Research Article
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A Research on The Milk Yield Traits of Brown Swiss, Simmental, Holstein Friesian Cattle and Their Crossbreeds Registered in The Herdbook System in Türkiye

Year 2023, , 174 - 182, 30.06.2023


This study was conducted to examine the milk yield traits of Holstein Friesian (HF), Brown Swiss (BS), and Simmental (SM) breeds, as well as their crossbreeds raised in enterprises registered in the herdbook system in Türkiye. With this study, the performances of cattle breeds and their crossbreeds widely raised in Türkiye were compared in terms of milk yield characteristics based on agricultural regions of Türkiye. The data used in the study included the completed lactation records of 22 331 heads of cattle for the years 2000-2014. The GLM ANOVA method was used in the statistical analysis of the effects of breed, genotype, and region on traits related to milk yield. Across the herd, the mean and standard deviation values were determined as 7551±2771 kg for lactation actual milk yield (AMY), 4.2±1.8 for total lactation number (TLN), and 382.9±9.2 days for lactation period (LP). The effects of genotypes and regions were found to be significant or very significant (p<0.05 or p<0.001) for all three studied traits, region x genotype interaction was found to be very significant for AMY and TLN (p<0.001), and not significant for LP (p=0.184). As a result, it was revealed that the interaction effects of genotype, region, and genotype x region should be taken into account in determining the milk yield traits of cultured breed and crossbreed cows that are widely raised in Türkiye. Accordingly, it was concluded that the interaction findings should be evaluated in determining the breed preferences by the regions.


The use of this study data was allowed by the “Cattle Breeders’ Association of Turkey (CBAT)” on 21.08.2019 with the decision of the Board of Directors numbered 2019/10. We would like to thank the CBAT officials.


