BibTex RIS Cite
Year 2023, , 224 - 237, 30.06.2023



  • Ackerly, B. A. (2016). Hidden in plain sight: Social inequalities in the context of environmental change, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 131-150) içinde. Springer.
  • Akalın, M. (2019). İklim mültecileri. İksad Publishing House.
  • Bates, D. (2002). Environmental refugees? Classifying human migrations caused by environmental change, Population and Environment, 23, 465-477.
  • Bettini, G., Nash, S. L., Gioli, G. (2017). One step forward, two steps back? The fading contours of (in)justice in competing discourses on climate migration, The Geographical Journal, 183 (4), 348-358.
  • BMMYK. (1951). Mültecilerin hukuki statüsüne ilişkin sözleşme. content/uploads/2016/12/1951-Cenevre-Sozlesmesi-1.pdf
  • Brown, W. (2017). Climate change, democracy and crises of humanism. A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 25-40) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Bruntland, G. H. (1987). Our common future: The world commission on environment and development. Oxford University Press.
  • Colebrook, C. (2017). Transcendental migration: Taking refuge from climate change. A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 115-130) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Demirci, K. (2019). Uluslararası ve ulusal mevzuat hükümleri çerçevesinde iklim mültecisi kavramı ve türkiye özelinde yaratacağı muhtemel sorunlar, Türkiye Siyaset Bilimi Dergisi, 2 (2), 93-114.
  • Elhacham, E., Ben-Uri, L., Grozovski, J., Bar-On, Y. M., Milo, R. (2020). Global human-made mass exceeds all living biomass, Nature, 588, 542-544.
  • Ertek, T. A. (2017). Antropojenik jeomorfoloji: Konusu, kökeni ve amacı, Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, 69, 69-79.
  • Farbotko, C. (2017). Representation and misrepresentation of climate migrants, B. Mayer, F. Crépeau (Ed.), Research handbook on climate change, migration and law (s. 67-84) içinde. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Felli, R. (2013). Managing climate ınsecurity by ensuring continuous capital accumulation: ‘Climate refugees’ and ‘climate migrants’, New Political Economy, 18(3), 337-363.
  • Fraser, N. (2022). Sermayenin iklimleri, D. Bayındır, M. Yıldırım (Ed.), Ekoloji: Bir arada yaşamanın geleceği (s. 47-90) içinde. Tellekt.
  • Gibb, C., Ford, J. (2012). Should the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change recognize climate migrants?, Environ. Res. Lett., 7, 1-9.
  • Greiner, C., Sakdapolrak, P. (2016). Migration, environment and ınequality: Perspectives of a political ecology of translocal relations, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 151-166) içinde. Springer.
  • Helbing, M. (2020). Attitudes towards climate change migrants, Climatic Change, 160, 89-102.
  • IDMC. (t.y.).
  • Ilık Bilben, M. S. (2018). Antropojenik iklim değişikliği bağlamında göç tartışmaları. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, 75, 237–268.
  • Ilık Bilben, M. S. (2019). Dünyadan örnekler ışığında iklim değişikliği kaynaklı göçleri anlamak, Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 9 (2), 335-355.
  • InforMEA. (t.y.). United Nations Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
  • IOM. (2015). IOM Perspectives on migration, environment and climate change. IOM.
  • Kelman, I. (2019). Imaginary numbers of climate change migrants?, Social Sciences, 8 (131), 1-16.
  • Klaiber, H. A., (2014). Migration and household adaptation to climate: A review of empirical research, Energy Economics, 46, 539–547.
  • Lelandais, G. E. (2016). Drought, social inequalities, adaptation, and farmers’ mobility in the Konya plain of Turkey, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 91- 102) içinde. Springer.
  • Lewis, B. (2018). Environmental human rights and climate change: Current status and future prospects. Springer.
  • Ionesco, D. (2019, Ocak 16). Let’s talk about climate migrants, not climate refugees. climate-refugees/
  • Marshall, L. W. (2011). Toward a new definition of ‘refugee’: is the 1951 convention out of date?, Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg, 37, 61–66.
  • Mayer, B. (2016). The arbitrary project of protecting environmental migrants, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 189-202) içinde. Springer.
  • McAdam, J. (2011). Climate change displacement and ınternational law: Complementary protection standards (legal and protection policy research series) Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for refugees, division of international protection.
  • McInerney-Lankford, S. (2017). Climate change, human rights and migration: A legal analysis of challenges and opportunities. B. Mayer, F. Crépeau (Ed.), Research handbook on climate change, migration and law (s. 131-168) içinde. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • McLeman, R., Faist, T., Schade, J. (2016). Introduction: Environment, migration, and ınequality-a complex dynamic, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 3-26) içinde. Springer.
  • Miller, D. S. (2017). Climate refugees and the human cost of global climate change, Environmental Justice, 10 (4), 89-92.
  • Mueller, V., Sheriff, G., Dou, X., Gray, C. (2020). Temporary migration and climate variation in eastern Africa, World Development, 126, 1-16.
  • Nawrotzki, R. J., DeWaard, J., Bakhtsiyarava, M, Trang Ha, J. (2017). Climate shocks and rural-urban migration in Mexico: Exploring nonlinearities and thresholds, Climatic Change, 140, 243-258.
