştırıldı. Çalışma Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Deneme ve Uygulama Çiftliğinde, 2-3 yaşlı, 25 adet keçi üzerinde yapıldı. Keçiler melatonin n:15 ve kontrol n:10 olarak 2 gruba ayrıldı. Doğal aşımlar ve östrüs tespiti için 4 adet sağlıklı teke kullanıldı. Grup I’deki keçilerin herbirine 2 Haziran 1999 tarihinde 18 mg melatonin içeren implant Melovine, Sanofı kulak derisi altına uygulandı. Grup IFdekilere ise herhangi bir uygulama yapılmadı. Sabah - akşam 45 dakika arama tekesi ile 40. günden itibaren 50 gün süreyle östrüs takibi yapıldı. Grup I ve grup IFye ait tüm keçilerden plazma progesteron seviyesinin ölçümü için implant uygulama gününden başlayarak haftada 1 kez kan alındı. Plazma progesteron konsantrasyonları EIA kullanılarak belirlendi. îstatistiki analizlerde t testinden yararlanıldı. Her iki gruptaki keçilerde plazma progesteron düzeyi 14. haftaya kadar 1 ng/ml’nin altında seyretti. Melatonin grubuna ait keçilerin plazma progesteron düzeyi kontrol grubundan 1 hafta önce 15. haftada 1 ng/ml’nin üzerine çıktı. Grup I ve grup IFye ait keçilerden elde edilen östrüs oranları sırasıyla % 87 ve % 60, gebelik oranları ise % 78 ve % 50 olarak bulundu. Sonuç olarak anöstrüs dönemindeki Siirt keçilerinde melatonin implantlarının ovaryum aktivitesini kontrol grubundan ancak 7-10 gün önce başlatabildiği belirlendi. Melatonin uygulamasının östrüs ve gebelik oranlarında artış sağladığı kanısına varıldı


  • 1. Alan M: Goat Breeding. Goat Farming. Second Edition, 54 - 80, London, (1992).
  • 2. Gordan 1: Artifıcial Control of Oestrus and Breeding Activity in Goats. Controlled Reproduction in Sheep and Goat, Second Edition, Cambridge 374 - 397, (1999).
  • 3. Coop IE: Reproduction in Goats. Woıid Ani Sci New Zealand 74-79,(1982).
  • 4. McDonald LE: Reproductive Pattems of Sheep and Goat. Veterinary Endocrinology and Reproduction Fourth Edition Philadelphia 438 - 443, (1989)
  • 5. Alaçam E: Pubertas ve Seksüel Sikluslar, Evcil Hayvanlarda Doğum ve İnfertilite. Editör : E. Alaçam, Medisan Yayınevi. Ankara 13-30,(1997).
  • 6. Tekin N, Muyan M: Keçilerde Başlıca Dölerme Özellikleri. Doğa Bilim Dergisi, 9,2: 208-219, (1985).
  • 7. Chemineau P , Martin GB , Saumende J, Normant E: Seasonal and Hormonel Control of Pulsatile LH Secıetion in the Dairy Goat (Capra hircus). J Repıod Fert 83: 91-98,(1988).
  • 8. Sawada T , Takahara Y, Moıi J: Secretion of Progesterone During Long and Short Days of the Estrous Cycle in Goats That Are Contınuous Breeders. Theriogenology 43: 789 - 795,(1995).
  • 9. Thibier M, Pothelet D, Jeanguyot N, De Montigny G : Estrus behavior, progesteron in peripheral plasma and milk in dairy goats at the onset of the breeding season. J Dairy Sci , 64:513- 519,(1981).
  • 10. Stankov B, Cozzi B. Lucini V, Fumagalli P, Scaglione F, Fraschini F: Characterization and Mapping of Melatonin Receptors in the Brain of Three Mammalian Species, Rabbit, Horse and Sheep, Neuroendocrinology, 53: 214-221, (1991).
  • 11. Malpoux B, Vıguıe C, Thiery JC, Chemineau. P: Controle Photoperiodique de la Reproduction. INFRA Productions Animales 9: 9 - 23, (1996).
  • 12. Arendt J: Melatonin. Clinical Endocrinology 29: 205 -229, (1988).
  • 13. Huether G: The Contribution of Extıapineal Sites of Melatonin Synthesis to Melatonin Synthesis to Circulating Melatonin Levels in Higher Vertabrates. Experientia 49: 665 - 670, (1993).