  • Afifi, E. A., Abdel-Glil, M. F., Salem, M. A., Arafa, S. A., & Ibrahim, S. S. S. (2004). Genetic aspects of age at first calving and longevity traits in a commercial Holstein herd raised under Egyptian conditions. Annal of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 42(3), 1027-1038.
  • Akbulut, Ö. (1998a). An evaluation on the change of milk yield performance of Brown and Holstein cattle according to agricultural regions. Aegean Region I. Agriculture Congress, 7-11 September 1998, Vol. 2: 495-502, Aydın, Türkiye. Akbulut, Ö. (1998b). The use of foreign gene sources in the breeding of Turkish domestic cattle breeds by crossbreeding. Aegean Region I. Agriculture Congress, 7-11 September 1998, Vol. 2: 495-502, Aydın, Türkiye.
  • Akbulut, Ö., Bayram, B., & Sabuncuoğlu, N. (2001). Milk yield of Holstein cattle in different country conditions. GAP II. Agriculture Congress, 24-26 October 2001, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye. Congress Book pp: 1099-1104.
  • Akbulut, Ö., & Yılmaz, İ. (2013). Improvements in cattle breeding in developed and underdeveloped countries. 8th National Animal Science Congress, 5-7 Eylül 2013, Çanakkale, Türkiye.
  • Alev, N. (2018). The general economic situation of the livestock sector in the European Union and Turkey. Gaziantep University, International e-journal of faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in Islahiye, 2(2), 57-76.
  • BCSM. (2022). Official cattle breeds and codes. British Cattle Movement Service. Great Britain. Access Date: 20.11.2022.
  • Bıyıkoğlu, K. (2009). General Animal Science, Requirements for a Profitable Livestock. Atatürk University press no 231, Part V. Erzurum, Türkiye.
  • Ekmen, N. (2017). Since the 1990s, the development of Turkish agricultural policy and Turkey's compliance with the European Union's common agricultural policy (OTP). Master’s thesis. Political Science and Public Administration, 103 p, Denizli, Türkiye.
  • Erdem, H., Atasever, S., & Kul, E. (2007). Effects of some fertility traits on milk production of Holstein cows raised at Gökhöyük state farm. OMÜ Zir. Fak. Dergisi, 22(3), 284-291.
  • ESK. (2019). Industry evaluation report. General Directorate of Meat and Dairy Board. Ankara. Access Date: 22.11.2022.
  • Faye, B., & Konuspayeva, G. (2012). The sustainability challenge to the dairy sector–The growing importance of non-cattle milk production worldwide. International dairy journal, 24(2), 50-56.
  • Genç S., & Soysal, M.İ. (2018 Milk yield and reproductive traits of Holstein cattle population in Turkey. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 15 (01), 76-85.
  • Genç, S., & Karaağaç, M. (2019). Determination of milk yield traits for Holstein cattle raised in Kirsehir. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 16(3), 412-422.
  • Goshu, G., & Singh, H. (2013). Lactation specific and life time demographic parameters in a Holstein Friesian herd in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 25(11). Access Date: 22.10.2022
  • Hagnestam-Nielsen, C., Emanuelson, U., Berglund, B., & Strandberg, E. (2009). Relationship between somatic cell count and milk yield in different stages of lactation. Journal of Dairy Science, 92(7), 3124-3133.
  • Hare, E., Norman, H. D., & Wright, J. R. (2006). Survival rates and productive herd life of dairy cattle in the United States. Journal of dairy science, 89(9), 3713-3720.
  • Karamfilov, S., & Nikolov, V. (2019). First lactation milk production of cows of the Simmental breed reared in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25(2), 363-369.
  • Kaygısız, A., Şahin, O., & Yılmaz, İ. (2022). Determination of risk factors and breeders approach for Tarsim cattle life insurance. KSU J. Agric Nat, 25(Ek Sayı 1), 290-299.
  • Kumlu, S., & Akman N. (1999). Milk and reproductive efficiency in breeding Holstein herds in Türkiye. Livestock Studies, 39(1):1-16.
  • Martens, H. and Chr. Bange (2013). Longevity of high producing dairy cows: a case study. Lohmann Information. 48 (1), 53-57.
  • McNamara, S., Butler, T., Ryan, D. P., Mee, J. F., Dillon, P., O’mara, F. P., & Murphy, J. J. (2003). Effect of offering rumen-protected fat supplements on fertility and performance in spring-calving Holstein–Friesian cows. Animal Reproduction Science, 79(1-2), 45-56.
  • Mellado, M., Antonio-Chirino, E., Meza-Herrera, C., Veliz, F. G., Arevalo, J. R., Mellado, J., & De Santiago, A. (2011). Effect of lactation number, year, and season of initiation of lactation on milk yield of cows hormonally induced into lactation and treated with recombinant bovine somatotropin. Journal of dairy science, 94(9), 4524-4530.
  • Özkök, H., & Uğur, F. (2007) Milk yield, age at first calving and service period in Brown Swiss and Holstein Friesian cattle reared in Turkey. Atatürk University Journal of Agricultural Faculty. 38 (2), 143-149.
  • Özyürek, S., & Tüzemen, N., (2015). An investigation on milk yield and reproduction traits of the member enterprises of Erzurum Cattle Breeders’ Association. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 5(1): 89-98.
  • Petrović D. M., Bogdanović V., Bogosavljević-Bošković, S., Rakonjac, S., Đoković, R., & Dosković, Vladimir. (2015). Lifetime production milk and milk fat in Simmental cows. Zbornik radova, Vol. 20(22), 441-448. Access Date: 24.11.2022.
  • Şahin Ö., 2021. Some milk and reproductive traits of some culture breed cattle widely raised in Turkey. Full Text pp: 793-803
  • Şahin, O., Kaygısız A. & Yılmaz, İ. (2022). Breed preferences and reasons of cattle breeders in Turkey. International Journal of Agriculture and Wildlife Science, 8 (1): 151-165.
  • SPSS. (2013). IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 for Windows. Armonk, N.Y.
  • Tankal, M. & Tüzemen, N. (2022). Milk and reproductive characteristics of Holstein cattle raised in Gökkale farm Palandöken Journal of Animal Sciences Technology and Economics,1 (2) , 14-22 .
  • CBAT (2020). Dairy farm and animal reports registered in the herdbook system. Cattle Breeders’ Association of Türkiye, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Theron, H. E., & Mostert, B. E. (2009). Production and breeding performance of South African dairy herds. South African Journal of Animal Science, 39(sup-1), 206-210.
  • TİGEM. (2019). Türkiye 2019 livestock sector report. General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises, Ankara, Türkiye. RAPORU. Pdf. Access Date: 22.11.2022.
  • Yavuz, T., & Yeniyurt, H., (2022). World cattle existence and importance. Access Date:05.12.2022.
  • Yıldız, N., Bircan, H. 1994. Research and Experimental Methods. Atatürk University Faculty of Agriculture, Textbook Publication No: 697. Erzurum, Türkiye.