  • Nawrotzki, R. J., DeWaard, J. (2018). Putting trapped populations into place: Climate change and inter-district migration flows in Zambia, Reg Environ Change, 18, 533-546.
  • Neuteleers, S. (2011). Environmental refugees: A Misleading Notion for a genuine problem, Ethical Perspectives, 18 (2), 229-248.
  • Nicholson, C. M. (2014). Climate change and the politics of causal reasoning: The case of climate change and migration, The Geographical Journal, 180(2), 151–160.
  • Piguet, E. (2013). From “primitive migration” to “climate refugees”: The curious fate of the natural environment in migration studies, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(1), 148-162.
  • Saldanha, A. (2017). Globalization as a crisis of mobility: A critique of spherology, A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 151-174) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Safi, S. (2020). Ioane Teitiota Kiribati/ Yeni Zelanda Davası ve BM İnsan Hakları Komitesi’nin iklim mültecileri ile ilgili tarihi kararı, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2), 509-540.
  • Scheffran, J., Marmer, E., Sowb, P. (2012). Migration as a contribution to resilience and innovation in climate adaptation: Social networks and co-development in Northwest Africa, Applied Geography, 33, 119-127.
  • Schade, J., Faist, T., McLeman, R. (2016). Conclusion: Inequality and migration as adaptation—Where
  • Do We Go from Here? R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 203-228) içinde. Springer.
  • Torabian, E. (2014). Exploring social vulnerability and environmental migration in Urmia Lake of Iran: Comparative insights from the Aral Sea. G. Gemenne, P. Brücker, D. Ionesco (Ed.), The State of Environmental Migration 2014 (s. 65-84) içinde. IOM.
  • UNHCR. (t.y.). Climate change and disaster displacement. and-disasters.html
  • Weinthal, E., Zawahri, N., Sowers, J. (2015). Securitizing water, climate, and migration in Israel, Jordan, and Syria, Int Environ Agreements, 15, 293–307.
  • Wilcox, S. (2021). Does Brock’s theory of migration Justice adequately account for climate refugees?, Ethics & Global Politics, 14(2), 75-85.
  • Williams, A. (2008). Turning the tide: Recognizing climate change refugees in ınternational law, Law&Policy, 30 (4), 502-529.
  • WMO. (2020). Statement On The State of The Global Climate in 2019. WMO.
  • Ziya, O. (2012). Mülteci-göçmen belirsizliğinde iklim mültecileri, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, 99, 230-240.

İklim Göçü ve İklim Mülteciliği Kavramlarına İnsan Hakları Temelli Sosyolojik Bir Bakış

Year 2023, , 224 - 237, 30.06.2023


Bu çalışma kapsamında iklim değişikliği ekseninde iklim göçü ve iklim mülteciliği kavramları ele alınmaktadır. Henüz kurumsal düzenlemelerin nesnesi olmayan bu iki kavram teorik tartışmalarda kavramsal sınırların belirlenmesi, nedensellik mekanizmalarının açıklanması ve yasal çerçeveye nasıl oturtulacağı konularında değerlendirilmektedir. 1980 sonrasında iklim değişikliğine dair yayınlanan raporlar meselenin gündeme gelmesinde etkili olurken, The International Displacement Monitoring Centre gibi merkezlerin yayınladığı veriler çevresel koşullar nedeniyle göç eden insan sayısının her geçen gün arttığını göstermektedir. Bir adaptasyon stratejisi olarak değerlendirilebilecek iklim göçünün, farklı göç türlerinin bir arada görülebileceği bir araştırma alanı olarak kavramsal sınırlarının belirlenmesine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu kapsamda, literatür değerlendirmesi olarak gerçekleştirilen çalışmada kavramların netleştirilmesi, iklim değişikliği ve göç arasındaki nedensel ilişkilerin tartışılması, iklim mülteciliğinin hukuki çerçevedeki konumunun anlaşılması ile bunun insan hakları bağlamında temellendirilmesi ve toplumsal bir süreç olarak kapitalizm ile iklim değişikliği arasındaki bağlantının kurulması amaçlanmaktadır. İklim değişikliği ve göç arasındaki ilişkiye dair toplumsal, ekonomik ve siyasi mekanizmaların kesişimselliğinin ortaya konulduğu, iklim mülteciliğinin yalnızca deniz seviyesinin yükselmesi nedeniyle sular altında kalacak ada ülkelerinin sorunu olmadığı, aynı zamanda bunun mevcut üretim ve tüketim yapısından kaynaklandığını irdeleyen sosyolojik tartışmalara ihtiyaç olduğu savından hareketle, bu çalışmanın literatürdeki bu boşluğu dolduracağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Ackerly, B. A. (2016). Hidden in plain sight: Social inequalities in the context of environmental change, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 131-150) içinde. Springer.
  • Akalın, M. (2019). İklim mültecileri. İksad Publishing House.
  • Bates, D. (2002). Environmental refugees? Classifying human migrations caused by environmental change, Population and Environment, 23, 465-477.
  • Bettini, G., Nash, S. L., Gioli, G. (2017). One step forward, two steps back? The fading contours of (in)justice in competing discourses on climate migration, The Geographical Journal, 183 (4), 348-358.
