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Yüksek ve Düşük Üretim Koşularında Yazlık Ekmeklik Buğday Genotiplerinde Kaynak-Havuz Sınırlamaları

Year 2014, , 1 - 6, 01.03.2014


Grain yield depends on the number of grains per unit area (sink) and the availability of assimilates (source) to fill these grains. The aim of the current work was to determine whether wheat yield in warm environments is limited in current cultivars by the size of the sink or by assimilates available for grain filling (source) using manipulation. Sink size was reduced at anthesis by removing all the spikelet along one side of the spike and source size was reduced at anthesis by removing all leaf blades from a main stem. This research was conducted with six bread wheat cultivars using randomized complete block design with three replications in two separate experiments in 2011-12 under dryland and full irrigated conditions. After 50% spikelet removal, individual kernel weight was from 42.9 to 53.5 mg with mean change: 9.1% and from 37.9 to 41.8 mg with mean change:10.9% in high input (full irrigation) and low input (dryland) conditions respectively. Defoliation decreased individual kernel weight of all cultivar and a new recently released cultivar for semi-tropical dryland regions of Iran (Karim) showed the lowest reduction. The source–sink modification in two independent experiments suggested that the yield of the current wheat cultivars is more sink- than source-limited and that breeding wheat with a larger sink size than in the current cultivars may lift the yield potential in favourable condition or increase the yield of wheat under heat and drought constraints.