Türkiye’de Herdbook Sistemine Kayıtlı Esmer, Simental ve Siyah Alaca Sığır Irkları ile Melezlerine ait Süt Verimi Özellikleri Üzerine bir Araştırma

Year 2023, , 174 - 182, 30.06.2023


Bu çalışma Türkiye’de herdbook sistemine kayıtlı işletmelerde yetiştirilen Holstein Friesian (HF), Brown Swiss (BS) ve Simmental (SM) ırkları ile Holstein Friesian melezi (HFX), Brown Swiss melezi (BSX) ve Simmental melezi (SMX) sığırlara ait süt verim özelliklerini incelemek için yapılmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan veriler 2000-2014 yıllarına ait, toplam 22 331 baş sığırın tamamlanmış laktasyon kaydını içermektedir. Süt verimi ile ilgili özelliklerin ırk, genotip ve bölge etkilerinin istatistik analizinde GLM ANOVA yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışma ile Türkiye’de yaygın olarak yetiştirilen sığır ırkları ve bunların melezlerinin süt verimi özellikleri bakımından Türkiye tarımsal bölgelerinde ki performansları karşılaştırılmıştır. Sürü genelinde ortalama ve standart sapma değerleri; laktasyon gerçek süt verimi (GSV) için 7551±2771 kg, toplam laktasyon sayısı (TLSa) için 4.2±1.8 adet ve laktasyon süresi (LS) için 382.9±9.2 gün olarak belirlenmiştir. Genotiplerin ve bölgelerin etkisi incelen her üç özellik için önemli veya çok önemli (p<0.05 veya p<0.001), bölge x genotip etkileşimi GSV ve TLSa için çok önemli (p<0.001) LS için anlamsız (p=0.184) bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak Türkiye’de yaygın olarak yetiştiriciliği yapılan kültür ırkı ve melezi ineklerin süt verim özelliklerinin belirlenmesinde genotip, bölge ve genotip x bölge etkileşim etkileri dikkate alınmalıdır. Bu duruma göre bölgelere göre ırk tercihinin belirlenmesinde etkileşim bulgularının değerlendirilmesi gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu çalışmada elde edilen sonuçların, sığır yetiştiriciliği ile ilgili politikaların geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayacağı, bölgelere göre ırk tercihinde üreticilere yol gösterici olması beklenmektedir.