  • BMMYK. (1951). Mültecilerin hukuki statüsüne ilişkin sözleşme. content/uploads/2016/12/1951-Cenevre-Sozlesmesi-1.pdf
  • Brown, W. (2017). Climate change, democracy and crises of humanism. A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 25-40) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Bruntland, G. H. (1987). Our common future: The world commission on environment and development. Oxford University Press.
  • Colebrook, C. (2017). Transcendental migration: Taking refuge from climate change. A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 115-130) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Demirci, K. (2019). Uluslararası ve ulusal mevzuat hükümleri çerçevesinde iklim mültecisi kavramı ve türkiye özelinde yaratacağı muhtemel sorunlar, Türkiye Siyaset Bilimi Dergisi, 2 (2), 93-114.
  • Elhacham, E., Ben-Uri, L., Grozovski, J., Bar-On, Y. M., Milo, R. (2020). Global human-made mass exceeds all living biomass, Nature, 588, 542-544.
  • Ertek, T. A. (2017). Antropojenik jeomorfoloji: Konusu, kökeni ve amacı, Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, 69, 69-79.
  • Farbotko, C. (2017). Representation and misrepresentation of climate migrants, B. Mayer, F. Crépeau (Ed.), Research handbook on climate change, migration and law (s. 67-84) içinde. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Felli, R. (2013). Managing climate ınsecurity by ensuring continuous capital accumulation: ‘Climate refugees’ and ‘climate migrants’, New Political Economy, 18(3), 337-363.
  • Fraser, N. (2022). Sermayenin iklimleri, D. Bayındır, M. Yıldırım (Ed.), Ekoloji: Bir arada yaşamanın geleceği (s. 47-90) içinde. Tellekt.
  • Gibb, C., Ford, J. (2012). Should the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change recognize climate migrants?, Environ. Res. Lett., 7, 1-9.
  • Greiner, C., Sakdapolrak, P. (2016). Migration, environment and ınequality: Perspectives of a political ecology of translocal relations, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 151-166) içinde. Springer.
  • Helbing, M. (2020). Attitudes towards climate change migrants, Climatic Change, 160, 89-102.
  • IDMC. (t.y.).
  • Ilık Bilben, M. S. (2018). Antropojenik iklim değişikliği bağlamında göç tartışmaları. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, 75, 237–268.
  • Ilık Bilben, M. S. (2019). Dünyadan örnekler ışığında iklim değişikliği kaynaklı göçleri anlamak, Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 9 (2), 335-355.
  • InforMEA. (t.y.). United Nations Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
  • IOM. (2015). IOM Perspectives on migration, environment and climate change. IOM.
  • Kelman, I. (2019). Imaginary numbers of climate change migrants?, Social Sciences, 8 (131), 1-16.
  • Klaiber, H. A., (2014). Migration and household adaptation to climate: A review of empirical research, Energy Economics, 46, 539–547.
  • Lelandais, G. E. (2016). Drought, social inequalities, adaptation, and farmers’ mobility in the Konya plain of Turkey, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 91- 102) içinde. Springer.
  • Lewis, B. (2018). Environmental human rights and climate change: Current status and future prospects. Springer.
  • Ionesco, D. (2019, Ocak 16). Let’s talk about climate migrants, not climate refugees. climate-refugees/
  • Marshall, L. W. (2011). Toward a new definition of ‘refugee’: is the 1951 convention out of date?, Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg, 37, 61–66.
  • Mayer, B. (2016). The arbitrary project of protecting environmental migrants, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 189-202) içinde. Springer.
  • McAdam, J. (2011). Climate change displacement and ınternational law: Complementary protection standards (legal and protection policy research series) Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for refugees, division of international protection.
  • McInerney-Lankford, S. (2017). Climate change, human rights and migration: A legal analysis of challenges and opportunities. B. Mayer, F. Crépeau (Ed.), Research handbook on climate change, migration and law (s. 131-168) içinde. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • McLeman, R., Faist, T., Schade, J. (2016). Introduction: Environment, migration, and ınequality-a complex dynamic, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 3-26) içinde. Springer.
  • Miller, D. S. (2017). Climate refugees and the human cost of global climate change, Environmental Justice, 10 (4), 89-92.
  • Mueller, V., Sheriff, G., Dou, X., Gray, C. (2020). Temporary migration and climate variation in eastern Africa, World Development, 126, 1-16.
  • Nawrotzki, R. J., DeWaard, J., Bakhtsiyarava, M, Trang Ha, J. (2017). Climate shocks and rural-urban migration in Mexico: Exploring nonlinearities and thresholds, Climatic Change, 140, 243-258.
  • Nawrotzki, R. J., DeWaard, J. (2018). Putting trapped populations into place: Climate change and inter-district migration flows in Zambia, Reg Environ Change, 18, 533-546.
  • Neuteleers, S. (2011). Environmental refugees: A Misleading Notion for a genuine problem, Ethical Perspectives, 18 (2), 229-248.
  • Nicholson, C. M. (2014). Climate change and the politics of causal reasoning: The case of climate change and migration, The Geographical Journal, 180(2), 151–160.
  • Piguet, E. (2013). From “primitive migration” to “climate refugees”: The curious fate of the natural environment in migration studies, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(1), 148-162.
