Research Article
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The Role of Renewable Energy, Technological Innovation, and Human Capital on Environmental Quality in Türkiye: Testing the LCC Hypothesis with Smooth Structural Shifts

Year 2024, , 76 - 91, 30.09.2024


Newly industrializing economies are ardently striving for rapid development, aspiring to emulate the affluence of Western nations. However, amidst this relentless economic dynamism, the world grapples with an escalating climate change crisis. Therefore, it becomes imperative to identify the factors contributing to improving developing nations' environmental quality while concurrently advancing their sustainable development objectives. In this regard, the present study aims to dissect the environmental implications of renewable energy consumption, technological innovation, and human capital and examine the "Load Capacity Curve" (LCC) hypothesis in Türkiye through an extension of the STIRPAT model. To achieve this objective, the research operates a novel econometric methodology, namely the "augmented autoregressive distributed lag" (A-ARDL) approach with Fourier terms, to analyze yearly data from 1980 to 2019. The empirical findings substantiate the validation of the LCC hypothesis in Türkiye, both in the short and long term. Furthermore, the results unveil that renewable energy consumption and human capital significantly bolster ecological welfare over the long term, whereas technological innovation exhibits no discernible impact on the environment. Additionally, the outcomes display that population growth positively impacts the environment in the short term; nevertheless, over the long term, it becomes detrimental to environmental quality.


  • Abdulmagid Basheer Agila, T., Khalifa, W. M., Saint Akadiri, S., Adebayo, T. S., & Altuntaş, M. (2022). Determinants of load capacity factor in South Korea: does structural change matter?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(46), 69932-69948.
  • Alola, A. A., Özkan, O., & Usman, O. (2023). Role of non-renewable energy efficiency and renewable energy in driving environmental sustainability in India: evidence from the load capacity factor hypothesis. Energies, 16(6), 2847.
  • Alvarado, R., Deng, Q., Tillaguango, B., Méndez, P., Bravo, D., Chamba, J., Alvarado-Lopez, M., & Ahmad, M. (2021). Do economic development and human capital decrease non-renewable energy consumption? Evidence for OECD countries. Energy, 215, 119147.
  • Awosusi, A. A., Adebayo, T. S., Kirikkaleli, D., Rjoub, H., & Altuntaş, M. (2023). Evaluating the determinants of load capacity factor in Japan: The impact of economic complexity and trade globalization. In Natural Resources Forum. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • Awosusi, A. A., Kutlay, K., Altuntaş, M., Khodjiev, B., Agyekum, E. B., Shouran, M., Elgbaily, M., & Kamel, S. (2022). A roadmap toward achieving sustainable environment: evaluating the impact of technological innovation and globalization on load capacity factor. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3288.
  • Aydin, M., & Degirmenci, T. (2023). The impact of clean energy consumption, green innovation, and technological diffusion on environmental sustainability: New evidence from load capacity curve hypothesis for 10 European Union countries. Sustainable Development.
  • Aydin, M., Erdem, A., Sogut, Y., & Ahmed, Z. (2024). A path towards environmental sustainability: exploring the effects of technological innovation and investment freedom on load capacity factor. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 1-12.
  • Caglar, A. E., Avci, S. B., Daştan, M., & Destek, M. A. (2024a). Investigation of the effect of natural resource dependence on environmental sustainability under the novel load capacity curve hypothesis. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 31(4), 431-446.
  • Caglar, A. E., Daştan, M., & Rej, S. (2024c). A new look at China’s environmental quality: how does environmental sustainability respond to the asymmetrical behavior of the competitive industrial sector?. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 31(1), 16-28.
  • Caglar, A. E., Daştan, M., Mehmood, U., & Avci, S. B. (2023a). Assessing the connection between competitive industrial performance on load capacity factor within the LCC framework: Implications for sustainable policy in BRICS economies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-18. 29178-1
  • Caglar, A. E., Destek, M. A., & Manga, M. (2024b). Analyzing the load capacity curve hypothesis for the Turkiye: A perspective for the sustainable environment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 141232.
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Yenilenebilir Enerji, Teknolojik Yenilik ve Beşeri Sermayenin Türkiye’nin Çevre Kalitesi Üzerindeki Rolü: LCC Hipotezinin Yumuşak Yapısal Kırılmalarla Test Edilmesi

Year 2024, , 76 - 91, 30.09.2024


Yeni sanayileşen ekonomiler, batılı ulusların refah düzeyini yakalama arzusuyla hızlı bir kalkınma çabası içindedir. Ancak, bu güçlü ekonomik dinamizmin ortasında, dünya giderek derinleşen bir iklim değişikliği kriziyle yüzleşmektedir. Bu bakımdan, gelişmekte olan ülkelerin sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedeflerini desteklerken aynı zamanda çevresel kalitelerini artırmalarına katkıda bulunan faktörlerin belirlenmesi zorunlu hale gelmektedir. Bu noktadan hareketle bu çalışma, STIRPAT modelini genişleterek Türkiye'de yenilenebilir enerji tüketimi, teknolojik yenilik ve beşeri sermayenin çevresel etkilerini incelemeyi ve "Yük Kapasite Eğrisi" (YKE) hipotezinin geçerliliğini test etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla çalışmada 1980’den 2019’a uzanan yıllık veriler literatüre henüz yeni kazandırılan Fourier terimli "genişletilmiş gecikmesi dağıtılmış otoregresif" (A-ARDL) yaklaşımı kullanılarak analiz edilmektedir. Ampirik bulgular, LCC hipotezinin Türkiye'de hem kısa hem de uzun dönemde geçerli olduğunu kanıtlamaktadır. Ayrıca sonuçlar, yenilenebilir enerji tüketimi ve beşeri sermayenin uzun vadede çevresel kaliteyi önemli ölçüde artırdığını, teknolojik inovasyonun ise çevre üzerinde istatistiki açıdan anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığını ortaya koymaktadır. Bununla birlikte, bulgular nüfus artışının kısa vadede çevre üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahip olduğunu, ancak uzun vadede çevresel kaliteyi düşürdüğünü göstermektedir.


