Research Article
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The Effects of Geopolitical Risks on Firm Investments: An Empirical Study on the Istanbul Stock Exchange

Year 2024, Issue: 66, 12 - 23, 25.12.2024


Extensive research has been conducted on the factors that influence a company's investment decisions. Both country-specific and firm-specific factors, impacting firms' investment choices, have been identified by researchers. Firm-specific factors encompass profitability, size, operating risk, liquidity, and growth potential. On the other hand, country-specific factors are delineated as economic growth, inflation, political and economic uncertainty, taxation, and legal regulations within the country. Literature studies suggest that, in addition to political and economic uncertainties, geopolitical risks also exert a significant influence on firms' investment decisions. The research below focuses on how geopolitical risks (GPR) affect the investing choices of 309 non-financial businesses included in the Istanbul Stock Exchange of Turkey. Data spanning ten years, from 2010 to 2019, was collected, and the unbalanced panel data method was employed for analysis. In light of the study's conclusions, an increase in Turkey's GPR Index corresponded to a decline in firm investments, aligning with expectations.


  • Aivazian, V. A., Ge, Y., & Qiu, J. (2005). The impact of leverage on firm investment: Canadian evidence. Journal of Corporate Finance, 11(1-2), 277-291.
  • Akron, S., Demir, E., Díez-Esteban, J. M., & García-Gómez, C. D. (2020). Economic policy uncertainty and corporate investment: Evidence from the US hospitality industry. Tourism Management, 77, 104019.
  • Al Mamun, M., Uddin, G. S., Suleman, M. T., & Kang, S. H. (2020). Geopolitical risk, uncertainty, and Bitcoin investment. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 540, 123107.
  • Antonakakis, N., Gupta, R., Kollias, C., & Papadamou, S. (2017). Geopolitical risks and the oil-stock nexus over 1899–2016. Finance Research Letters, 23, 165-173.
  • Apergis, N., Bonato, M., Gupta, R., & Kyei, C. (2018). Do geopolitical risks predict stock returns and volatility of leading defence companies? Evidence from a nonparametric approach. Defence and Peace Economics, 29(6), 684-696.
  • Aysan, A. F., Demir, E., Gozgor, G., & Lau, C. K. M. (2019). Effects of the geopolitical risks on Bitcoin returns and volatility. Research in International Business and Finance, 47, 511-518.
  • Balcilar, M., Bonato, M., Demirer, R., & Gupta, R. (2018). Geopolitical risks and stock market dynamics of the BRICS. Economic Systems, 42(2), 295-306.
  • Bouri, E., Demirer, R., Gupta, R., & Marfatia, H. A. (2019). Geopolitical risks and movements in Islamic bond and equity markets: A note. Defence and Peace Economics, 30(3), 367-379.
  • Caldara, D., & Iacoviello, M. (2018). Measuring geopolitical risk. FRB International Finance Discussion Paper, (1222).
  • Chen, X., Le, C. H. A., Shan, Y., & Taylor, S. (2020). Australian policy uncertainty and corporate investment. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 61, 101341.
  • Chen, P. F., Lee, C. C., & Zeng, J. H. (2019). Economic policy uncertainty and firm investment: Evidence from the US market. Applied Economics, 51(31), 3423-3435.
  • Cheng, C. H. J., & Chiu, C. W. J. (2018). How important are global geopolitical risks to emerging countries? International Economics, 156, 305-325.
  • Demir, E., Díez-Esteban, J. M., & García-Gómez, C. D. (2019a). The impact of geopolitical risks on cash holdings of hospitality companies: Evidence from emerging countries. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 39, 166-174.