  • Afifi, E. A., Abdel-Glil, M. F., Salem, M. A., Arafa, S. A., & Ibrahim, S. S. S. (2004). Genetic aspects of age at first calving and longevity traits in a commercial Holstein herd raised under Egyptian conditions. Annal of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 42(3), 1027-1038.
  • Akbulut, Ö. (1998a). An evaluation on the change of milk yield performance of Brown and Holstein cattle according to agricultural regions. Aegean Region I. Agriculture Congress, 7-11 September 1998, Vol. 2: 495-502, Aydın, Türkiye. Akbulut, Ö. (1998b). The use of foreign gene sources in the breeding of Turkish domestic cattle breeds by crossbreeding. Aegean Region I. Agriculture Congress, 7-11 September 1998, Vol. 2: 495-502, Aydın, Türkiye.
  • Akbulut, Ö., Bayram, B., & Sabuncuoğlu, N. (2001). Milk yield of Holstein cattle in different country conditions. GAP II. Agriculture Congress, 24-26 October 2001, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye. Congress Book pp: 1099-1104.
  • Akbulut, Ö., & Yılmaz, İ. (2013). Improvements in cattle breeding in developed and underdeveloped countries. 8th National Animal Science Congress, 5-7 Eylül 2013, Çanakkale, Türkiye.
  • Alev, N. (2018). The general economic situation of the livestock sector in the European Union and Turkey. Gaziantep University, International e-journal of faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in Islahiye, 2(2), 57-76.
  • BCSM. (2022). Official cattle breeds and codes. British Cattle Movement Service. Great Britain. Access Date: 20.11.2022.
  • Bıyıkoğlu, K. (2009). General Animal Science, Requirements for a Profitable Livestock. Atatürk University press no 231, Part V. Erzurum, Türkiye.
  • Ekmen, N. (2017). Since the 1990s, the development of Turkish agricultural policy and Turkey's compliance with the European Union's common agricultural policy (OTP). Master’s thesis. Political Science and Public Administration, 103 p, Denizli, Türkiye.
  • Erdem, H., Atasever, S., & Kul, E. (2007). Effects of some fertility traits on milk production of Holstein cows raised at Gökhöyük state farm. OMÜ Zir. Fak. Dergisi, 22(3), 284-291.
  • ESK. (2019). Industry evaluation report. General Directorate of Meat and Dairy Board. Ankara. Access Date: 22.11.2022.
  • Faye, B., & Konuspayeva, G. (2012). The sustainability challenge to the dairy sector–The growing importance of non-cattle milk production worldwide. International dairy journal, 24(2), 50-56.
  • Genç S., & Soysal, M.İ. (2018 Milk yield and reproductive traits of Holstein cattle population in Turkey. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 15 (01), 76-85.
  • Genç, S., & Karaağaç, M. (2019). Determination of milk yield traits for Holstein cattle raised in Kirsehir. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 16(3), 412-422.
  • Goshu, G., & Singh, H. (2013). Lactation specific and life time demographic parameters in a Holstein Friesian herd in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 25(11). Access Date: 22.10.2022
  • Hagnestam-Nielsen, C., Emanuelson, U., Berglund, B., & Strandberg, E. (2009). Relationship between somatic cell count and milk yield in different stages of lactation. Journal of Dairy Science, 92(7), 3124-3133.
  • Hare, E., Norman, H. D., & Wright, J. R. (2006). Survival rates and productive herd life of dairy cattle in the United States. Journal of dairy science, 89(9), 3713-3720.
  • Karamfilov, S., & Nikolov, V. (2019). First lactation milk production of cows of the Simmental breed reared in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25(2), 363-369.
  • Kaygısız, A., Şahin, O., & Yılmaz, İ. (2022). Determination of risk factors and breeders approach for Tarsim cattle life insurance. KSU J. Agric Nat, 25(Ek Sayı 1), 290-299.
  • Kumlu, S., & Akman N. (1999). Milk and reproductive efficiency in breeding Holstein herds in Türkiye. Livestock Studies, 39(1):1-16.
  • Martens, H. and Chr. Bange (2013). Longevity of high producing dairy cows: a case study. Lohmann Information. 48 (1), 53-57.
  • McNamara, S., Butler, T., Ryan, D. P., Mee, J. F., Dillon, P., O’mara, F. P., & Murphy, J. J. (2003). Effect of offering rumen-protected fat supplements on fertility and performance in spring-calving Holstein–Friesian cows. Animal Reproduction Science, 79(1-2), 45-56.
  • Mellado, M., Antonio-Chirino, E., Meza-Herrera, C., Veliz, F. G., Arevalo, J. R., Mellado, J., & De Santiago, A. (2011). Effect of lactation number, year, and season of initiation of lactation on milk yield of cows hormonally induced into lactation and treated with recombinant bovine somatotropin. Journal of dairy science, 94(9), 4524-4530.
  • Özkök, H., & Uğur, F. (2007) Milk yield, age at first calving and service period in Brown Swiss and Holstein Friesian cattle reared in Turkey. Atatürk University Journal of Agricultural Faculty. 38 (2), 143-149.
  • Özyürek, S., & Tüzemen, N., (2015). An investigation on milk yield and reproduction traits of the member enterprises of Erzurum Cattle Breeders’ Association. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 5(1): 89-98.
  • Petrović D. M., Bogdanović V., Bogosavljević-Bošković, S., Rakonjac, S., Đoković, R., & Dosković, Vladimir. (2015). Lifetime production milk and milk fat in Simmental cows. Zbornik radova, Vol. 20(22), 441-448. Access Date: 24.11.2022.
  • Şahin Ö., 2021. Some milk and reproductive traits of some culture breed cattle widely raised in Turkey. Full Text pp: 793-803
  • Şahin, O., Kaygısız A. & Yılmaz, İ. (2022). Breed preferences and reasons of cattle breeders in Turkey. International Journal of Agriculture and Wildlife Science, 8 (1): 151-165.
  • SPSS. (2013). IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 for Windows. Armonk, N.Y.
  • Tankal, M. & Tüzemen, N. (2022). Milk and reproductive characteristics of Holstein cattle raised in Gökkale farm Palandöken Journal of Animal Sciences Technology and Economics,1 (2) , 14-22 .
  • CBAT (2020). Dairy farm and animal reports registered in the herdbook system. Cattle Breeders’ Association of Türkiye, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Theron, H. E., & Mostert, B. E. (2009). Production and breeding performance of South African dairy herds. South African Journal of Animal Science, 39(sup-1), 206-210.
  • TİGEM. (2019). Türkiye 2019 livestock sector report. General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises, Ankara, Türkiye. RAPORU. Pdf. Access Date: 22.11.2022.
  • Yavuz, T., & Yeniyurt, H., (2022). World cattle existence and importance. Access Date:05.12.2022.
  • Yıldız, N., Bircan, H. 1994. Research and Experimental Methods. Atatürk University Faculty of Agriculture, Textbook Publication No: 697. Erzurum, Türkiye.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Onur Şahin 0000-0002-3801-3881

İsa Yılmaz 0000-0001-6796-577X

Ömer Akbulut 0000-0002-8860-3513

Early Pub Date June 15, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Acceptance Date March 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Şahin, O., Yılmaz, İ., & Akbulut, Ö. (2023). A Research on The Milk Yield Traits of Brown Swiss, Simmental, Holstein Friesian Cattle and Their Crossbreeds Registered in The Herdbook System in Türkiye. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 33(2), 174-182.
Creative Commons License
Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.