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Kuzeybatı İran’da Urartu’nun Güç Simgesi: Yerleşim ve Kaleler

Year 2021, , 389 - 426, 31.12.2021


M.Ö. I. bin toplumlarının önemli isimleri arasında yer alan Urartu Krallığı, yaşadığı coğrafyada egemen olma adına birçok politik yaptırımda bulunmuştur. İran’ın Kuzeybatı kesimi de bu yaptırımlarından payını almıştır. Yazılı metinler ve arkeolojik veriler, Urartu Krallığı’nın M.Ö. 9. yüzyıldan başlayarak M.Ö. 7. yüzyıla kadar Kuzeybatı İran üzerine çok sayıda askeri seferler düzenlediğini ortaya koymaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalar, Urartular’ın İran’ın kuzeybatısında özellikle Urmiye Gölü ve çevresini hedef aldıklarını göstermektedir. Urmiye ve havzasının dışında Urartuların ilgilendiği bir diğer bölge, Sabalan dağı ve çevresidir. Batıda Sahend Dağı’nın sınır oluşturduğu bölge, doğuda Sabalan dağı ve kuzeyindeki Ahar çevresine kadar uzanmaktadır. Urartu Krallığı’nın Kuzeybatı İran’a yönelmesinde siyasi ve ekonomik etkenlerin ağırlıklı olduğu doğrulanmıştır. Urartu’nun Kuzeybatı İran’da varlık göstermesiyle elde ettiği gücün siyasi sonuçları gibi kültürel anlamda kazanımları da söz konusudur. Bunlardan biri, kanıtlanabilirlik açısından somut örneklerin belki de en önemlisi, yerleşim ve kalelerdir. Urartu sınırlarına dahil edilen Urmiye Havzası ve Urmiye Gölü’nün doğusunda doksana yakın yerleşim ve kalelerin varlığı, Kuzeybatı İran’ın iskan politikasına dahil edildiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Urartu’nun Kuzeybatı İran’daki politik yaptırımlarının sonucunda bölgede tespit edilen yerleşim ve kaleler ele alınacaktır. Mimari özellikleri doğrultusunda değerlendirilecek olan yerleşim ve kaleler, Van Gölü havzasında yer alan Urartu örnekleriyle karşılaştırılacak, her iki bölgedeki eserler benzer ve farklı yönleriyle değerlendirilecektir.