  • Saldanha, A. (2017). Globalization as a crisis of mobility: A critique of spherology, A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 151-174) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Safi, S. (2020). Ioane Teitiota Kiribati/ Yeni Zelanda Davası ve BM İnsan Hakları Komitesi’nin iklim mültecileri ile ilgili tarihi kararı, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2), 509-540.
  • Scheffran, J., Marmer, E., Sowb, P. (2012). Migration as a contribution to resilience and innovation in climate adaptation: Social networks and co-development in Northwest Africa, Applied Geography, 33, 119-127.
  • Schade, J., Faist, T., McLeman, R. (2016). Conclusion: Inequality and migration as adaptation—Where
  • Do We Go from Here? R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 203-228) içinde. Springer.
  • Torabian, E. (2014). Exploring social vulnerability and environmental migration in Urmia Lake of Iran: Comparative insights from the Aral Sea. G. Gemenne, P. Brücker, D. Ionesco (Ed.), The State of Environmental Migration 2014 (s. 65-84) içinde. IOM.
  • UNHCR. (t.y.). Climate change and disaster displacement. and-disasters.html
  • Weinthal, E., Zawahri, N., Sowers, J. (2015). Securitizing water, climate, and migration in Israel, Jordan, and Syria, Int Environ Agreements, 15, 293–307.
  • Wilcox, S. (2021). Does Brock’s theory of migration Justice adequately account for climate refugees?, Ethics & Global Politics, 14(2), 75-85.
  • Williams, A. (2008). Turning the tide: Recognizing climate change refugees in ınternational law, Law&Policy, 30 (4), 502-529.
  • WMO. (2020). Statement On The State of The Global Climate in 2019. WMO.
  • Ziya, O. (2012). Mülteci-göçmen belirsizliğinde iklim mültecileri, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, 99, 230-240.
Year 2023, , 224 - 237, 30.06.2023



  • Ackerly, B. A. (2016). Hidden in plain sight: Social inequalities in the context of environmental change, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 131-150) içinde. Springer.
  • Akalın, M. (2019). İklim mültecileri. İksad Publishing House.
  • Bates, D. (2002). Environmental refugees? Classifying human migrations caused by environmental change, Population and Environment, 23, 465-477.
  • Bettini, G., Nash, S. L., Gioli, G. (2017). One step forward, two steps back? The fading contours of (in)justice in competing discourses on climate migration, The Geographical Journal, 183 (4), 348-358.
  • BMMYK. (1951). Mültecilerin hukuki statüsüne ilişkin sözleşme. content/uploads/2016/12/1951-Cenevre-Sozlesmesi-1.pdf
  • Brown, W. (2017). Climate change, democracy and crises of humanism. A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 25-40) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Bruntland, G. H. (1987). Our common future: The world commission on environment and development. Oxford University Press.
  • Colebrook, C. (2017). Transcendental migration: Taking refuge from climate change. A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 115-130) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Demirci, K. (2019). Uluslararası ve ulusal mevzuat hükümleri çerçevesinde iklim mültecisi kavramı ve türkiye özelinde yaratacağı muhtemel sorunlar, Türkiye Siyaset Bilimi Dergisi, 2 (2), 93-114.
  • Elhacham, E., Ben-Uri, L., Grozovski, J., Bar-On, Y. M., Milo, R. (2020). Global human-made mass exceeds all living biomass, Nature, 588, 542-544.
  • Ertek, T. A. (2017). Antropojenik jeomorfoloji: Konusu, kökeni ve amacı, Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, 69, 69-79.
  • Farbotko, C. (2017). Representation and misrepresentation of climate migrants, B. Mayer, F. Crépeau (Ed.), Research handbook on climate change, migration and law (s. 67-84) içinde. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Felli, R. (2013). Managing climate ınsecurity by ensuring continuous capital accumulation: ‘Climate refugees’ and ‘climate migrants’, New Political Economy, 18(3), 337-363.
  • Fraser, N. (2022). Sermayenin iklimleri, D. Bayındır, M. Yıldırım (Ed.), Ekoloji: Bir arada yaşamanın geleceği (s. 47-90) içinde. Tellekt.
  • Gibb, C., Ford, J. (2012). Should the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change recognize climate migrants?, Environ. Res. Lett., 7, 1-9.
  • Greiner, C., Sakdapolrak, P. (2016). Migration, environment and ınequality: Perspectives of a political ecology of translocal relations, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 151-166) içinde. Springer.
  • Helbing, M. (2020). Attitudes towards climate change migrants, Climatic Change, 160, 89-102.
  • IDMC. (t.y.).
  • Ilık Bilben, M. S. (2018). Antropojenik iklim değişikliği bağlamında göç tartışmaları. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, 75, 237–268.
  • Ilık Bilben, M. S. (2019). Dünyadan örnekler ışığında iklim değişikliği kaynaklı göçleri anlamak, Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 9 (2), 335-355.
  • InforMEA. (t.y.). United Nations Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
  • IOM. (2015). IOM Perspectives on migration, environment and climate change. IOM.
  • Kelman, I. (2019). Imaginary numbers of climate change migrants?, Social Sciences, 8 (131), 1-16.
  • Klaiber, H. A., (2014). Migration and household adaptation to climate: A review of empirical research, Energy Economics, 46, 539–547.
  • Lelandais, G. E. (2016). Drought, social inequalities, adaptation, and farmers’ mobility in the Konya plain of Turkey, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 91- 102) içinde. Springer.