  • 14. Deveson LS, Forsyth IA, Arendt J: Induced Out - of - Season Breeding in British Saanen Dairy Goats : Use of Artifıcial Photoperiods and/or Melatonin Administration. Anim Reprod Sci 29 : 1 - 15, (1992).
  • 15. Chemineau P, Malpoux B, Delgadillo JA , Guerin Y, Ravault J P: Control of Sheep and Goat Reproduction : Use of Light and Melatonin. Anim Reprod Sci 24: 109 - 118, (1992).
  • 16. Chemineau P, Malpoux B, Pelletier J, Leboeuf B, Delgadillo J A, Deletang F, Popel T, Briçe, G: Emploi des Implants de Melatonine et des Traitments Photoperiodiques Pour Maitriser la Reproduction Saisonniere Chez les Ovins et les Caprins. Pıod Anim 9(1): 45-60, (1996).
  • 17. Arendt J, Symons AM. English J, Poulton AL, Tobler I: How Does Melatonin Control Seasonal Reproductive Cycles. Reprod Nutr Develop 28: 2B 387-397,(1988).
  • 18. Arendt J, Symons AM, Laud CA, Pryde S J: Melatonin can Induce Early Onset of the Breeding Season in Ewes. J Endocr 97:395- 400,(1983).
  • 19. English J . Poulton A L, Arendt J, Symons AMA: Comparison of the Effıciency of Melatonin Treatments in Advancing Oestrus in Ewes. J Reprod Fert 77: 321 -327, (1986).
  • 20. Jordan B. Hanrahan J P, Roche J F : The Effect of Melatonin Implantation in January on the Breeding Season of Ewes. 11. International Congress on Animal Reproduction and Artifıcial Insemination 4: 409-411, (1988).
  • 21. Rondon Z, Forcada F , Zarazaga L, Abecia JA, Lazono J M: Oestrous Activity, Ovulation Rate and Plasma Melatonin Concentrations in Rasa Aragonesa Ewes Maintened at Two Different and Constant Body Condition Score Levels and împlanted or Reimplanted With Melatonin. Anim Reprod Sci 41: 225-236,(1996).
  • 22. Johnston JPJ. Quirke JF, Boland MP, Roche JF: The Effect of Continuous or İntermittent Melatonin on Seasonal Breeding of Ewes. 11. International Congress on Animal Reproduction and Artifıcial Insemination Dublin 4: 408,(1988).
  • 23. Maeda K I, Mori Y, Kano Y: Involvement of Melatonin in the Seasonal Changes of the Gonadal Function and Prolactin Secretion in Female Goats. Reprod Nutr Develop 28: ( 2B ) 487 - 497, (1988).
  • 24. Chemineau P, Malpoux B, Guerin Y, Maurice F, Daveau A, Pelletier J: Lumiere et Melatonine Pour la Maîtrise de la Reproduction des Ovins et des Caprins. Ann Zootech 41: 247 -261 (1992).
  • 25. Prandi A, Romagnoli F, Chiesa F, Tamanini C : Plasma Prolactin Variations and Onset of Ovarian Activity in Lactating Anestrous Goats Given Melatonin. Anim Reprod Sci 13: 291 -297, (1987).
  • 26. Chemineau P: Effect on Oestrus and Ovulation of Exposing Creole Goats to the Male at Three Times of the Year. J Reprod Fert 67: 65 -72, (1983).
  • 27. Zygoyiannis D, Davies PH, Doney JM: The Effect of Melatonin on Seasonal Reproduction Of İndigenous and Crossbıed Dairy Goats in Greece. Anim Prod 57: 273 - 279, (1993).
  • 28. Chemineau P, Normant E., Ravault J P, Thimonier J: Induction and Persistence of Pituitary and Ovarian Activity in the Out - of - Season Lactating Dairy Goat After a Treatment Combining a Skeloton Photoperiod, Melatonin and the Male Effect. J Reprod Fert 78: 497-504, (1986).
  • 29. Kutsal A, Alpan O, Arpacık R: İstatistik uygulamaları. Bizim Büro Basımevi Ankara, (1990) .
  • 30. Poulton AL: The Proposed Use of Melatonin in Controlled Sheep Breeding. Aust J Biol Sci 41: 87-96, (1988).
  • 31. Tamarkin L, Baird CJ, Almeida OFX: Melatonin: A Coordinating Signal for Mammalian Reproduction. Science, 227 : 714-720, (1985).