  • Baş A. (2016). Urartu Mimarisinde Malzeme ve Teknik. Amisos-1/1, 44-86.
  • Baş A. (2017). Urartu ve Assur Krallığı’nın Kuzeybatı İran ile Kültürel İlişkileri. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi/Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Van.
  • Biscione R. (2003). Pre Urartian and Urartian Settlement Patterns in the Caucasus Two Case Studies: The Urmia Plain, Iran and the Sevan Basin Armenia. Archaelogy in the Borderlands, İnvestigations in Caucasia and Beyond, 167-185.
  • Biscione R. (2012). Urartian Fortifications in Iran: An Attempt at a Hierarchical Classification. Biainili-Urartu The Proceedings of the Symposium held in Munich 12-14 October 2007, 77-88.
  • Biscione R. -N. Parmegiani (2000). Progetto Urartu An Archaeological-Philological Research Travel of Ismea in Eastern and Western Azerbaijan-Iran. Studi Micenei Ed Egeo- Anatolici -XLII/2, 312-319.
  • Boessneck J.-Kokabi M. (1988). Tierknochenfunde. Bastam II: Ausgrabungen in den urartaischen Anlagen 1977-1978, 175-262.
  • Burney C. A. (1973). Excavations at Haftavan Tepe 1971: Third Preliminary Report. Iran, (XI), 153-172.
  • Burney C. A. (1974). Excavations at Haftavan Tepe 1971: Fourty Preliminary Report. Iran, (XIII), 149-164.
  • Çilingiroğlu A. (1983). Urartu Sur Duvarları Üzerine Düşünceler. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, (II), 28-37.
  • Çilingiroğlu A. (1994). Urartu Tarihi. Çilingiroğlu A. (1997). Urartu Krallığı Tarihi ve Sanatı.
  • Çilingiroğlu A. (2004). How was an urartian fortress built?, a view from the highlands: archaeological studies in honour of charles burney, ancient near eastern studies, supplement 12 (ed. A. Sagona), peeters, 205-231.
  • Dyson R. H. (1959). Digging in Iran: Hasanlu 1958. Expedition-1\3, 4-17.
  • Dyson R. H. (1977). The Architecture of Hasanlu: Periods I to IV. American Journal of Archaeology, 81/4, 548-552.
  • Dyson R. H. (1989a). The Iron Age Architecture at Hasanlu An Essay. Expedition, (31\2-3), 107-127.
  • Dyson R. H. (1989b). Rediscovering Hasanlu. Expedition, 31, 3-11.
  • Dyson R.H.,-Muscarella O. W. (1989). Constructing the Chronology and Historical Implications of Hasanlu IV. Iran, (XXVII), 1-27. Forbes, T. B. (1983). Urartian Architecture.
  • Kleiss W. (1968). Urartaische Platze in Iranisch-Azarbaidjan. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, (18), 1-44.
  • Kleiss W. (1969). Bericht ber Zwei Erkundungsfahrten in NorthWest-Iran. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (2),7-120.
  • Kleiss W. (1970a). Ausgrabungen in der Urartäischen Festung Bastam (Rusahinili) 1969. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (3), 7-65.
  • Kleiss W. (1970b). Bericht ber Zwei Erkundungsfahrten in NorthWest-Iran im Jahre. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (3), 107-132.
  • Kleiss W. (1971). Bericht über Erkundungsfahrten in Iran im Jahre 1970. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran (4), 51-111.
  • Kleiss W. (1972a). Ausgrabungen In Der Urartäischen Festung Bastam 1970. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran (5), 7-68.
  • Kleiss W. (1972b). Bericht über Ergundungsfahrten ın Iran ım Jahre 1971. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (5),135-243.
  • Kleiss W. (1973). Bericht über Erkundungsfahrten in Iran im Jahre 1972. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (6), 7-80.
  • Kleiss W. (1974). Planaufnahmen urartaischer Burgen und Neufunde urartaischer Anlagen in Iranisch Azerbaidjan im Jahre 1973. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (7), 79-106.
  • Kleiss W. (1975a). Planaufnahmen urartaischer Burgen und urartaischer Neufunde in Iranisch Azerbaidjan im Jahre 1974. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (8), 51-70.
  • Kleiss W. (1975b). Siedlungen und Burgen in Azerbaidjan. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (8), 27-42.
  • Kleiss W. (1976a). Urartaische Platze im Iran (Stand der Forschung Herbst 1975). Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (9), 19-43.
  • Kleiss W. (1977a). Vermessungen und Survey urartdischer Platze in Azerbaidjan. Iran, (15), 181-182.
  • Kleiss W. (1977b). Urartaische Platze in Iran (Stand der Forschung Herbst 1975). Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (10), 53-83.
  • Kleiss W. (1977c). Burlagen und Befestigungen In Iran. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran-(10), 23-52.
  • Kleiss W. (1977e). Bastam/Rusa-i-URU.TUR, Beschreibung der urartäischen und mittelalterlichen Ruinen, Führer zu archäologischen Plätzen in Iran, Band l, Berlin.
  • Kleiss W. (1979). Bastam I, Ausgrabungen in den Urartäischen Anlagen 1972-1975.
  • Kleiss W. (1980). Bastam, an Urartian Citadel Complex of the Seventh Century B. C. American Journal of Archaeology, (84/3), 299-304.
  • Kleiss W. (1983). Grössenvergleiche urartäischer Burgen und Siedlungen”. in Boehmer, R. N., Hauptmann, H. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde Kleinasiens. Festschrift fur Kurt Bittel, 283-290.
  • Kleiss W. (1988a). Bastam II, Ausgrabungen in den Urartäischen Anlagen 1977-1978.
  • Kleiss W. (1988b). Aspekte urartäischer Achitektur. Iranica Antiqua, (XXIII),181-215.
  • Kleiss W.-Hauptmann H. (1976). Topographische Katre Von Urartu. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (3), 1-37.
  • Kleiss W.-Kroll S. (1976). Zwei des Platze Des 6. Jahrhuntesderts V. Chr. In Iranisch Azerbaidjan A. Die bauten. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (9), 107-123.
  • Kleiss W.-Kroll S. (1978). Urartaische Platze und Anlagen Des 2.-1.Jahrtausends V. Chr. in Iran. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (11), 1978, 27-71.
  • Kleiss W.-Kroll S. (1979). Vermessene urartäische Plätze in Iran (West-Azerbaidjan) und Neufunde. Iran (Stand Der Forchung 1978), Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (12), 183-243.
  • Kroll S. (1977). Die Oberflashenhunde Des Urartu-Survey 1976: A. Architektur (Stand der Forschung Herbest 1976). Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (10), 83-118.
  • Kroll S. (2010). Urartu and Hasanlu. Urartu and its Neighbors, Festschrift in Honor of Nicolay Harutyunyan in Occasıon of his 90th birthday (22-24 September, 2009, Yerevan), Aramazd, Armenian Journal Of Near Eastern Studies (V/2), 21-36.
  • Kroll S. (2011). İrandaki Urartu Şehirleri. Urartu Doğuda Değişim, 150-169.
  • Kroll S. (2013). Hasanlu Period III-Annotations And Corrections. Iranica Antiqua, (XLVIII), 175-195.
  • Levine L. D. (1969). Contribution to the Historical Geography of Zagros in The Neo-Assyrian Period.
  • Muscarella O. W. (1971a). Hasanlu in the Ninth Century B. C. and Its Relations with Other Cultural Centers of the Near East. American Journal of Archaeology, (75\ 3), 263- 266.
  • Muscarella O. W. (1971b). Qalatgah: An Urartian Site in Northwestern Iran. Expedition, (XIII/3-4), 44-49.
  • Muscarella O. W. (1973). Excavations at Agrab Tepe, Iran. Metropolitan Museum Journal, (8), 47-76.
  • Muscarella O. W. (1974a). The Iron Age at Dinkha Tepe, Iran. Metropolitan Museum Journal, (9), 35-90.
  • Payne M. (2006). Urartu Çivi Yazılı Belgeler Kataloğu.
  • Pecorella P.E.-Salvini M. (1982). “Researches in the Region Between the Zagros Mountains and Urmia Lake”. Persica, X, 1-47.
  • Salvini, M. (1977). Eine neue urartäische Inschrift aus Mahmud Abad (West-Azerbaidjan). Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (10), 125-136.
  • Salvini, M. (2006). Urartu Krallığı Tarihi ve Sanatı.
  • Salvini, M. (2008). Corpus Dei Testi Uratei, Vol. I-II, (CTU I-II) Istituto dı Studi Civilta Dell’e Egeoe Del Vicino Oriente, Documenta Asiana, Roma.
  • Yıldız, H. (1981). Urartian Built and Rock-Cut Tombs.
  • Young, T.C. (1967). Iranian Migration into the Zagros. Iran-V, 11-34.
  • Zimansky, P. (1985). Ecology and Empire The Struction of the Urartian State.