  • Lewis, B. (2018). Environmental human rights and climate change: Current status and future prospects. Springer.
  • Ionesco, D. (2019, Ocak 16). Let’s talk about climate migrants, not climate refugees. climate-refugees/
  • Marshall, L. W. (2011). Toward a new definition of ‘refugee’: is the 1951 convention out of date?, Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg, 37, 61–66.
  • Mayer, B. (2016). The arbitrary project of protecting environmental migrants, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 189-202) içinde. Springer.
  • McAdam, J. (2011). Climate change displacement and ınternational law: Complementary protection standards (legal and protection policy research series) Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for refugees, division of international protection.
  • McInerney-Lankford, S. (2017). Climate change, human rights and migration: A legal analysis of challenges and opportunities. B. Mayer, F. Crépeau (Ed.), Research handbook on climate change, migration and law (s. 131-168) içinde. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • McLeman, R., Faist, T., Schade, J. (2016). Introduction: Environment, migration, and ınequality-a complex dynamic, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 3-26) içinde. Springer.
  • Miller, D. S. (2017). Climate refugees and the human cost of global climate change, Environmental Justice, 10 (4), 89-92.
  • Mueller, V., Sheriff, G., Dou, X., Gray, C. (2020). Temporary migration and climate variation in eastern Africa, World Development, 126, 1-16.
  • Nawrotzki, R. J., DeWaard, J., Bakhtsiyarava, M, Trang Ha, J. (2017). Climate shocks and rural-urban migration in Mexico: Exploring nonlinearities and thresholds, Climatic Change, 140, 243-258.
  • Nawrotzki, R. J., DeWaard, J. (2018). Putting trapped populations into place: Climate change and inter-district migration flows in Zambia, Reg Environ Change, 18, 533-546.
  • Neuteleers, S. (2011). Environmental refugees: A Misleading Notion for a genuine problem, Ethical Perspectives, 18 (2), 229-248.
  • Nicholson, C. M. (2014). Climate change and the politics of causal reasoning: The case of climate change and migration, The Geographical Journal, 180(2), 151–160.
  • Piguet, E. (2013). From “primitive migration” to “climate refugees”: The curious fate of the natural environment in migration studies, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(1), 148-162.
  • Saldanha, A. (2017). Globalization as a crisis of mobility: A critique of spherology, A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 151-174) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Safi, S. (2020). Ioane Teitiota Kiribati/ Yeni Zelanda Davası ve BM İnsan Hakları Komitesi’nin iklim mültecileri ile ilgili tarihi kararı, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2), 509-540.
  • Scheffran, J., Marmer, E., Sowb, P. (2012). Migration as a contribution to resilience and innovation in climate adaptation: Social networks and co-development in Northwest Africa, Applied Geography, 33, 119-127.
  • Schade, J., Faist, T., McLeman, R. (2016). Conclusion: Inequality and migration as adaptation—Where
  • Do We Go from Here? R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 203-228) içinde. Springer.
  • Torabian, E. (2014). Exploring social vulnerability and environmental migration in Urmia Lake of Iran: Comparative insights from the Aral Sea. G. Gemenne, P. Brücker, D. Ionesco (Ed.), The State of Environmental Migration 2014 (s. 65-84) içinde. IOM.
  • UNHCR. (t.y.). Climate change and disaster displacement. and-disasters.html
  • Weinthal, E., Zawahri, N., Sowers, J. (2015). Securitizing water, climate, and migration in Israel, Jordan, and Syria, Int Environ Agreements, 15, 293–307.
  • Wilcox, S. (2021). Does Brock’s theory of migration Justice adequately account for climate refugees?, Ethics & Global Politics, 14(2), 75-85.
  • Williams, A. (2008). Turning the tide: Recognizing climate change refugees in ınternational law, Law&Policy, 30 (4), 502-529.
  • WMO. (2020). Statement On The State of The Global Climate in 2019. WMO.
  • Ziya, O. (2012). Mülteci-göçmen belirsizliğinde iklim mültecileri, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, 99, 230-240.
Year 2023, , 224 - 237, 30.06.2023



  • Ackerly, B. A. (2016). Hidden in plain sight: Social inequalities in the context of environmental change, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 131-150) içinde. Springer.
  • Akalın, M. (2019). İklim mültecileri. İksad Publishing House.
  • Bates, D. (2002). Environmental refugees? Classifying human migrations caused by environmental change, Population and Environment, 23, 465-477.
  • Bettini, G., Nash, S. L., Gioli, G. (2017). One step forward, two steps back? The fading contours of (in)justice in competing discourses on climate migration, The Geographical Journal, 183 (4), 348-358.
  • BMMYK. (1951). Mültecilerin hukuki statüsüne ilişkin sözleşme. content/uploads/2016/12/1951-Cenevre-Sozlesmesi-1.pdf
  • Brown, W. (2017). Climate change, democracy and crises of humanism. A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 25-40) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Bruntland, G. H. (1987). Our common future: The world commission on environment and development. Oxford University Press.
  • Colebrook, C. (2017). Transcendental migration: Taking refuge from climate change. A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 115-130) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Demirci, K. (2019). Uluslararası ve ulusal mevzuat hükümleri çerçevesinde iklim mültecisi kavramı ve türkiye özelinde yaratacağı muhtemel sorunlar, Türkiye Siyaset Bilimi Dergisi, 2 (2), 93-114.