  • Abbate PE, Andrade FH, Culot JP (1995). The e ffects of radiation and nitrogen on number of grains in wheat. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 14: 351–360.
  • Al-Khatib K, Paulsen GM (1990). Photosynthesis and productivity during high temperature stress of wheat genotypes from major world regions. Crop Sci. 30: 1127–1132.
  • Araus, JL, Slafer, GA, Reynolds, MP (2002). Plant breeding and drought in C3 cereals: what should we breed for? Ann. Bot. 89 (Special Issue): 925-940.
  • Borra´ s, L, Slafer GA, Otegui ME (2004). Seed dry weight response to source–sink manipulations in wheat, maize and soybean: a quantitative reappraisal. Field Crops Res. 86:131–146.
  • Cruz-Aguado J A, Reyes F, Rodes R, Perez I, Dorado M (1999). Effect of source-to-sink ratio on partitioning of dry matter & 14C-photoassimilates in wheat during grain filling. Ann. Bot. 83: 655-66
  • Fischer RA (1985). Number of kernels in wheat crops and the influence of solar radiation and temperature. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 105: 447–461.
  • Fischer RA, Stockman YM (1986). Increased kernel number in Norin 10 derived dwarf wheat: evaluation of the cause. Aust. J. Plant Phys. 13 (6): 767-784.
  • Flintham JE, Borner A, Worland AJ, Gale MD (1997). Optimizing wheat grain yield: effects of Rht (gibberellin-insensitive) dwarfing genes. J. Agric. Sci. 128 (1): 11-25.
  • Foulkes MJ, Snape JW, Shearman VJ, Reynolds MP, Gaju O, Sylvester- Bradley R (2007). Genetic progress in yield potential in wheat : recent and future prospects. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge. 145: 17–29.Foulkes MJ, Slafer GA, Davies WJ, Berry PM, Sylvester-Bradley R, Martre P, Calderini DF, Griffiths S, Reynolds MP. 2011. Raising yield potential of wheat. III. Optimizing partitioning to grain while maintaining lodging resistance. J Exp Bot 62, 469–486. González FG, Slafer GA, Miralles DJ (2003). Floret development and spike growth as affected by photoperiod during stem elongation in wheat. Field Crops Res. 81 (1): 29-38.
  • González FG, Slafer GA, Miralles DJ (2005). Photoperiod during stem elongation in wheat: is its impact on fertile floret and grain number determination similar to that of radiation? Func. Plant Bio. 32 (3): 181-188.
  • Hobbs PR, Sayre KD ( 2001 ) Managing experimental breeding trials. p. 48–58. In E.H. Reynolds, J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and A. McNab (ed.) Application of physiology to wheat breeding. CIMMYT, Mexico, D.F., Mexico.
  • Jumin J, Hua-Geo H, Xu H, Ji-Chun D, Jiang JM, Hua-Gh H, Xu HJ, Ji CD (1999). Effects of different treatments on dry matter production to grain yield after heading and grain yield in wheat. ActaAgriculture. Shanghi. 15:1. 83-86.
  • Kirby EJM (1988). Analysis of leaf, stem and ear growth in wheat from terminal spikelet stage to anthesis. Field Crops Res. 18: 127–140.
  • Kruk BC, Calderini DF, Slafer GA (1997). Grain wheat in wheat cultivars release from 1920 to 1990 as affected by post-anthesis defoliation. J. Agric. Sci. 128: 273–281.
  • Miralles DJ, Katz SD, Colloca A, Slafer GA (1998). Floret development in near isogenic wheat lines differing in plant height. Field Crops Res. 59 (1): 21-30.
  • Miralles DJ, Richards RA, Slafer GA (2000). Duration of the stem elongation period influences the number of fertile florets in wheat and barley. Aus. J. Plant Phys. 27 (10): 931-940.
  • Miralles DJ, Slafer GA (1995). Individual grain weight responses to genetic reduction in culm length in wheat as affected by source–sink manipulations. Field Crops Res. 43: 55–66.