  • 32. Staples LD , Mcphee E, Kennaway DJ, Williams AH : The înfluence of Exogenous Melatonin on the Seasonal Patterns of Ovulation and Oestrus in Sheep. Anim Reprod Sci 30: 185- 223,(1992).
  • 33. Robinson JJ , Wigzell, S J, Aitken RP, Wallace JM, Ireland S, Robertson IS: Daily Oral Administration of Melatonin from March Onwards Advances by 4 Months the Breeding Season of Ewes Maintened Under the Ambient Photoperiod at 57 N. Anim. Reprod Sci 27: 141 - 160, (1992).
  • 34. Thibier M, Pothelet D, Jeanguyat N, De Montigny D: Estrous Behavior, Progesterone in Peripheral Plasma and Milk in Dairy Goats at Onset of Breeding Season. J. Dairy. Science, 64 (3): 513- 519,(1981).
  • 35. Haresing W. Mcleod BJ: The Effect of Melatonin İmplants on Breeding Activity and Litter Size in Commercial Sheep Flocks in the UK. Anim. Product 50: 111 -121,(1985).
  • 36. Wigzell J, Robinson J, Aitken RP, Mckelvey MAC: The Effect of the Oral Administration of Melatonin at two Times of the Year on Ovarian Activity in Ewes. Anim. Product 42: 448 -449, (1986).
  • 37. Williams LY, Helliwell RJA: Melatonin and Seasonality in the Sheep. Anim Reprod Sci 33: 159-182,(1993).
  • 38. Luhman CM, Slyster AL: The Effect of Photoperiod and Melatonin Feeding on Reproduction in the Ewe. Theriogenology, 26: 6 721 - 732.(1986).
  • 39. Nett TM, Nıswender GD : înfluence of Exogenous Melatonin on Seasonality of Reproduction in Sheep. Theriogenology 17: 645- 653,(1985).
  • 40. Baştan A: Akkaraman Irkı Koyunlarda Melatonin ve Progesteron Uygulamalarının Reprodüktif Performans Üzerine Etkileri. A Ü Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi, Ankara, (1995).
  • 41. Williams HL : The Effect of Feeding Melatonin During Late Summer on the Onset of the Breeding Season of Sheep. Br. Vet J 140: (4)407-408, (1984).
  • 42. Rodway RG, Rajkumar RR, Nowak R , Ward SJ, Argo CM : The Use of Vaginally Administered Melatonin in the Manipulation of the Breeding Season in Ewes. Anim Product 42: 448,(1986).
  • 43. Kaya A : Anöstrüs Dönemindeki Koyunlarda Melatonin ve Koç Etkisi Uygulamalarının Bazı Üreme Parametrelerine Etkileri. S Ü Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi Konya (1996).
  • 44. Kaya A , Ataman M B. Karaca F, Yıldız C, Çoyan K , Aksoy M, Ergin A: Konya Merinosu Koyunlarında Melatonin. ProgesteronPMSG ve Koç Etkisi Uygulamalarının Erken Anöstrüs Döneminde Bazı Üreme Parametrelerine Etkileri. Hay Araş Derg Konya, (1997).
  • 45. Sweeney T, Q’ Callahan D: Breeding Season and Ovulation Rate in Ewes Treated With Long Days in Spring Follovved by a Melatonin İmplant and Exposure to a Ram.Animal Science 62: 507-512,(1996).

The effects of melatonin implantation in the early anoestrus period on the onset of ovulation and pregnancy in Siirt goats

Year 2001, Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2, 87 - 94, 01.06.2001


In this study, the effects of melatonin implantation in the early anoestrus period on the onset of ovulation and pregnancy were investigated in Siirt goats. The study was carried out on a total of 25 Siirt goats aged betvveen 2 to 3 years old animals belong to Research Farm of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Yüzüncü Yıl. The goats allocated as group I n: 15 and group II n:10 . Implants containing 18 mg melatonin Regulin, Hoechst were implanted under the ear skin of goats in Group I on day June the 2 nd, 1999. Goats in group II were used as control. Four healthy male goats were used to detect natural breeding and oestrus. Fourty days after melatonin implantation, oestrus detection was made with the male goats for 45 minutes in the every mornings and evenings during 50 days. Blood samples starting from the day implantation made were collected önce a week to detect plasma progesteron levels to monitöre onset of, ovarian activity. Plasma progesteron concentrations weı*e determined by EIA. Student’s t test was used for the statistical analyzies. Plasma progesteron concentrations were under 1 ng/ml up to fourteen weeks in both groups of goats. Plasma progesteron concentrations increased to över 1 ng per mİ 15 th weeks, a week befoıe control group, in melatonin group. Oestrus rates in the goat in group I and II were 87 % and 60 %, respectively. Pregnancy rates were 78 % and 50 %, respectively in group 1 and II. As a result; implantation of melatonin to the Siirt goats during anoestrus started ovarian activity only 7-10 days earlier compared to control group. Furthermore; implantations of melatonin believed to increase the rates of oestrus and pregnancy in the Siirt goats


  • 1. Alan M: Goat Breeding. Goat Farming. Second Edition, 54 - 80, London, (1992).