  • Demir, E., Gozgor, G., & Paramati, S. R. (2019b). Do geopolitical risks matter for inbound tourism? Eurasian Business Review, 9(2), 183-191.
  • Demir, E., & Ersan, O. (2017). Economic policy uncertainty and cash holdings: Evidence from BRIC countries. Emerging Markets Review, 33, 189-200.
  • Demir, E., Simonyan, S., Chen, M. H., & Lau, C. K. M. (2020). Asymmetric effects of geopolitical risks on Turkey's tourist arrivals. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 23-26.
  • Dissanayake, R., Mehrotra, V., & Wu, Y. (2018). Geopolitical Risk and Corporate Investment. Available at SSRN 3222198.
  • Gala, V., & Julio, B. (2016). Firm size and corporate investment. Available at SSRN 1787350.
  • Gulen, H., & Ion, M. (2016). Policy uncertainty and corporate investment. The Review of Financial Studies, 29(3), 523-564.
  • Gupta, R., Gozgor, G., Kaya, H., & Demir, E. (2019). Effects of geopolitical risks on trade flow: Evidence from the gravity model. Eurasian Economic Review, 9(4), 515-530.
  • Hausman, J. A. (1978). Specification tests in econometrics. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 46(6), 1251-1271.
  • Jens, C. E. (2017). Political uncertainty and investment: Causal evidence from U.S. gubernatorial elections. Journal of Financial Economics, 124(3), 563-579.
  • Julio, B., & Yook, Y. (2012). Political uncertainty and corporate investment cycles. The Journal of American Finance Association, 67(1), 45-83.
  • Khan, M. A., Qin, X., & Jebran, K. (2019). Does uncertainty influence the leverage-investment association in Chinese firms? Research in International Business and Finance, 50, 134-152.
  • Lee, C. C., Olasehinde‐Williams, G., & Akadiri, S. S. (2021). Geopolitical risk and tourism: Evidence from dynamic heterogeneous panel models. International Journal of Tourism Research, 23(1), 26-38.
  • Liu, G., & Zhang, C. (2020). Economic policy uncertainty and firms' investment and financing decisions in China. China Economic Review, 63, 101279.
  • Liu, J., Ma, F., Tang, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2019). Geopolitical risk and oil volatility: A new insight. Energy Economics, 84, 104548.
  • Malmendier, U., & Tate, G. (2005). CEO overconfidence and corporate investment. The Journal of Finance, 60(6), 2661-2700.
  • Myers, S. C. (1977). Determinants of corporate borrowing. Journal of Financial Economics, 5(2), 147-175.
  • Panagiotidis, T., & Printzis, P. (2021). Investment and uncertainty: Are large firms different from small ones? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 184, 302-317.
  • Suh, H., & Yang, J. Y. (2021). Global uncertainty and global economic policy uncertainty: Different implications for firm investment. Economics Letters, 200, 109767.
  • Opler, T., Pinkowitz, L., Stulz, R., & Williamson, R. (1999). The determinants and implications of corporate cash holdings. Journal of Financial Economics, 52(1), 3-46.
  • Vo, X. V. (2019). Leverage and corporate investment–Evidence from Vietnam. Finance Research Letters, 28, 1-5.
  • Wang, Y., Chen, C. R., & Huang, Y. S. (2014). Economic policy uncertainty and corporate investment: Evidence from China. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 26, 227-243.
  • Wang, X., Wu, Y., & Xu, W. (2019). Geopolitical risk and investment. Available at SSRN 3305739.
  • Wu, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, S., & Zou, L. (2020). The economic policy uncertainty and firm investment in Australia. Applied Economics, 52(31), 3354-3378.
  • Yalcinkaya, O. (2019). Macroeconomic effects of global economic, political, and geopolitical uncertainties: SVAR analysis on Turkish economy (1992). Journal of Yasar University, 14(53), 56-73.

