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Monitoring of Indoor Radon Concentration in Some Elementary and Secondary Schools of Kosovo

Year 2014, Volume: 19 Issue: 1-2, 43 - 47, 25.11.2014


Measurements of radon concentration were carried out at indoor air of 30 elementary and secondary schools in Kosovo. The aim of this study was to know the level of indoor radon concentration in these locations and to enhance the national radon survey. The main method for indoor radon measurement was direct sampling in alpha scintillation cells and continuous monitoring during some days. However, in cases with an increased instantaneous and continuous radon concentration the additional method of track-etech detectors were applied. The radon concentration was measured to be from 35 Bq m-3 to 814 Bq m-3and the annual effective doses was calculated to be from 0,28 mSv year-1 to 6,47 mSv year-1. In most of the schools the concentration and annual effective doses for students and teachers exceeded the limit of ICRP recommendations but in three of them the concentration and annual effective doses are higher.


  • Bahtijari, M., Halimi, Y., Ylli, F., Koço, D., (2006). Indoor radon concentration of Municipality schools. Albanian J. Nat. Tech. Sci. 11, 346– 349. Suhareka
  • Bahtijari, M., Stegnar, P., Shemsidini, Z., Ajazaj, H., Halimi, Y., Vaupotič, J., Kobal, I., (2007). Seasonal variation of indoor air radon concentration in Kosovo. Radiat. Meas. 42, 286–289.
  • Bahtijari, M., Stegnar, P., Shemsidini, Z., Kobal, I. and Vaupotič, J., (2006). Indoor air radon concentration in schools in Prizren, Kosovo. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 121, 469–473.
  • ICRP., (1993). Protection against radon 222 at home and at work. ICRP Publication 65. Ann. ICRP 23.
  • Kozak, K., Mazur, J., Vaupotič, J., Kobal, I., Janik, M., Kochowska, E., (2009). Calibration of the IJS-CRn and IFJ- PAN radon measuring devices in the IFJ-KR-600 radon chamber. Report. Jožef Stefan Institute.
  • Kristan, J. and Kobal, I. (1973) .A modified scintillation cell for the determination of radon in uranium mine atmosphere. Health Phys. 24, 103–104.
  • Nazaroff, W. W. and Nero, A. V., (1988). Radon and its decay products in indoor air. (New York: John Wiley & Sons).
  • Planinić, J., Kobal, I. and Vaupotič, J., (1993). kindergartens of Osijek and Ljubljana.
  • J. Rad. Nucl. Chem. Lett. 1705, 103– 111.
  • Planinić, J., Vaupotič, J., Kobal, I., (1993). Indoor radon concentrations in kindergartens. J. Env. Radio. 19, 167– 171.
  • Rushing, D. A., Garcia, W. J. and Clark, D. A., (1963). Analysis of Effluents and International Atomic Energy Agency.
  • UNSCEAR. (2000). (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation). Sources and effects of ionizing radiation. 2000 Report to the General Assembly, with Annexes. Publication. Sales
  • Vaupotič, J., Ančik, M., Škofljanec, M., Kobal, I., (1992). Alpha scintillation cell for direct meas. of indoor radon. J. Env. Sci. Health A27, 1535–1540.
  • Vaupotič, J., Križman, M., Planinić, J., Pezdič, J., Adamič, K., Stegnar, P., Kobal, I., (1994). Systematic indoor radon and gamma measurements in kindergartens and play schools in Slovenia. Health Phys. 66, 550–556.