  • 2. Gordan 1: Artifıcial Control of Oestrus and Breeding Activity in Goats. Controlled Reproduction in Sheep and Goat, Second Edition, Cambridge 374 - 397, (1999).
  • 3. Coop IE: Reproduction in Goats. Woıid Ani Sci New Zealand 74-79,(1982).
  • 4. McDonald LE: Reproductive Pattems of Sheep and Goat. Veterinary Endocrinology and Reproduction Fourth Edition Philadelphia 438 - 443, (1989)
  • 5. Alaçam E: Pubertas ve Seksüel Sikluslar, Evcil Hayvanlarda Doğum ve İnfertilite. Editör : E. Alaçam, Medisan Yayınevi. Ankara 13-30,(1997).
  • 6. Tekin N, Muyan M: Keçilerde Başlıca Dölerme Özellikleri. Doğa Bilim Dergisi, 9,2: 208-219, (1985).
  • 7. Chemineau P , Martin GB , Saumende J, Normant E: Seasonal and Hormonel Control of Pulsatile LH Secıetion in the Dairy Goat (Capra hircus). J Repıod Fert 83: 91-98,(1988).
  • 8. Sawada T , Takahara Y, Moıi J: Secretion of Progesterone During Long and Short Days of the Estrous Cycle in Goats That Are Contınuous Breeders. Theriogenology 43: 789 - 795,(1995).
  • 9. Thibier M, Pothelet D, Jeanguyot N, De Montigny G : Estrus behavior, progesteron in peripheral plasma and milk in dairy goats at the onset of the breeding season. J Dairy Sci , 64:513- 519,(1981).
  • 10. Stankov B, Cozzi B. Lucini V, Fumagalli P, Scaglione F, Fraschini F: Characterization and Mapping of Melatonin Receptors in the Brain of Three Mammalian Species, Rabbit, Horse and Sheep, Neuroendocrinology, 53: 214-221, (1991).
  • 11. Malpoux B, Vıguıe C, Thiery JC, Chemineau. P: Controle Photoperiodique de la Reproduction. INFRA Productions Animales 9: 9 - 23, (1996).
  • 12. Arendt J: Melatonin. Clinical Endocrinology 29: 205 -229, (1988).
  • 13. Huether G: The Contribution of Extıapineal Sites of Melatonin Synthesis to Melatonin Synthesis to Circulating Melatonin Levels in Higher Vertabrates. Experientia 49: 665 - 670, (1993).
  • 14. Deveson LS, Forsyth IA, Arendt J: Induced Out - of - Season Breeding in British Saanen Dairy Goats : Use of Artifıcial Photoperiods and/or Melatonin Administration. Anim Reprod Sci 29 : 1 - 15, (1992).
  • 15. Chemineau P, Malpoux B, Delgadillo JA , Guerin Y, Ravault J P: Control of Sheep and Goat Reproduction : Use of Light and Melatonin. Anim Reprod Sci 24: 109 - 118, (1992).
  • 16. Chemineau P, Malpoux B, Pelletier J, Leboeuf B, Delgadillo J A, Deletang F, Popel T, Briçe, G: Emploi des Implants de Melatonine et des Traitments Photoperiodiques Pour Maitriser la Reproduction Saisonniere Chez les Ovins et les Caprins. Pıod Anim 9(1): 45-60, (1996).
  • 17. Arendt J, Symons AM. English J, Poulton AL, Tobler I: How Does Melatonin Control Seasonal Reproductive Cycles. Reprod Nutr Develop 28: 2B 387-397,(1988).
  • 18. Arendt J, Symons AM, Laud CA, Pryde S J: Melatonin can Induce Early Onset of the Breeding Season in Ewes. J Endocr 97:395- 400,(1983).