Jeopolitik Risklerin Firma Yatırımları Üzerindeki Etkisi: Borsa İstanbul Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma

Year 2024, Issue: 66, 12 - 23, 25.12.2024


Şirketlerin yatırım kararlarını etkileyen faktörler sıklıkla araştırılmalara konu olmuştur. Araştırmacılar hem ülkeye özgü hem de firmaya özgü faktörlerin firmaların yatırım kararları üzerinde etkili olduğunu saptamışlardır. Firma özgü faktörler arasında karlılık, büyüklük, işletme riski, likidite ve büyüme olasılığı bulunmaktadır. Ülkeye özgü faktörler ise ekonomik büyüme, enflasyon, siyasi ve ekonomik belirsizlik, vergilendirme ve ülkedeki yasal düzenlemeler olarak belirtilmiştir. Literatürde politik ve ekonomik belirsizliklere ilaveten jeopolitik risklerin de firmaların yatırım kararlarını önemli ölçüde etkilediğine ilişkin çalışmalar mevcuttur. Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de yer alan Borsa İstanbul’da işlem gören 309 adet finansal olmayan şirketin yatırım kararları üzerinde jeopolitik risklerin (GPR) etkisini araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmanın verileri 2010 ile 2019 yılları arasındaki on yıllık süreç için toplanarak dengesiz panel veri yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın bulgularına göre, Türkiye'nin GPR Endeksi'ndeki bir artış, firma yatırımlarında beklentilere uygun şekilde azalmaya neden olmaktadır.

Ethical Statement

Statement on Research and Publication Ethics We declare that we pay attention to all ethical principles and rules in the collection, analysis and reporting of data.