Kosova’da Bazı İlköğretim ve Ortaöğretim Okullarında İç Mekan Radon Konsantrasyonun İzlenmesi

Year 2014, Volume: 19 Issue: 1-2, 43 - 47, 25.11.2014


Radon konsantrasyonu ölçümleri, Kosova'da 30 ilköğretim ve ortaöğretim okullunun iç mekanlarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bu yerlerde bina içi radon konsantrasyon düzeyi hakkında bilgi edinmek ve ulusal radon anketini zenginleştirmektir. Kapalı radon ölçümü için ana yöntem, alfa parıldama hücrelerinde direkt örnekleme ve bazı günlerde sürekli izleme şeklinde olmuştur. Bununla birlikte artan anlık ve sürekli radon konsantrasyonu olgularında ek yöntem olarak track-etech dedektörleri uygulanmıştır. Radon konsantrasyonu 35-814 Bq/m3 aralığında ölçülmüştür ve yıllık olarak etkili dozları 0.28-6.47 mSv/yıl aralığında hesaplanmıştır. Okulların çoğunda öğrenciler ve öğretmenler için konsantrasyon ve yıllık etkin doz, ICRP tavsiye sınırını aşmıştır ama bunların üçünde konsantrasyonu ve yıllık etkin doz yüksek bulunmuştur.


  • Bahtijari, M., Halimi, Y., Ylli, F., Koço, D., (2006). Indoor radon concentration of Municipality schools. Albanian J. Nat. Tech. Sci. 11, 346– 349. Suhareka
  • Bahtijari, M., Stegnar, P., Shemsidini, Z., Ajazaj, H., Halimi, Y., Vaupotič, J., Kobal, I., (2007). Seasonal variation of indoor air radon concentration in Kosovo. Radiat. Meas. 42, 286–289.
  • Bahtijari, M., Stegnar, P., Shemsidini, Z., Kobal, I. and Vaupotič, J., (2006). Indoor air radon concentration in schools in Prizren, Kosovo. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 121, 469–473.
  • ICRP., (1993). Protection against radon 222 at home and at work. ICRP Publication 65. Ann. ICRP 23.
  • Kozak, K., Mazur, J., Vaupotič, J., Kobal, I., Janik, M., Kochowska, E., (2009). Calibration of the IJS-CRn and IFJ- PAN radon measuring devices in the IFJ-KR-600 radon chamber. Report. Jožef Stefan Institute.
  • Kristan, J. and Kobal, I. (1973) .A modified scintillation cell for the determination of radon in uranium mine atmosphere. Health Phys. 24, 103–104.
  • Nazaroff, W. W. and Nero, A. V., (1988). Radon and its decay products in indoor air. (New York: John Wiley & Sons).
  • Planinić, J., Kobal, I. and Vaupotič, J., (1993). kindergartens of Osijek and Ljubljana.
  • J. Rad. Nucl. Chem. Lett. 1705, 103– 111.
  • Planinić, J., Vaupotič, J., Kobal, I., (1993). Indoor radon concentrations in kindergartens. J. Env. Radio. 19, 167– 171.
  • Rushing, D. A., Garcia, W. J. and Clark, D. A., (1963). Analysis of Effluents and International Atomic Energy Agency.
  • UNSCEAR. (2000). (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation). Sources and effects of ionizing radiation. 2000 Report to the General Assembly, with Annexes. Publication. Sales
  • Vaupotič, J., Ančik, M., Škofljanec, M., Kobal, I., (1992). Alpha scintillation cell for direct meas. of indoor radon. J. Env. Sci. Health A27, 1535–1540.
  • Vaupotič, J., Križman, M., Planinić, J., Pezdič, J., Adamič, K., Stegnar, P., Kobal, I., (1994). Systematic indoor radon and gamma measurements in kindergartens and play schools in Slovenia. Health Phys. 66, 550–556.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Gazmend Nafezı This is me

Meleq Bahtıjarı This is me

Besim Xhafa This is me

Gezim Hodollı This is me

Sehad Kadırı This is me

Sami Makollı This is me

Behar Shala This is me

Zenun Mulaj This is me

Publication Date November 25, 2014
Submission Date November 25, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 19 Issue: 1-2


APA Nafezı, G., Bahtıjarı, M., Xhafa, B., Hodollı, G., et al. (2014). Monitoring of Indoor Radon Concentration in Some Elementary and Secondary Schools of Kosovo. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19(1-2), 43-47.