Urartian Symbol of Power in Northwest Iran: Settlement and Castles

Year 2021, , 389 - 426, 31.12.2021


The Urartian Kingdom, which is among the important names of the societies of the 1st millennium BC, has made many political sanctions in order to dominate the geography where it lives. The northwestern part of Iran has also received its share of these sanctions. Written texts and archaeological data indicate that the Urartian Kingdom dates back to BC. Starting from the 9th century BC. It reveals that he organized many military expeditions on Northwest Iran until the 7th century. Research shows that the Urartians specifically targeted Lake Urmia and its surroundings in the northwest of Iran. Apart from Urmia and its basin, another region of interest to the Urartians is Mount Sabalan and its surroundings. The region bordered by Sahend Mountain in the west extends to Sabalan Mountain in the east and Ahar in the north. While it is confirmed by the researches that the political and economic factors are dominant in the orientation of the Urartian Kingdom to Northwest Iran; The power obtained as a result of this has cultural gains as well as political consequences. One of these, perhaps the most important of the concrete examples in terms of prOvability, are settlements and castles. The existence of nearly ninety settlements and castles in the east of Urmia Basin and Lake Urmia, which are included in the borders of Urartu, reveals that Northwest Iran was included in the settlement policy. In this study, the settlements and castles found in the region as a result of the political sanctions of Urartu in Northwest Iran will be discussed. The settlements and castles, which will be evaluated in terms of their architectural features, will be compared with the Urartian examples in the Van Lake basin, and the works in both regions will be evaluated with their similar and different aspects.