  • 19. English J . Poulton A L, Arendt J, Symons AMA: Comparison of the Effıciency of Melatonin Treatments in Advancing Oestrus in Ewes. J Reprod Fert 77: 321 -327, (1986).
  • 20. Jordan B. Hanrahan J P, Roche J F : The Effect of Melatonin Implantation in January on the Breeding Season of Ewes. 11. International Congress on Animal Reproduction and Artifıcial Insemination 4: 409-411, (1988).
  • 21. Rondon Z, Forcada F , Zarazaga L, Abecia JA, Lazono J M: Oestrous Activity, Ovulation Rate and Plasma Melatonin Concentrations in Rasa Aragonesa Ewes Maintened at Two Different and Constant Body Condition Score Levels and împlanted or Reimplanted With Melatonin. Anim Reprod Sci 41: 225-236,(1996).
  • 22. Johnston JPJ. Quirke JF, Boland MP, Roche JF: The Effect of Continuous or İntermittent Melatonin on Seasonal Breeding of Ewes. 11. International Congress on Animal Reproduction and Artifıcial Insemination Dublin 4: 408,(1988).
  • 23. Maeda K I, Mori Y, Kano Y: Involvement of Melatonin in the Seasonal Changes of the Gonadal Function and Prolactin Secretion in Female Goats. Reprod Nutr Develop 28: ( 2B ) 487 - 497, (1988).
  • 24. Chemineau P, Malpoux B, Guerin Y, Maurice F, Daveau A, Pelletier J: Lumiere et Melatonine Pour la Maîtrise de la Reproduction des Ovins et des Caprins. Ann Zootech 41: 247 -261 (1992).
  • 25. Prandi A, Romagnoli F, Chiesa F, Tamanini C : Plasma Prolactin Variations and Onset of Ovarian Activity in Lactating Anestrous Goats Given Melatonin. Anim Reprod Sci 13: 291 -297, (1987).
  • 26. Chemineau P: Effect on Oestrus and Ovulation of Exposing Creole Goats to the Male at Three Times of the Year. J Reprod Fert 67: 65 -72, (1983).
  • 27. Zygoyiannis D, Davies PH, Doney JM: The Effect of Melatonin on Seasonal Reproduction Of İndigenous and Crossbıed Dairy Goats in Greece. Anim Prod 57: 273 - 279, (1993).
  • 28. Chemineau P, Normant E., Ravault J P, Thimonier J: Induction and Persistence of Pituitary and Ovarian Activity in the Out - of - Season Lactating Dairy Goat After a Treatment Combining a Skeloton Photoperiod, Melatonin and the Male Effect. J Reprod Fert 78: 497-504, (1986).
  • 29. Kutsal A, Alpan O, Arpacık R: İstatistik uygulamaları. Bizim Büro Basımevi Ankara, (1990) .
  • 30. Poulton AL: The Proposed Use of Melatonin in Controlled Sheep Breeding. Aust J Biol Sci 41: 87-96, (1988).
  • 31. Tamarkin L, Baird CJ, Almeida OFX: Melatonin: A Coordinating Signal for Mammalian Reproduction. Science, 227 : 714-720, (1985).
  • 32. Staples LD , Mcphee E, Kennaway DJ, Williams AH : The înfluence of Exogenous Melatonin on the Seasonal Patterns of Ovulation and Oestrus in Sheep. Anim Reprod Sci 30: 185- 223,(1992).
  • 33. Robinson JJ , Wigzell, S J, Aitken RP, Wallace JM, Ireland S, Robertson IS: Daily Oral Administration of Melatonin from March Onwards Advances by 4 Months the Breeding Season of Ewes Maintened Under the Ambient Photoperiod at 57 N. Anim. Reprod Sci 27: 141 - 160, (1992).
  • 34. Thibier M, Pothelet D, Jeanguyat N, De Montigny D: Estrous Behavior, Progesterone in Peripheral Plasma and Milk in Dairy Goats at Onset of Breeding Season. J. Dairy. Science, 64 (3): 513- 519,(1981).
  • 35. Haresing W. Mcleod BJ: The Effect of Melatonin İmplants on Breeding Activity and Litter Size in Commercial Sheep Flocks in the UK. Anim. Product 50: 111 -121,(1985).