  • Miralles DJ, Slafer GA (2007). Sink limitations to yield in wheat: how could it be reduced ? Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 145.
  • Mohammadi M, and Karimizadeh R (2012). Insight into heat tolerance and grain yield improvement in wheat in warm rainfed regions of Iran. Crop Breeding J (1): 1-8.
  • Mohammadi, M, Kalateh M, Hosseinpour T, Hassanpour Hosni M, Roustaii M, Khanzadeh H, Karimizadeh R, Khalilzadeh G, Poursiabidi MM, Armion M, Ghojogh H, Falahi HA, Haghparast R, Rajabi R, Abdollahi A, Daryaii A, Ahmadi MM, Mardoukhi V, Dehghan MA, Houshiar R, Afshari F (2012). Karim, A New Bread Wheat Cultivar for Semitropical Dryland Conditions. Seed Plant produc. J. 27 (4): 95-98.
  • Plaut Z, Butow BJ, Blumenthal CS, Wrigley CW (2004). Transport of dry matter into developing wheat kernels and its contribution to grain yield under post-anthesis water deficit and elevated temperature. Field Crops Res. 86: 185-198.
  • Reynolds, MP, Calderini, DF, Condon AG, Rajaram S (2001). Physiological basis of yield gains in wheat associated with the LR19 translocation from Agropyron elongatum. Euphytica 119: 137–141.
  • Reynolds, M.P., Rajaram, S. and Sayre, K.D., (1999). Physiological and genetic changes of irrigated wheatin the post-green revolution period and approaches for meeting projected global demand. Crop Sci. 39 (6): 1611-1621.
  • Reynolds MP, Pellegrineschi A, Skovmand B (2005). Sink limitation to yield and biomass : a summary of some investigations in spring wheat. Ann App. Bio. 146: 39–49.Reynolds M, Bonnett D, Chapman SC, Reynolds M, Bonnett D, Chapman SC, Furbank RT, Manes Y, Mather DE, Parry M. (2011). Raising yield potential in wheat. I. Overview of a consortium approach and breeding strategies. J of ExpBot:62:439-452.Saini HS, Westgate ME, (2000). Reproductive development in grain crops duringdroughts. Adv. Agron. 68, 59–96.
  • Sayre KD, Rajaram S, Fscher RA (1997). Yield potential progress in short bread wheats in northwest Mexico. Crop Science 37, 36–42.
  • Schonfeld MA, Johnson RC, Carver BF, Mornhinweg DW (1988). Water relations in winter wheat as drought resistance indicators. Crop Sci. 28: 526-531.
  • Shearman VJ, Sylvester-Bradley, R, Foulkes, MJ (2005). Physiological processes associated with wheat yield progress in the UK. Crop Sci. 45, 175–185.
  • Slafer GA, Araus JL (2007). Physiological traits for improving wheat yield under a wide rang of conditions. In: Scale and complexity in plant systems research: gene-plant-crop relations (Eds: Spiertz J.H.J., Struik P.C. and van Laar H.H.)., 147-156. Springer.
  • Slafer GA, Araus JL, Richards RA (1999). Promising traits for future breeding to increase wheat yield. In: Satorre, E.H. and Slafer, G.A. eds. Wheat: ecology and physiology of yield determination.Food Product Press, New York, 379-415.
  • Slafer GA, Savin R (1994a). Grain mass change in a semi-dwarf and a standard height wheat cultivar under different sink–source relationships. Field Crops Res. 37: 39–49.
  • Slafer GA, Savin R (1994b). Source–sink relationships and grain mass at di fferent positions within the spike in wheat. Field Crops Res. 37: 39–49.
  • Trethowan RM, van Ginkel M, Rajaram S (2002). Progress in breeding for yield and adaptation in global drought affected environments. Crop Sci.42: 1441–1446.
  • Youssefian S, Kirby EJM, Gale MD (1992). Pleiotropic effects of the GA-insensitive Rht dwarfing genes in wheat. 2. Effects on leaf, stem, ear and floret growth. Field Crops Res., 28(3): 191-210.