  • Elhacham, E., Ben-Uri, L., Grozovski, J., Bar-On, Y. M., Milo, R. (2020). Global human-made mass exceeds all living biomass, Nature, 588, 542-544.
  • Ertek, T. A. (2017). Antropojenik jeomorfoloji: Konusu, kökeni ve amacı, Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, 69, 69-79.
  • Farbotko, C. (2017). Representation and misrepresentation of climate migrants, B. Mayer, F. Crépeau (Ed.), Research handbook on climate change, migration and law (s. 67-84) içinde. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Felli, R. (2013). Managing climate ınsecurity by ensuring continuous capital accumulation: ‘Climate refugees’ and ‘climate migrants’, New Political Economy, 18(3), 337-363.
  • Fraser, N. (2022). Sermayenin iklimleri, D. Bayındır, M. Yıldırım (Ed.), Ekoloji: Bir arada yaşamanın geleceği (s. 47-90) içinde. Tellekt.
  • Gibb, C., Ford, J. (2012). Should the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change recognize climate migrants?, Environ. Res. Lett., 7, 1-9.
  • Greiner, C., Sakdapolrak, P. (2016). Migration, environment and ınequality: Perspectives of a political ecology of translocal relations, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 151-166) içinde. Springer.
  • Helbing, M. (2020). Attitudes towards climate change migrants, Climatic Change, 160, 89-102.
  • IDMC. (t.y.).
  • Ilık Bilben, M. S. (2018). Antropojenik iklim değişikliği bağlamında göç tartışmaları. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, 75, 237–268.
  • Ilık Bilben, M. S. (2019). Dünyadan örnekler ışığında iklim değişikliği kaynaklı göçleri anlamak, Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 9 (2), 335-355.
  • InforMEA. (t.y.). United Nations Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
  • IOM. (2015). IOM Perspectives on migration, environment and climate change. IOM.
  • Kelman, I. (2019). Imaginary numbers of climate change migrants?, Social Sciences, 8 (131), 1-16.
  • Klaiber, H. A., (2014). Migration and household adaptation to climate: A review of empirical research, Energy Economics, 46, 539–547.
  • Lelandais, G. E. (2016). Drought, social inequalities, adaptation, and farmers’ mobility in the Konya plain of Turkey, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 91- 102) içinde. Springer.
  • Lewis, B. (2018). Environmental human rights and climate change: Current status and future prospects. Springer.
  • Ionesco, D. (2019, Ocak 16). Let’s talk about climate migrants, not climate refugees. climate-refugees/
  • Marshall, L. W. (2011). Toward a new definition of ‘refugee’: is the 1951 convention out of date?, Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg, 37, 61–66.
  • Mayer, B. (2016). The arbitrary project of protecting environmental migrants, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 189-202) içinde. Springer.
  • McAdam, J. (2011). Climate change displacement and ınternational law: Complementary protection standards (legal and protection policy research series) Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for refugees, division of international protection.
  • McInerney-Lankford, S. (2017). Climate change, human rights and migration: A legal analysis of challenges and opportunities. B. Mayer, F. Crépeau (Ed.), Research handbook on climate change, migration and law (s. 131-168) içinde. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • McLeman, R., Faist, T., Schade, J. (2016). Introduction: Environment, migration, and ınequality-a complex dynamic, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 3-26) içinde. Springer.
  • Miller, D. S. (2017). Climate refugees and the human cost of global climate change, Environmental Justice, 10 (4), 89-92.
  • Mueller, V., Sheriff, G., Dou, X., Gray, C. (2020). Temporary migration and climate variation in eastern Africa, World Development, 126, 1-16.
  • Nawrotzki, R. J., DeWaard, J., Bakhtsiyarava, M, Trang Ha, J. (2017). Climate shocks and rural-urban migration in Mexico: Exploring nonlinearities and thresholds, Climatic Change, 140, 243-258.
  • Nawrotzki, R. J., DeWaard, J. (2018). Putting trapped populations into place: Climate change and inter-district migration flows in Zambia, Reg Environ Change, 18, 533-546.
  • Neuteleers, S. (2011). Environmental refugees: A Misleading Notion for a genuine problem, Ethical Perspectives, 18 (2), 229-248.
  • Nicholson, C. M. (2014). Climate change and the politics of causal reasoning: The case of climate change and migration, The Geographical Journal, 180(2), 151–160.
  • Piguet, E. (2013). From “primitive migration” to “climate refugees”: The curious fate of the natural environment in migration studies, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(1), 148-162.
  • Saldanha, A. (2017). Globalization as a crisis of mobility: A critique of spherology, A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 151-174) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Safi, S. (2020). Ioane Teitiota Kiribati/ Yeni Zelanda Davası ve BM İnsan Hakları Komitesi’nin iklim mültecileri ile ilgili tarihi kararı, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2), 509-540.
  • Scheffran, J., Marmer, E., Sowb, P. (2012). Migration as a contribution to resilience and innovation in climate adaptation: Social networks and co-development in Northwest Africa, Applied Geography, 33, 119-127.