  • 36. Wigzell J, Robinson J, Aitken RP, Mckelvey MAC: The Effect of the Oral Administration of Melatonin at two Times of the Year on Ovarian Activity in Ewes. Anim. Product 42: 448 -449, (1986).
  • 37. Williams LY, Helliwell RJA: Melatonin and Seasonality in the Sheep. Anim Reprod Sci 33: 159-182,(1993).
  • 38. Luhman CM, Slyster AL: The Effect of Photoperiod and Melatonin Feeding on Reproduction in the Ewe. Theriogenology, 26: 6 721 - 732.(1986).
  • 39. Nett TM, Nıswender GD : înfluence of Exogenous Melatonin on Seasonality of Reproduction in Sheep. Theriogenology 17: 645- 653,(1985).
  • 40. Baştan A: Akkaraman Irkı Koyunlarda Melatonin ve Progesteron Uygulamalarının Reprodüktif Performans Üzerine Etkileri. A Ü Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi, Ankara, (1995).
  • 41. Williams HL : The Effect of Feeding Melatonin During Late Summer on the Onset of the Breeding Season of Sheep. Br. Vet J 140: (4)407-408, (1984).
  • 42. Rodway RG, Rajkumar RR, Nowak R , Ward SJ, Argo CM : The Use of Vaginally Administered Melatonin in the Manipulation of the Breeding Season in Ewes. Anim Product 42: 448,(1986).
  • 43. Kaya A : Anöstrüs Dönemindeki Koyunlarda Melatonin ve Koç Etkisi Uygulamalarının Bazı Üreme Parametrelerine Etkileri. S Ü Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi Konya (1996).
  • 44. Kaya A , Ataman M B. Karaca F, Yıldız C, Çoyan K , Aksoy M, Ergin A: Konya Merinosu Koyunlarında Melatonin. ProgesteronPMSG ve Koç Etkisi Uygulamalarının Erken Anöstrüs Döneminde Bazı Üreme Parametrelerine Etkileri. Hay Araş Derg Konya, (1997).
  • 45. Sweeney T, Q’ Callahan D: Breeding Season and Ovulation Rate in Ewes Treated With Long Days in Spring Follovved by a Melatonin İmplant and Exposure to a Ram.Animal Science 62: 507-512,(1996).
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Süleyman Sağcan This is me

İbrahim Taşal This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2001
Published in Issue Year 2001 Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2


APA Sağcan, S., & Taşal, İ. (2001). Erken anöstrüs döneminde Siirt keçilerine melatonin uygulamalarının ovulasyon ve gebelik oranları üzerine etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1-2), 87-94.
AMA Sağcan S, Taşal İ. Erken anöstrüs döneminde Siirt keçilerine melatonin uygulamalarının ovulasyon ve gebelik oranları üzerine etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. June 2001;7(1-2):87-94.
Chicago Sağcan, Süleyman, and İbrahim Taşal. “Erken anöstrüs döneminde Siirt keçilerine Melatonin uygulamalarının Ovulasyon Ve Gebelik Oranları üzerine Etkileri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7, no. 1-2 (June 2001): 87-94.
EndNote Sağcan S, Taşal İ (June 1, 2001) Erken anöstrüs döneminde Siirt keçilerine melatonin uygulamalarının ovulasyon ve gebelik oranları üzerine etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7 1-2 87–94.
IEEE S. Sağcan and İ. Taşal, “Erken anöstrüs döneminde Siirt keçilerine melatonin uygulamalarının ovulasyon ve gebelik oranları üzerine etkileri”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1-2, pp. 87–94, 2001.
ISNAD Sağcan, Süleyman - Taşal, İbrahim. “Erken anöstrüs döneminde Siirt keçilerine Melatonin uygulamalarının Ovulasyon Ve Gebelik Oranları üzerine Etkileri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7/1-2 (June 2001), 87-94.
JAMA Sağcan S, Taşal İ. Erken anöstrüs döneminde Siirt keçilerine melatonin uygulamalarının ovulasyon ve gebelik oranları üzerine etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2001;7:87–94.
MLA Sağcan, Süleyman and İbrahim Taşal. “Erken anöstrüs döneminde Siirt keçilerine Melatonin uygulamalarının Ovulasyon Ve Gebelik Oranları üzerine Etkileri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1-2, 2001, pp. 87-94.
Vancouver Sağcan S, Taşal İ. Erken anöstrüs döneminde Siirt keçilerine melatonin uygulamalarının ovulasyon ve gebelik oranları üzerine etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2001;7(1-2):87-94.