  • Baş A. (2016). Urartu Mimarisinde Malzeme ve Teknik. Amisos-1/1, 44-86.
  • Baş A. (2017). Urartu ve Assur Krallığı’nın Kuzeybatı İran ile Kültürel İlişkileri. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi/Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Van.
  • Biscione R. (2003). Pre Urartian and Urartian Settlement Patterns in the Caucasus Two Case Studies: The Urmia Plain, Iran and the Sevan Basin Armenia. Archaelogy in the Borderlands, İnvestigations in Caucasia and Beyond, 167-185.
  • Biscione R. (2012). Urartian Fortifications in Iran: An Attempt at a Hierarchical Classification. Biainili-Urartu The Proceedings of the Symposium held in Munich 12-14 October 2007, 77-88.
  • Biscione R. -N. Parmegiani (2000). Progetto Urartu An Archaeological-Philological Research Travel of Ismea in Eastern and Western Azerbaijan-Iran. Studi Micenei Ed Egeo- Anatolici -XLII/2, 312-319.
  • Boessneck J.-Kokabi M. (1988). Tierknochenfunde. Bastam II: Ausgrabungen in den urartaischen Anlagen 1977-1978, 175-262.
  • Burney C. A. (1973). Excavations at Haftavan Tepe 1971: Third Preliminary Report. Iran, (XI), 153-172.
  • Burney C. A. (1974). Excavations at Haftavan Tepe 1971: Fourty Preliminary Report. Iran, (XIII), 149-164.
  • Çilingiroğlu A. (1983). Urartu Sur Duvarları Üzerine Düşünceler. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, (II), 28-37.
  • Çilingiroğlu A. (1994). Urartu Tarihi. Çilingiroğlu A. (1997). Urartu Krallığı Tarihi ve Sanatı.
  • Çilingiroğlu A. (2004). How was an urartian fortress built?, a view from the highlands: archaeological studies in honour of charles burney, ancient near eastern studies, supplement 12 (ed. A. Sagona), peeters, 205-231.
  • Dyson R. H. (1959). Digging in Iran: Hasanlu 1958. Expedition-1\3, 4-17.
  • Dyson R. H. (1977). The Architecture of Hasanlu: Periods I to IV. American Journal of Archaeology, 81/4, 548-552.
  • Dyson R. H. (1989a). The Iron Age Architecture at Hasanlu An Essay. Expedition, (31\2-3), 107-127.
  • Dyson R. H. (1989b). Rediscovering Hasanlu. Expedition, 31, 3-11.
  • Dyson R.H.,-Muscarella O. W. (1989). Constructing the Chronology and Historical Implications of Hasanlu IV. Iran, (XXVII), 1-27. Forbes, T. B. (1983). Urartian Architecture.
  • Kleiss W. (1968). Urartaische Platze in Iranisch-Azarbaidjan. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, (18), 1-44.
  • Kleiss W. (1969). Bericht ber Zwei Erkundungsfahrten in NorthWest-Iran. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (2),7-120.
  • Kleiss W. (1970a). Ausgrabungen in der Urartäischen Festung Bastam (Rusahinili) 1969. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (3), 7-65.
  • Kleiss W. (1970b). Bericht ber Zwei Erkundungsfahrten in NorthWest-Iran im Jahre. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (3), 107-132.
  • Kleiss W. (1971). Bericht über Erkundungsfahrten in Iran im Jahre 1970. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran (4), 51-111.
  • Kleiss W. (1972a). Ausgrabungen In Der Urartäischen Festung Bastam 1970. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran (5), 7-68.
  • Kleiss W. (1972b). Bericht über Ergundungsfahrten ın Iran ım Jahre 1971. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (5),135-243.
  • Kleiss W. (1973). Bericht über Erkundungsfahrten in Iran im Jahre 1972. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (6), 7-80.
  • Kleiss W. (1974). Planaufnahmen urartaischer Burgen und Neufunde urartaischer Anlagen in Iranisch Azerbaidjan im Jahre 1973. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (7), 79-106.
  • Kleiss W. (1975a). Planaufnahmen urartaischer Burgen und urartaischer Neufunde in Iranisch Azerbaidjan im Jahre 1974. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (8), 51-70.
  • Kleiss W. (1975b). Siedlungen und Burgen in Azerbaidjan. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (8), 27-42.
  • Kleiss W. (1976a). Urartaische Platze im Iran (Stand der Forschung Herbst 1975). Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (9), 19-43.
  • Kleiss W. (1977a). Vermessungen und Survey urartdischer Platze in Azerbaidjan. Iran, (15), 181-182.