  • Schade, J., Faist, T., McLeman, R. (2016). Conclusion: Inequality and migration as adaptation—Where
  • Do We Go from Here? R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 203-228) içinde. Springer.
  • Torabian, E. (2014). Exploring social vulnerability and environmental migration in Urmia Lake of Iran: Comparative insights from the Aral Sea. G. Gemenne, P. Brücker, D. Ionesco (Ed.), The State of Environmental Migration 2014 (s. 65-84) içinde. IOM.
  • UNHCR. (t.y.). Climate change and disaster displacement. and-disasters.html
  • Weinthal, E., Zawahri, N., Sowers, J. (2015). Securitizing water, climate, and migration in Israel, Jordan, and Syria, Int Environ Agreements, 15, 293–307.
  • Wilcox, S. (2021). Does Brock’s theory of migration Justice adequately account for climate refugees?, Ethics & Global Politics, 14(2), 75-85.
  • Williams, A. (2008). Turning the tide: Recognizing climate change refugees in ınternational law, Law&Policy, 30 (4), 502-529.
  • WMO. (2020). Statement On The State of The Global Climate in 2019. WMO.
  • Ziya, O. (2012). Mülteci-göçmen belirsizliğinde iklim mültecileri, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, 99, 230-240.

Human Rights Based Sociological Perspective To The Conceptions Of Climate Migration and Climate Refugee

Year 2023, , 224 - 237, 30.06.2023


Within the scope of this study, the concepts of climate migration and climate refugee are discussed in the context of climate change. These two concepts, which are not yet the object of institutional arrangements, are evaluated in theoretical discussions on the determination of conceptual boundaries, the explanation of causality mechanisms and how they will be placed in the legal framework. While the reports published on climate change after 1980 were effective in bringing the issue to the agenda, the data published by centers such as The International Displacement Monitoring Center show that the number of people who migrated due to environmental conditions are increasing day by day. As a research area in which different types of migration are examined together, climate migration considered as an adaptation strategy needs to be defined its conceptual boundaries. In this context, it is aimed to clarify the concepts, to discuss the causal relationships between climate change and migration, to understand the position of climate refugee in the legal framework and to justify it in the context of human rights, and to establish the connection between capitalism and climate change as a social process. This study is thought to fill the void in literature based on the argument that there is a need for sociological discussions examining the intersectionality of social, economic, and political mechanisms related to the relationship between climate change and migration is revealed, climate refugee is not only a problem of island countries that will be flooded due to sea level rise, but also it originates from current production and consumption structure.


  • Ackerly, B. A. (2016). Hidden in plain sight: Social inequalities in the context of environmental change, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 131-150) içinde. Springer.
  • Akalın, M. (2019). İklim mültecileri. İksad Publishing House.
  • Bates, D. (2002). Environmental refugees? Classifying human migrations caused by environmental change, Population and Environment, 23, 465-477.
  • Bettini, G., Nash, S. L., Gioli, G. (2017). One step forward, two steps back? The fading contours of (in)justice in competing discourses on climate migration, The Geographical Journal, 183 (4), 348-358.
  • BMMYK. (1951). Mültecilerin hukuki statüsüne ilişkin sözleşme. content/uploads/2016/12/1951-Cenevre-Sozlesmesi-1.pdf
  • Brown, W. (2017). Climate change, democracy and crises of humanism. A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 25-40) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Bruntland, G. H. (1987). Our common future: The world commission on environment and development. Oxford University Press.
  • Colebrook, C. (2017). Transcendental migration: Taking refuge from climate change. A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 115-130) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Demirci, K. (2019). Uluslararası ve ulusal mevzuat hükümleri çerçevesinde iklim mültecisi kavramı ve türkiye özelinde yaratacağı muhtemel sorunlar, Türkiye Siyaset Bilimi Dergisi, 2 (2), 93-114.
  • Elhacham, E., Ben-Uri, L., Grozovski, J., Bar-On, Y. M., Milo, R. (2020). Global human-made mass exceeds all living biomass, Nature, 588, 542-544.
  • Ertek, T. A. (2017). Antropojenik jeomorfoloji: Konusu, kökeni ve amacı, Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, 69, 69-79.
  • Farbotko, C. (2017). Representation and misrepresentation of climate migrants, B. Mayer, F. Crépeau (Ed.), Research handbook on climate change, migration and law (s. 67-84) içinde. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Felli, R. (2013). Managing climate ınsecurity by ensuring continuous capital accumulation: ‘Climate refugees’ and ‘climate migrants’, New Political Economy, 18(3), 337-363.
  • Fraser, N. (2022). Sermayenin iklimleri, D. Bayındır, M. Yıldırım (Ed.), Ekoloji: Bir arada yaşamanın geleceği (s. 47-90) içinde. Tellekt.
  • Gibb, C., Ford, J. (2012). Should the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change recognize climate migrants?, Environ. Res. Lett., 7, 1-9.
  • Greiner, C., Sakdapolrak, P. (2016). Migration, environment and ınequality: Perspectives of a political ecology of translocal relations, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 151-166) içinde. Springer.
  • Helbing, M. (2020). Attitudes towards climate change migrants, Climatic Change, 160, 89-102.
  • IDMC. (t.y.).
  • Ilık Bilben, M. S. (2018). Antropojenik iklim değişikliği bağlamında göç tartışmaları. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, 75, 237–268.