Source Sink Limitation on Spring Bread Wheat Genotypes in High and Low-Production Environments

Year 2014, , 1 - 6, 01.03.2014


Tane verimi, birim alana düşen tane sayısı (havuz) ve bu taneleri dolduracak asimilatların (kaynak) kullanılabilirliğine bağlıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı ılıman çevre şartlarında mevcut buğday çeşitlerine ait veriminin, havuz büyüklüğünden mi yoksa tane dolumu için (kaynak) manipüle edilmiş asimilatlardan mı sınırlanmadığını belirlemektir. Havuz büyüklüğü çiçeklenme döneminde başağın bir yanı boyunca tüm başakçıkların uzaklaştırılması ile kaynak büyüklüğü ise çiçeklenme döneminde ana gövdedeki tüm yaprak ayalarının uzaklaştırılması azaltılmıştır. Bu araştırma 2011-2012 yıllarında altı ekmeklik buğday çeşidinde kuru ve sulu koşullarda iki ayrı deneme olarak tesadüf bloklarında bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre üç tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. % 50 başakçık uzaklaştırılmasından sonra tane ağırlığı yüksek girdi (sulu) koşullarında 42.9 ile 53.5 mg arasında değişmiş ve ortalama değişim % 9.1 olmuş; düşük girdi (kuru) koşullarında ise 37.9 ile 41.8 mg arasında değişmiş ve ortalama değişim % 10.9 olmuştur. Yaprak uzaklaştırma bütün çeşitlerde tane ağırlığını azaltmıştır ve en düşük azalma İran’ın yarıtropik kurak bölgeleri için son zamanlarda geliştirilmiş buğday çeşidinde (Karim) gözlenmiştir. Kaynakhavuz modifikasyonunu içeren bu iki bağımsız çalışma, mevcut buğday çeşitlerdeki verimin kaynaktan ziyade havuz tarafından sınırlandığını ve mevcut çeşitlerden daha geniş bir havuz büyüklüğüne sahip olan buğday ıslahının uygun koşullardaki verim potansiyelini yükseltebileceğini veya sıcak ve kurak kısıtlamalarında buğdayın verimini artırabileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Abbate PE, Andrade FH, Culot JP (1995). The e ffects of radiation and nitrogen on number of grains in wheat. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 14: 351–360.
  • Al-Khatib K, Paulsen GM (1990). Photosynthesis and productivity during high temperature stress of wheat genotypes from major world regions. Crop Sci. 30: 1127–1132.
  • Araus, JL, Slafer, GA, Reynolds, MP (2002). Plant breeding and drought in C3 cereals: what should we breed for? Ann. Bot. 89 (Special Issue): 925-940.
  • Borra´ s, L, Slafer GA, Otegui ME (2004). Seed dry weight response to source–sink manipulations in wheat, maize and soybean: a quantitative reappraisal. Field Crops Res. 86:131–146.
  • Cruz-Aguado J A, Reyes F, Rodes R, Perez I, Dorado M (1999). Effect of source-to-sink ratio on partitioning of dry matter & 14C-photoassimilates in wheat during grain filling. Ann. Bot. 83: 655-66
  • Fischer RA (1985). Number of kernels in wheat crops and the influence of solar radiation and temperature. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 105: 447–461.
  • Fischer RA, Stockman YM (1986). Increased kernel number in Norin 10 derived dwarf wheat: evaluation of the cause. Aust. J. Plant Phys. 13 (6): 767-784.
  • Flintham JE, Borner A, Worland AJ, Gale MD (1997). Optimizing wheat grain yield: effects of Rht (gibberellin-insensitive) dwarfing genes. J. Agric. Sci. 128 (1): 11-25.
  • Foulkes MJ, Snape JW, Shearman VJ, Reynolds MP, Gaju O, Sylvester- Bradley R (2007). Genetic progress in yield potential in wheat : recent and future prospects. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge. 145: 17–29.Foulkes MJ, Slafer GA, Davies WJ, Berry PM, Sylvester-Bradley R, Martre P, Calderini DF, Griffiths S, Reynolds MP. 2011. Raising yield potential of wheat. III. Optimizing partitioning to grain while maintaining lodging resistance. J Exp Bot 62, 469–486. González FG, Slafer GA, Miralles DJ (2003). Floret development and spike growth as affected by photoperiod during stem elongation in wheat. Field Crops Res. 81 (1): 29-38.
  • González FG, Slafer GA, Miralles DJ (2005). Photoperiod during stem elongation in wheat: is its impact on fertile floret and grain number determination similar to that of radiation? Func. Plant Bio. 32 (3): 181-188.
  • Hobbs PR, Sayre KD ( 2001 ) Managing experimental breeding trials. p. 48–58. In E.H. Reynolds, J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and A. McNab (ed.) Application of physiology to wheat breeding. CIMMYT, Mexico, D.F., Mexico.
  • Jumin J, Hua-Geo H, Xu H, Ji-Chun D, Jiang JM, Hua-Gh H, Xu HJ, Ji CD (1999). Effects of different treatments on dry matter production to grain yield after heading and grain yield in wheat. ActaAgriculture. Shanghi. 15:1. 83-86.
  • Kirby EJM (1988). Analysis of leaf, stem and ear growth in wheat from terminal spikelet stage to anthesis. Field Crops Res. 18: 127–140.