  • Abdulmagid Basheer Agila, T., Khalifa, W. M., Saint Akadiri, S., Adebayo, T. S., & Altuntaş, M. (2022). Determinants of load capacity factor in South Korea: does structural change matter?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(46), 69932-69948.
  • Alola, A. A., Özkan, O., & Usman, O. (2023). Role of non-renewable energy efficiency and renewable energy in driving environmental sustainability in India: evidence from the load capacity factor hypothesis. Energies, 16(6), 2847.
  • Alvarado, R., Deng, Q., Tillaguango, B., Méndez, P., Bravo, D., Chamba, J., Alvarado-Lopez, M., & Ahmad, M. (2021). Do economic development and human capital decrease non-renewable energy consumption? Evidence for OECD countries. Energy, 215, 119147.
  • Awosusi, A. A., Adebayo, T. S., Kirikkaleli, D., Rjoub, H., & Altuntaş, M. (2023). Evaluating the determinants of load capacity factor in Japan: The impact of economic complexity and trade globalization. In Natural Resources Forum. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • Awosusi, A. A., Kutlay, K., Altuntaş, M., Khodjiev, B., Agyekum, E. B., Shouran, M., Elgbaily, M., & Kamel, S. (2022). A roadmap toward achieving sustainable environment: evaluating the impact of technological innovation and globalization on load capacity factor. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3288.
  • Aydin, M., & Degirmenci, T. (2023). The impact of clean energy consumption, green innovation, and technological diffusion on environmental sustainability: New evidence from load capacity curve hypothesis for 10 European Union countries. Sustainable Development.
  • Aydin, M., Erdem, A., Sogut, Y., & Ahmed, Z. (2024). A path towards environmental sustainability: exploring the effects of technological innovation and investment freedom on load capacity factor. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 1-12.
  • Caglar, A. E., Avci, S. B., Daştan, M., & Destek, M. A. (2024a). Investigation of the effect of natural resource dependence on environmental sustainability under the novel load capacity curve hypothesis. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 31(4), 431-446.
  • Caglar, A. E., Daştan, M., & Rej, S. (2024c). A new look at China’s environmental quality: how does environmental sustainability respond to the asymmetrical behavior of the competitive industrial sector?. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 31(1), 16-28.
  • Caglar, A. E., Daştan, M., Mehmood, U., & Avci, S. B. (2023a). Assessing the connection between competitive industrial performance on load capacity factor within the LCC framework: Implications for sustainable policy in BRICS economies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-18. 29178-1
  • Caglar, A. E., Destek, M. A., & Manga, M. (2024b). Analyzing the load capacity curve hypothesis for the Turkiye: A perspective for the sustainable environment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 141232.
  • Caglar, A. E., Pata, U. K., Ulug, M., & Zafar, M. W. (2023b). Examining the impact of clean environmental regulations on load capacity factor to achieve sustainability: evidence from APEC economies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 429, 139563.
  • Çamkaya, S., & Karaaslan, A. (2024). Do renewable energy and human capital facilitate the ımprovement of environmental quality in the United States? A new perspective on environmental ıssues with the load capacity factor. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31, 17140-17155.
  • Carfora, A., Pansini, R. V., & Scandurra, G. (2022). Energy dependence, renewable energy generation and import demand: Are EU countries resilient?. Renewable energy, 195, 1262-1274.
  • Chen, W., & Lei, Y. (2018). The impacts of renewable energy and technological innovation on environment- energy-growth nexus: New evidence from a panel quantile regression. Renewable energy, 123, 1-14.
  • Cheng, Y., Awan, U., Ahmad, S., & Tan, Z. (2021). How do technological innovation and fiscal decentralization affect the environment? A story of the fourth industrial revolution and sustainable growth. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 162, 120398.
  • Dai, J., Ahmed, Z., Alvarado, R., & Ahmad, M. (2024). Assessing the nexus between human capital, green energy, and load capacity factor: policymaking for achieving sustainable development goals. Gondwana Research, 129, 452-464.
  • Daştan, M. (2024). Yenilenebilir Enerji Tüketiminin İşsizlik Üzerindeki Etkileri: BRICS-T Ülkeleri Üzerine Ampirik Bir İnceleme. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 23(2), 633-653.
  • Daştan, M., & Eygü, H. (2023). An empirical investigation of the link between economic growth, unemployment, and ecological footprint in Turkey: Bridging the EKC and EPC hypotheses. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-32.
  • Deng, S., Tiwari, S., Khan, S., Hossain, M. R., & Chen, R. (2024). Investigating the load capacity curve (LCC) hypothesis in leading emitter economies: Role of clean energy and energy security for sustainable development. Gondwana Research, 128, 283-297.
  • Dietz, T., & Rosa, E. A. (1997). Effects of population and affluence on CO2 emissions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 94(1), 175-179.
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There are 90 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Ecology, Sustainability and Energy
Journal Section Issue

Muhammet Daştan 0000-0001-6067-8946

Publication Date September 30, 2024
Submission Date May 7, 2024
Acceptance Date July 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Daştan, M. (2024). The Role of Renewable Energy, Technological Innovation, and Human Capital on Environmental Quality in Türkiye: Testing the LCC Hypothesis with Smooth Structural Shifts. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(65), 76-91.

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