  • Ilık Bilben, M. S. (2019). Dünyadan örnekler ışığında iklim değişikliği kaynaklı göçleri anlamak, Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 9 (2), 335-355.
  • InforMEA. (t.y.). United Nations Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
  • IOM. (2015). IOM Perspectives on migration, environment and climate change. IOM.
  • Kelman, I. (2019). Imaginary numbers of climate change migrants?, Social Sciences, 8 (131), 1-16.
  • Klaiber, H. A., (2014). Migration and household adaptation to climate: A review of empirical research, Energy Economics, 46, 539–547.
  • Lelandais, G. E. (2016). Drought, social inequalities, adaptation, and farmers’ mobility in the Konya plain of Turkey, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 91- 102) içinde. Springer.
  • Lewis, B. (2018). Environmental human rights and climate change: Current status and future prospects. Springer.
  • Ionesco, D. (2019, Ocak 16). Let’s talk about climate migrants, not climate refugees. climate-refugees/
  • Marshall, L. W. (2011). Toward a new definition of ‘refugee’: is the 1951 convention out of date?, Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg, 37, 61–66.
  • Mayer, B. (2016). The arbitrary project of protecting environmental migrants, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental migration and social inequality (s. 189-202) içinde. Springer.
  • McAdam, J. (2011). Climate change displacement and ınternational law: Complementary protection standards (legal and protection policy research series) Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for refugees, division of international protection.
  • McInerney-Lankford, S. (2017). Climate change, human rights and migration: A legal analysis of challenges and opportunities. B. Mayer, F. Crépeau (Ed.), Research handbook on climate change, migration and law (s. 131-168) içinde. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • McLeman, R., Faist, T., Schade, J. (2016). Introduction: Environment, migration, and ınequality-a complex dynamic, R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 3-26) içinde. Springer.
  • Miller, D. S. (2017). Climate refugees and the human cost of global climate change, Environmental Justice, 10 (4), 89-92.
  • Mueller, V., Sheriff, G., Dou, X., Gray, C. (2020). Temporary migration and climate variation in eastern Africa, World Development, 126, 1-16.
  • Nawrotzki, R. J., DeWaard, J., Bakhtsiyarava, M, Trang Ha, J. (2017). Climate shocks and rural-urban migration in Mexico: Exploring nonlinearities and thresholds, Climatic Change, 140, 243-258.
  • Nawrotzki, R. J., DeWaard, J. (2018). Putting trapped populations into place: Climate change and inter-district migration flows in Zambia, Reg Environ Change, 18, 533-546.
  • Neuteleers, S. (2011). Environmental refugees: A Misleading Notion for a genuine problem, Ethical Perspectives, 18 (2), 229-248.
  • Nicholson, C. M. (2014). Climate change and the politics of causal reasoning: The case of climate change and migration, The Geographical Journal, 180(2), 151–160.
  • Piguet, E. (2013). From “primitive migration” to “climate refugees”: The curious fate of the natural environment in migration studies, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(1), 148-162.
  • Saldanha, A. (2017). Globalization as a crisis of mobility: A critique of spherology, A. Baldwin, G. Bettini (Ed.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (s. 151-174) içinde. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Safi, S. (2020). Ioane Teitiota Kiribati/ Yeni Zelanda Davası ve BM İnsan Hakları Komitesi’nin iklim mültecileri ile ilgili tarihi kararı, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2), 509-540.
  • Scheffran, J., Marmer, E., Sowb, P. (2012). Migration as a contribution to resilience and innovation in climate adaptation: Social networks and co-development in Northwest Africa, Applied Geography, 33, 119-127.
  • Schade, J., Faist, T., McLeman, R. (2016). Conclusion: Inequality and migration as adaptation—Where
  • Do We Go from Here? R. McLeman, J. Schade, T. Faist (Ed.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (s. 203-228) içinde. Springer.
  • Torabian, E. (2014). Exploring social vulnerability and environmental migration in Urmia Lake of Iran: Comparative insights from the Aral Sea. G. Gemenne, P. Brücker, D. Ionesco (Ed.), The State of Environmental Migration 2014 (s. 65-84) içinde. IOM.
  • UNHCR. (t.y.). Climate change and disaster displacement. and-disasters.html
  • Weinthal, E., Zawahri, N., Sowers, J. (2015). Securitizing water, climate, and migration in Israel, Jordan, and Syria, Int Environ Agreements, 15, 293–307.
  • Wilcox, S. (2021). Does Brock’s theory of migration Justice adequately account for climate refugees?, Ethics & Global Politics, 14(2), 75-85.
  • Williams, A. (2008). Turning the tide: Recognizing climate change refugees in ınternational law, Law&Policy, 30 (4), 502-529.
  • WMO. (2020). Statement On The State of The Global Climate in 2019. WMO.
  • Ziya, O. (2012). Mülteci-göçmen belirsizliğinde iklim mültecileri, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, 99, 230-240.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Issue

Büşra Yörük 0000-0003-3280-6183

Publication Date June 30, 2023
Submission Date December 3, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Yörük, B. (2023). İklim Göçü ve İklim Mülteciliği Kavramlarına İnsan Hakları Temelli Sosyolojik Bir Bakış. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(60), 224-237.

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