  • Kruk BC, Calderini DF, Slafer GA (1997). Grain wheat in wheat cultivars release from 1920 to 1990 as affected by post-anthesis defoliation. J. Agric. Sci. 128: 273–281.
  • Miralles DJ, Katz SD, Colloca A, Slafer GA (1998). Floret development in near isogenic wheat lines differing in plant height. Field Crops Res. 59 (1): 21-30.
  • Miralles DJ, Richards RA, Slafer GA (2000). Duration of the stem elongation period influences the number of fertile florets in wheat and barley. Aus. J. Plant Phys. 27 (10): 931-940.
  • Miralles DJ, Slafer GA (1995). Individual grain weight responses to genetic reduction in culm length in wheat as affected by source–sink manipulations. Field Crops Res. 43: 55–66.
  • Miralles DJ, Slafer GA (2007). Sink limitations to yield in wheat: how could it be reduced ? Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 145.
  • Mohammadi M, and Karimizadeh R (2012). Insight into heat tolerance and grain yield improvement in wheat in warm rainfed regions of Iran. Crop Breeding J (1): 1-8.
  • Mohammadi, M, Kalateh M, Hosseinpour T, Hassanpour Hosni M, Roustaii M, Khanzadeh H, Karimizadeh R, Khalilzadeh G, Poursiabidi MM, Armion M, Ghojogh H, Falahi HA, Haghparast R, Rajabi R, Abdollahi A, Daryaii A, Ahmadi MM, Mardoukhi V, Dehghan MA, Houshiar R, Afshari F (2012). Karim, A New Bread Wheat Cultivar for Semitropical Dryland Conditions. Seed Plant produc. J. 27 (4): 95-98.
  • Plaut Z, Butow BJ, Blumenthal CS, Wrigley CW (2004). Transport of dry matter into developing wheat kernels and its contribution to grain yield under post-anthesis water deficit and elevated temperature. Field Crops Res. 86: 185-198.
  • Reynolds, MP, Calderini, DF, Condon AG, Rajaram S (2001). Physiological basis of yield gains in wheat associated with the LR19 translocation from Agropyron elongatum. Euphytica 119: 137–141.
  • Reynolds, M.P., Rajaram, S. and Sayre, K.D., (1999). Physiological and genetic changes of irrigated wheatin the post-green revolution period and approaches for meeting projected global demand. Crop Sci. 39 (6): 1611-1621.
  • Reynolds MP, Pellegrineschi A, Skovmand B (2005). Sink limitation to yield and biomass : a summary of some investigations in spring wheat. Ann App. Bio. 146: 39–49.Reynolds M, Bonnett D, Chapman SC, Reynolds M, Bonnett D, Chapman SC, Furbank RT, Manes Y, Mather DE, Parry M. (2011). Raising yield potential in wheat. I. Overview of a consortium approach and breeding strategies. J of ExpBot:62:439-452.Saini HS, Westgate ME, (2000). Reproductive development in grain crops duringdroughts. Adv. Agron. 68, 59–96.
  • Sayre KD, Rajaram S, Fscher RA (1997). Yield potential progress in short bread wheats in northwest Mexico. Crop Science 37, 36–42.
  • Schonfeld MA, Johnson RC, Carver BF, Mornhinweg DW (1988). Water relations in winter wheat as drought resistance indicators. Crop Sci. 28: 526-531.
  • Shearman VJ, Sylvester-Bradley, R, Foulkes, MJ (2005). Physiological processes associated with wheat yield progress in the UK. Crop Sci. 45, 175–185.
  • Slafer GA, Araus JL (2007). Physiological traits for improving wheat yield under a wide rang of conditions. In: Scale and complexity in plant systems research: gene-plant-crop relations (Eds: Spiertz J.H.J., Struik P.C. and van Laar H.H.)., 147-156. Springer.
  • Slafer GA, Araus JL, Richards RA (1999). Promising traits for future breeding to increase wheat yield. In: Satorre, E.H. and Slafer, G.A. eds. Wheat: ecology and physiology of yield determination.Food Product Press, New York, 379-415.
  • Slafer GA, Savin R (1994a). Grain mass change in a semi-dwarf and a standard height wheat cultivar under different sink–source relationships. Field Crops Res. 37: 39–49.
  • Slafer GA, Savin R (1994b). Source–sink relationships and grain mass at di fferent positions within the spike in wheat. Field Crops Res. 37: 39–49.
  • Trethowan RM, van Ginkel M, Rajaram S (2002). Progress in breeding for yield and adaptation in global drought affected environments. Crop Sci.42: 1441–1446.
  • Youssefian S, Kirby EJM, Gale MD (1992). Pleiotropic effects of the GA-insensitive Rht dwarfing genes in wheat. 2. Effects on leaf, stem, ear and floret growth. Field Crops Res., 28(3): 191-210.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

M. Mohammadı This is me

R. Karımızadeh This is me

M. K. Shfezadeh This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Mohammadı, M., Karımızadeh, R., & Shfezadeh, M. K. (2014). Source Sink Limitation on Spring Bread Wheat Genotypes in High and Low-Production Environments. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24(1), 1-6.
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.