  • Aivazian, V. A., Ge, Y., & Qiu, J. (2005). The impact of leverage on firm investment: Canadian evidence. Journal of Corporate Finance, 11(1-2), 277-291.
  • Akron, S., Demir, E., Díez-Esteban, J. M., & García-Gómez, C. D. (2020). Economic policy uncertainty and corporate investment: Evidence from the US hospitality industry. Tourism Management, 77, 104019.
  • Al Mamun, M., Uddin, G. S., Suleman, M. T., & Kang, S. H. (2020). Geopolitical risk, uncertainty, and Bitcoin investment. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 540, 123107.
  • Antonakakis, N., Gupta, R., Kollias, C., & Papadamou, S. (2017). Geopolitical risks and the oil-stock nexus over 1899–2016. Finance Research Letters, 23, 165-173.
  • Apergis, N., Bonato, M., Gupta, R., & Kyei, C. (2018). Do geopolitical risks predict stock returns and volatility of leading defence companies? Evidence from a nonparametric approach. Defence and Peace Economics, 29(6), 684-696.
  • Aysan, A. F., Demir, E., Gozgor, G., & Lau, C. K. M. (2019). Effects of the geopolitical risks on Bitcoin returns and volatility. Research in International Business and Finance, 47, 511-518.
  • Balcilar, M., Bonato, M., Demirer, R., & Gupta, R. (2018). Geopolitical risks and stock market dynamics of the BRICS. Economic Systems, 42(2), 295-306.
  • Bouri, E., Demirer, R., Gupta, R., & Marfatia, H. A. (2019). Geopolitical risks and movements in Islamic bond and equity markets: A note. Defence and Peace Economics, 30(3), 367-379.
  • Caldara, D., & Iacoviello, M. (2018). Measuring geopolitical risk. FRB International Finance Discussion Paper, (1222).
  • Chen, X., Le, C. H. A., Shan, Y., & Taylor, S. (2020). Australian policy uncertainty and corporate investment. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 61, 101341.
  • Chen, P. F., Lee, C. C., & Zeng, J. H. (2019). Economic policy uncertainty and firm investment: Evidence from the US market. Applied Economics, 51(31), 3423-3435.
  • Cheng, C. H. J., & Chiu, C. W. J. (2018). How important are global geopolitical risks to emerging countries? International Economics, 156, 305-325.
  • Demir, E., Díez-Esteban, J. M., & García-Gómez, C. D. (2019a). The impact of geopolitical risks on cash holdings of hospitality companies: Evidence from emerging countries. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 39, 166-174.
  • Demir, E., Gozgor, G., & Paramati, S. R. (2019b). Do geopolitical risks matter for inbound tourism? Eurasian Business Review, 9(2), 183-191.
  • Demir, E., & Ersan, O. (2017). Economic policy uncertainty and cash holdings: Evidence from BRIC countries. Emerging Markets Review, 33, 189-200.
  • Demir, E., Simonyan, S., Chen, M. H., & Lau, C. K. M. (2020). Asymmetric effects of geopolitical risks on Turkey's tourist arrivals. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 23-26.
  • Dissanayake, R., Mehrotra, V., & Wu, Y. (2018). Geopolitical Risk and Corporate Investment. Available at SSRN 3222198.
  • Gala, V., & Julio, B. (2016). Firm size and corporate investment. Available at SSRN 1787350.
  • Gulen, H., & Ion, M. (2016). Policy uncertainty and corporate investment. The Review of Financial Studies, 29(3), 523-564.
  • Gupta, R., Gozgor, G., Kaya, H., & Demir, E. (2019). Effects of geopolitical risks on trade flow: Evidence from the gravity model. Eurasian Economic Review, 9(4), 515-530.
  • Hausman, J. A. (1978). Specification tests in econometrics. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 46(6), 1251-1271.
  • Jens, C. E. (2017). Political uncertainty and investment: Causal evidence from U.S. gubernatorial elections. Journal of Financial Economics, 124(3), 563-579.
  • Julio, B., & Yook, Y. (2012). Political uncertainty and corporate investment cycles. The Journal of American Finance Association, 67(1), 45-83.
  • Khan, M. A., Qin, X., & Jebran, K. (2019). Does uncertainty influence the leverage-investment association in Chinese firms? Research in International Business and Finance, 50, 134-152.
  • Lee, C. C., Olasehinde‐Williams, G., & Akadiri, S. S. (2021). Geopolitical risk and tourism: Evidence from dynamic heterogeneous panel models. International Journal of Tourism Research, 23(1), 26-38.
  • Liu, G., & Zhang, C. (2020). Economic policy uncertainty and firms' investment and financing decisions in China. China Economic Review, 63, 101279.
  • Liu, J., Ma, F., Tang, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2019). Geopolitical risk and oil volatility: A new insight. Energy Economics, 84, 104548.
  • Malmendier, U., & Tate, G. (2005). CEO overconfidence and corporate investment. The Journal of Finance, 60(6), 2661-2700.
  • Myers, S. C. (1977). Determinants of corporate borrowing. Journal of Financial Economics, 5(2), 147-175.
  • Panagiotidis, T., & Printzis, P. (2021). Investment and uncertainty: Are large firms different from small ones? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 184, 302-317.
  • Suh, H., & Yang, J. Y. (2021). Global uncertainty and global economic policy uncertainty: Different implications for firm investment. Economics Letters, 200, 109767.
  • Opler, T., Pinkowitz, L., Stulz, R., & Williamson, R. (1999). The determinants and implications of corporate cash holdings. Journal of Financial Economics, 52(1), 3-46.
  • Vo, X. V. (2019). Leverage and corporate investment–Evidence from Vietnam. Finance Research Letters, 28, 1-5.
  • Wang, Y., Chen, C. R., & Huang, Y. S. (2014). Economic policy uncertainty and corporate investment: Evidence from China. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 26, 227-243.
  • Wang, X., Wu, Y., & Xu, W. (2019). Geopolitical risk and investment. Available at SSRN 3305739.
  • Wu, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, S., & Zou, L. (2020). The economic policy uncertainty and firm investment in Australia. Applied Economics, 52(31), 3354-3378.
  • Yalcinkaya, O. (2019). Macroeconomic effects of global economic, political, and geopolitical uncertainties: SVAR analysis on Turkish economy (1992). Journal of Yasar University, 14(53), 56-73.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economic Sociology
Journal Section Issue

Selim Süleyman 0000-0002-1548-0874

Yeşim Şendur 0000-0003-4695-2181

Yaşar Tınar 0000-0002-2382-4833

Early Pub Date December 25, 2024
Publication Date December 25, 2024
Submission Date June 30, 2024
Acceptance Date October 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 66


APA Süleyman, S., Şendur, Y., & Tınar, Y. (2024). The Effects of Geopolitical Risks on Firm Investments: An Empirical Study on the Istanbul Stock Exchange. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(66), 12-23.

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