  • Kleiss W. (1977b). Urartaische Platze in Iran (Stand der Forschung Herbst 1975). Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (10), 53-83.
  • Kleiss W. (1977c). Burlagen und Befestigungen In Iran. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran-(10), 23-52.
  • Kleiss W. (1977e). Bastam/Rusa-i-URU.TUR, Beschreibung der urartäischen und mittelalterlichen Ruinen, Führer zu archäologischen Plätzen in Iran, Band l, Berlin.
  • Kleiss W. (1979). Bastam I, Ausgrabungen in den Urartäischen Anlagen 1972-1975.
  • Kleiss W. (1980). Bastam, an Urartian Citadel Complex of the Seventh Century B. C. American Journal of Archaeology, (84/3), 299-304.
  • Kleiss W. (1983). Grössenvergleiche urartäischer Burgen und Siedlungen”. in Boehmer, R. N., Hauptmann, H. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde Kleinasiens. Festschrift fur Kurt Bittel, 283-290.
  • Kleiss W. (1988a). Bastam II, Ausgrabungen in den Urartäischen Anlagen 1977-1978.
  • Kleiss W. (1988b). Aspekte urartäischer Achitektur. Iranica Antiqua, (XXIII),181-215.
  • Kleiss W.-Hauptmann H. (1976). Topographische Katre Von Urartu. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (3), 1-37.
  • Kleiss W.-Kroll S. (1976). Zwei des Platze Des 6. Jahrhuntesderts V. Chr. In Iranisch Azerbaidjan A. Die bauten. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (9), 107-123.
  • Kleiss W.-Kroll S. (1978). Urartaische Platze und Anlagen Des 2.-1.Jahrtausends V. Chr. in Iran. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (11), 1978, 27-71.
  • Kleiss W.-Kroll S. (1979). Vermessene urartäische Plätze in Iran (West-Azerbaidjan) und Neufunde. Iran (Stand Der Forchung 1978), Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (12), 183-243.
  • Kroll S. (1977). Die Oberflashenhunde Des Urartu-Survey 1976: A. Architektur (Stand der Forschung Herbest 1976). Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (10), 83-118.
  • Kroll S. (2010). Urartu and Hasanlu. Urartu and its Neighbors, Festschrift in Honor of Nicolay Harutyunyan in Occasıon of his 90th birthday (22-24 September, 2009, Yerevan), Aramazd, Armenian Journal Of Near Eastern Studies (V/2), 21-36.
  • Kroll S. (2011). İrandaki Urartu Şehirleri. Urartu Doğuda Değişim, 150-169.
  • Kroll S. (2013). Hasanlu Period III-Annotations And Corrections. Iranica Antiqua, (XLVIII), 175-195.
  • Levine L. D. (1969). Contribution to the Historical Geography of Zagros in The Neo-Assyrian Period.
  • Muscarella O. W. (1971a). Hasanlu in the Ninth Century B. C. and Its Relations with Other Cultural Centers of the Near East. American Journal of Archaeology, (75\ 3), 263- 266.
  • Muscarella O. W. (1971b). Qalatgah: An Urartian Site in Northwestern Iran. Expedition, (XIII/3-4), 44-49.
  • Muscarella O. W. (1973). Excavations at Agrab Tepe, Iran. Metropolitan Museum Journal, (8), 47-76.
  • Muscarella O. W. (1974a). The Iron Age at Dinkha Tepe, Iran. Metropolitan Museum Journal, (9), 35-90.
  • Payne M. (2006). Urartu Çivi Yazılı Belgeler Kataloğu.
  • Pecorella P.E.-Salvini M. (1982). “Researches in the Region Between the Zagros Mountains and Urmia Lake”. Persica, X, 1-47.
  • Salvini, M. (1977). Eine neue urartäische Inschrift aus Mahmud Abad (West-Azerbaidjan). Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, (10), 125-136.
  • Salvini, M. (2006). Urartu Krallığı Tarihi ve Sanatı.
  • Salvini, M. (2008). Corpus Dei Testi Uratei, Vol. I-II, (CTU I-II) Istituto dı Studi Civilta Dell’e Egeoe Del Vicino Oriente, Documenta Asiana, Roma.
  • Yıldız, H. (1981). Urartian Built and Rock-Cut Tombs.
  • Young, T.C. (1967). Iranian Migration into the Zagros. Iran-V, 11-34.
  • Zimansky, P. (1985). Ecology and Empire The Struction of the Urartian State.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Issue

Ayla Baş 0000-0002-6546-4805

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date November 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Baş, A. (2021). Kuzeybatı İran’da Urartu’nun Güç Simgesi: Yerleşim ve Kaleler. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(54), 389-426.

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